Bill Text: FL S0838 | 2021 | Regular Session | Enrolled
Bill Title: Clerks of the Circuit Court
Status: (Passed) 2021-06-18 - Chapter No. 2021-116 [S0838 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S0838-Enrolled.html
ENROLLED 2021 Legislature CS for CS for SB 838 2021838er 1 2 An act relating to clerks of the circuit court; 3 amending s. 28.222, F.S.; requiring certain service 4 charges to be distributed in a specified manner; 5 amending s. 28.24, F.S.; defining the term “court 6 record”; specifying the amount of charges for certain 7 services rendered by, and instruments filed with, the 8 clerk of the circuit court which are not court 9 records; amending s. 28.241, F.S.; revising the 10 distribution of revenue from filing fees from the 11 institution of certain appellate proceedings; amending 12 s. 28.246, F.S.; clarifying the responsibility of an 13 individual released from incarceration regarding 14 enrolling in a payment plan for any outstanding court 15 obligations; modifying the manner of calculating a 16 monthly payment amount under a payment plan; requiring 17 the clerk to establish all terms of a payment plan; 18 amending s. 28.35, F.S.; conforming cross-references 19 and provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 20 28.36, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference and a 21 provision to changes made by the act; requiring the 22 corporation to establish and manage a contingency 23 reserve within the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund for 24 specified purposes; prescribing reporting 25 requirements; specifying circumstances under which 26 moneys held in reserve may be used; prescribing 27 procedures for the release of such funds; amending s. 28 28.37, F.S.; modifying a provision regarding state 29 court system funding; defining terms; conforming a 30 cross-reference; revising provisions governing the 31 transfer of certain funds from the Clerks of the Court 32 Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund by the 33 Department of Revenue; amending s. 28.42, F.S.; 34 requiring the clerks to develop a uniform payment plan 35 form by a specified date; prescribing requirements for 36 the form; requiring the clerks to use such form by a 37 specified date; amending s. 40.29, F.S.; requiring the 38 clerks of the court to submit requests for 39 reimbursement for jury-related costs to the Florida 40 Clerks of Court Operations Corporation within 41 specified timeframes; requiring the corporation to 42 review such requests for reimbursement; requiring the 43 corporation to submit certain information to the 44 Justice Administrative Commission; requiring the 45 commission to review the information and submit a 46 request for payment to the Chief Financial Officer 47 under certain circumstances; removing a provision 48 authorizing the commission to apportion funds among 49 the counties for certain purposes; amending ss. 50 318.15, 318.20, and 322.245, F.S.; requiring orders 51 and notifications for certain traffic citations and 52 suspensions to include information regarding payment 53 plans; amending s. 775.083, F.S.; designating the 54 clerk as the entity responsible for collecting payment 55 of certain court obligations; requiring a person 56 ordered to pay such obligations to contact the clerk 57 in order to pay or establish a payment plan, unless 58 otherwise provided; amending ss. 27.52, 28.22205, 59 28.246, 45.035, 55.141, 57.082, 197.502, 197.532, 60 197.542, 197.582, 569.23, and 712.06, F.S.; conforming 61 cross-references; providing effective dates. 62 63 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 64 65 Section 1. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (7) of 66 section 28.222, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 67 28.222 Clerk to be county recorder.— 68 (7)(a) All instruments recorded in the Official Records 69 must remainshall always beopen to the public, under the 70 supervision of the clerk, for the purpose of inspection thereof 71 and of making extracts therefrom.; but72 (b) The clerk isshallnotberequired to perform any 73 service in connection with such inspection or making of extracts 74 without payment of service charges as provided in s. 28.24. 75 (c) The clerk, in his or her capacity as county recorder, 76 must retain the service charge payments under s. 28.24, except 77 that those service charge payments that relate to court records 78 or functions and meet the description of court-related functions 79 in s. 28.35(3)(a) must be distributed for those court-related 80 functions. 81 Section 2. Effective July 1, 2021, section 28.24, Florida 82 Statutes, is amended to read: 83 28.24 Service charges.—The clerk of the circuit court shall 84 charge for services rendered manually or electronically by the 85 clerk’s office in recording documents and instruments and in 86 performing other specified duties. These charges may not exceed 87 those specified in this section, except as provided in s. 88 28.345. 89 (1) For purposes of this section, the term “court record” 90 means the contents of a court file and includes: 91 (a) Progress dockets and other similar records generated to 92 document activity in a case. 93 (b) Transcripts filed with the clerk. 94 (c) Documentary exhibits in the custody of the clerk. 95 (d) Electronic records, video recordings, and stenographic 96 tapes of depositions or other proceedings filed with the clerk. 97 (e) Electronic records, video recordings, and stenographic 98 tapes of court proceedings. 99 (2) For examining, comparing, correcting, verifying, and 100 certifying transcripts of record in appellate proceedings, 101 prepared by attorney for appellant or someone else other than 102 clerk, per page: 5.00, from which the clerk shall remit 0.50 per 103 page to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the General 104 Revenue Fund. 105 (3)(2)For preparing, numbering, and indexing an original 106 record of appellate proceedings, per instrument: 3.50, from 107 which the clerk shall remit 0.50 per instrument to the 108 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 109 (4)(a)(3)For certifying copies of any instrument that is a 110 court record in the public records: 2.00, from which the clerk 111 shall remit 0.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into 112 the General Revenue Fund. 113 (b) For certifying copies of any instrument that is not a 114 court record in the public records, per page: 2.00. 115 (5)(a)(4)For verifying any instrument presented for 116 certification prepared by someone other than clerk, per page: 117 3.50, from which the clerk shall remit 0.50 per page to the 118 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 119 (b) For verifying any instrument that is not a court record 120 presented for certification prepared by someone other than the 121 clerk, per page: 3.50. 122 (6)(a)(5)(a)For making copies by photographic process of 123 any instrument in the public records consisting of pages of not 124 more than 14 inches by 8 1/2 inches, per page:.............1.00. 125 (b) For making copies by photographic process of any 126 instrument in the public records of more than 14 inches by 8 1/2 127 inches, per page:..........................................5.00. 128 (7)(6)For making microfilm copies of any public records: 129 (a) That are court records: 130 1. 16 mm 100′ microfilm roll: 42.00, from which the clerk 131 shall remit 4.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into 132 the General Revenue Fund. 133 2.(b)35 mm 100′ microfilm roll: 60.00, from which the 134 clerk shall remit 7.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit 135 into the General Revenue Fund. 136 3.(c)Microfiche, per fiche: 3.50, from which the clerk 137 shall remit 0.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into 138 the General Revenue Fund. 139 (b) That are not court records: 140 1. 16 mm 100’ microfilm roll: 42.00. 141 2. 35 mm 100’ microfilm roll: 60.00. 142 3. Microfiche, per fiche: 3.50. 143 (8)(7)For copying any instrument in the public records by 144 other than photographic process, per page:.................6.00. 145 (9)(a)(8)For writing any paper that is a court record 146 other than a paper otherwisehereinspecifically mentioned in 147 this section,same as for copying,including signing and 148 sealing: 7.00, from which the clerk shall remit 1.00 to the 149 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 150 (b) For writing any paper that is not a court record other 151 than a paper otherwise specifically mentioned in this section, 152 including signing and sealing: 7.00. 153 (10)(9)For indexing each entry not recorded:.......1.00. 154 (11)(10)For receiving money into the registry of court: 155 (a)1. First $500: 3,percent............................3156 2. Each subsequent $100: 1.5,percent.................1.5157 (b) Eminent domain actions, per deposit: 170.00, from which 158 the clerk shall remit 20.00 per deposit to the Department of 159 Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 160 (12)(11)For examining, certifying, and recording plats and 161 for recording condominium exhibits larger than 14 inches by 8 162 1/2 inches: 163 (a) First page:....................................30.00. 164 (b) Each additional page:..........................15.00. 165 (13)(12)For recording, indexing, and filing any instrument 166 not more than 14 inches by 8 1/2 inches, including required 167 notice to property appraiser where applicable: 168 (a) First page or fraction thereof:.................5.00. 169 (b) Each additional page or fraction thereof:.......4.00. 170 (c) For indexing instruments recorded in the official 171 records which contain more than four names, per additional 172 name:......................................................1.00. 173 (d) An additional service charge must be paid to the clerk 174 of the circuit court to be deposited in the Public Records 175 Modernization Trust Fund for each instrument listed in s. 176 28.222, except judgments received from the courts and notices of 177 lis pendens, recorded in the official records: 178 1. First page:......................................1.00. 179 2. Each additional page:............................0.50. 180 181 Said fund must be held in trust by the clerk and used 182 exclusively for equipment and maintenance of equipment, 183 personnel training, and technical assistance in modernizing the 184 public records system of the office. In a county where the duty 185 of maintaining official records exists in an office other than 186 the office of the clerk of the circuit court, the clerk of the 187 circuit court is entitled to 25 percent of the moneys deposited 188 into the trust fund for equipment, maintenance of equipment, 189 training, and technical assistance in modernizing the system for 190 storing records in the office of the clerk of the circuit court. 191 The fund may not be used for the payment of travel expenses, 192 membership dues, bank charges, staff-recruitment costs, salaries 193 or benefits of employees, construction costs, general operating 194 expenses, or other costs not directly related to obtaining and 195 maintaining equipment for public records systems or for the 196 purchase of furniture or office supplies and equipment not 197 related to the storage of records. On or before December 1, 198 1995, and on or before December 1 of each year immediately 199 preceding each year during which the trust fund is scheduled for 200 legislative review under s. 19(f)(2), Art. III of the State 201 Constitution, each clerk of the circuit court shall file a 202 report on the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund with the 203 President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of 204 Representatives. The report must itemize each expenditure made 205 from the trust fund since the last report was filed; each 206 obligation payable from the trust fund on that date; and the 207 percentage of funds expended for each of the following: 208 equipment, maintenance of equipment, personnel training, and 209 technical assistance. The report must indicate the nature of the 210 system each clerk uses to store, maintain, and retrieve public 211 records and the degree to which the system has been upgraded 212 since the creation of the trust fund. 213 (e) An additional service charge of $4 per page shall be 214 paid to the clerk of the circuit court for each instrument 215 listed in s. 28.222, except judgments received from the courts 216 and notices of lis pendens, recorded in the official records. 217 From the additional $4 service charge collected: 218 1. If the counties maintain legal responsibility for the 219 costs of the court-related technology needs as defined in s. 220 29.008(1)(f)2. and (h), 10 cents shall be distributed to the 221 Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers, Inc., for 222 the cost of development, implementation, operation, and 223 maintenance of the clerks’ Comprehensive Case Information 224 System; $1.90 shall be retained by the clerk to be deposited in 225 the Public Records Modernization Trust Fund and used exclusively 226 for funding court-related technology needs of the clerk as 227 defined in s. 29.008(1)(f)2. and (h); and $2 shall be 228 distributed to the board of county commissioners to be used 229 exclusively to fund court-related technology, and court 230 technology needs as defined in s. 29.008(1)(f)2. and (h) for the 231 state trial courts, state attorney, public defender, and 232 criminal conflict and civil regional counsel in that county. If 233 the counties maintain legal responsibility for the costs of the 234 court-related technology needs as defined in s. 29.008(1)(f)2. 235 and (h), notwithstanding any other provision of law, the county 236 is not required to provide additional funding beyond that 237 provided in this sectionhereinfor the court-related technology 238 needs of the clerk as defined in s. 29.008(1)(f)2. and (h). All 239 court records and official records are the property of the State 240 of Florida, including any records generated as part of the 241 Comprehensive Case Information System funded pursuant to this 242 paragraph and the clerk of court is designated as the custodian 243 of such records, except in a county where the duty of 244 maintaining official records exists in a county office other 245 than the clerk of court or comptroller, such county office is 246 designated the custodian of all official records, and the clerk 247 of court is designated the custodian of all court records. The 248 clerk of court or any entity acting on behalf of the clerk of 249 court, including an association, may not charge a fee to any 250 agency as defined in s. 119.011, the Legislature, or the State 251 Court System for copies of records generated by the 252 Comprehensive Case Information System or held by the clerk of 253 court or any entity acting on behalf of the clerk of court, 254 including an association. 255 2. If the state becomes legally responsible for the costs 256 of court-related technology needs as defined in s. 257 29.008(1)(f)2. and (h), whether by operation of general law or 258 by court order, $4 shall be remitted to the Department of 259 Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 260 (14)(a)(13)Oath, administering, attesting, and sealing of 261 court records,not otherwise provided for in this section 262herein: 3.50, from which the clerk shall remit 0.50 to the 263 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 264 (b) Oath, administering, attesting, and sealing of records 265 that are not court records not otherwise provided for in this 266 section: 3.50. 267 (15)(a)(14)For validating certificates or,any authorized 268 bonds that are court records, each: 3.50, from which the clerk 269 shall remit 0.50 each to the Department of Revenue for deposit 270 into the General Revenue Fund. 271 (b) For validating certificates or any authorized bonds 272 that are not court records, each: 3.50. 273 (16)(15)For preparing affidavit of domicile:.......5.00. 274 (17)(16)For exemplified certificates, including the 275 signing and sealing of them: 7.00, from which the clerk shall 276 remit 1.00 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 277 General Revenue Fund. 278 (18)(a)(17)For authenticated certificates that are court 279 records, including the signing and sealing of them: 7.00, from 280 which the clerk shall remit 1.00 to the Department of Revenue 281 for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 282 (b) For authenticated certificates that are not court 283 records, including the signing and sealing of them: 7.00. 284 (19)(a)(18)(a)For issuing and filing a subpoena for a 285 witness, not otherwise provided for in this section, including 286 theherein (includeswriting, preparing, signing, and sealing of 287 it): 7.00, from which the clerk shall remit 1.00 to the 288 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 289 (b) For signing and sealing only: 2.00, from which the 290 clerk shall remit 0.50 to the Department of Revenue for deposit 291 into the General Revenue Fund. 292 (20)(a)(19)For approving a court bond: 8.50, from which 293 the clerk shall remit 1.00 to the Department of Revenue for 294 deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 295 (b) For approving a bond: 8.50. 296 (21)(a)(20)For searching courtofrecords, for each year’s 297 search: 2.00, from which the clerk shall remit 0.50 for each 298 year’s search to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 299 General Revenue Fund. 300 (b) For searching records that are not court records, for 301 each year’s search: 2.00. 302 (22)(21)For processing an application for a tax deed sale 303 (includes application, sale, issuance, and preparation of tax 304 deed, and disbursement of proceeds of sale), other than excess 305 proceeds:.................................................60.00. 306 (23)(22)For disbursement of excess proceeds of tax deed 307 sale, first $100 or fraction thereof:.....................10.00. 308 (24)(23)Upon receipt of an application for a marriage 309 license, for preparing and administering of oath; issuing, 310 sealing, and recording of the marriage license; and providing a 311 certified copy:...........................................30.00. 312 (25)(24)For solemnizing matrimony:................30.00. 313 (26)(25)For sealing any court file or expungement of any 314 record: 42.00, from which the clerk shall remit 4.50 to the 315 Department of Revenue for deposit into the General Revenue Fund. 316 (27)(a)(26)(a)For receiving and disbursing all restitution 317 payments, per payment: 3.50, from which the clerk shall remit 318 0.50 per payment to the Department of Revenue for deposit into 319 the General Revenue Fund. 320 (b) For receiving and disbursing all partial payments, 321 other than restitution payments, for which an administrative 322 processing service charge is not imposed pursuant to s. 28.246, 323 per month:.................................................5.00. 324 (c) For setting up a payment plan, a one-time 325 administrative processing charge in lieu of a per month charge 326 under paragraph (b):......................................25.00. 327 (28)(27)Postal charges incurred by the clerk of the 328 circuit court in any mailing by certified or registered mail 329 must be paid by the party at whose instance the mailing is made. 330 (29)(28)For furnishing an electronic copy of information 331 contained in a computer database: a fee as provided for in 332 chapter 119. 333 Section 3. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (2) of 334 section 28.241, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 335 28.241 Filing fees for trial and appellate proceedings.— 336 (2) Upon the institution of any appellate proceeding from 337 any lower court to the circuit court of any such county, 338 including appeals filed by a county or municipality as provided 339 in s. 34.041(5), or from the county or circuit court to an 340 appellate court of the state, the clerk shall charge and collect 341 from the party or parties instituting such appellate proceedings 342 a filing fee, as follows:not to exceed $280, from which the343clerk shall remit $20 to the Department of Revenue for deposit344into the General Revenue Fund,345 (a) For filing a notice of appeal from the county court to 346 the circuit court, a filing fee not to exceed $280.and, in347addition to the filing fee required under s. 25.241 or s. 35.22,348$100349 (b) For filing a notice of appeal from the county or 350 circuit court to the district court of appeal or to the Supreme 351 Court, in addition to the filing fee required under s. 25.241 or 352 s. 35.22, a filing fee not to exceed $100, of which the clerk 353 shall remit $20 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into 354 the General Revenue Fund. If the party is determined to be 355 indigent, the clerk shall defer payment of the fee otherwise 356 required by this subsection. 357 Section 4. Subsection (4) of section 28.246, Florida 358 Statutes, is amended to read: 359 28.246 Payment of court-related fines or other monetary 360 penalties, fees, charges, and costs; partial payments; 361 distribution of funds.— 362 (4)(a) EachTheclerk of the circuit court shall accept 363 partial payments for each case type for court-related fees, 364 service charges, court costs, and fines in accordance with the 365 terms of an established payment plan developed by the clerk. 366 (b) An individual seeking to defer payment of fees, service 367 charges, court costs, or fines imposed by operation of law or 368 order of the court under any provision of general law shall 369 apply to the clerk for enrollment in a payment plan. The clerk 370 shall enter into a payment plan with an individual who the court 371 determines is indigent for costs. It is the responsibility of an 372 individual who is released from incarceration and has 373 outstanding court obligations to contact the clerk within 30 374 days after release to pay fees, service charges, court costs, 375 and fines in full, or to apply for enrollment in a payment plan. 376 A monthly payment amount, calculated based upon all fees and all 377 anticipated fees, service charges, court costs, and fines, is 378 presumed to correspond to the person’s ability to pay if the 379 amount does not exceed 2 percent of the person’s annual net 380 income, as defined in s. 27.52(1), divided by 12. The clerk 381 shall establish all terms of a payment plan, and the court may 382 review the reasonableness of the payment plan. 383 Section 5. Effective upon this act becoming a law, 384 paragraph (f) of subsection (2) and paragraph (a) of subsection 385 (3) of section 28.35, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 386 28.35 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation.— 387 (2) The duties of the corporation shall include the 388 following: 389 (f) Approving the proposed budgets submitted by clerks of 390 the court pursuant to s. 28.36. The corporation must ensure that 391 the total combined budgets of the clerks of the court do not 392 exceed the total estimated revenues from fees, service charges, 393 court costs, and fines for court-related functions available for 394 court-related expenditures as determined by the most recent 395 Revenue Estimating Conference, plus the total of unspent 396 budgeted funds for court-related functions carried forward by 397 the clerks of the court from the previous county fiscal year, 398andplus the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks of the 399 Court Trust Fund after the transfer of funds to the General 400 Revenue Fund required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b), and plus any 401 appropriations for court-related functionss. 28.37(3)(b). The 402 corporation may amend any individual clerk of the court budget 403 to ensure compliance with this paragraph and must consider 404 performance measures, workload performance standards, workload 405 measures, and expense data before modifying the budget. As part 406 of this process, the corporation shall: 407 1. Calculate the minimum amount of revenue necessary for 408 each clerk of the court to efficiently perform the list of 409 court-related functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). The 410 corporation shall apply the workload measures appropriate for 411 determining the individual level of review required to fund the 412 clerk’s budget. 413 2. Prepare a cost comparison of similarly situated clerks 414 of the court, based on county population and numbers of filings, 415 using the standard list of court-related functions specified in 416 paragraph (3)(a). 417 3. Conduct an annual base budget review and an annual 418 budget exercise examining the total budget of each clerk of the 419 court. The review shall examine revenues from all sources, 420 expenses of court-related functions, and expenses of noncourt 421 related functions as necessary to determine that court-related 422 revenues are not being used for noncourt-related purposes. The 423 review and exercise shall identify potential targeted budget 424 reductions in the percentage amount provided in Schedule VIII-B 425 of the state’s previous year’s legislative budget instructions, 426 as referenced in s. 216.023(3), or an equivalent schedule or 427 instruction as may be adopted by the Legislature. 428 4. Identify those proposed budgets containing funding for 429 items not included on the standard list of court-related 430 functions specified in paragraph (3)(a). 431 5. Identify those clerks projected to have court-related 432 revenues insufficient to fund their anticipated court-related 433 expenditures. 434 6. Use revenue estimates based on the official estimate for 435 funds from fees, service charges, court costs, and fines for 436 court-related functions accruing to the clerks of the court made 437 by the Revenue Estimating Conference, as well as any unspent 438 budgeted funds for court-related functions carried forward by 439 the clerks of the court from the previous county fiscal year and 440 the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks of the Court Trust 441 Fund after the transfer of funds to the General Revenue Fund 442 required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b), plus any appropriations for 443 the purpose of funding court-related functionss. 28.37(3)(b). 444 7. Identify pay and benefit increases in any proposed clerk 445 budget, including, but not limited to, cost of living increases, 446 merit increases, and bonuses. 447 8. Identify increases in anticipated expenditures in any 448 clerk budget that exceeds the current year budget by more than 3 449 percent. 450 9. Identify the budget of any clerk which exceeds the 451 average budget of similarly situated clerks by more than 10 452 percent. 453 454 For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “unspent budgeted 455 funds for court-related functions” means undisbursed funds 456 included in the clerks of the courts budgets for court-related 457 functions established pursuant to this section and s. 28.36. 458 (3)(a) The list of court-related functions that clerks may 459 fund from filing fees, service charges, court costs, and fines 460 is limited to those functions expressly authorized by law or 461 court rule. Those functions include the following: case 462 maintenance; records management; court preparation and 463 attendance; processing the assignment, reopening, and 464 reassignment of cases; processing of appeals; collection and 465 distribution of fines, fees, service charges, and court costs; 466 processing of bond forfeiture payments; data collection and 467 reporting; determinations of indigent status; and paying 468 reasonable administrative support costs to enable the clerk of 469 the court to carry out these court-related functions. 470 Section 6. Effective upon this act becoming a law, present 471 subsections (3) and (4) of section 28.36, Florida Statutes, are 472 redesignated as subsections (4) and (5), respectively, a new 473 subsection (3) is added to that section, and subsection (1), 474 paragraph (b) of subsection (2), and present subsection (4) of 475 that section are amended, to read: 476 28.36 Budget procedure.—There is established a budget 477 procedure for the court-related functions of the clerks of the 478 court. 479 (1) Only those functions listed in s. 28.35(3)(a) may be 480 funded from fees, service charges, court costs, and fines 481 retained by the clerks of the court. 482 (2) Each proposed budget shall further conform to the 483 following requirements: 484 (b) The proposed budget must be balanced such that the 485 total of the estimated revenues available equals or exceeds the 486 total of the anticipated expenditures. Such revenues include 487 revenue projected to be received from fees, service charges, 488 court costs, and fines for court-related functions during the 489 fiscal period covered by the budget, plus the total of unspent 490 budgeted funds for court-related functions carried forward by 491 the clerk of the court from the previous county fiscal year and 492 plus the portion of the balance of funds remaining in the Clerks 493 of the Court Trust Fund after the transfer of funds to the 494 General Revenue Fund required pursuant to s. 28.37(4)(b)s.49528.37(3)(b)which has been allocated to each respective clerk of 496 the court by the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation. 497 For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “unspent budgeted 498 funds for court-related functions” means undisbursed funds 499 included in the clerk of the courts’ budget for court related 500 functions established pursuant to s. 28.35 and this section. The 501 anticipated expenditures must be itemized as required by the 502 corporation. 503 (3)(a) The Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 504 shall establish and manage a reserve for contingencies within 505 the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund which must consist of an 506 amount not to exceed 16 percent of the total budget authority 507 for the clerks of court during the current county fiscal year, 508 to be carried forward at the end of the fiscal year. Funds to be 509 held in reserve include transfers of cumulative excess, as 510 provided in s. 28.37(4)(b), from the Clerks of the Court Trust 511 Fund and may also include revenues provided by law or moneys 512 appropriated by the Legislature. 513 (b) The corporation shall provide a reporting of the 514 balance and use of these funds during each county fiscal year as 515 part of the corporation’s annual report submitted under s. 516 28.35(2)(h). 517 (c) The corporation may use the reserve to ensure the 518 clerks of court can perform the court-related functions as 519 provided in s. 28.35(3)(a). Moneys in the Clerks of the Court 520 Trust Fund which are held in reserve may be used by the 521 corporation under the following circumstances: 522 1. To offset a current deficit between the revenue 523 available and the original budget authority. A deficit is deemed 524 to occur when the revenue available to the clerks of court falls 525 below the original revenue projection for that county fiscal 526 year. 527 2. To provide funding for an emergency, as defined in s. 528 252.34(4). The emergency must have been declared by the 529 Governor, pursuant to s. 252.36, or otherwise declared by law. 530 3. To provide funds in the development of the total 531 aggregate budget of the clerks of court to ensure that a minimum 532 continuation budget is met. For purposes of this subparagraph, a 533 minimum continuation budget is the budget approved for the 534 current county fiscal year or some lesser amount adopted by the 535 corporation. 536 (d) To use the reserve, the corporation must request a 537 budget amendment pursuant to s. 216.292. 538 (5)(4)The corporation may approve increases or decreases 539 to the previously authorized budgets approved forindividual540 clerks of the court pursuant to s. 28.35 for court-related 541 functions, if: 542 (a) The additional budget authority is necessary to pay the 543 cost of performing new or additional functions required by 544 changes in law or court rule; or 545 (b) The additional budget authority is necessary to pay the 546 cost of supporting increases in the number of judges or 547 magistrates authorized by the Legislature or increases in the 548 use of hearing officers and senior judges assigned by the 549 courts. 550 Section 7. Effective upon this act becoming a law, section 551 28.37, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 552 28.37 Fines, fees, service charges, and costs remitted to 553 the state.— 554 (1) Pursuant to s. 14(b), Art. V of the State Constitution, 555 selected salaries, costs, and expenses of the state courts 556 system and court-related functions shall be funded from a 557 portion of the revenues derived from statutory fines, fees, 558 service charges, and court costs collected by the clerks of the 559 court and from adequate and appropriate supplemental funding 560 from state revenues as appropriated by the Legislature. 561 (2) As used in this section, the term: 562 (a) “Cumulative excess” means revenues derived from fines, 563 fees, service charges, and court costs collected by the clerks 564 of the court which are greater than the original revenue 565 projection. 566 (b) “Original revenue projection” means the official 567 estimate, as determined by the Revenue Estimating Conference, of 568 revenues from fines, fees, service charges, and court costs 569 available for court-related functions for the county fiscal year 570 covered by the projection. 571 (3) TheBeginning November 1, 2013, thatportion of all 572 fines, fees, service charges, and costs collected by the clerks 573 of the court for the previous month which is in excess of one 574 twelfth of the clerks’ total budget for the performance of 575 court-related functions mustshallbe remitted to the Department 576 of Revenue for deposit into the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund. 577 Such collections do not include funding received for the 578 operation of the Title IV-D child support collections and 579 disbursement program. The clerk of the court shall remit the 580 revenues collected during the previous month due to the state on 581 or before the 10th day of each month. 582 (4)(a)(3)(a)Each year, no later than January 25, for the 583 previous county fiscal year, the clerks of court, in 584 consultation with the Florida Clerks of Court Operations 585 Corporation, shall remit to the Department of Revenue for 586 deposit in the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund the cumulative 587 excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and court costs 588 retained by the clerks of the court, plus any funds received by 589 the clerks of the court from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund 590 under s. 28.36(4)s. 28.36(3), which exceed the amount needed to 591 meet their authorized budget amounts established under s. 28.35. 592 (b) No later than February 1, 2022, and each February 1 593 thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall transfer 50 percent 594 of the cumulative excess of the original revenue projection from 595 the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund. 596 The remaining 50 percent in the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund 597 may be used in the development of the total combined budgets of 598 the clerks of the court as provided in s. 28.35(2)(f)6. However, 599 a minimum of 10 percent of the clerk-retained portion of the 600 cumulative excess amount must be held in reserve until such 601 funds reach an amount equal to at least 16 percent of the total 602 budget authority from the current county fiscal year, as 603 provided in s. 28.36(3)(a) 6041. No later than February 1, 2020, the Department of605Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund606to the General Revenue Fund the sum of the cumulative excess of607all fines, fees, service charges, and costs submitted by the608clerks of court pursuant to subsection (2) and the cumulative609excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and costs remitted610by the clerks of court pursuant to paragraph (a) in excess of611$10 million. 6122. No later than February 1, 2021, the Department of613Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund614to the General Revenue Fund not less than 50 percent of the sum615of the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges,616and costs submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to617subsection (2) and the cumulative excess of all fines, fees,618service charges, and costs remitted by the clerks of court619pursuant to paragraph (a); provided however, the balance620remaining in the Clerks of Courts Trust Fund after such transfer621may not be more than $20 million.6223. No later than February 1, 2022, the Department of623Revenue shall transfer from the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund624to the General Revenue Fund not less than 50 percent of the sum625of the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges,626and costs submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to627subsection (2) and the cumulative excess of all fines, fees,628service charges, and costs remitted by the clerks of court629pursuant to paragraph (a); provided however, the balance630remaining in the Clerks of Courts Trust Fund after such transfer631may not be more than $20 million.6324. No later than February 1, 2023, and each February 1633thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall transfer from the634Clerks of the Court Trust Fund to the General Revenue Fund the635cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and costs636submitted by the clerks of court pursuant to subsection (2) and637the cumulative excess of all fines, fees, service charges, and638costs remitted by the clerks of court pursuant to paragraph (a).639 (5)(4)The Department of Revenue shall collect any funds 640 that the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 641 determines upon investigation were due but not remitted to the 642 Department of Revenue. The corporation shall notify the clerk of 643 the court and the Department of Revenue of the amount due to the 644 Department of Revenue. The clerk of the court shall remit the 645 amount due no later than the 10th day of the month following the 646 month in which notice is provided by the corporation to the 647 clerk of the court. 648 (6)(5)Ten percent of all court-related fines collected by 649 the clerk, except for penalties or fines distributed to counties 650 or municipalities under s. 316.0083(1)(b)3. or s. 318.18(15)(a), 651 mustshallbe deposited into the fine and forfeiture fund to be 652 used exclusively for clerk court-related functions, as provided 653 in s. 28.35(3)(a). 654 Section 8. Section 28.42, Florida Statutes, is amended to 655 read: 656 28.42 Manual of filing fees, charges, costs, and fines; 657 payment plan form.— 658 (1) The clerks of court, through their association and in 659 consultation with the Office of the State Courts Administrator, 660 shall prepare and disseminate a manual of filing fees, service 661 charges, costs, and fines imposed pursuant to state law, for 662 each type of action and offense, and classified as mandatory or 663 discretionary. The manual also shall classify the fee, charge, 664 cost, or fine as court-related revenue or noncourt-related 665 revenue. The clerks, through their association, shall 666 disseminate this manual to the chief judge, state attorney, 667 public defender, and court administrator in each circuit and to 668 the clerk of the court in each county. The clerks, through their 669 association and in consultation with the Office of the State 670 Courts Administrator, shall at a minimum update and disseminate 671 this manual on July 1 of each year. 672 (2) By October 1, 2021, the clerks of court, through the 673 Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation, shall develop a 674 uniform payment plan form for use by persons seeking to 675 establish a payment plan in accordance with s. 28.246(4). The 676 form must inform the person of the minimum payment due each 677 month, the term of the plan, acceptable payment methods, and the 678 circumstances under which a case may be sent to collections for 679 nonpayment. 680 (3) By January 1, 2022, each clerk of court shall use the 681 uniform payment plan form developed pursuant to subsection (2) 682 when establishing payment plans. 683 Section 9. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (5) of 684 section 40.29, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 685 40.29 Payment of due-process costs.— 686 (5) The Justice Administrative Commission shall reimburse 687providefunds to the clerks of the court to compensate jurors, 688 to pay for meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for 689 jury-related personnel costs as provided in this section. Each 690 clerk of the court must submit a request for reimbursementshall691forwardto the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 692 within 20 days after each quarter attesting to the clerk’s 693 actual costsJustice Administrative Commission a quarterly694estimate of funds necessaryto compensate jurors, toandpay for 695 meals or lodging provided to jurors, and to pay for jury-related 696 personnel costsduring the upcoming quarter. The Florida Clerks 697 of Court Operations Corporation must review the request for 698 reimbursement to ensure that the costs are reasonably and 699 directly related to jury management. The Florida Clerks of Court 700 Operations Corporation mustshallforward to the Justice 701 Administrative Commissiona quarterly estimate ofthe amount 702 necessary to reimburse each clerk of the court for its personnel 703 and other costs related to jury management unless the total 704 request for reimbursement by the clerks exceeds the quarterly 705 funds available to the Justice Administrative Commission, in 706 which case the Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation 707 shall adjust the cumulative total to match the available funds 708 before submitting the request to the Justice Administrative 709 Commission. Upon receipt of each request for reimbursementsuch710estimates, the Justice Administrative Commission must review 711shall determinethe amount deemed necessary for payment to the 712 clerks of the court for the most recently completedduring the713upcomingquarter, determine if the total payment amount is 714 available, and submit a request for payment to the Chief 715 Financial Officer.If the Justice Administrative Commission716believes that the amount appropriated by the Legislature is717insufficient to meet such costs during the remaining part of the718state fiscal year, the commission may apportion the funds719appropriated in the General Appropriations Act for those720purposes among the several counties, basing the apportionment721upon the amount expended for such purposes in each county during722the prior fiscal year, in which case, the Chief Financial723Officer shall issue the appropriate apportioned amount by724warrant to each county.The clerks of the court are responsible 725 for any compensation to jurors, for payments for meals or 726 lodging provided to jurors, and for jury-related personnel costs 727 that exceed the funding provided in the General Appropriations 728 Act for these purposes. 729 Section 10. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 730 318.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 731 318.15 Failure to comply with civil penalty or to appear; 732 penalty.— 733 (1)(a) If a person fails to comply with the civil penalties 734 provided in s. 318.18 within the time period specified in s. 735 318.14(4), fails to enter into or comply with the terms of a 736 penalty payment plan with the clerk of the court in accordance 737 with ss. 318.14 and 28.246, fails to attend driver improvement 738 school, or fails to appear at a scheduled hearing, the clerk of 739 the court mustshallnotify the Department of Highway Safety and 740 Motor Vehicles of such failure within 10 days after such 741 failure. Upon receipt of such notice, the department mustshall742 immediately issue an order suspending the driver license and 743 privilege to drive of such person effective 20 days after the 744 date the order of suspension is mailed in accordance with s. 745 322.251(1), (2), and (6). The order also must inform the person 746 that he or she may contact the clerk of the court to establish a 747 payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4) to make partial payments 748 for court-related fines, fees, service charges, and court costs. 749 Any such suspension of the driving privilege which has not been 750 reinstated, including a similar suspension imposed outside of 751 this stateFlorida, mustshallremain on the records of the 752 department for a period of 7 years from the date imposed and 753 mustshallbe removed from the records after the expiration of 7 754 years from the date it is imposed. The department may not accept 755 the resubmission of such suspension. 756 Section 11. Section 318.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to 757 read: 758 318.20 Notification; duties of department.—The department 759 shall prepare a notification form to be appended to, or 760 incorporated as a part of, the Florida uniform traffic citation 761 issued in accordance with s. 316.650. The notification form must 762shallcontain language informing persons charged with 763 infractions to which this chapter applies of the procedures 764 available to them under this chapter. Such notification form 765 mustshallcontain a statement that, if the official determines 766 that no infraction has been committed, no costs or penalties may 767shallbe imposed and any costs or penalties thatwhichhave been 768 paid willshallbe returned. Additionally, the notification form 769 must include information on paying the civil penalty to the 770 clerk of the court and the ability to establish a payment plan 771 pursuant to s. 28.246(4). A uniform traffic citation that is 772 produced electronically must also include the information 773 required by this section. 774 Section 12. Subsections (1) and (3) and paragraph (a) of 775 subsection (5) of section 322.245, Florida Statutes, are amended 776 to read: 777 322.245 Suspension of license upon failure of person 778 charged with specified offense under chapter 316, chapter 320, 779 or this chapter to comply with directives ordered by traffic 780 court or upon failure to pay child support in non-IV-D cases as 781 provided in chapter 61 or failure to pay any financial 782 obligation in any other criminal case.— 783 (1) If a person charged with a violation of any of the 784 criminal offenses enumerated in s. 318.17 or with the commission 785 of any offense constituting a misdemeanor under chapter 320 or 786 this chapter fails to comply with all of the directives of the 787 court within the time allotted by the court, the clerk of the 788trafficcourt must provideshallmail tothe person, either 789 electronically or by mail sent toatthe address specified on 790 the uniform traffic citation, a notice of such failure, 791 notifying him or her that, if he or she does not comply with the 792 directives of the court within 30 days after the date of the 793 notice and pay a delinquency fee of up to $25 to the clerk, from 794 which the clerk shall remit $10 to the Department of Revenue for 795 deposit into the General Revenue Fund, his or her driver license 796 will be suspended. The notice mustshallbe sentmailedno later 797 than 5 days after such failure. The delinquency fee may be 798 retained by the office of the clerk to defray the operating 799 costs of the office. 800 (3) If the person fails to comply with the directives of 801 the court within the 30-day period, or, in non-IV-D cases, fails 802 to comply with the requirements of s. 61.13016 within the period 803 specified in that statute, the depository or the clerk of the 804 court mustshallelectronically notify the department of such 805 failure within 10 days. Upon electronic receipt of the notice, 806 the department shall immediately issue an order suspending the 807 person’s driver license and privilege to drive effective 20 days 808 after the date the order of suspension is mailed in accordance 809 with s. 322.251(1), (2), and (6). The order of suspension must 810 also contain information specifying that the person may contact 811 the clerk of the court to establish a payment plan pursuant to 812 s. 28.246(4) to make partial payments for fines, fees, service 813 charges, and court costs. 814 (5)(a) When the department receives notice from a clerk of 815 the court that a person licensed to operate a motor vehicle in 816 this state under the provisions of this chapter has failed to 817 pay financial obligations for any criminal offense other than 818 those specified in subsection (1), in full or in part under a 819 payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4), the department mustshall820 suspend the license of the person named in the notice. The 821 department shall mail an order of suspension in accordance with 822 s. 322.251(1), (2), and (6), which must also contain information 823 specifying that the person may contact the clerk of the court to 824 establish a payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4) to make 825 partial payments for fines, fees, service charges, and court 826 costs. 827 Section 13. Present subsection (3) of section 775.083, 828 Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (4), and a new 829 subsection (3) is added to that section, to read: 830 775.083 Fines.— 831 (3) The clerk of the court of each county is the entity 832 responsible for collecting payment of fines, fees, service 833 charges, and court costs. Unless otherwise designated by the 834 court, a person who has been ordered to pay court obligations 835 under this section shall immediately contact the clerk to pay 836 fines, fees, service charges, and court costs in full or to 837 apply for enrollment in a payment plan pursuant to s. 28.246(4). 838 Section 14. Effective July 1, 2021, paragraph (i) of 839 subsection (5) of section 27.52, Florida Statutes, is amended to 840 read: 841 27.52 Determination of indigent status.— 842 (5) INDIGENT FOR COSTS.—A person who is eligible to be 843 represented by a public defender under s. 27.51 but who is 844 represented by private counsel not appointed by the court for a 845 reasonable fee as approved by the court or on a pro bono basis, 846 or who is proceeding pro se, may move the court for a 847 determination that he or she is indigent for costs and eligible 848 for the provision of due process services, as prescribed by ss. 849 29.006 and 29.007, funded by the state. 850 (i) A defendant who is found guilty of a criminal act by a 851 court or jury or enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere and 852 who received due process services after being found indigent for 853 costs under this subsection is liable for payment of due process 854 costs expended by the state. 855 1. The attorney representing the defendant, or the 856 defendant if he or she is proceeding pro se, shall provide an 857 accounting to the court delineating all costs paid or to be paid 858 by the state within 90 days after disposition of the case 859 notwithstanding any appeals. 860 2. The court shall issue an order determining the amount of 861 all costs paid by the state and any costs for which prepayment 862 was waived under this section or s. 57.081. The clerk shall 863 cause a certified copy of the order to be recorded in the 864 official records of the county, at no cost. The recording 865 constitutes a lien against the person in favor of the state in 866 the county in which the order is recorded. The lien may be 867 enforced in the same manner prescribed in s. 938.29. 868 3. If the attorney or the pro se defendant fails to provide 869 a complete accounting of costs expended by the state and 870 consequently costs are omitted from the lien, the attorney or 871 pro se defendant may not receive reimbursement or any other form 872 of direct or indirect payment for those costs if the state has 873 not paid the costs. The attorney or pro se defendant shall repay 874 the state for those costs if the state has already paid the 875 costs. The clerk of the court may establish a payment plan under 876 s. 28.246 and may charge the attorney or pro se defendant a one 877 time administrative processing charge under s. 28.24(27)(c)s.87828.24(26)(c). 879 Section 15. Effective July 1, 2021, section 28.22205, 880 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 881 28.22205 Electronic filing process.—Each clerk of court 882 shall implement an electronic filing process. The purpose of the 883 electronic filing process is to reduce judicial costs in the 884 office of the clerk and the judiciary, increase timeliness in 885 the processing of cases, and provide the judiciary with case 886 related information to allow for improved judicial case 887 management. The Legislature requests that the Supreme Court set 888 statewide standards for electronic filing to be used by the 889 clerks of court to implement electronic filing. The standards 890 should specify the required information for the duties of the 891 clerks of court and the judiciary for case management. Revenues 892 provided to counties and the clerk of court under s. 893 28.24(13)(e)s. 28.24(12)(e)for information technology may also 894 be used to implement electronic filing processes. 895 Section 16. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (5) of 896 section 28.246, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 897 28.246 Payment of court-related fines or other monetary 898 penalties, fees, charges, and costs; partial payments; 899 distribution of funds.— 900 (5) When receiving partial payment of fees, service 901 charges, court costs, and fines, clerks shall distribute funds 902 according to the following order of priority: 903 (a) That portion of fees, service charges, court costs, and 904 fines to be remitted to the state for deposit into the General 905 Revenue Fund. 906 (b) That portion of fees, service charges, court costs, and 907 fines required to be retained by the clerk of the court or 908 deposited into the Clerks of the Court Trust Fund within the 909 Department of Revenue. 910 (c) That portion of fees, service charges, court costs, and 911 fines payable to state trust funds, allocated on a pro rata 912 basis among the various authorized funds if the total collection 913 amount is insufficient to fully fund all such funds as provided 914 by law. 915 (d) That portion of fees, service charges, court costs, and 916 fines payable to counties, municipalities, or other local 917 entities, allocated on a pro rata basis among the various 918 authorized recipients if the total collection amount is 919 insufficient to fully fund all such recipients as provided by 920 law. 921 922 To offset processing costs, clerks may impose either a per-month 923 service charge pursuant to s. 28.24(27)(b)s. 28.24(26)(b)or a 924 one-time administrative processing service charge at the 925 inception of the payment plan pursuant to s. 28.24(27)(c)s.92628.24(26)(c). 927 Section 17. Effective July 1, 2021, section 45.035, Florida 928 Statutes, is amended to read: 929 45.035 Clerk’s fees.—In addition to other fees or service 930 charges authorized by law, the clerk shall receive service 931 charges related to the judicial sales procedure set forth in ss. 932 45.031-45.033ss. 45.031-45.034and this section: 933 (1) The clerk shall receive a service charge of $70, from 934 which the clerk shall remit $10 to the Department of Revenue for 935 deposit into the General Revenue Fund, for services in making, 936 recording, and certifying the sale and title, which service 937 charge shall be assessed as costs and shall be advanced by the 938 plaintiff before the sale. 939 (2) If there is a surplus resulting from the sale, the 940 clerk may receive the following service charges, which shall be 941 deducted from the surplus: 942 (a) The clerk may withhold the sum of $28 from the surplus 943 which may only be used for purposes of educating the public as 944 to the rights of homeowners regarding foreclosure proceedings. 945 (b) The clerk is entitled to a service charge of $15 for 946 each disbursement of surplus proceeds, from which the clerk 947 shall remit $5 to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the 948 General Revenue Fund. 949 (3) If the sale is conducted by electronic means, as 950 provided in s. 45.031(10), the clerk shall receive an additional 951 service charge not to exceed $70 for services in conducting or 952 contracting for the electronic sale, which service charge shall 953 be assessed as costs and paid when filing for an electronic sale 954 date. If the clerk requires advance electronic deposits to 955 secure the right to bid, such deposits areshallnotbesubject 956 to the fee under s. 28.24(11)s. 28.24(10). The portion of an 957 advance deposit from a winning bidder required by s. 45.031(3) 958 shall, upon acceptance of the winning bid, be subject to the fee 959 under s. 28.24(11)s. 28.24(10). 960 Section 18. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (2) of 961 section 55.141, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 962 55.141 Satisfaction of judgments and decrees; duties of 963 clerk.— 964 (2) Upon such payment, the clerk shall execute and record 965 in the official records a satisfaction of judgment upon payment 966 of the recording charge prescribed in s. 28.24(13)s. 28.24(12). 967 Upon payment of the amount required in subsection (1) and the 968 recording charge required by this subsection and execution and 969 recordation of the satisfaction by the clerk, any lien created 970 by the judgment is satisfied and discharged. 971 Section 19. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (6) of 972 section 57.082, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 973 57.082 Determination of civil indigent status.— 974 (6) PROCESSING CHARGE; PAYMENT PLANS.—A person who the 975 clerk or the court determines is indigent for civil proceedings 976 under this section shall be enrolled in a payment plan under s. 977 28.246 and shall be charged a one-time administrative processing 978 charge under s. 28.24(27)(c)s. 28.24(26)(c). A monthly payment 979 amount, calculated based upon all fees and all anticipated 980 costs, is presumed to correspond to the person’s ability to pay 981 if it does not exceed 2 percent of the person’s annual net 982 income, as defined in subsection (1), divided by 12. The person 983 may seek review of the clerk’s decisions regarding a payment 984 plan established under s. 28.246 in the court having 985 jurisdiction over the matter. A case may not be impeded in any 986 way, delayed in filing, or delayed in its progress, including 987 the final hearing and order, due to nonpayment of any fees or 988 costs by an indigent person. Filing fees waived from payment 989 under s. 57.081 may not be included in the calculation related 990 to a payment plan established under this section. 991 Section 20. Effective July 1, 2021, paragraph (c) of 992 subsection (5) of section 197.502, Florida Statutes, is amended 993 to read: 994 197.502 Application for obtaining tax deed by holder of tax 995 sale certificate; fees.— 996 (5) 997 (c) Upon receiving the tax deed application from the tax 998 collector, the clerk shall record a notice of tax deed 999 application in the official records, which constitutes notice of 1000 the pendency of a tax deed application with respect to the 1001 property and remains effective for 1 year from the date of 1002 recording. A person acquiring an interest in the property after 1003 the tax deed application notice has been recorded is deemed to 1004 be on notice of the pending tax deed sale, and no additional 1005 notice is required. The sale of the property automatically 1006 releases any recorded notice of tax deed application for that 1007 property. If the property is redeemed, the clerk must record a 1008 release of the notice of tax deed application upon payment of 1009 the fees as authorized in s. 28.24(9) and (13)s. 28.24(8) and1010(12). The contents of the notice shall be the same as the 1011 contents of the notice of publication required by s. 197.512. 1012 The cost of recording must be collected at the time of 1013 application under subsection (1), and added to the opening bid. 1014 Section 21. Effective July 1, 2021, section 197.532, 1015 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1016 197.532 Fees for mailing additional notices, when 1017 application is made by holder.—When the certificateholder makes 1018 a written request of the clerk and furnishes the names and 1019 addresses at the time of the filing of the application, the 1020 clerk shall send a copy of the notice referred to in s. 197.522 1021 to anyone to whom the certificateholder may request him or her 1022 to send it, and the clerk shall include in such notice the 1023 statement required in s. 197.522. The certificateholder shall 1024 pay the clerk the service charges as prescribed in s. 28.24(6) 1025s. 28.24(5)for preparing and mailing each copy of notice 1026 requested by the holder. When the charges are made, they shall 1027 be added by the clerk to the amount required to redeem the land 1028 from sale. 1029 Section 22. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (3) and 1030 paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (4) of section 197.542, 1031 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1032 197.542 Sale at public auction.— 1033 (3) If the sale is canceled for any reason or the buyer 1034 fails to make full payment within the time required, the clerk 1035 shall readvertise the sale within 30 days after the buyer’s 1036 nonpayment or, if canceled, within 30 days after the clerk 1037 receives the costs of resale. The sale shall be held within 30 1038 days after readvertising. Only one advertisement is necessary. 1039 The amount of the opening bid shall be increased by the cost of 1040 advertising, additional clerk’s fees as provided for in s. 1041 28.24(22)s. 28.24(21), and interest as provided for in 1042 subsection (1). If, at the subsequent sale, there are no bidders 1043 at the tax deed sale and the certificateholder fails to pay the 1044 moneys due within 30 days after the sale, the clerk may not 1045 readvertise the sale and shall place the property on a list 1046 entitled “lands available for taxes.” The clerk must receive 1047 full payment before the issuance of the tax deed. 1048 (4)(a) A clerk may conduct electronic tax deed sales in 1049 lieu of public outcry. The clerk must comply with the procedures 1050 provided in this chapter, except that electronic proxy bidding 1051 shall be allowed and the clerk may require bidders to advance 1052 sufficient funds to pay the deposit required by subsection (2). 1053 The clerk shall provide access to the electronic sale by 1054 computer terminals open to the public at a designated location. 1055 A clerk who conducts such electronic sales may receive 1056 electronic deposits and payments related to the sale. The 1057 portion of an advance deposit from a winning bidder required by 1058 subsection (2) shall, upon acceptance of the winning bid, be 1059 subject to the fee under s. 28.24(11)s. 28.24(10). 1060 (b) This subsection does not restrict or limit the 1061 authority of a charter county to conduct electronic tax deed 1062 sales. In a charter county where the clerk of the circuit court 1063 does not conduct all electronic sales, the charter county shall 1064 be permitted to receive electronic deposits and payments related 1065 to sales it conducts, as well as to subject the winning bidder 1066 to a fee, consistent with the schedule in s. 28.24(11)s.106728.24(10). 1068 Section 23. Effective July 1, 2021, paragraph (b) of 1069 subsection (2) of section 197.582, Florida Statutes, is amended 1070 to read: 1071 197.582 Disbursement of proceeds of sale.— 1072 (2) 1073 (b) The mailed notice must include a form for making a 1074 claim under subsection (3). Service charges at the rate set 1075 forth in s. 28.24(11)s. 28.24(10)and the costs of mailing must 1076 be paid out of the surplus funds held by the clerk. If the clerk 1077 or comptroller certifies that the surplus funds are not 1078 sufficient to cover the service charges and mailing costs, the 1079 clerk shall receive the total amount of surplus funds as a 1080 service charge. For purposes of identifying unclaimed property 1081 pursuant to s. 717.113, excess proceeds shall be presumed 1082 payable or distributable on the date the notice is sent. 1083 Section 24. Effective July 1, 2021, paragraph (d) of 1084 subsection (3) of section of 569.23, Florida Statutes, is 1085 amended to read: 1086 569.23 Security requirements for tobacco settlement 1087 agreement signatories, successors, parents, and affiliates.— 1088 (3) 1089 (d) The clerk of the Supreme Court shall collect fees for 1090 receipt of deposits under this subsection as authorized by ss. 1091 28.231 and 28.24(11)28.24(10)(a). In addition, for as long as 1092 any cash remains on deposit with the clerk pursuant to this 1093 subsection, the clerk of the Supreme Court is entitled to 1094 regularly receive as an additional fee the net investment income 1095 earned thereon. The clerk shall use the services of the Chief 1096 Financial Officer, as needed, for the custody and management of 1097 all bonds, other surety, or cash posted or deposited with the 1098 clerk. All fees collected pursuant to this subsection shall be 1099 deposited in the State Courts Revenue Trust Fund for use as 1100 specified by law. 1101 Section 25. Effective July 1, 2021, subsection (3) of 1102 section 712.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1103 712.06 Contents of notice; recording and indexing.— 1104 (3) The person providing the notice referred to in s. 1105 712.05, other than a notice for preservation of a community 1106 covenant or restriction, shall: 1107 (a) Cause the clerk of the circuit court to mail by 1108 registered or certified mail to the purported owner of said 1109 property, as stated in such notice, a copy thereof and shall 1110 enter on the original, before recording the same, a certificate 1111 showing such mailing. For preparing the certificate, the 1112 claimant shall pay to the clerk the service charge as prescribed 1113 in s. 28.24(9)s. 28.24(8)and the necessary costs of mailing, 1114 in addition to the recording charges as prescribed in s. 1115 28.24(13)s. 28.24(12). If the notice names purported owners 1116 having more than one address, the person filing the same shall 1117 furnish a true copy for each of the several addresses stated, 1118 and the clerk shall send one such copy to the purported owners 1119 named at each respective address. Such certificate shall be 1120 sufficient if the same reads substantially as follows: 1121 1122 I hereby certify that I did on this ...., mail by 1123 registered (or certified) mail a copy of the foregoing notice to 1124 each of the following at the address stated: 1125 1126 ...(Clerk of the circuit court)... 1127 of .... County, Florida, 1128 By...(Deputy clerk)... 1129 1130 The clerk of the circuit court is not required to mail to the 1131 purported owner of such property any such notice that pertains 1132 solely to the preserving of any covenant or restriction or any 1133 portion of a covenant or restriction; or 1134 (b) Publish once a week, for 2 consecutive weeks, the 1135 notice referred to in s. 712.05, with the official record book 1136 and page number in which such notice was recorded, in a 1137 newspaper as defined in chapter 50 in the county in which the 1138 property is located. 1139 Section 26. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this 1140 act and except for this section, which shall take effect upon 1141 this act becoming a law, this act shall take effect October 1, 1142 2021.