Maryland Subject | State Bonds | House | Passed

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MDHB1052PassAuthorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City to issue a total of 10 new Class B-D-7 licenses and a total of 2 new Class A-7 licenses within a certain bounded area; providing that, in the 46th alcoholic beverages district in Balti...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 1026
MDHB1524PassAltering the location, type, and ownership of horse racing facilities that the Maryland Stadium Authority is authorized to finance; increasing the amount of debt that the Maryland Stadium Authority may issue for certain purposes in connection with ce...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 410
MDHB1525PassEstablishing the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Capital Works Fund and the Camden Yards Football Sports Facility Emergency Repair Fund as special, nonlapsing funds to be administered by the Maryland Stadium Authority; providing that the purpos...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 403
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