FL Legislation | 2018 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
H0705PassProvides exemption for certain records relating to sale of surplus lands; authorizes disclosure of such records under certain circumstances; provides for future legislative review & repeal.
Chapter No. 2018-156
H0703PassRequires water management districts to publish notice of intention to sell surplus lands on its website; revises circumstances when water management districts must publish first notice of intention to sell surplus lands; revises process for selling c...
Chapter No. 2018-155
H1449PassProvides an exception to general law; authorizes sale of assets by district; provides for district to wind down its affairs after such sale; removes certain parts of ch. 61-2290, Laws of Florida; terminates district authority to impose ad valorem tax...
Chapter No. 2018-188
H1071PassRemoves restriction against carnivals & shows on certain lands conveyed from state to city.
Chapter No. 2018-173
H1117PassAuthorizes district to enter into interlocal agreements, memoranda of understanding, or other agreements with local & state authorities to provide security for district facilities.
Chapter No. 2018-177
H0533PassAuthorizing insurers to refuse to insure or refuse to continue to insure an applicant or insured for failing to purchase certain noninsurance motor vehicle services, etc.
Chapter No. 2018-153
H0577PassAuthorizes student to use credit earned upon completion of apprenticeship or preapprenticeship program to satisfy specified high school graduation requirements; requires SBE to approve & identify registered apprenticeship & preapprenticeship programs...
Chapter No. 2018-154
H6505PassProvides appropriation from DOH to compensate Vonshelle Brothers & daughter Iyonna Hughey for injuries & damages sustained as result of negligence of Brevard County Health Department; provides limitation on payment of compensation, fees, & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-163
H1141PassCreates defined contribution plan to be entitled Firefighters' Relief & Pension Fund Defined Contribution Plan as required by general law.
Chapter No. 2018-181
H6545PassProvides appropriation to compensate Ramiro Companioni, Jr., for injuries sustained as result of negligence of City of Tampa; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs; extinguishes certain government lien interests.
Chapter No. 2018-193
H1089PassCreates East Mulloch Water Control District as dependent special district; provides charter of district shall be subject to amendment or repeal by county commission; provides boundaries & powers of district; provides for assessments by district; prov...
Chapter No. 2018-174
H1119PassRevises district boundaries; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2018-178
H0141PassRevising provisions relating to contracting and negotiation between the Department of Transportation and local governmental entities for acquisition, construction, or operation of turnpike projects; exempting a law enforcement officer from paying a t...
Chapter No. 2018-145
H0869PassRevises boundaries.
Chapter No. 2018-167
H1139PassAuthorizes city to enter into supplemental contract with certain firefighters & police officers to increase amount of pension under certain circumstances.
Chapter No. 2018-180
H1447PassProvides exception to general law; provides requirements for special alcoholic beverage licenses for restaurants in described area.
Chapter No. 2018-187
H1173PassProviding conditions under which specified appraisal standards are required, and such appraisal be provided to the seller, for the acquisition of lands for the purpose of buffering military installations against encroachment; authorizing the use of c...
Chapter No. 2018-159
H1093PassProvides for district to become dependent special district of town; provides boundaries; dissolves independent special district; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2018-175
H1009PassProvides additional priority area for Closing Gap grant proposals that addresses racial & ethnic disparities in morbidity & mortality rates relating to Lupus.
Chapter No. 2018-157
H1151PassRepeals, creates, & revises provisions for statewide guidelines, standards, & requirements for developments of regional impact relating to authorizations to develop; applications for approval of development; concurrent plan amendments; preapplication...
Chapter No. 2018-158
H0395PassCreates Town of Hobe Sound; provides charter; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2018-166
H1451PassProvides exception to general law; revises membership.
Chapter No. 2018-189
H0495PassRevising limitations on the maximum length of participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program for certain instructional personnel and administrative personnel; providing requirements for specified instruction relating to computer science; pro...
Chapter No. 2018-150
S0382PassProviding honorary designations of certain transportation facilities in specified counties; directing the Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers; providing for "The Hope and Healing Highway" designation, notwithstanding a specified pr...
Chapter No. 2018-161
H0449PassCreates Tampa Sulphur Springs Neighborhood of Promise Success Zone within City of Tampa in Hillsborough County & Overtown Children & Youth Coalition within City of Miami in Miami-Dade County; provides for management by not for profit corporations not...
Chapter No. 2018-148
H1239PassDissolves district; transfers assets, liabilities, & district responsibilities to the board of county commissioners; provides for disposition of certain taxes.
Chapter No. 2018-182
H0055PassRequires FDLE procedures to allow payment or transmittal of processing fees for criminal history checks of potential firearms buyers by electronic means; provides that criminal history check requests may be made by electronic means.
Chapter No. 2018-144
H6523PassProvides appropriation from Palm Beach County School Board to compensate Ashraf Kamel & Marguerite Dimitri for wrongful death of child Jean A. Pierre Kamel as result of negligence of school board; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-191
H1383PassRequires tax certificateholder to pay specified costs to bring property on which taxes are delinquent to sale; requires tax collector to contract with title company to determine who must be noticed & provided property information reports; revises not...
Chapter No. 2018-160
H1393PassCreates Water Street Tampa Improvement District; provides charter; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2018-183
H1395PassProvides exception to general law; authorizes DOH to grant license to City of Marco Island to provide certain emergency medical transportation services; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2018-184
H0411PassProvides exemption from public records requirements for firesafety system plans held by agency, exemption from public records & public meetings requirements for information relating to firesafety systems for certain properties & meetings relating to ...
Chapter No. 2018-146
H0523PassProvides enhanced criminal penalties for trespass upon operational area of an airport with specified intent if specified signage is posted.
Chapter No. 2018-151
H0417PassProviding an exemption from public records requirements for certain identifying and location information of current or former directors, managers, supervisors, and clinical employees of child advocacy centers that meet certain standards and requireme...
Chapter No. 2018-147
H1423PassProvides for Polk County Board of County Commissioners to appoint one member of board under interlocal agreement; provides for fifth member of the board to be appointed under certain circumstance; provides for additional members of board & term limit...
Chapter No. 2018-186
H0891PassRepeals special act relating to the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses.
Chapter No. 2018-169
H6501PassProvides appropriations from DOH to compensate Cristina Alvarez & George Patnode for death of son, Nicholas Patnode, due to negligence of Martin County Health Department; provides for repayment of Medicaid liens; provides limitation on payment of fee...
Chapter No. 2018-162
H6515PassProvides appropriation from Brevard County to compensate Cathleen Smiley for injuries & damages sustained as result of negligence of county employee; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-190
H0901PassTransfers certain land from Acme Improvement District to Pine Tree Water Control District; provides boundaries of Pine Tree Water Control District; provides boundaries of Acme Improvement District; provides purpose.
Chapter No. 2018-170
H1397PassRevises membership of authority; repeals travel and per diem reimbursement.
Chapter No. 2018-185
H6509PassProvides appropriation to compensate C.M.H. for injuries & damages sustained as result of negligence of DCF; requires certain funds to be placed in irrevocable trust; provides limitation on fees & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-164
H6535PassProvides appropriation to compensate Estate of Dr. Sherrill Lynn Aversa for Dr. Aversa's death as result of negligence of DOT; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-165
H1115PassRemoves 99-year term limitation of the district originally provided by court decree.
Chapter No. 2018-176
H0889PassRevises retirement pension calculation.
Chapter No. 2018-168
H0483PassRevising the types, value, and frequency of advertising and promotional gifts that licensed insurers or their agents may give to insureds, prospective insureds, or others; authorizing such insurers and agents to make specified charitable contribution...
Chapter No. 2018-149
H1015PassProvides term limits for board members.
Chapter No. 2018-171
H0529PassRequires specified containers be allowed in exit corridors of certain apartment occupancies under certain circumstances; authorizes authorities having jurisdiction to approve alternative containers; requires such authorities to allow phase-in period ...
Chapter No. 2018-152
H6527PassProvides appropriation from City of Tallahassee to compensate Christopher Cannon for injuries & damages sustained as result of negligence of city; provides limitation on payment of fees & costs.
Chapter No. 2018-192
H1017PassProvides exception to general law; provides for approval of cardroom gaming within Seminole County under requirements of county charter.
Chapter No. 2018-172
H1137PassRevises board composition & terms; provides for election & terms of chair & vice chair; provides that board staff are employees of Pinellas County; provides that board is dependent agency of Board of County Commissioners of Pinellas County; requires ...
Chapter No. 2018-179
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