FL Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
H0387PassProviding for collection of a uniform annual use fee for a specialty license plate unless otherwise specified, etc.
Chapter No. 2020-176, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 1135 (Ch. 2020-181)
H1047PassCreates monitoring & reporting pilot program for use of explosives for construction materials mining activities in Miami-Dade County within Division of State Fire Marshal; requires marshal to hire or contract for such monitoring & reporting, post rep...
Chapter No. 2020-180
H0747PassRequires health insurers & health maintenance organizations to provide reasonable reimbursement to air ambulance services for certain covered services; provides that such reimbursement may be reduced only by certain amounts; provides that payment in ...
Chapter No. 2020-177
H0927PassAuthorizes mobile home owner's association to assess capital contribution fee of specified amounts under certain circumstances; requires certain closing documents of a cooperative unit to include as a line item the capital contribution assessment...
Chapter No. 2020-192
S0680PassCiting this act as the "Kristin Jacobs Ocean Conservation Act"; prohibiting the import, export, and sale of shark fins in this state; providing exceptions; requiring the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to evaluate the potential economic imp...
Chapter No. 2020-172
H0879PassAuthorizes surviving spouses of certain permanently disabled veterans to carry over certain discount on ad valorem taxes on homestead property under specified conditions; authorizes discount to be transferred to another permanent residence under spec...
Chapter No. 2020-179, companion bill(s) passed, see HJR 877 (Passed)
H7095PassAdopts Internal Revenue Code in effect on specified date; provides for retroactive effect.
Chapter No. 2020-184
H0787PassRequires application forms for original, renewal, & replacement driver licenses & ID cards to include language allowing voluntary contribution to Live Like Bella Childhood Cancer Foundation; authorizes person with specified disabilities to have capit...
Chapter No. 2020-178
H7015PassRemoves scheduled repeal of exemption from public records requirements for body camera recordings.
Chapter No. 2020-183
H0101PassRevises amounts of retainage that local governmental entities & contractors may withhold from progress payments for construction services contract; revises requirements for DMS rules governing certain contracts; revises amounts of retainage that publ...
Chapter No. 2020-173
H1135PassAuthorizing election of a permanent registration period for certain vehicles if certain conditions are met; revising presale requirements for issuance of a specialty license plate; prohibiting annual use fees received by any entity from being used fo...
Chapter No. 2020-181, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 387 (Ch. 2020-176)
H1303PassCreates Deering Park Stewardship District; provides charter; requires referendum.
Chapter No. 2020-197
H7009PassReenacts provisions relating to penalties.
Chapter No. 2020-182
H0371PassRevises timeframe during which accrued benefit from specified limitations on homestead property tax assessments may be transferred from prior homestead to new homestead; revises timeframe during which an owner of homestead property significantly dama...
Chapter No. 2020-175, companion bill(s) passed, see HJR 369 (Passed)
H0133PassAuthorizes local governments to enact rates to tow vessels on private property & remove & store vessels; prohibits counties or municipalities from enacting ordinances that impose costs or penalties on owners, persons in control, or lienholders of veh...
Chapter No. 2020-174
H0789VetoProvides fees for placement of specified letter on, or removal of such letter from, driver license of person who has developmental disability.
Vetoed by Governor, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 787 (Ch. 2020-178)
S0810VetoRequiring permits to be issued to persons or corporations whose officers are not less than 21 years of age; specifying that fees for a retail tobacco products dealer permit only apply to retailers dealing in certain tobacco products; revising prohibi...
Vetoed by Governor
S0294PassCiting this act as the "Florida Veterans Protection Act"; providing an enhanced sentence for any person who commits aggravated white collar crimes against a certain number of veterans by obtaining or attempting to obtain a specified amount of money; ...
Chapter No. 2020-163
H7075PassRemoves repeal of exemption from public records requirements for animal medical records held by any state college of veterinary medicine that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education.
Chapter No. 2020-171
H7003PassRemoves scheduled repeal of exemption from public records requirements for certain payment instrument transaction information held by OFR.
Chapter No. 2020-169
H6027PassRepeals provisions relating to membership, powers, & duties of council.
Chapter No. 2020-168, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7039 (Ch. 2020-144)
S0374PassProviding that discriminatory restrictions are unlawful, unenforceable, and declared null and void; removing housing discrimination as a cause of action for certain relief and damages stemming from violations of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992; ...
Chapter No. 2020-164
S0830PassAmending a provision which provides an exemption from public records requirements for certain personal financial and health information held by the Florida Prepaid College Board, Florida ABLE, Inc., or the Florida ABLE program, or an agent or service...
Chapter No. 2020-165
S7004PassAmending a provision relating to an exemption from public records requirements for taxpayer e-mail addresses held by a tax collector for certain purposes; removing the scheduled repeal of the exemption, etc.
Chapter No. 2020-166
H7019PassRemoves scheduled repeal of exemption from public records requirements for certain criminal intelligence & criminal investigative information that reveal identity of certain human trafficking victims.
Chapter No. 2020-170
H0915PassDirecting the Auditor General to conduct specified audits of certain airports; requiring certain members of the governing body of a large-hub commercial service airport to comply with certain financial disclosure requirements; requiring the governing...
Chapter No. 2020-167
S1276PassEstablishing the Friends of Florida Citrus Program within the Department of Citrus; creating the Friends of Florida Citrus Advisory Council adjunct to the department; authorizing the Department of Citrus to loan department employees to or share depar...
Chapter No. 2020-151
S0406PassProviding a public records exemption for information that could identify a minor which is contained in a record held by the court relating to the minor's petition to waive consent requirements to obtain an abortion; providing for future legislative r...
Chapter No. 2020-148
S0404PassReclassifying the criminal offense for a specified violation; prohibiting physicians from performing or inducing the termination of the pregnancy of a minor unless specified requirements are satisfied; requiring a physician to obtain written consent ...
Chapter No. 2020-147
H1393PassProvides exemptions from public records requirements for certain information made available to OFR in Financial Technology Sandbox applications by specified providers of innovative financial products or services, & for certain information relating on...
Chapter No. 2020-162
H1189PassProhibits life insurers & long-term care insurers from canceling, limiting, or denying coverage, or establishing differentials in premium rates based on genetic information; prohibits such insurers from taking certain actions relating to genetic info...
Chapter No. 2020-159
H1391PassRemoves Division of State Technology from, & adding Florida Digital Service & Division of Telecommunications to, DMS; requires Florida Digital Service to develop enterprise architecture; prohibits DMS from retrieving or disclosing data under circumst...
Chapter No. 2020-161
S0124PassRevising the purposes of ch. 751, F.S.; revising the requirements for individuals seeking concurrent custody; allowing any other provisions related to the best interest of the child to be considered in a petition for temporary or concurrent custody; ...
Chapter No. 2020-146
H0731PassRevises certain duties of AHCA relating to reporting, oversight, licensure inspections, issuance of licenses, & Medicaid fraud investigations; removes annual assessment on health care entities; removes provisions relating to multiphasic testing cente...
Chapter No. 2020-156
H0529PassRevises obligations of Florida Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated, for policies covering condominium associations & homeowners' associations; revises percentage limits on emergency assessments levied against insurers by OIR.
Chapter No. 2020-155
H0279PassRevising disclosure requirements for bidding documents and other requests for proposals issued for bids by a local governmental entity and public contracts entered into between local governmental entities and contractors; requiring that a local gover...
Chapter No. 2020-154
S1326PassRequiring the Department of Children and Families to establish performance metrics; requiring sheriffs providing certain services to adopt the child welfare practice model; requiring the department to establish an Office of Quality; adding responsibi...
Chapter No. 2020-152
H0813PassRequires securities dealers, investment advisers, & associated persons to report knowledge or suspicion of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of vulnerable adults to DCF; authorizes dealers & investment advisers to delay certain disbursements or transac...
Chapter No. 2020-157
S0664PassProhibiting the approval of certain economic development incentive applications after a specified date; requiring public employers, contractors, and subcontractors to register with and use the E-Verify system; prohibiting such entities from entering ...
Chapter No. 2020-149
S0712PassCiting this act as the "Clean Waterways Act"; requiring the Department of Health to provide a specified report to the Governor and the Legislature by a specified date; requiring the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Protection ...
Chapter No. 2020-150
H1091PassEncouraging counties and municipalities, respectively, to establish a sanitary sewer lateral inspection program by a specified date; requiring a seller of real property to disclose any known defects in the property's sanitary sewer lateral; revis...
Chapter No. 2020-158
S0070PassCiting this act as "Alyssa's Law"; requiring each public school to implement a mobile panic alert system for specified purposes beginning in a specified school year; authorizing public school districts to implement additional strategies and systems f...
Chapter No. 2020-145
H0255PassProvides quorum requirements for Commission on Human Relations & its panels; revises number of persons commission may recommend for Florida Civil Rights Hall of Fame; provides limitation on time civil action may be filed after alleged violation of Fl...
Chapter No. 2020-153
H1193PassRequiring the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to waive the requirement to pass the Commercial Driver License Skills Tests for certain servicemembers and veterans; specifying that the failure to repay certain student loans is not consi...
Chapter No. 2020-160
S0072PassRevising requirements for certain new construction, remodeling, or renovation projects; creating the "state universities of distinction" designation within the State University System; creating the Florida Institute of Politics within Florida State U...
Chapter No. 2020-117
H0343PassCreates & revises provisions for recreational vehicle parks relating to permit applications, preemption of permitting standards to DOH, transient guests, standards for rebuilding after damage or destruction, abandoned property, park operator authorit...
Chapter No. 2020-126
H0659PassAdds exception to prohibited uses of drone for managing & eradicating invasive exotic plants or animals on public lands & suppressing & mitigating wildfire threats.
Chapter No. 2020-131
S0410VetoProhibiting counties from adopting, after a specified date, a comprehensive plan, a land development regulation, or another form of restriction unless certain conditions are met; prohibiting a municipality from annexing specified areas under certain ...
Vetoed by Governor
S0178PassProhibiting state-financed constructors from commencing construction of certain structures in coastal areas after a specified date without first taking certain steps regarding a sea level impact projection study; requiring the Department of Environme...
Chapter No. 2020-119
S0172PassPreempting the regulation of over-the-counter proprietary drugs or cosmetics to the state, etc.
Chapter No. 2020-118
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