Bill Text: FL S0838 | 2021 | Regular Session | Introduced
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Bill Title: Clerks of the Circuit Court
Status: (Passed) 2021-06-18 - Chapter No. 2021-116 [S0838 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S0838-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Clerks of the Circuit Court
Status: (Passed) 2021-06-18 - Chapter No. 2021-116 [S0838 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S0838-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2021 SB 838 By Senator Boyd 21-00565-21 2021838__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to clerks of the circuit court; 3 amending s. 28.246, F.S.; clarifying the 4 responsibility of an individual released from 5 incarceration regarding enrolling in a payment plan 6 for any outstanding court obligations; modifying the 7 manner of calculating a monthly payment amount under a 8 payment plan; requiring the clerk to establish all 9 terms of a payment plan; amending s. 28.35, F.S.; 10 modifying duties of the Florida Clerks of Court 11 Operations Corporation with respect to the funding of 12 clerks’ offices; conforming a cross-reference; 13 amending s. 28.36, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; 14 requiring the corporation to establish and manage a 15 contingency reserve within the Clerks of the Court 16 Trust Fund for specified purposes; prescribing 17 reporting requirements; specifying circumstances under 18 which moneys held in reserve may be used; prescribing 19 procedures for the release of such funds; revising 20 circumstances under which the corporation can modify 21 previously authorized budgets for clerks; amending s. 22 28.37, F.S.; modifying a provision regarding state 23 court system funding; defining terms; revising 24 provisions governing the transfer of certain funds 25 from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund to the General 26 Revenue Fund by the Department of Revenue; conforming 27 a cross-reference; amending s. 28.42, F.S.; requiring 28 the clerks to develop a uniform payment plan form by a 29 specified date; prescribing requirements for the form; 30 requiring the clerks to use such form by a specified 31 date; amending ss. 318.15, 318.20, and 322.245, F.S.; 32 requiring orders and notifications for certain traffic 33 citations and suspensions to include information 34 regarding payment plans; amending s. 775.083, F.S.; 35 designating the clerk as the entity responsible for 36 collecting payment of certain court obligations; 37 requiring a person ordered to pay such obligations to 38 contact the clerk in order to pay or establish a 39 payment plan, unless otherwise provided; providing an 40 effective date. 41 42 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 43 44 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 28.246, Florida 45 Statutes, is amended to read: 46 28.246 Payment of court-related fines or other monetary 47 penalties, fees, charges, and costs; partial payments; 48 distribution of funds.— 49 (4)(a) EachTheclerk of the circuit court shall accept 50 partial payments for each case type for court-related fees, 51 service charges, court costs, and fines in accordance with the 52 terms of an established payment plan developed by the clerk. 53 (b) An individual seeking to defer payment of fees, service 54 charges, court costs, or fines imposed by operation of law or 55 order of the court under any provision of general law shall 56 apply to the clerk for enrollment in a payment plan. The clerk 57 shall enter into a payment plan with an individual who the court 58 determines is indigent for costs. It is the responsibility of an 59 individual who is released from incarceration and has 60 outstanding court obligations to contact the clerk within 30 61 days after release to pay fees, service charges, court costs, 62 and fines in full, or to apply for enrollment in a payment plan. 63 A monthly payment amount, calculated based upon all fees and all 64 anticipated fees, service charges, court costs, and fines, is 65 presumed to correspond to the person’s ability to pay if the 66 amount does not exceed 2 percent of the person’s annual net 67 income, as defined in s. 27.52(1), divided by 12. The clerk 68 shall establish all terms of a payment plan and the court may 69 review the reasonableness of the payment plan. 70 Section 2. Paragraph (f) of subsection (2) and paragraph 71 (a) of subsection (3) of section 28.35, Florida Statutes, are 72 amended, and paragraphs (i) and (j) are added to subsection (2) 73 of that section, to read: 74 28.35 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation.— 75 (2) The duties of the corporation shall include the 76 following: 77 (f) Approving the proposed budgets submitted by clerks of 78 the court pursuant to s. 28.36. The corporation must ensure that 79 the total combined budgets of the clerks of the court do not 80 exceed the total estimated revenues from fees, service charges, 81 court costs, and fines for court-related functions available for 82 court-related expenditures as determined by the most recent 83 Revenue Estimating Conference, plus the total of unspent 84 budgeted funds for court-related functions carried forward by 85 the clerks of the court from the previous county fiscal year, 86andplus the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks of the 87 Court Trust Fund after the transfer of funds to the General 88 Revenue Fund required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b), and plus any 89 appropriations for court-related functionss. 28.37(3)(b). The 90 corporation may amend any individual clerk of the court budget 91 to ensure compliance with this paragraph and must consider 92 performance measures, workload performance standards, workload 93 measures, and expense data before modifying the budget. As part 94 of this process, the corporation shall: 95 1. Calculate the minimum amount of revenue necessary for 96 each clerk of the court to efficiently perform the list of 97 court-related functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). The 98 corporation shall apply the workload measures appropriate for 99 determining the individual level of review required to fund the 100 clerk’s budget. 101 2. Prepare a cost comparison of similarly situated clerks 102 of the court, based on county population and numbers of filings, 103 using the standard list of court-related functions specified in 104 paragraph (3)(a). 105 3. Conduct an annual base budget review and an annual 106 budget exercise examining the total budget of each clerk of the 107 court. The review shall examine revenues from all sources, 108 expenses of court-related functions, and expenses of noncourt 109 related functions as necessary to determine that court-related 110 revenues are not being used for noncourt-related purposes. The 111 review and exercise shall identify potential targeted budget 112 reductions in the percentage amount provided in Schedule VIII-B 113 of the state’s previous year’s legislative budget instructions, 114 as referenced in s. 216.023(3), or an equivalent schedule or 115 instruction as may be adopted by the Legislature. 116 4. Identify those proposed budgets containing funding for 117 items not included on the standard list of court-related 118 functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). 119 5. Identify those clerks projected to have court-related 120 revenues insufficient to fund their anticipated court-related 121 expenditures. 122 6. Use revenue estimates based on the official estimate for 123 funds from fees, service charges, court costs, and fines for 124 court-related functions accruing to the clerks of the court made 125 by the Revenue Estimating Conference, as well as any unspent 126 budgeted funds for court-related functions carried forward by 127 the clerks of the court from the previous county fiscal year and 128 the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks of the Court Trust 129 Fund after the transfer of funds to the General Revenue Fund 130 required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b), plus any appropriations for 131 the purpose of funding court-related functionss. 28.37(3)(b). 132 7. Identify pay and benefit increases in any proposed clerk 133 budget, including, but not limited to, cost of living increases, 134 merit increases, and bonuses. 135 8. Identify increases in anticipated expenditures in any 136 clerk budget that exceeds the current year budget by more than 3 137 percent. 138 9. Identify the budget of any clerk which exceeds the 139 average budget of similarly situated clerks by more than 10 140 percent. 141 10. Request the Governor to order, pursuant to s. 142 215.18(1), a temporary transfer of moneys from unobligated funds 143 in the State Treasury to the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund in 144 the Department of Revenue to meet temporary deficiencies in that 145 fund. 146 11. Determine if the estimated revenue available for the 147 upcoming county fiscal year is adequate to fund court-related 148 functions, and certify and submit any aggregate difference to 149 the chairs of the legislative appropriations committees and the 150 Executive Office of the Governor for consideration, at least 30 151 days before the start of the next regular session of the 152 Legislature. 153 154 For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “unspent budgeted 155 funds for court-related functions” means undisbursed funds 156 included in the clerks of the courts budgets for court-related 157 functions established pursuant to this section and s. 28.36. 158 (i) If the corporation determines that the cumulative 159 budget for all clerks will vary by more than 5 percent from the 160 approved cumulative budget for the previous year, certify to the 161 Legislature the specific causes for the variance and how each 162 variance relates to the clerks’ responsibilities in performing 163 their court-related functions. 164 (j) Prepare and submit legislative budget requests to the 165 Legislature, consistent with the requirements of s. 216.023. 166 Such requests must be submitted for any fiscal year for which 167 the corporation determines that new duties or financial 168 obligations under s. 28.36(4), beyond those funded in prior 169 fiscal years, have been imposed on the court-related functions 170 of clerks of the court; and for any fiscal year for which the 171 corporation determines that the total estimated revenues 172 available for court-related expenditures as determined by the 173 most recent Revenue Estimating Conference, unspent revenues 174 carried forward from the previous fiscal year, and budget 175 amendments and appropriations made by law for the purpose of 176 funding court-related functions will be inadequate to provide 177 funding for court-related functions of clerks of the court at 178 the current level of operations. 179 (3)(a) The list of court-related functions that clerks may 180 fund from filing fees, service charges, court costs, and fines 181 is limited to those functions expressly authorized by law or 182 court rule. Those functions include the following: case 183 maintenance; records management; court preparation and 184 attendance; processing the assignment, reopening, and 185 reassignment of cases; processing of appeals; collection and 186 distribution of fines, fees, service charges, and court costs; 187 processing of bond forfeiture payments; data collection and 188 reporting; determinations of indigent status; and paying 189 reasonable administrative support costs to enable the clerk of 190 the court to carry out these court-related functions. 191 Section 3. Present subsection (3) of section 28.36, Florida 192 Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), a new subsection 193 (3) is added to that section, and subsection (1), paragraph (b) 194 of subsection (2), and present subsection (4) of that section 195 are amended, to read: 196 28.36 Budget procedure.—There is established a budget 197 procedure for the court-related functions of the clerks of the 198 court. 199 (1) Only those functions listed in s. 28.35(3)(a) may be 200 funded from fees, service charges, court costs, and fines 201 retained by the clerks of the court. 202 (2) Each proposed budget shall further conform to the 203 following requirements: 204 (b) The proposed budget must be balanced such that the 205 total of the estimated revenues available equals or exceeds the 206 total of the anticipated expenditures. Such revenues include 207 revenue projected to be received from fees, service charges, 208 costs, and fines for court-related functions during the fiscal 209 period covered by the budget, plus the total of unspent budgeted 210 funds for court-related functions carried forward by the clerk 211 of the court from the previous county fiscal year and plus the 212 portion of the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks of the 213 Court Trust Fund after the transfer of funds to the General 214 Revenue Fund required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b)s. 28.37(3)(b)215 which has been allocated to each respective clerk of the court 216 by the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation. For the 217 purposes of this paragraph, the term “unspent budgeted funds for 218 court-related functions” means undisbursed funds included in the 219 clerk of the courts’ budget for court related functions 220 established pursuant to s. 28.35 and this section. The 221 anticipated expenditures must be itemized as required by the 222 corporation. 223 (3)(a) The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 224 shall establish and manage a reserve for contingencies within 225 the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund which must consist of an 226 amount not to exceed 16 percent of the total budget authority 227 for the clerks of court during the current county fiscal year, 228 to be carried forward at the end of the fiscal year. Funds to be 229 held in reserve include transfers of cumulative excess, as 230 provided in s. 28.37(4)(b), from the Clerks of the Court Trust 231 Fund and may also include revenues provided by law or moneys 232 appropriated by the Legislature. 233 (b) The corporation shall provide a reporting of the 234 balance and use of these funds during each county fiscal year as 235 part of the corporation’s annual report submitted under s. 236 28.35(2)(h). 237 (c) The corporation may use these funds to ensure the 238 clerks of court can perform the court-related functions as 239 provided in s. 28.35(3)(a). Moneys in the Clerks of the Court 240 Trust Fund which are held in reserve may be used by the 241 corporation under the following circumstances: 242 1. To offset a deficit between the revenue available and 243 the original budget authority. A deficit is deemed to occur when 244 the revenue available to the clerks of court falls below the 245 original revenue projection for that county fiscal year. 246 2. To provide funding for an emergency, as defined in s. 247 252.34(4). The emergency must have been declared by the 248 Governor, pursuant to s. 252.36, or otherwise declared by law. 249 3. To provide funds in the development of the total 250 aggregate budget of the clerks of court to ensure that a minimum 251 continuation budget is met if, after the corporation has 252 notified the Legislature of a deficit under s. 28.35(2)(f)6., 253 there remains a deficit between the total revenues available and 254 the total budget from the previous county fiscal year. 255 (d) The corporation shall request a budget amendment and 256 the Executive Office of the Governor may approve the release of 257 funds in accordance with the notice, review, and objection 258 procedures set forth in s. 216.177, and the office shall provide 259 notice to the Department of Revenue and the Chief Financial 260 Officer. 261 (5)(4)The corporation may approve increases or decreases 262 to the previously authorized budgets approved forindividual263 clerks of the court pursuant to s. 28.35 for court-related 264 functions, if: 265 (a) The additional budget authority is necessary to pay the 266 cost of performing new or additional functions required by 267 changes in law or court rule, by an impact resulting from 268 financial obligations imposed on court-related functions by a 269 county or by administrative order of a circuit court or the 270 Supreme Court, or by order of a federal or state court; or 271 (b) The additional budget authority is necessary to pay the 272 cost of supporting increases in the number of judges or 273 magistrates authorized by the Legislature, or for increases in 274 the use of hearing officers and senior judges assigned by the 275 courts. 276 Section 4. Section 28.37, Florida Statutes, is amended to 277 read: 278 28.37 Fines, fees, service charges, and costs remitted to 279 the state.— 280 (1) Pursuant to s. 14(b), Art. V of the State Constitution, 281 selected salaries, costs, and expenses of the state courts 282 system and court-related functions shall be funded from a 283 portion of the revenues derived from statutory fines, fees, 284 service charges, and court costs collected by the clerks of the 285 court, and from adequate and appropriate supplemental funding 286 from state revenues as appropriated by the Legislature. 287 (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 288 (a) “Cumulative excess” means revenues derived from 289 statutory fees, service charges, court costs, and fines 290 collected by the clerks of the court which are greater than the 291 original revenue projection. 292 (b) “Original revenue projection” means the official 293 estimate, as determined by the Revenue Estimating Conference, of 294 revenues from fines, fees, service charges, and court costs 295 available for court-related functions for the county fiscal year 296 covered by the projection. 297 (3) TheBeginning November 1, 2013, thatportion of all 298 fines, fees, service charges, and costs collected by the clerks 299 of the court for the previous month which is in excess of one 300 twelfth of the clerks’ total budget for the performance of 301 court-related functions mustshallbe remitted to the Department 302 of Revenue for deposit into the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund. 303 Such collections do not include funding received for the 304 operation of the Title IV-D child support collections and 305 disbursement program. The clerk of the court shall remit the 306 revenues collected during the previous month due to the state on 307 or before the 10th day of each month. 308 (4)(a)(3)(a)Each year, no later than January 25, for the 309 previous county fiscal year, the clerks of court, in 310 consultation with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations 311 Corporation, shall remit to the Department of Revenue for 312 deposit in the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund the cumulative 313 excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and court costs 314 retained by the clerks of the court, plus any funds received by 315 the clerks of the court from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund 316 under s. 28.36(4)s. 28.36(3), which exceed the amount needed to 317 meet their authorized budget amounts established under s. 28.35. 318 (b) No later than February 1, 2022, and each February 1 319 thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall transfer 50 percent 320 of the cumulative excess of the original revenue projection from 321 the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund. 322 The remaining 50 percent in the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund 323 may be used in the development of the total combined budgets of 324 the clerks of the court as provided in s. 28.35(2)(f)6. However, 325 a minimum of 10 percent of the clerk-retained portion of the 326 cumulative excess amount must be held in reserve until such 327 funds reach an amount equal to at least 16 percent of the total 328 budget authority from the current county fiscal year, as 329 provided in s. 28.36(3)(a)1. No later than February 1, 2020,330the Department of Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the331Court Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund the sum of the332cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and costs333submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to subsection (2) and334the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and335costs remitted by the clerks of court pursuant to paragraph (a)336in excess of $10 million. 3372. No later than February 1, 2021, the Department of338Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund339to the General Revenue Fund not less than 50 percent of the sum340of the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges,341and costs submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to342subsection (2) and the cumulative excess of all fines, fees,343service charges, and costs remitted by the clerks of court344pursuant to paragraph (a); provided however, the balance345remaining in the Clerks of Courts Trust Fund after such transfer346may not be more than $20 million.3473. No later than February 1, 2022, the Department of348Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund349to the General Revenue Fund not less than 50 percent of the sum350of the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges,351and costs submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to352subsection (2) and the cumulative excess of all fines, fees,353service charges, and costs remitted by the clerks of court354pursuant to paragraph (a); provided however, the balance355remaining in the Clerks of Courts Trust Fund after such transfer356may not be more than $20 million.3574. No later than February 1, 2023, and each February 1358thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall transfer from the359Clerks of the Court Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund the360cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and costs361submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to subsection (2) and362the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and363costs remitted by the clerks of court pursuant to paragraph (a).364 (5)(4)The Department of Revenue shall collect any funds 365 that the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 366 determines upon investigation were due but not remitted to the 367 Department of Revenue. The corporation shall notify the clerk of 368 the court and the Department of Revenue of the amount due to the 369 Department of Revenue. The clerk of the court shall remit the 370 amount due no later than the 10th day of the month following the 371 month in which notice is provided by the corporation to the 372 clerk of the court. 373 (6)(5)Ten percent of all court-related fines collected by 374 the clerk, except for penalties or fines distributed to counties 375 or municipalities under s. 316.0083(1)(b)3. or s. 318.18(15)(a), 376 mustshallbe deposited into the fine and forfeiture fund to be 377 used exclusively for clerk court-related functions, as provided 378 in s. 28.35(3)(a). 379 Section 5. Section 28.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to 380 read: 381 28.42 Manual of filing fees, charges, costs, and fines; 382 payment plan form.— 383 (1) The clerks of court, through their association and in 384 consultation with the Office of the State Courts Administrator, 385 shall prepare and disseminate a manual of filing fees, service 386 charges, costs, and fines imposed pursuant to state law, for 387 each type of action and offense, and classified as mandatory or 388 discretionary. The manual also shall classify the fee, charge, 389 cost, or fine as court-related revenue or noncourt-related 390 revenue. The clerks, through their association, shall 391 disseminate this manual to the chief judge, state attorney, 392 public defender, and court administrator in each circuit and to 393 the clerk of the court in each county. The clerks, through their 394 association and in consultation with the Office of the State 395 Courts Administrator, shall at a minimum update and disseminate 396 this manual on July 1 of each year. 397 (2) By October 1, 2021, the clerks of court, through the 398 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation, shall develop a 399 uniform payment plan form for use by persons seeking to 400 establish a payment plan in accordance with s. 28.246(4). The 401 form must inform the person of the minimum payment due each 402 month, the term of the plan, acceptable payment methods, and the 403 circumstances under which a case may be sent to collections for 404 nonpayment. 405 (3) By January 1, 2022, each clerk of court shall use the 406 uniform payment plan form developed pursuant to subsection (2) 407 when establishing payment plans. 408 Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 409 318.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 410 318.15 Failure to comply with civil penalty or to appear; 411 penalty.— 412 (1)(a) If a person fails to comply with the civil penalties 413 provided in s. 318.18 within the time period specified in s. 414 318.14(4), fails to enter into or comply with the terms of a 415 penalty payment plan with the clerk of the court in accordance 416 with ss. 318.14 and 28.246, fails to attend driver improvement 417 school, or fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the clerk of 418 the court mustshallnotify the Department of Highway Safety and 419 Motor Vehicles of such failure within 10 days after such 420 failure. Upon receipt of such notice, the department mustshall421 immediately issue an order suspending the driver license and 422 privilege to drive of such person effective 20 days after the 423 date the order of suspension is mailed in accordance with s. 424 322.251(1), (2), and (6). The order also must inform the person 425 that he or she may contact the clerk of the court to establish a 426 payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4) to make partial payments 427 for court-related fines, fees, service charges, and court costs. 428 Any such suspension of the driving privilege which has not been 429 reinstated, including a similar suspension imposed outside of 430 this stateFlorida, mustshallremain on the records of the 431 department for a period of 7 years from the date imposed and 432 mustshallbe removed from the records after the expiration of 7 433 years from the date it is imposed. The department may not accept 434 the resubmission of such suspension. 435 Section 7. Section 318.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to 436 read: 437 318.20 Notification; duties of department.—The department 438 shall prepare a notification form to be appended to, or 439 incorporated as a part of, the Florida uniform traffic citation 440 issued in accordance with s. 316.650. The notification form must 441shallcontain language informing persons charged with 442 infractions to which this chapter applies of the procedures 443 available to them under this chapter. Such notification form 444 mustshallcontain a statement that, if the official determines 445 that no infraction has been committed, no costs or penalties may 446shallbe imposed and any costs or penalties thatwhichhave been 447 paid willshallbe returned. Additionally, the notification form 448 must include information on paying the civil penalty to the 449 clerk of the court and the ability to establish a payment plan 450 pursuant to s. 28.246(4). A uniform traffic citation that is 451 produced electronically must also include the information 452 required by this section. 453 Section 8. Subsections (1) and (3) and paragraph (a) of 454 subsection (5) of section 322.245, Florida Statutes, are amended 455 to read: 456 322.245 Suspension of license upon failure of person 457 charged with specified offense under chapter 316, chapter 320, 458 or this chapter to comply with directives ordered by traffic 459 court or upon failure to pay child support in non-IV-D cases as 460 provided in chapter 61 or failure to pay any financial 461 obligation in any other criminal case.— 462 (1) If a person charged with a violation of any of the 463 criminal offenses enumerated in s. 318.17 or with the commission 464 of any offense constituting a misdemeanor under chapter 320 or 465 this chapter fails to comply with all of the directives of the 466 court within the time allotted by the court, the clerk of the 467trafficcourt must provideshallmail tothe person, either 468 electronically or by mail sent toatthe address specified on 469 the uniform traffic citation, a notice of such failure, 470 notifying him or her that, if he or she does not comply with the 471 directives of the court within 30 days after the date of the 472 notice and pay a delinquency fee of up to $25 to the clerk, from 473 which the clerk shall remit $10 to the Department of Revenue for 474 deposit into the General Revenue Fund, his or her driver license 475 will be suspended. The notice mustshallbe sentmailedno later 476 than 5 days after such failure. The delinquency fee may be 477 retained by the office of the clerk to defray the operating 478 costs of the office. 479 (3) If the person fails to comply with the directives of 480 the court within the 30-day period, or, in non-IV-D cases, fails 481 to comply with the requirements of s. 61.13016 within the period 482 specified in that statute, the depository or the clerk of the 483 court mustshallelectronically notify the department of such 484 failure within 10 days. Upon electronic receipt of the notice, 485 the department shall immediately issue an order suspending the 486 person’s driver license and privilege to drive effective 20 days 487 after the date the order of suspension is mailed in accordance 488 with s. 322.251(1), (2), and (6). The order of suspension must 489 also contain information specifying that the person may contact 490 the clerk of the court to establish a payment plan pursuant to 491 s. 28.246(4) to make partial payments for fines, fees, service 492 charges, and court costs. 493 (5)(a) When the department receives notice from a clerk of 494 the court that a person licensed to operate a motor vehicle in 495 this state under the provisions of this chapter has failed to 496 pay financial obligations for any criminal offense other than 497 those specified in subsection (1), in full or in part under a 498 payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4), the department mustshall499 suspend the license of the person named in the notice. The 500 department shall mail an order of suspension in accordance with 501 s. 322.251(1), (2), and (6), which must also contain information 502 specifying that the person may contact the clerk of the court to 503 establish a payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4) to make 504 partial payments for fines, fees, service charges, and court 505 costs. 506 Section 9. Present subsection (3) of section 775.083, 507 Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), and a new 508 subsection (3) is added to that section, to read: 509 775.083 Fines.— 510 (3) The clerk of the court of each county is the entity 511 responsible for collecting payment of fines, fees, service 512 charges, and court costs. Unless otherwise designated by the 513 court, a person who has been ordered to pay court obligations 514 under this section shall immediately contact the clerk to pay 515 fines, fees, service charges, and court costs in full, or to 516 apply for enrollment in a payment plan, pursuant to s. 517 28.246(4). 518 Section 10. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.