KY | HB131 | Engross 50% | Amend KRS 95.500 to allow, absent a collective bargaining agreement, specified fire personnel to have schedules consisting of 48 hours on duty followed by 96 hours of off duty time; specify that collective bargaining agreements maintained by a city o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-28 To Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection Committee |
KY | HB714 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS 16.505 to 16.652 to change the retirement benefits for members participating in the State Police Retirement System (SPRS) or in a hazardous position in either the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) or County Emplo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 To House State Government Committee |
KY | HB643 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS 227.200 to 227.400 to allow for the creation of a local appeals board to hear appeals from final orders of fire chiefs and state fire marshals; establish membership, procedures, and jurisdiction when no local appeals board... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-26 To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee |
KY | HB604 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 75.040 to increase the maximum property tax rate that can be levied by a fire protection district or a volunteer fire department district; limit any increase in the total tax levy beyond the initially approved levy to two cents per $100 of ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-26 To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee |
KY | HB608 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 75 to define "premises"; allow a fire protection district or subdistrict, or a volunteer fire department district, to assess a fee against a premises for the costs of maintaining necessary fire protection measures;... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-26 To House Local Government Committee |
KY | SB197 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 95A.265 to specify that grants will be allotted to local fire departments. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-20 To Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection Committee |
KY | SB139 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 75.160, relating to fire protection districts, to insert gender-neutral language. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-19 To Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection Committee |
KY | HB420 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 342.0011, relating to workers' compensation, to expand the definition of "injury" to include psychological injuries for police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services personnel, front-line staff members, or members of the Nationa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-14 To House Economic Development & Workforce Investment Committee |
KY | HB478 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 65.111 to prohibit collection of an emergency response fee from a landlord if the response was not the result of the landlord's failure to maintain the building; specify authority to collect from the responsible party. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-14 To House Judiciary Committee |
KY | HB464 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 75.160 , relating to fire chiefs, to include gender-neutral language. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-14 To House Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection Committee |
KY | HB277 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 95A.292 to allow rescue squad members to participate in the Alan "Chip" Terry Professional Development and Wellness Program; create a new section of KRS Chapter 39F to direct the Division of Emergency Management and the Kentucky Fire Commis... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection Committee |
KY | HB339 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 227 to require owner, seller, or lessor to have functional smoke, carbon monoxide, and gas detectors where applicable in all existing residential structures; require seller or lessor to verify in affidavit prior to... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee |
KY | HB323 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 61.315 to make a technical correction and include additional cancers which, when they are the cause of death of a firefighter, would make the firefighter eligible for death benefits. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Local Government Committee |
KY | HB322 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 164.2841 to include tuition benefits for spouses and children of emergency medical services personnel who have died in the course of their duties on or after July 1, 2000; amend KRS 164.2842 to include tuition benefits for spouses and child... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To House Postsecondary Education Committee |
KY | HB76 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS 16.505 to 16.652 to change the retirement benefits for members participating in the State Police Retirement System (SPRS) or in a hazardous position in either the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS) or County Emplo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House State Government Committee |
KY | HB151 | Intro 25% | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish a refundable income tax credit for certain volunteer firefighters; declare the purpose of the credit; require annual reporting to the Legislative Research Commission and the Interim Joint Committee... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee |
KY | HB158 | Intro 25% | Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt from taxation a portion of the assessed value of real property maintained as the permanent residence of an owner who is a veteran or first responder; require an owner's disabil... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee |
KY | HB171 | Intro 25% | Amend KRS 65A.030, relating to special purpose governmental entities, to increase the audit and financial statement responsibility thresholds; amend KRS 65A.010 and 95A.055 to raise the fire department audit and financial statement responsibility thr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To House Local Government Committee |