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VA HB2094 High-risk artificial intelligence; development, deployment, and use; civil...
NY A00974 Enacts the New York privacy act to require companies to disclose their...
VA HB1939 Tangible personal property tax; electric landscaping equipment.
OK SB432 Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; increasing monthly...
VA HB2121 Digital Content Authenticity and Transparency Act established; civil p...
OK SB421 Parents' Bill of Rights; modifying applicability of certain right; requiring...
OK SB438 Health insurance; requiring notice of certain fee; requiring submission...
OK SB429 Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers...
OK SB427 Health care facilities; requiring certain publication of policies and procedures;...
OK SB436 Oklahoma Consumer Protection Act; modifying certain exemption. Effective...