Bill Text: FL S0662 | 2020 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Education and the Military
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Passed) 2020-06-24 - Chapter No. 2020-75 [S0662 Detail]
Download: Florida-2020-S0662-Comm_Sub.html
Bill Title: Education and the Military
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Passed) 2020-06-24 - Chapter No. 2020-75 [S0662 Detail]
Download: Florida-2020-S0662-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2020 CS for CS for CS for SB 662 By the Committees on Rules; Military and Veterans Affairs and Space; and Education; and Senator Wright 595-04233-20 2020662c3 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to education and the military; 3 amending s. 1003.05, F.S.; providing that a student 4 whose parent is transferred or is pending transfer to 5 a military installation within this state is 6 considered a resident of the school district in which 7 the military installation is located for the purpose 8 of enrollment; requiring such students to receive 9 certain preferential treatment; amending s. 1008.34, 10 F.S.; revising the calculation of school grades for 11 certain schools; providing an effective date. 12 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 14 15 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 1003.05, Florida 16 Statutes, is amended to read: 17 1003.05 Assistance to transitioning students from military 18 families.— 19 (4) A student whose parent is transferred or is pending 20 transfer to a military installation within the statea school21districtwhile on active military duty pursuant to an official 22 military order shall be considered a resident of the school 23 district for purposes of enrollment when the order is submitted 24 to the school district and shall be provided preferential 25 treatment in the controlled open enrollment process of the 26 school district pursuant to s. 1002.31. 27 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 28 1008.34, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 29 1008.34 School grading system; school report cards; 30 district grade.— 31 (3) DESIGNATION OF SCHOOL GRADES.— 32 (b)1. Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, a school’s 33 grade shall be based on the following components, each worth 100 34 points: 35 a. The percentage of eligible students passing statewide, 36 standardized assessments in English Language Arts under s. 37 1008.22(3). 38 b. The percentage of eligible students passing statewide, 39 standardized assessments in mathematics under s. 1008.22(3). 40 c. The percentage of eligible students passing statewide, 41 standardized assessments in science under s. 1008.22(3). 42 d. The percentage of eligible students passing statewide, 43 standardized assessments in social studies under s. 1008.22(3). 44 e. The percentage of eligible students who make Learning 45 Gains in English Language Arts as measured by statewide, 46 standardized assessments administered under s. 1008.22(3). 47 f. The percentage of eligible students who make Learning 48 Gains in mathematics as measured by statewide, standardized 49 assessments administered under s. 1008.22(3). 50 g. The percentage of eligible students in the lowest 25 51 percent in English Language Arts, as identified by prior year 52 performance on statewide, standardized assessments, who make 53 Learning Gains as measured by statewide, standardized English 54 Language Arts assessments administered under s. 1008.22(3). 55 h. The percentage of eligible students in the lowest 25 56 percent in mathematics, as identified by prior year performance 57 on statewide, standardized assessments, who make Learning Gains 58 as measured by statewide, standardized Mathematics assessments 59 administered under s. 1008.22(3). 60 i. For schools comprised of middle grades 6 through 8 or 61 grades 7 and 8, the percentage of eligible students passing high 62 school level statewide, standardized end-of-course assessments 63 or attaining national industry certifications identified in the 64 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List pursuant to state board 65 rulerules adopted by the State Board of Education. 66 67 In calculating Learning Gains for the components listed in sub 68 subparagraphs e.-h., the State Board of Education shall require 69 that learning growth toward achievement levels 3, 4, and 5 is 70 demonstrated by students who scored below each of those levels 71 in the prior year. In calculating the components in sub 72 subparagraphs a.-d., the state board shall include the 73 performance of English language learners only if they have been 74 enrolled in a school in the United States for more than 2 years. 75 2. For a school comprised of grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, or 76 grades 10, 11, and 12, the school’s grade shall also be based on 77 the following components, each worth 100 points: 78 a. The 4-year high school graduation rate of the school as 79 defined by state board rule. 80 b. The percentage of students who were eligible to earn 81 college and career credit through College Board Advanced 82 Placement examinations, International Baccalaureate 83 examinations, dual enrollment courses, or Advanced International 84 Certificate of Education examinations;orwho, at any time 85 during high school, earned national industry certification 86 identified in the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List, 87 pursuant to rules adopted by the state board; or, beginning with 88 the 2022-2023 school year, who earned an Armed Services 89 Qualification Test score that falls within Category II or higher 90 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and earned a 91 minimum of two credits in Junior Reserve Officers’ Training 92 Corps courses from the same branch of the United States Armed 93 Forces. 94 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2020.