FL Legislation | 2023 | Regular Session | Senate

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Sine Die
Requiring that certain reading instructional and intervention programs exclude specified programs; requiring that certain instructional materials exclude specified materials; revising a requirement pertaining to school districts' comprehensive readin...
Withdrawn from further consideration, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7039 (Ch. 2023-108)
S1280PassProviding that the House of Representatives and the Senate convene in Joint Session for the purpose of receiving a message from the Governor, etc.
Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State

Sine Die
Expressing appreciation for the sister state relationship and bilateral economic and cultural ties between the State of Florida and Taiwan, etc.
Adopted, companion bill(s) passed, see HR 8043 (Adopted)

Sine Die
Providing procedures for the issuance of a temporary airport license or registration by the Department of Transportation, etc.
Withdrawn prior to introduction

Sine Die
Revising the purposes of the Commission on Mental Health and Substance Abuse to include an assessment of the state's suicide prevention infrastructure; revising the duties of the commission to include duties relating to the state's suicide prevention...
Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 914 (Ch. 2023-252)

Sine Die
Requiring food delivery platforms to itemize and prominently and clearly disclose certain costs and order information to customers; prohibiting a food delivery platform from taking certain actions regarding a public food service establishment without...
Withdrawn prior to introduction

Sine Die
Authorizing counties and municipalities to adopt ordinances to grant ad valorem tax exemptions to property owners whose properties are used to provide affordable housing; specifying limits on the amount of such exemptions; specifying requirements for...
Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 102 (Ch. 2023-17)

Sine Die
Prohibiting the deposing of an individual who, at the time of the request for the deposition, is 17 years of age or younger and has been a victim of human trafficking or specified sexual offenses; providing exceptions; requiring a court to issue a pr...
Withdrawn prior to introduction

Sine Die
Providing that a victim of any crime of sexual violence or sexual exploitation has the right to prevent any person or entity from disclosing or disseminating information or records that might identify him or her as a victim of such crimes; prohibitin...
Withdrawn prior to introduction
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