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MDSB380VetoEstablishing the Police Recruitment and Retention Workgroup to study issues and factors potentially contributing to recruitment challenges and the decline in police officer retention statewide; and requiring the Workgroup to report its findings and r...
Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative)
MDSB36PassRequiring the Department of State Police, on or before December 31 each year, to post on its website and submit to the Governor and the General Assembly a report detailing, for the preceeding calendar year, the number of investigations completed by t...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 955
MDSB22PassRequiring the Governor, rather than the Mayor and the President of the City Council of Baltimore City, to appoint the members of the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City with the advice and consent of the Senate; authorizing the Governor...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 1042
MDSB20PassAltering the membership of the Cox Creek Citizens Oversight Committee; and requiring the Committee to monitor and provide input and feedback to the Maryland Port Administration regarding the management of dredged material at the Cox Creek Dredged Mat...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 806
MDSB134PassEstablishing the Office of the Correctional Ombudsman; authorizing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board to make a recommendation for the distribution of money from the Performance Incentive Grant Fund to the Office for fiscal year 2025 only; requ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 836
MDSB151PassEstablishing a Workgroup on Health and Wellness in Prince George's County to review and evaluate health and wellness practices, programs, services, and resources in Prince George's County and make recommendations regarding best practices in health an...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 978
MDSB319PassRepealing and altering a reporting requirement to require the Maryland Judiciary, instead of the State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before October 1 each year on the number of char...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 742
MDSB106PassAltering the membership of the State Board of Social Work Examiners; and repealing obsolete references to certified social worker licenses.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 931
MDSB175PassRequiring an applicant for a license to practice optometry and certain applicants for the renewal of a license to submit to a criminal history records check obtained from the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository of the Department of...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 815
MDSB379PassExtending the Task Force to Study Crime Classification and renaming it to be the Task Force to Study Crime Reclassification and Penalties; requiring the Task Force to study the penalties for crimes and civil offenses under State law, the potential ne...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 935
MDSB362PassAltering or repealing certain required appropriations; authorizing the use of certain funds for certain purposes; altering, from December 1, 2024, to January 15, 2027, the date by which the Accountability and Implementation Board has to conduct and s...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 717
MDSB402PassAltering the membership of the Correctional Training Commission; requiring certain members of the Commission appointed by the Governor to represent certain geographic regions; etc.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 900
MDSB412PassAltering the membership of a county's mental health advisory committee by including an individual with experience with mental health care for veterans or individuals serving in the military on the list of groups from which individuals may be appointe...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 906
MDSB403PassAltering the definition of "accredited residential treatment center" for certain provisions of law governing hospitals and related institutions to include residential treatment centers accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation F...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 854
MDSB470PassAltering the Law Enforcement Cadet Apprenticeship Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to be the Public Safety Apprenticeship Program; expanding the purpose and scope of the Program to promote careers with certain public safety agencies; alter...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 708
MDSB468PassRequiring a private home detention monitoring agency to notify the court within 24 hours after a defendant subject to home monitoring as a condition of pretrial release has violated a condition of home detention monitoring; requiring a private home d...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 893
MDSB473PassEstablishing the Pava LaPere Innovation Acceleration Grant Program in the Maryland Technology Development Corporation to provide grants to technology-based startup companies that are founded by students of postsecondary institutions located in and ha...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 711
MDSB532PassEstablishing the Commission to Advance Lithium-Ion Battery Safety in Maryland; requiring the Commission to study and make legislative, regulatory, programmatic, and other recommendations regarding certain best practices, standards, and guidelines; an...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 949
MDSB521PassAltering the salary of the Sheriff of Garrett County; and repealing the requirement for the Garrett County Salary Study Commission to study and issue a report that contains recommendations relating to the salary of the Sheriff.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 982
MDSB623PassEstablishing the Prison Education Delivery Reform Commission to develop recommendations relating to education and its impact on the criminal justice system; and requiring the Commission to submit to the Governor and the General Assembly an interim re...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 946
MDSB613PassExtending, from October 1, 2024, to July 1, 2026, the date by which individuals must be licensed by the State Board of Long-Term Care Administrators before practicing as an assisted living manager in the State; altering the requirements for the manag...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 786
MDSB667PassAuthorizing the Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals to award an interested party reasonable costs of filing and pursuing a protest, including attorney's fees, if an appeal is sustained and there is a violation of law or regulation; and authorizi...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 821
MDSB649PassAltering the purposes of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund to include funding the costs of telecommunications cardiopulmonary resuscitation training.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 801
MDSB675PassRequiring the State Board of Individual Tax Preparers, on or before January 1, 2026, to publish on the Board's website a certain code of ethics and certain rules of professional conduct; requiring the Board to notify the Field Enforcement Bureau of t...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 732
MDSB694PassRequiring the Maryland Department of Health to contract with an independent consultant to conduct a certain study of the Health Services Cost Review Commission, the Maryland Health Care Commission, the Maryland Insurance Administration, and the Maryl...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 794
MDSB718PassEstablishing the Maryland Pathway to Nursing Pilot Program in the Maryland Higher Education Commission to support students in licensed practical nursing education programs who intend to practice nursing as a career in the State; requiring the Secreta...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 866
MDSB714PassRequiring the Governor to appoint the licensed audiologist members to the State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech-Language Pathologists, and Music Therapists from a list submitted by the Maryland Academy of Audiology...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 910
MDSB751PassRequiring the Secretary of Health to present decisions for the allocations of money from the Opioid Restitution Fund to the Opioid Restitution Fund Advisory Council; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to post on the Department's website cert...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 851
MDSB807PassAuthorizing the County Commissioners of Somerset County to enact local laws and adopt other measures to manage, direct, and regulate fire, rescue, and emergency medical services in the County; authorizing the County Commissioners to authorize or crea...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 985
MDSB830PassAltering the circumstances under which individuals without a license to practice medicine may perform X-ray duties; authorizing the State Board of Physicians to impose for each violation of the Act a civil penalty of up to $5,000 on the physician's o...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 871
MDSB1034PassEstablishing the 9-1-1 Specialist Recruitment and Retention Workgroup; requiring the Workgroup to review the reports submitted by the Commission to Advance Next Generation 9-1-1 Across Maryland, identify and examine certain recruitment and retention ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 912
MDSB1095PassEstablishing the Workgroup on Home Detention Monitoring to study and make recommendations regarding the costs and availability of both publicly and privately provided pretrial home detention monitoring systems; and requiring the Workgroup to submit a...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 763
MDSB1036PassEstablishing the Task Force on the Creation of a Division of Returning Citizens and Expanded Reentry Services; and requiring the Task Force to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2025.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 936
MDSB950PassAuthorizing the reimbursement of a sexual assault forensic exam conducted through peer-to-peer telehealth under certain circumstances; requiring the Maryland Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Policy and Funding Committee to conduct a study on the feasibili...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 833
MDSB943PassProhibiting a person from parking or standing certain vehicles in a dedicated bus lane; making statewide the authority of a local jurisdiction to use, in accordance with certain standards and procedures, a bus lane monitoring system to enforce the pr...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 751
MDSB996PassRequiring advanced practice registered nurses practicing as an advanced practice registered nurse in the State to notify patients in writing if the nurse does not maintain professional liability insurance coverage or if the coverage has lapsed and no...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 870
MDSB999PassExempting an individual who practices as a certain nursing assistant for less than 4 months under federal regulations from the State's certification requirement; altering the designation of, and licensure requirements for, certified nursing assistant...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 819
MDSB1099PassRequiring the State Emergency Medical Services Board, in collaboration with the Maryland Department of Health, to develop and implement an initiative under the Public Access Automated External Defibrillator Program to require that naloxone be co-loca...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 764
MDSB244PassProhibiting vaping in certain indoor areas and places of employment and certain mass transportation; requiring that certain signs be posted and maintained in a certain manner in certain indoor areas and certain public entrances; requiring the Marylan...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 755
MDSB13PassAltering the use of the Maryland Pediatric Cancer Fund to require that the Fund be used only for pediatric cancer research instead of only for pediatric cancer research, prevention, and treatment and to allow funds from the Fund to be used for admini...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 925
MDSB966PassAmending certain prior authorizations of State Debt to change the names of certain grantees, alter the authorized uses of certain grants, and extend the termination date of certain grants.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 722
MDSB167PassRequiring that a physician assistant have a collaboration agreement, rather than a delegation agreement, in order to practice as a physician assistant; altering the scope of practice of a physician assistant; altering the education required for licen...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 919
MDSB1038PassAuthorizing the Human Relations Commission of Anne Arundel County to seek relief if a party fails to comply with a subpoena by applying to a circuit court in any county for an order requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the producti...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 990
MDSB165PassRequiring the State Department of Education to develop guidelines for public schools and the Maryland Higher Education Commission to develop guidelines for public institutions of higher education to train coaches to recognize indicators of mental ill...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 734
MDSB1PassAltering a certain charge that may be assessed to a public service company; providing for the recovery of certain costs through rates; establishing an energy salesperson license for certain persons that offer or sell electricity supply agreements or ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 537
MDSB32PassAltering a certain loan program to authorize the Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation to provide loans not exceeding $10,000 for each seasonal full-time job; expanding eligibility for the Maryland Watermen's Micro...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 573
MDSB135PassEstablishing the Workgroup to Study Funding for the Westernport Wastewater Treatment Facility to identify and examine existing funding sources that support the Facility and study whether increased funding could enhance operations at the Facility, the...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 640
MDSB166PassRequiring the Maryland Department of Emergency Management to study issues and factors regarding the feasibility of establishing a Waterway Incident Notification System (WINS) to notify members of the public of certain waterway emergencies; and requir...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 547
MDSB196PassAuthorizing a soil conservation district to recommend a fee system to cover the cost of reviewing plans for small ponds; establishing that any fees collected under the Act shall be supplemental to county and State funds; requiring a soil conservation...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 523
MDSB337PassAdding the Secretary of Emergency Management, or the Secretary's designee, and the Chair of the Public Service Commission, or the Chair's designee, as members of the Commission on Climate Change.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 478
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