LegiScan Search
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GA SB68 Civil Practice; substantive and comprehensive revision of provisions regarding...
TX HB2095 Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of reckless discharge...
OH SCR2 Urge investment into security, reliability of electric grid
US HB109 TEAM Veteran Caregivers Act Transparency and Effective Accountability Measures...
ND SB2332 The allocation of legacy fund earnings; and to provide a continuing ap...
TX HB2067 Relating to declination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of insurance poli...
TX HB2086 Relating to a motion for determining a plaintiff is a vexatious litiga...
TX HB2055 Relating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual...
CT HB06169 An Act Concerning A Property Owner's Liability For Expenses Incurred As...