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Requires retail sellers or transferers of firearms to provide purchasers with notice regarding the law on firearms storage. Expands the requirements for the secure storage of firearms. Clarifies the offense of criminally negligent storage of a firear...
Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1; placed on the calendar for Third Reading with Representative(s) Alcos, Matsumoto, Reyes Oda, Souza voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) Garcia voting no (1) and Representative(s) Cochran, Pierick, Templo, Ward excused (4).
Requires retail sellers of firearms to provide purchasers with notice regarding the law on firearms storage. Expands the requirements for the secure storage of firearms. Clarifies the offense of criminally negligent storage of a firearm.
To Senate Public Safety, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs Committee
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