Bill Text: FL S1252 | 2023 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-05-05 - Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 965 (Ch. 2023-186) [S1252 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S1252-Comm_Sub.html
Bill Title: Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-05-05 - Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 965 (Ch. 2023-186) [S1252 Detail]
Download: Florida-2023-S1252-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2023 CS for SB 1252 By the Committee on Transportation; and Senator DiCeglie 596-03095-23 20231252c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Department of Highway Safety 3 and Motor Vehicles; amending s. 207.004, F.S.; 4 requiring the department or its authorized agent to 5 issue certain licenses and fuel tax decals; amending 6 s. 316.066, F.S.; requiring traffic law enforcement 7 agencies to provide uniform crash reports to the 8 department by electronic means; requiring that such 9 crash reports be consistent with certain rules and 10 procedures and to be numbered and inventoried; 11 providing a declaration of important state interest; 12 amending s. 316.2935, F.S.; providing an exception to 13 requirements for certification of air pollution 14 control equipment by a motor vehicle seller, lessor, 15 or transferor; amending s. 316.302, F.S.; revising the 16 list of federal rules and regulations to which owners 17 and drivers of certain commercial motor vehicles are 18 subject; amending s. 319.14, F.S.; requiring that a 19 certificate of title for a flood vehicle specify the 20 type of water that caused damage to the vehicle, as 21 applicable; revising the definition of the term “flood 22 vehicle”; making technical changes; amending s. 23 319.23, F.S.; making technical changes; amending s. 24 319.28, F.S.; providing that a certain affidavit 25 constitutes proof of ownership and right of possession 26 to a motor vehicle or mobile home the previous owner 27 of which died testate; amending s. 319.29, F.S.; 28 prohibiting the department or a tax collector from 29 charging a fee for reissuance of certain certificates 30 of title; amending s. 319.30, F.S.; revising the 31 definition of the terms “independent entity” and 32 “major component parts”; defining the term “vessel”; 33 revising provisions relating to obtaining a salvage 34 certificate of title or certificate of destruction; 35 exempting the department from liability to certain 36 persons as a result of the issuance of such 37 certificate; extending current requirements for an 38 independent entity’s release of a damaged or 39 dismantled vehicle to vessels; authorizing the 40 independent entity to apply for certain certificates 41 for an unclaimed vessel; providing requirements for 42 such application; specifying provisions to which the 43 independent entity is subject; prohibiting the 44 independent entity from charging vessel storage fees; 45 amending s. 320.06, F.S.; authorizing permanent 46 registration of certain rental trucks; authorizing the 47 department to deem a license plate with reduced 48 dimensions to be necessary to accommodate trailers; 49 making technical changes; amending s. 320.084, F.S.; 50 providing that certain disabled veterans may, upon 51 request, be issued a military license plate or 52 specialty license plate in lieu of a “DV” license 53 plate; specifying applicable fees; specifying 54 nonapplicability of certain provisions; amending s. 55 322.01, F.S.; revising definitions; defining the term 56 “downgrade”; amending s. 322.02, F.S.; charging the 57 department with enforcement and administration of 58 certain federal provisions; amending s. 322.05, F.S.; 59 prohibiting the department from issuing a commercial 60 motor vehicle operator license to certain persons; 61 amending s. 322.07, F.S.; revising requirements for 62 issuance of a temporary commercial instruction permit; 63 amending s. 322.141, F.S.; requiring that certain 64 information on the driver license or identification 65 card of a sexual offender or sexual predator be 66 printed in red; amending s. 322.142, F.S.; authorizing 67 the department to issue reproductions of certain files 68 and records to certain criminal justice or driver 69 licensing agencies for certain purposes; amending s. 70 322.21, F.S.; authorizing reinstatement of a 71 commercial driver license after a downgrade of the 72 person’s privilege to operate a commercial motor 73 vehicle under certain circumstances; making technical 74 changes; creating s. 322.591, F.S.; requiring the 75 department to obtain a driver’s record from the 76 Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol 77 Clearinghouse under certain circumstances; prohibiting 78 the department from issuing, renewing, transferring, 79 or revising the types of authorized vehicles or the 80 endorsements of certain commercial driver licenses or 81 commercial instruction permits if the department 82 receives a certain notification; requiring the 83 department to downgrade a commercial driver license or 84 commercial instruction permit within a specified 85 timeframe if the department receives a certain 86 notification; requiring the department to notify 87 certain drivers of their prohibition from operating a 88 commercial motor vehicle and, upon request, afford 89 them an opportunity for an informal hearing; providing 90 requirements for such notice and hearing; requiring 91 the department to enter a final order to downgrade a 92 commercial driver license or commercial instruction 93 permit under certain circumstances; specifying that a 94 request for a hearing tolls certain deadlines; 95 specifying that certain notifications received by the 96 department must be in the record for consideration and 97 are self-authenticating; specifying that the basis for 98 the notification and the information in the Commercial 99 Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse are 100 not subject to challenge; requiring the department to 101 dismiss the downgrade of a commercial driver license 102 or instruction permit under certain circumstances; 103 requiring the department to record in the driver’s 104 record that he or she is disqualified from operating a 105 commercial motor vehicle under certain circumstances; 106 specifying that certain actions are not stayed during 107 the pendency of certain proceedings; requiring the 108 department to reinstate a commercial driver license or 109 commercial instruction permit under certain 110 circumstances; exempting the department from liability 111 for certain commercial driver license or commercial 112 instruction permit downgrades; designating the 113 exclusive procedure for the downgrade of certain 114 commercial driver licenses or commercial instruction 115 permits; providing construction and applicability; 116 authorizing the department to issue at no cost a 117 specified driver license to certain persons prohibited 118 from operating a commercial motor vehicle; amending 119 ss. 322.34 and 322.61, F.S.; conforming cross 120 references; making technical changes; amending ss. 121 324.0221, 324.131, 627.311, and 627.351, F.S.; 122 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 123 making technical changes; amending s. 627.7275, F.S.; 124 deleting provisions relating to noncancelable motor 125 vehicle insurance; making technical changes; providing 126 effective dates. 127 128 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 129 130 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 131 207.004, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 132 207.004 Registration of motor carriers; identifying 133 devices; fees; renewals; temporary fuel-use permits and 134 driveaway permits.— 135 (1)(a) ANomotor carrier may notshalloperate or cause to 136 be operated in this state any commercial motor vehicle, other 137 than a Florida-based commercial motor vehicle that travels 138 Florida intrastate mileage only, that uses diesel fuel or motor 139 fuel until such carrier has registered with the department or 140 has registered under a cooperative reciprocal agreement as 141 described in s. 207.0281, after such time as this state enters 142 into such agreement, and has been issued an identifying device 143 or such carrier has been issued a permit as authorized under 144 subsections (4) and (5) for each vehicle operated. The fee for 145 each such identifying device issued isThere shall be a fee of146 $4 per year or any fraction thereoffor each such identifying147device issued. The identifying device mustshallbe provided by 148 the department and must be conspicuously displayed on the 149 commercial motor vehicle as prescribed by the department while 150 it is being operated on the public highways of this state. The 151 transfer of an identifying device from one vehicle to another 152 vehicle or from one motor carrier to another motor carrier is 153 prohibited. The department or its authorized agent shall issue 154 licenses and fuel tax decals. 155 Section 2. Effective July 1, 2025, section 316.066, Florida 156 Statutes, is amended to read: 157 316.066 Written reports of crashes; electronic submission.— 158 (1)(a) All traffic law enforcement agencies must provide 159 uniform crash reports by electronic means to the department. 160 Such crash reports must be consistent with the state traffic 161 crash manual rules and the procedures established by the 162 department and must be appropriately numbered and inventoried. A 163 Florida Traffic Crash Report, Long Form must be completed and 164 electronically submitted to the department within 10 days after 165 an investigation is completed by the law enforcement officer who 166 in the regular course of duty investigates a motor vehicle crash 167 that: 168 1. Resulted in death of, personal injury to, or any 169 indication of complaints of pain or discomfort by any of the 170 parties or passengers involved in the crash; 171 2. Involved a violation of s. 316.061(1) or s. 316.193; 172 3. Rendered a vehicle inoperable to a degree that required 173 a wrecker to remove it from the scene of the crash; or 174 4. Involved a commercial motor vehicle. 175 (b) The Florida Traffic Crash Report, Long Form must 176 include: 177 1. The date, time, and location of the crash. 178 2. A description of the vehicles involved. 179 3. The names and addresses of the parties involved, 180 including all drivers and passengers, and the identification of 181 the vehicle in which each was a driver or a passenger. 182 4. The names and addresses of witnesses. 183 5. The name, badge number, and law enforcement agency of 184 the officer investigating the crash. 185 6. The names of the insurance companies for the respective 186 parties involved in the crash. 187 (c) In any crash for which a Florida Traffic Crash Report, 188 Long Form is not required by this section and which occurs on 189 the public roadways of this state, the law enforcement officer 190 shall complete a short-form crash report or provide a driver 191 exchange-of-information form, to be completed by all drivers and 192 passengers involved in the crash, which requires the 193 identification of each vehicle that the drivers and passengers 194 were in. The short-form report must include: 195 1. The date, time, and location of the crash. 196 2. A description of the vehicles involved. 197 3. The names and addresses of the parties involved, 198 including all drivers and passengers, and the identification of 199 the vehicle in which each was a driver or a passenger. 200 4. The names and addresses of witnesses. 201 5. The name, badge number, and law enforcement agency of 202 the officer investigating the crash. 203 6. The names of the insurance companies for the respective 204 parties involved in the crash. 205 (d) Each party to the crash must provide the law 206 enforcement officer with proof of insurance, which must be 207 documented in the crash report. If a law enforcement officer 208 submits a report on the crash, proof of insurance must be 209 provided to the officer by each party involved in the crash. Any 210 party who fails to provide the required information commits a 211 noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving 212 violation as provided in chapter 318, unless the officer 213 determines that due to injuries or other special circumstances 214 such insurance information cannot be provided immediately. If 215 the person provides the law enforcement agency, within 24 hours 216 after the crash, proof of insurance that was valid at the time 217 of the crash, the law enforcement agency may void the citation. 218 (e) The driver of a vehicle that was in any manner involved 219 in a crash resulting in damage to a vehicle or other property 220 which does not require a law enforcement report shall, within 10 221 days after the crash, submit a written report of the crash to 222 the department. The report mustshallbe submitted on a form 223 approved by the department. 224 (f) Long-form and short-form crash reports prepared by law 225 enforcement must be submitted to the department and may be 226 maintained by the law enforcement officer’s agency. 227 (2)(a) Crash reports that reveal the identity, home or 228 employment telephone number or home or employment address of, or 229 other personal information concerning the parties involved in 230 the crash and that are held by any agency that regularly 231 receives or prepares information from or concerning the parties 232 to motor vehicle crashes are confidential and exempt from s. 233 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution for a 234 period of 60 days after the date the report is filed. 235 (b) Crash reports held by an agency under paragraph (a) may 236 be made immediately available to the parties involved in the 237 crash, their legal representatives, their licensed insurance 238 agents, their insurers or insurers to which they have applied 239 for coverage, persons under contract with such insurers to 240 provide claims or underwriting information, prosecutorial 241 authorities, law enforcement agencies, the Department of 242 Transportation, county traffic operations, victim services 243 programs, radio and television stations licensed by the Federal 244 Communications Commission, newspapers qualified to publish legal 245 notices under ss. 50.011 and 50.031, and, in accordance with 246 paragraph (f), free newspapers of general circulation, published 247 once a week or more often, of which at least 7,500 copies are 248 distributed by mail or by carrier as verified by a postal 249 statement or by a notarized printer’s statement of press run, 250 which are intended to be generally distributed and circulated, 251 and which contain news of general interest with at least 10 252 pages per publication, available and of interest to the public 253 generally for the dissemination of news. For the purposes of 254 this section, the following products or publications are not 255 newspapers as referred to in this section: those intended 256 primarily for members of a particular profession or occupational 257 group; those with the primary purpose of distributing 258 advertising; and those with the primary purpose of publishing 259 names and other personal identifying information concerning 260 parties to motor vehicle crashes. 261 (c) Any local, state, or federal agency that is authorized 262 to have access to crash reports by any provision of law shall be 263 granted such access in the furtherance of the agency’s statutory 264 duties. 265 (d) As a condition precedent to accessing a crash report 266 within 60 days after the date the report is filed, a person must 267 present a valid driver license or other photographic 268 identification, proof of status, or identification that 269 demonstrates his or her qualifications to access that 270 information and file a written sworn statement with the state or 271 local agency in possession of the information stating that 272 information from a crash report made confidential and exempt by 273 this section will not be used for any commercial solicitation of 274 accident victims, or knowingly disclosed to any third party for 275 the purpose of such solicitation, during the period of time that 276 the information remains confidential and exempt. Such written 277 sworn statement must be completed and sworn to by the requesting 278 party for each individual crash report that is being requested 279 within 60 days after the report is filed. In lieu of requiring 280 the written sworn statement, an agency may provide crash reports 281 by electronic means to third-party vendors under contract with 282 one or more insurers, but only when such contract states that 283 information from a crash report made confidential and exempt by 284 this section will not be used for any commercial solicitation of 285 accident victims by the vendors, or knowingly disclosed by the 286 vendors to any third party for the purpose of such solicitation, 287 during the period of time that the information remains 288 confidential and exempt, and only when a copy of such contract 289 is furnished to the agency as proof of the vendor’s claimed 290 status. 291 (e) This subsection does not prevent the dissemination or 292 publication of news to the general public by any legitimate 293 media entitled to access confidential and exempt information 294 pursuant to this section. 295 (3)(a) Any driver failing to file the written report 296 required under subsection (1) commits a noncriminal traffic 297 infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in 298 chapter 318. 299 (b) Any employee of a state or local agency in possession 300 of information made confidential and exempt by this section who 301 knowingly discloses such confidential and exempt information to 302 a person not entitled to access such information under this 303 section commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as 304 provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 305 (c) Any person, knowing that he or she is not entitled to 306 obtain information made confidential and exempt by this section, 307 who obtains or attempts to obtain such information commits a 308 felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 309 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 310 (d) Any person who knowingly uses confidential and exempt 311 information in violation of a filed written sworn statement or 312 contractual agreement required by this section commits a felony 313 of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 314 775.083, or s. 775.084. 315 (4) Except as specified in this subsection, each crash 316 report made by a person involved in a crash and any statement 317 made by such person to a law enforcement officer for the purpose 318 of completing a crash report required by this section mustshall319 be without prejudice to the individual so reporting. Such report 320 or statement may not be used as evidence in any trial, civil or 321 criminal. However, subject to the applicable rules of evidence, 322 a law enforcement officer at a criminal trial may testify as to 323 any statement made to the officer by the person involved in the 324 crash if that person’s privilege against self-incrimination is 325 not violated. The results of breath, urine, and blood tests 326 administered as provided in s. 316.1932 or s. 316.1933 are not 327 confidential and are admissible into evidence in accordance with 328 the provisions of s. 316.1934(2). 329 (5) A law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(1), 330 may enforce this section. 331 Section 3. The Legislature finds that a proper and 332 legitimate purpose is served when crash reports required under 333 s. 316.066, Florida Statutes, are filed electronically with the 334 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles by all entities 335 required to submit crash reports. Electronic filing will 336 expedite the availability of crash reports to the persons 337 authorized to receive them, simplify the process of making crash 338 reports available, and expedite the availability of information 339 derived from crash reports to improve highway safety. The 340 requirement of this act that all law enforcement agencies that 341 prepare crash reports submit the completed crash reports 342 electronically to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 343 Vehicles applies to all similarly situated persons, including 344 school district law enforcement agencies, state university law 345 enforcement agencies, and state law enforcement agencies. 346 Therefore, the Legislature determines and declares that the 347 amendments made by this act to s. 316.066, Florida Statutes, 348 fulfill an important state interest. 349 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 350 316.2935, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 351 316.2935 Air pollution control equipment; tampering 352 prohibited; penalty.— 353 (1) 354 (b) At the time of sale, lease, or transfer of title of a 355 motor vehicle, the seller, lessor, or transferor shall certify 356 in writing to the purchaser, lessee, or transferee that the air 357 pollution control equipment of the motor vehicle has not been 358 tampered with by the seller, lessor, or transferor or their 359 agents, employees, or other representatives. A licensed motor 360 vehicle dealer shall also visually observe those air pollution 361 control devices listed by department rule pursuant to subsection 362 (7), and certify that they are in place, and appear properly 363 connected and undamaged. Such certification mayshallnot be 364 deemed or construed as a warranty that the pollution control 365 devices of the subject vehicle are in functional condition, nor 366 does the execution or delivery of this certification create by 367 itself grounds for a cause of action between the parties to this 368 transaction. This paragraph does not apply if the purchaser of 369 the motor vehicle is a lessee purchasing the leased motor 370 vehicle or if the licensed motor vehicle dealer is not in 371 possession of the motor vehicle at the time of sale. 372 Section 5. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (e) of subsection (1), 373 paragraph (d) of subsection (2), and subsection (9) of section 374 316.302, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 375 316.302 Commercial motor vehicles; safety regulations; 376 transporters and shippers of hazardous materials; enforcement.— 377 (1)(a) All owners and drivers of commercial motor vehicles 378 that are operated on the public highways of this state while 379 engaged in interstate commerce are subject to the rules and 380 regulations contained in 49 C.F.R. parts 382, 383, 384, 385, 381 386, and 390-397. 382 (b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, all 383 owners and drivers of commercial motor vehicles that are engaged 384 in intrastate commerce are subject to the rules and regulations 385 contained in 49 C.F.R. parts 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, and 390 386 397, as such rules and regulations existed on December 31, 2022 3872020. 388(e) A person who operates a commercial motor vehicle solely389in intrastate commerce which does not transport hazardous390materials in amounts that require placarding pursuant to 49391C.F.R. part 172 need not comply with the requirements of392electronic logging devices and hours of service supporting393documents as provided in 49 C.F.R. parts 385, 386, 390, and 395394until December 31, 2019.395 (2) 396 (d) A person who operates a commercial motor vehicle solely 397 in intrastate commerce not transporting any hazardous material 398 in amounts that require placarding pursuant to 49 C.F.R. part 399 172 within a 150 air-mile radius of the location where the 400 vehicle is based need not comply with 49 C.F.R. ss. 395.8 and 401 395.11s. 395.8if the requirements of 49 C.F.R. s. 395.1(e)(1) 402 (iii) and (iv)49 C.F.R. s. 395.1(e)(1) (ii), (iii)(A) and (C),403and (v)are met. 404 (9) For the purpose of enforcing this section, any law 405 enforcement officer of the Department of Highway Safety and 406 Motor Vehicles or duly appointed agent who holds a current 407 safety inspector certification from the Commercial Vehicle 408 Safety Alliance may require the driver of any commercial vehicle 409 operated on the highways of this state to stop and submit to an 410 inspection of the vehicle or the driver’s records. If the 411 vehicle or driver is found to be operating in an unsafe 412 condition, or if any required part or equipment is not present 413 or is not in proper repair or adjustment, and the continued 414 operation would present an unduly hazardous operating condition, 415 the officer or agent may require the vehicle or the driver to be 416 removed from service pursuant to the North American Standard 417 Out-of-Service Criteria, until corrected. However, if continuous 418 operation would not present an unduly hazardous operating 419 condition, the officer or agent may give written notice 420 requiring correction of the condition within 15 days. 421 (a) Any member of the Florida Highway Patrol or any law 422 enforcement officer employed by a sheriff’s office or municipal 423 police department authorized to enforce the traffic laws of this 424 state pursuant to s. 316.640 who has reason to believe that a 425 vehicle or driver is operating in an unsafe condition may, as 426 provided in subsection (11), enforce the provisions of this 427 section. 428 (b) Any person who fails to comply with aan officer’s429 request to submit to an inspection under this subsection commits 430 a violation of s. 843.02 if the person resists the officer 431 without violence or a violation of s. 843.01 if the person 432 resists the officer with violence. 433 Section 6. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of 434 section 319.14, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 435 319.14 Sale of motor vehicles registered or used as 436 taxicabs, police vehicles, lease vehicles, rebuilt vehicles, 437 nonconforming vehicles, custom vehicles, or street rod vehicles; 438 conversion of low-speed vehicles.— 439 (1) 440 (b) A person may not knowingly offer for sale, sell, or 441 exchange a rebuilt vehicle until the department has stamped in a 442 conspicuous place on the certificate of title for the vehicle 443 words stating that the vehicle has been rebuilt or assembled 444 from parts, or is a kit car, glider kit, replica, flood vehicle, 445 custom vehicle, or street rod vehicle unless proper application 446 for a certificate of title for a vehicle that is rebuilt or 447 assembled from parts, or is a kit car, glider kit, replica, 448 flood vehicle, custom vehicle, or street rod vehicle has been 449 made to the department in accordance with this chapter and the 450 department has conducted the physical examination of the vehicle 451 to assure the identity of the vehicle and all major component 452 parts, as defined in s. 319.30(1), which have been repaired or 453 replaced. If a vehicle is identified as a flood vehicle, the 454 words stamped on the certificate of title must identify the type 455 of water that caused damage to the vehicle as “salt water,” 456 “fresh water,” or “other or unknown water type,” as applicable. 457 Thereafter, the department shall affix a decal to the vehicle, 458 in the manner prescribed by the department, showing the vehicle 459 to be rebuilt. 460 (c) As used in this section, the term: 461 9.1.“Police vehicle” means a motor vehicle owned or leased 462 by the state or a county or municipality and used in law 463 enforcement. 464 13.2.a.“Short-term-lease vehicle” means a motor vehicle 465 leased without a driver and under a written agreement to one or 466 more persons from time to time for a period of less than 12 467 months. 468 7.b.“Long-term-lease vehicle” means a motor vehicle leased 469 without a driver and under a written agreement to one person for 470 a period of 12 months or longer. 471 6.c.“Lease vehicle” includes both short-term-lease 472 vehicles and long-term-lease vehicles. 473 10.3.“Rebuilt vehicle” means a motor vehicle or mobile 474 home built from salvage or junk, as defined in s. 319.30(1). 475 1.4.“Assembled from parts” means a motor vehicle or mobile 476 home assembled from parts or combined from parts of motor 477 vehicles or mobile homes, new or used. The term “assembled from 478 parts” does not includemean a motor vehicle defined asa 479 “rebuilt vehicle” as defined in subparagraph subparagraph4803.,which has been declared a total loss pursuant to s. 319.30. 481 5. “Kit car” means a motor vehicle assembled with a kit 482 supplied by a manufacturer to rebuild a wrecked or outdated 483 motor vehicle with a new body kit. 484 4.6.“Glider kit” means a vehicle assembled with a kit 485 supplied by a manufacturer to rebuild a wrecked or outdated 486 truck or truck tractor. 487 11.7.“Replica” means a complete new motor vehicle 488 manufactured to look like an old vehicle. 489 3.8.“Flood vehicle” means a motor vehicle or mobile home 490 that has been declared to be a total loss pursuant to s. 491 319.30(3)(a) resulting from damage caused by salt water, fresh 492 water, or other or unknown type of water. 493 8.9.“Nonconforming vehicle” means a motor vehicle that 494whichhas been purchased by a manufacturer pursuant to a 495 settlement, determination, or decision under chapter 681. 496 12.10.“Settlement” means an agreement entered into between 497 a manufacturer and a consumer whichthatoccurs after a dispute 498 is submitted to a program, or to an informal dispute settlement 499 procedure established by a manufacturer, or is approved for 500 arbitration before the Florida New Motor Vehicle Arbitration 501 Board as defined in s. 681.102. 502 2.11.“Custom vehicle” means a motor vehicle that: 503 a. Is 25 years of age or older and of a model year after 504 1948 or was manufactured to resemble a vehicle that is 25 years 505 of age or older and of a model year after 1948; and 506 b. Has been altered from the manufacturer’s original design 507 or has a body constructed from nonoriginal materials. 508 509 The model year and year of manufacture that the body of a custom 510 vehicle resembles is the model year and year of manufacture 511 listed on the certificate of title, regardless of when the 512 vehicle was actually manufactured. 513 14.12.“Street rod” means a motor vehicle that: 514 a. Is of a model year of 1948 or older or was manufactured 515 after 1948 to resemble a vehicle of a model year of 1948 or 516 older; and 517 b. Has been altered from the manufacturer’s original design 518 or has a body constructed from nonoriginal materials. 519 520 The model year and year of manufacture that the body of a street 521 rod resembles is the model year and year of manufacture listed 522 on the certificate of title, regardless of when the vehicle was 523 actually manufactured. 524 Section 7. Subsection (3) of section 319.23, Florida 525 Statutes, is amended to read: 526 319.23 Application for, and issuance of, certificate of 527 title.— 528 (3) If a certificate of title has not previously been 529 issued for a motor vehicle or mobile home in this state, the 530 application must, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, 531shallbe accompanied by a proper bill of sale or sworn statement 532 of ownership, or a duly certified copy thereof, or by a 533 certificate of title, bill of sale, or other evidence of 534 ownership required by the law of the state or countrycounty535 from which the motor vehicle or mobile home was brought into 536 this state. The application mustshallalso be accompanied by: 537 (a)1. A sworn affidavit from the seller and purchaser 538 verifying that the vehicle identification number shown on the 539 affidavit is identical to the vehicle identification number 540 shown on the motor vehicle; or 541 2. An appropriate departmental form evidencing that a 542 physical examination has been made of the motor vehicle by the 543 owner and by a duly constituted law enforcement officer in any 544 state, a licensed motor vehicle dealer, a license inspector as 545 provided by s. 320.58, or a notary public commissioned by this 546 state and that the vehicle identification number shown on such 547 form is identical to the vehicle identification number shown on 548 the motor vehicle; and 549 (b) If the vehicle is a used car original, a sworn 550 affidavit from the owner verifying that the odometer reading 551 shown on the affidavit is identical to the odometer reading 552 shown on the motor vehicle in accordance with the requirements 553 of 49 C.F.R. s. 580.5 at the time that application for title is 554 made. For the purposes of this section, the term “used car 555 original” means a used vehicle coming into and being titled in 556 this state for the first time. 557 (c) If the vehicle is an ancient or antique vehicle, as 558 defined in s. 320.086, the application mustshallbe accompanied 559 by a certificate of title; a bill of sale and a registration; or 560 a bill of sale and an affidavit by the owner defending the title 561 from all claims. The bill of sale must contain a complete 562 vehicle description to include the vehicle identification or 563 engine number, year make, color, selling price, and signatures 564 of the seller and purchaser. 565 566 Verification of the vehicle identification number is not 567 required for any new motor vehicle; any mobile home; any trailer 568 or semitrailer with a net weight of less than 2,000 pounds; or 569 any travel trailer, camping trailer, truck camper, or fifth 570 wheel recreation trailer. 571 Section 8. Present paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1) 572 of section 319.28, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as 573 paragraphs (d) and (e), respectively, and a new paragraph (c) is 574 added to that subsection, to read: 575 319.28 Transfer of ownership by operation of law.— 576 (1) 577 (c) If the previous owner died testate and the application 578 for a certificate of title is made by, and accompanied by an 579 affidavit attested by, a Florida-licensed attorney in good 580 standing with The Florida Bar who represents the previous 581 owner’s estate, such affidavit, for purposes of paragraph (a), 582 constitutes satisfactory proof of ownership and right of 583 possession to the motor vehicle or mobile home, so long as the 584 affidavit sets forth the rightful heir or heirs and the attorney 585 attests in the affidavit that such heir or heirs are lawfully 586 entitled to the rights of ownership and possession of the motor 587 vehicle or mobile home. The application for certificate of title 588 filed under this paragraph is not required to be accompanied by 589 a copy of the will or other testamentary instrument. 590 Section 9. Subsection (3) of section 319.29, Florida 591 Statutes, is amended to read: 592 319.29 Lost or destroyed certificates.— 593 (3) If, following the issuance of an original, duplicate, 594 or corrected certificate of title by the department, the 595 certificate is lost in transit and is not delivered to the 596 addressee, the owner of the motor vehicle or mobile home, or the 597 holder of a lien thereon, may, within 180 days afterofthe date 598 of issuance of the title, apply to the department for reissuance 599 of the certificate of title. AnNoadditional fee may notshall600 be charged by the department or a tax collector, as agent for 601 the department, for reissuance under this subsection. 602 Section 10. Paragraphs (g) and (j) of subsection (1), 603 paragraph (b) of subsection (3), and subsection (9) of section 604 319.30, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (y) is 605 added to subsection (1) of that section, to read: 606 319.30 Definitions; dismantling, destruction, change of 607 identity of motor vehicle or mobile home; salvage.— 608 (1) As used in this section, the term: 609 (g) “Independent entity” means a business or entity that 610 may temporarily store damaged or dismantled motor vehicles or 611 vessels pursuant to an agreement with an insurance company and 612 is engaged in the sale or resale of damaged or dismantled motor 613 vehicles or vessels. The term does not include a wrecker 614 operator, a towing company, or a repair facility. 615 (j) “Major component parts” means: 616 1. For motor vehicles other than motorcycles and electric, 617 hybrid, or plug-in hybrid motor vehicles, any fender, hood, 618 bumper, cowl assembly, rear quarter panel, trunk lid, door, 619 decklid, floor pan, engine, frame, transmission, catalytic 620 converter, or airbag. 621 2. For trucks, other than electric, hybrid, or plug-in 622 hybrid motor vehicles, in addition to those parts listed in 623 subparagraph 1., any truck bed, including dump, wrecker, crane, 624 mixer, cargo box, or any bed which mounts to a truck frame. 625 3. For motorcycles, the body assembly, frame, fenders, gas 626 tanks, engine, cylinder block, heads, engine case, crank case, 627 transmission, drive train, front fork assembly, and wheels. 628 4. For mobile homes, the frame. 629 5. For electric, hybrid, or plug-in hybrid motor vehicles, 630 any fender, hood, bumper, cowl assembly, rear quarter panel, 631 trunk lid, door, decklid, floor pan, engine, electric traction 632 motor, frame, transmission or electronic transmission, charge 633 port, DC power converter, onboard charger, power electronics 634 controller, thermal system, traction battery pack, catalytic 635 converter, or airbag. 636 (y) “Vessel” has the same meaning as provided in s. 637 713.78(1)(b). 638 (3) 639 (b) The owner, including persons who are self-insured, of a 640 motor vehicle or mobile home that is considered to be salvage 641 shall, within 72 hours after the motor vehicle or mobile home 642 becomes salvage, forward the title to the motor vehicle or 643 mobile home to the department for processing. However, an 644 insurance company that pays money as compensation for the total 645 loss of a motor vehicle or mobile home shall obtain the 646 certificate of title for the motor vehicle or mobile home, make 647 the required notification to the National Motor Vehicle Title 648 Information System, and, within 72 hours after receiving such 649 certificate of title, forward such title by the United States 650 Postal Service, by another commercial delivery service, or by 651 electronic means, when such means are made available by the 652 department, to the department for processing. The owner or 653 insurance company, as applicable, may not dispose of a vehicle 654 or mobile home that is a total loss before it obtains a salvage 655 certificate of title or certificate of destruction from the 656 department.Effective January 1, 2020:657 1. Thirty days after payment of a claim for compensation 658 pursuant to this paragraph, the insurance company may receive a 659 salvage certificate of title or certificate of destruction from 660 the department if the insurance company is unable to obtain a 661 properly assigned paper or electronic certificate of title from 662 the owner or lienholder of the motor vehicle or mobile home, if663the motor vehicle or mobile home does not carry an electronic664lien on the titleand the insurance company: 665 a. Has obtained the release of all liens on the motor 666 vehicle or mobile home or has fully paid the amounts due to the 667 owner and the lienholder; 668 b. Has attested on a form provided by the department that 669 payment of the total loss claim has been distributed or, if a 670 release of all liens has not been obtained, that amounts due to 671 the owner and the lienholder have been paid in full; and 672 c. Has attested on a form provided by the department and 673 signed by the insurance company or its authorized agent stating 674 the attempts that have been made to obtain the title from the 675 owner or the lienholder and further stating that all attempts 676 are to no avail. The form must include a request that the 677 salvage certificate of title or certificate of destruction be 678 issued in the insurance company’s name due to payment of a total 679 loss claim to the owner or lienholder. The attempts to contact 680 the owner or the lienholder may be by written request delivered 681 in person or by first-class mail with a certificate of mailing 682 to the owner’s or lienholder’s last known address. 683 2. If the owner or the lienholder is notified of the 684 request for title in person, the insurance company must provide 685 an affidavit attesting to the in-person request for a 686 certificate of title. 687 3. The request to the owner or the lienholder for the 688 certificate of title must include a complete description of the 689 motor vehicle or mobile home and the statement that a total loss 690 claim has been paid on the motor vehicle or mobile home. 691 692 The department is not liable to, and may not be held liable by, 693 an owner, a lienholder, or any other person as a result of the 694 issuance of a salvage certificate of title or a certificate of 695 destruction pursuant to this paragraph. 696 (9)(a) An insurance company may notify an independent 697 entity that obtains possession of a damaged or dismantled motor 698 vehicle or vessel to release the vehicle or vessel to the owner. 699 The insurance company shall provide the independent entity a 700 release statement on a form prescribed by the department 701 authorizing the independent entity to release the vehicle or 702 vessel to the owner or lienholder. The form must, at a minimum, 703 contain the following: 704 1. The policy and claim number. 705 2. The name and address of the insured. 706 3. The vehicle identification number or vessel hull 707 identification number. 708 4. The signature of an authorized representative of the 709 insurance company. 710 (b) The independent entity in possession of a motor vehicle 711 or vessel must send a notice to the owner that the vehicle or 712 vessel is available for pickup when it receives a release 713 statement from the insurance company. The notice mustshallbe 714 sent by certified mail or by another commercially available 715 delivery service that provides proof of delivery to the owner at 716 the owner’s address contained in the department’s records. The 717 notice must state that the owner has 30 days after delivery of 718 the notice to the owner at the owner’s address to pick up the 719 vehicle or vessel from the independent entity. If the motor 720 vehicle or vessel is not claimed within 30 days after the 721 delivery or attempted delivery of the notice, the independent 722 entity may apply for a certificate of destruction, a salvage 723 certificate of title, or a certificate of title. For a hull 724 damaged vessel, the independent entity shall comply with s. 725 328.045, as applicable. 726 (c) If the department’s records do not contain the owner’s 727 address, the independent entity must do all of the following: 728 1. Send a notice that meets the requirements of paragraph 729 (b) to the owner’s address that is provided by the insurance 730 company in the release statement. 731 2. For a vehicle, identify the latest titling jurisdiction 732 of the vehicle through use of the National Motor Vehicle Title 733 Information System or an equivalent commercially available 734 system and attempt to obtain the owner’s address from that 735 jurisdiction. If the jurisdiction returns an address that is 736 different from the owner’s address provided by the insurance 737 company, the independent entity must send a notice that meets 738 the requirements of paragraph (b) to both addresses. 739 (d) The independent entity shall maintain for at leasta740minimum of3 years the records related to the 30-day notice sent 741 to the owner. For vehicles, the independent entity shall also 742 maintain for at least 3 years the results of searches of the 743 National Motor Vehicle Title Information System or an equivalent 744 commercially available system,and the notification to the 745 National Motor Vehicle Title Information System made pursuant to 746 paragraph (e). 747 (e) The independent entity shall make the required 748 notification to the National Motor Vehicle Title Information 749 System before releasing any damaged or dismantled motor vehicle 750 to the owner or before applying for a certificate of destruction 751 or salvage certificate of title. The independent entity is not 752 required to notify the National Motor Vehicle Title Information 753 System before releasing any damaged or dismantled vessel to the 754 owner or before applying for a certificate of title. 755 (f) Upon applying for a certificate of destruction,or756 salvage certificate of title, or certificate of title, the 757 independent entity shall provide a copy of the release statement 758 from the insurance company to the independent entity, proof of 759 providing the 30-day notice to the owner, proof of notification 760 to the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System if 761 required, proof of all lien satisfactions or proof of a release 762 of all liens on the motor vehicle or vessel, and applicable 763 fees. If the independent entity is unable to obtain a lien 764 satisfaction or a release of all liens on the motor vehicle or 765 vessel, the independent entity must provide an affidavit stating 766 that notice was sent to all lienholders that the motor vehicle 767 or vessel is available for pickup, 30 days have passed since the 768 notice was delivered or attempted to be delivered pursuant to 769 this section, attempts have been made to obtain a release from 770 all lienholders, and all such attempts have been to no avail. 771 The notice to lienholders and attempts to obtain a release from 772 lienholders may be by written request delivered in person or by 773 certified mail or another commercially available delivery 774 service that provides proof of delivery to the lienholder at the 775 lienholder’s address as provided on the certificate of title and 776 to the address designated with the Department of State pursuant 777 to s. 655.0201(2) if such address is different. 778 (g) The independent entity may not charge an owner of the 779 vehicle or vessel storage fees or apply for a title under s. 780 713.585 or s. 713.78. 781 Section 11. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraph 782 (a) of subsection (3) of section 320.06, Florida Statutes, are 783 amended to read: 784 320.06 Registration certificates, license plates, and 785 validation stickers generally.— 786 (1) 787 (b)1. Registration license plates bearing a graphic symbol 788 and the alphanumeric system of identification shall be issued 789 for a 10-year period. At the end of the 10-year period, upon 790 renewal, the plate mustshallbe replaced. The department shall 791 extend the scheduled license plate replacement date from a 6 792 year period to a 10-year period. The fee for such replacement is 793 $28, $2.80 of which mustshallbe paid each year before the 794 plate is replaced, to be credited toward the next $28 795 replacement fee. The fees mustshallbe deposited into the 796 Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund. A credit or refund may not 797 be given for any prior years’ payments of the prorated 798 replacement fee if the plate is replaced or surrendered before 799 the end of the 10-year period, except that a credit may be given 800 if a registrant is required by the department to replace a 801 license plate under s. 320.08056(8)(a). With each license plate, 802 a validation sticker mustshallbe issued showing the owner’s 803 birth month, license plate number, and the year of expiration or 804 the appropriate renewal period if the owner is not a natural 805 person. The validation sticker mustshallbe placed on the upper 806 right corner of the license plate. The license plate and 807 validation sticker mustshallbe issued based on the applicant’s 808 appropriate renewal period. The registration period is 12 809 months, the extended registration period is 24 months, and all 810 expirations occur based on the applicant’s appropriate 811 registration period. Rental vehicles taxed pursuant to s. 812 320.08(6)(a) and rental trucks taxed pursuant to s. 813 320.08(3)(a), (b), and (c) and (4)(a)-(d) may elect a permanent 814 registration period, provided payment of the appropriate license 815 taxes and fees occurs annually. 816 2. A vehicle that has an apportioned registration must 817shallbe issued an annual license plate and a cab card that 818 denote the declared gross vehicle weight for each apportioned 819 jurisdiction in which the vehicle is authorized to operate. This 820 subparagraph expires June 30, 2024. 821 3. Beginning July 1, 2024, a vehicle registered in 822 accordance with the International Registration Plan must be 823 issued a license plate for a 3-year period. At the end of the 3 824 year period, upon renewal, the license plate must be replaced. 825 Each license plate must include a validation sticker showing the 826 month of expiration. A cab card denoting the declared gross 827 vehicle weight for each apportioned jurisdiction must be issued 828 annually. The fee for an original or a renewal cab card is $28, 829 which must be deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust 830 Fund. If the license plate is damaged or worn, it may be 831 replaced at no charge by applying to the department and 832 surrendering the current license plate. 833 4. In order to retain the efficient administration of the 834 taxes and fees imposed by this chapter, the 80-cent fee increase 835 in the replacement fee imposed by chapter 2009-71, Laws of 836 Florida, is negated as provided in s. 320.0804. 837 (3)(a) Registration license plates must be made of metal 838 specially treated with a retroreflection material, as specified 839 by the department. The registration license plate is designed to 840 increase nighttime visibility and legibility and must be at 841 least 6 inches wide and not less than 12 inches in length, 842 unless a plate with reduced dimensions is deemed necessary by 843 the department to accommodate motorcycles, mopeds,orsimilar 844 smaller vehicles, or trailers. Validation stickers must also be 845 treated with a retroreflection material, must be of such size as 846 specified by the department, and must adhere to the license 847 plate. The registration license plate must be imprinted with a 848 combination of bold letters and numerals or numerals, not to 849 exceed seven digits, to identify the registration license plate 850 number. The license plate must be imprinted with the word 851 “Florida” at the top and the name of the county in which it is 852 sold, the state motto, or the words “Sunshine State” at the 853 bottom. Apportioned license plates must have the word 854 “Apportioned” at the bottom, and license plates issued for 855 vehicles taxed under s. 320.08(3)(d), (4)(m) or (n), (5)(b) or 856 (c), or (14) must have the word “Restricted” at the bottom. 857 License plates issued for vehicles taxed under s. 320.08(12) 858 must be imprinted with the word “Florida” at the top and the 859 word “Dealer” at the bottom unless the license plate is a 860 specialty license plate as authorized in s. 320.08056. 861 Manufacturer license plates issued for vehicles taxed under s. 862 320.08(12) must be imprinted with the word “Florida” at the top 863 and the word “Manufacturer” at the bottom. License plates issued 864 for vehicles taxed under s. 320.08(5)(d) or (e) must be 865 imprinted with the word “Wrecker” at the bottom. Any county may, 866 upon majority vote of the county commission, elect to have the 867 county name removed from the license plates sold in that county. 868 The state motto or the words “Sunshine State” mustshallbe 869 printed in lieu thereof. A license plate issued for a vehicle 870 taxed under s. 320.08(6) may not be assigned a registration 871 license number, or be issued with any other distinctive 872 character or designation, that distinguishes the motor vehicle 873 as a for-hire motor vehicle. 874 Section 12. Subsection (1) of section 320.084, Florida 875 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (6) is added to that 876 section, to read: 877 320.084 Free motor vehicle license plate to certain 878 disabled veterans.— 879 (1) One free “DV” motor vehicle license number plate must 880shallbe issued by the department for use on any motor vehicle 881 owned or leased by any disabled veteran who has been a resident 882 of this state continuously for the preceding 5 years or has 883 established a domicile in this state as provided by s. 884 222.17(1), (2), or (3), and who has been honorably discharged 885 from the United States Armed Forces, upon application, 886 accompanied by proof that: 887 (a) A vehicle was initially acquired through financial 888 assistance by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs 889 or its predecessor specifically for the purchase of an 890 automobile; 891 (b) The applicant has been determined by the United States 892 Department of Veterans Affairs or its predecessor to have a 893 service-connected 100-percent disability rating for 894 compensation; or 895 (c) The applicant has been determined to have a service 896 connected disability rating of 100 percent and is in receipt of 897 disability retirement pay from any branch of the United States 898 Armed Services. 899 (6)(a) A disabled veteran who qualifies for issuance of a 900 “DV” license under subsection (1) may be issued, in lieu of the 901 “DV” license plate, a military license plate for which he or she 902 is eligible or a specialty license plate. A disabled veteran 903 electing a military license plate or specialty license plate 904 under this paragraph must pay all applicable fees related to 905 such license plate, except for fees otherwise waived under 906 subsections (1) and (4). 907 (b) A military license plate or specialty license plate 908 elected under this subsection: 909 1. Does not provide the protections or rights afforded by 910 s. 316.1955, s. 316.1964, s. 320.0848, s. 526.141, or s. 911 553.5041. 912 2. Is not eligible for the international symbol of 913 accessibility as described in s. 320.0842. 914 Section 13. Present subsections (16) through (48) of 915 section 322.01, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as 916 subsections (17) through (49), respectively, a new subsection 917 (16) is added to that section, and subsection (5) and present 918 subsections (37) and (41) of that section are amended, to read: 919 322.01 Definitions.—As used in this chapter: 920 (5) “Cancellation” means the act of declaring a driver 921 license void and terminated, but does not include a downgrade. 922 (16) “Downgrade” has the same meaning as the definition of 923 the term “CDL downgrade” in 49 C.F.R. s. 383.5(4). 924 (38)(37)“Revocation” means the termination of a licensee’s 925 privilege to drive, but does not include a downgrade. 926 (42)(41)“Suspension” means the temporary withdrawal of a 927 licensee’s privilege to drive a motor vehicle, but does not 928 include a downgrade. 929 Section 14. Subsection (2) of section 322.02, Florida 930 Statutes, is amended to read: 931 322.02 Legislative intent; administration.— 932 (2) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is 933 charged with the administration and function of enforcement of 934 the provisions of this chapter and the enforcement and 935 administration of 49 C.F.R. parts 382-386 and 390-397. 936 Section 15. Present subsections (4) through (12) of section 937 322.05, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (5) 938 through (13), respectively, and a new subsection (4) is added to 939 that section, to read: 940 322.05 Persons not to be licensed.—The department may not 941 issue a license: 942 (4) To any person, as a commercial motor vehicle operator, 943 who is ineligible to operate a commercial motor vehicle pursuant 944 to 49 C.F.R. part 383. 945 Section 16. Subsection (3) of section 322.07, Florida 946 Statutes, is amended to read: 947 322.07 Instruction permits and temporary licenses.— 948 (3) Any person who, except for his or her lack of 949 instruction in operating a commercial motor vehicle, would 950 otherwise be qualified to obtain a commercial driver license 951 under this chapter, may apply for a temporary commercial 952 instruction permit. The department shall issue such a permit 953 entitling the applicant, while having the permit in his or her 954 immediate possession, to drive a commercial motor vehicle on the 955 highways, if: 956 (a) The applicant possesses a valid Florida driver license; 957and958 (b) The applicant, while operating a commercial motor 959 vehicle, is accompanied by a licensed driver who is 21 years of 960 age or older, who is licensed to operate the class of vehicle 961 being operated, and who is occupying the closest seat to the 962 right of the driver; and 963 (c) The department has not been notified that, under 49 964 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a), the applicant is prohibited from operating 965 a commercial motor vehicle. 966 Section 17. Effective January 1, 2024, subsection (3) of 967 section 322.141, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 968 322.141 Color or markings of certain licenses or 969 identification cards.— 970 (3) All licenses for the operation of motor vehicles or 971 identification cards originally issued or reissued by the 972 department to persons who are designated as sexual predators 973 under s. 775.21 or subject to registration as sexual offenders 974 under s. 943.0435 or s. 944.607, or who have a similar 975 designation or are subject to a similar registration under the 976 laws of another jurisdiction, mustshallhave on the front of 977 the license or identification card, in a distinctive format and 978 printed in the color red, all of the following information: 979 (a) For a person designated as a sexual predator under s. 980 775.21 or who has a similar designation under the laws of 981 another jurisdiction, the marking “SEXUAL PREDATOR.” 982 (b) For a person subject to registration as a sexual 983 offender under s. 943.0435 or s. 944.607, or subject to a 984 similar registration under the laws of another jurisdiction, the 985 marking “943.0435, F.S.” 986 Section 18. Subsection (4) of section 322.142, Florida 987 Statutes, is amended to read: 988 322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.— 989 (4) The department may maintain a film negative or print 990 file. The department shall maintain a record of the digital 991 image and signature of the licensees, together with other data 992 required by the department for identification and retrieval. 993 Reproductions from the file or digital record are exempt from 994 the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and may be made and issued only 995 in any of the following manners: 996 (a) For departmental administrative purposes.;997 (b) For the issuance of duplicate licenses.;998 (c) In response to law enforcement agency requests.;999 (d) To the Department of Business and Professional 1000 Regulation and the Department of Health pursuant to an 1001 interagency agreement for the purpose of accessing digital 1002 images for reproduction of licenses issued by the Department of 1003 Business and Professional Regulation or the Department of 1004 Health.;1005 (e) To the Department of State pursuant to an interagency 1006 agreement to facilitate determinations of eligibility of voter 1007 registration applicants and registered voters in accordance with 1008 ss. 98.045 and 98.075.;1009 (f) To the Department of Revenue pursuant to an interagency 1010 agreement for use in establishing paternity and establishing, 1011 modifying, or enforcing support obligations in Title IV-D 1012 cases.;1013 (g) To the Department of Children and Families pursuant to 1014 an interagency agreement to conduct protective investigations 1015 under part III of chapter 39 and chapter 415.;1016 (h) To the Department of Children and Families pursuant to 1017 an interagency agreement specifying the number of employees in 1018 each of that department’s regions to be granted access to the 1019 records for use as verification of identity to expedite the 1020 determination of eligibility for public assistance and for use 1021 in public assistance fraud investigations.;1022 (i) To the Agency for Health Care Administration pursuant 1023 to an interagency agreement for the purpose of authorized 1024 agencies verifying photographs in the Care Provider Background 1025 Screening Clearinghouse authorized under s. 435.12.;1026 (j) To the Department of Financial Services pursuant to an 1027 interagency agreement to facilitate the location of owners of 1028 unclaimed property, the validation of unclaimed property claims, 1029 the identification of fraudulent or false claims, and the 1030 investigation of allegations of violations of the insurance code 1031 by licensees and unlicensed persons.;1032 (k) To the Department of Economic Opportunity pursuant to 1033 an interagency agreement to facilitate the validation of 1034 reemployment assistance claims and the identification of 1035 fraudulent or false reemployment assistance claims.;1036 (l) To district medical examiners pursuant to an 1037 interagency agreement for the purpose of identifying a deceased 1038 individual, determining cause of death, and notifying next of 1039 kin of any investigations, including autopsies and other 1040 laboratory examinations, authorized in s. 406.11.;1041 (m) To the following persons for the purpose of identifying 1042 a person as part of the official work of a court: 1043 1. A justice or judge of this state; 1044 2. An employee of the state courts system who works in a 1045 position that is designated in writing for access by the Chief 1046 Justice of the Supreme Court or a chief judge of a district or 1047 circuit court, or by his or her designee; or 1048 3. A government employee who performs functions on behalf 1049 of the state courts system in a position that is designated in 1050 writing for access by the Chief Justice or a chief judge, or by 1051 his or her designee.; or1052 (n) To the Agency for Health Care Administration pursuant 1053 to an interagency agreement to prevent health care fraud. If the 1054 Agency for Health Care Administration enters into an agreement 1055 with a private entity to carry out duties relating to health 1056 care fraud prevention, such contracts mustshallinclude, but 1057 need not be limited to: 1058 1. Provisions requiring internal controls and audit 1059 processes to identify access, use, and unauthorized access of 1060 information. 1061 2. A requirement to report unauthorized access or use to 1062 the Agency for Health Care Administration within 1 business day 1063 after the discovery of the unauthorized access or use. 1064 3. Provisions for liquidated damages for unauthorized 1065 access or use of no less than $5,000 per occurrence. 1066 (o) To any criminal justice agency, as defined in s. 1067 943.045, pursuant to an interagency agreement for use in 1068 carrying out the criminal justice agency’s functions. 1069 (p) To the driver licensing agency of any other state for 1070 purposes of validating the identity of an applicant for a driver 1071 license or identification card. 1072 Section 19. Subsection (8) and paragraph (a) of subsection 1073 (9) of section 322.21, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1074 322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting 1075 fees.— 1076 (8) A person who applies for reinstatement following the 1077 suspension or revocation of the person’s driver license must pay 1078 a service fee of $45 following a suspension, and $75 following a 1079 revocation, which is in addition to the fee for a license. A 1080 person who applies for reinstatement of a commercial driver 1081 license following the disqualification or downgrade of the 1082 person’s privilege to operate a commercial motor vehicle shall 1083 pay a service fee of $75, which is in addition to the fee for a 1084 license. The department shall collect all of these fees at the 1085 time of reinstatement. The department shall issue proper 1086 receipts for such fees and shall promptly transmit all funds 1087 received by it as follows: 1088 (a) Of the $45 fee received from a licensee for 1089 reinstatement following a suspension: 1090 1. If the reinstatement is processed by the department, the 1091 department mustshalldeposit $15 in the General Revenue Fund 1092 and $30 in the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund. 1093 2. If the reinstatement is processed by the tax collector, 1094 $15, less the general revenue service charge set forth in s. 1095 215.20(1), mustshallbe retained by the tax collector, $15 must 1096shallbe deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund, 1097 and $15 mustshallbe deposited into the General Revenue Fund. 1098 (b) Of the $75 fee received from a licensee for 1099 reinstatement following a revocation,ordisqualification, or 1100 downgrade: 1101 1. If the reinstatement is processed by the department, the 1102 department mustshalldeposit $35 in the General Revenue Fund 1103 and $40 in the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund. 1104 2. If the reinstatement is processed by the tax collector, 1105 $20, less the general revenue service charge set forth in s. 1106 215.20(1), mustshallbe retained by the tax collector, $20 must 1107shallbe deposited into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund, 1108 and $35 mustshallbe deposited into the General Revenue Fund. 1109 1110 If the revocation or suspension of the driver license was for a 1111 violation of s. 316.193, or for refusal to submit to a lawful 1112 breath, blood, or urine test, an additional fee of $130 must be 1113 charged. However, only one $130 fee may be collected from one 1114 person convicted of violations arising out of the same incident. 1115 The department shall collect the $130 fee and deposit the fee 1116 into the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund at the time of 1117 reinstatement of the person’s driver license, but the fee may 1118 not be collected if the suspension or revocation is overturned. 1119 If the revocation or suspension of the driver license was for a 1120 conviction for a violation of s. 817.234(8) or (9) or s. 1121 817.505, an additional fee of $180 is imposed for each offense. 1122 The department shall collect and deposit the additional fee into 1123 the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund at the time of 1124 reinstatement of the person’s driver license. 1125 (9) An applicant: 1126 (a) Requesting a review authorized in s. 322.222, s. 1127 322.2615, s. 322.2616, s. 322.27, s. 322.591, or s. 322.64 must 1128 pay a filing fee of $25 to be deposited into the Highway Safety 1129 Operating Trust Fund. 1130 Section 20. Section 322.591, Florida Statutes, is created 1131 to read: 1132 322.591 Commercial driver license and commercial 1133 instruction permit; Commercial Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol 1134 Clearinghouse; prohibition on issuance of commercial driver 1135 licenses; downgrades.— 1136 (1) Beginning November 18, 2024, when a person applies for 1137 or seeks to renew, transfer, or make any other change to a 1138 commercial driver license or commercial instruction permit, the 1139 department must obtain the driver’s record from the Commercial 1140 Driver’s License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse established 1141 pursuant to 49 C.F.R. part 382. The department may not issue, 1142 renew, transfer, or revise the types of authorized vehicles that 1143 may be operated or the endorsements applicable to a commercial 1144 driver license or commercial instruction permit for any person 1145 for whom the department receives notification pursuant to 49 1146 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a) that the person is prohibited from 1147 operating a commercial vehicle. 1148 (2) Beginning November 18, 2024, the department shall 1149 downgrade the commercial driver license or commercial 1150 instruction permit of any driver if the department receives 1151 notification that, pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a), the 1152 driver is prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle. 1153 Any such downgrade must be completed and recorded by the 1154 department in the Commercial Driver’s License Information System 1155 within 60 days after the department’s receipt of such 1156 notification. 1157 (3)(a) Beginning November 18, 2024, upon receipt of 1158 notification pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a) that a driver 1159 is prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle, the 1160 department shall immediately notify the driver who is the 1161 subject of such notification that he or she is prohibited from 1162 operating a commercial motor vehicle and, upon his or her 1163 request, must afford him or her an opportunity for an informal 1164 hearing pursuant to this section. The department’s notice must 1165 be provided to the driver in the same manner as, and providing 1166 such notice has the same effect as, notices provided pursuant to 1167 s. 322.251(1) and (2). 1168 (b) Such informal hearing must be requested not later than 1169 20 days after the driver receives the notice of the downgrade. 1170 If a request for a hearing, together with the filing fee 1171 required pursuant to s. 322.21, is not received within 20 days 1172 after receipt of such notice, the department must enter a final 1173 order directing the downgrade of the driver’s commercial driver 1174 license or commercial instruction permit, unless the department 1175 receives notification pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 382.503(a) that 1176 the driver is no longer prohibited from operating a commercial 1177 motor vehicle. 1178 (c) A hearing requested pursuant to paragraph (b) must be 1179 scheduled and held not later than 30 days after receipt by the 1180 department of a request for the hearing, together with the 1181 filing fee required pursuant to s. 322.21. The submission of a 1182 request for hearing pursuant to this subsection tolls the 1183 deadline to file a petition for writ of certiorari pursuant to 1184 s. 322.31 until after the department enters a final order after 1185 a hearing pursuant to this subsection. 1186 (d) The informal hearing authorized pursuant to this 1187 subsection is exempt from chapter 120. Such hearing must be 1188 conducted before a hearing officer designated by the department. 1189 The hearing officer may conduct such hearing from any location 1190 in this state by means of communications technology. 1191 (e) The notification received by the department pursuant to 1192 49 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a) must be in the record for consideration 1193 by the hearing officer and in any proceeding pursuant to s. 1194 322.31 and is considered self-authenticating. The basis for the 1195 notification received by the department pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 1196 382.501(a) and the information in the Commercial Driver’s 1197 License Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse which resulted in such 1198 notification are not subject to challenge in the hearing or in 1199 any proceeding brought under s. 322.31. 1200 (f) If, before the entry of a final order arising from a 1201 notification received by the department pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 1202 382.501(a), the department receives notification pursuant to 49 1203 C.F.R. s. 382.503(a) that the driver is no longer prohibited 1204 from operating a commercial motor vehicle, the department must 1205 dismiss the action to downgrade the driver’s commercial driver 1206 license or commercial instruction permit. 1207 (g) Upon the entry of a final order that results in the 1208 downgrade of a driver’s commercial driver license or commercial 1209 instruction permit, the department shall record immediately in 1210 the driver’s record that the driver is disqualified from 1211 operating or driving a commercial motor vehicle. The downgrade 1212 of a commercial driver license or commercial instruction permit 1213 pursuant to a final order entered pursuant to this section, and, 1214 upon the entry of a final order, the recording in the driver’s 1215 record that the driver subject to such a final order is 1216 disqualified from operating or driving a commercial motor 1217 vehicle, are not stayed during the pendency of any proceeding 1218 pursuant to s. 322.31. 1219 (h) If, after the entry of a final order that results in 1220 the downgrade of a driver’s commercial driver license or 1221 commercial instruction permit and the department recording in 1222 the driver’s record that the driver is disqualified from 1223 operating or driving a commercial motor vehicle, the department 1224 receives notification pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 382.503(a) that 1225 the driver is no longer prohibited from operating a commercial 1226 motor vehicle, the department must reinstate the driver’s 1227 commercial driver license or commercial instruction permit upon 1228 application by such driver. 1229 (i) The department is not liable for any commercial driver 1230 license or commercial instruction permit downgrade resulting 1231 from the discharge of its duties. 1232 (j) This section is the exclusive procedure for the 1233 downgrade of a commercial driver license or commercial 1234 instruction permit following notification received by the 1235 department that, pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 382.501(a), a driver 1236 is prohibited from operating a commercial motor vehicle. 1237 (k) The downgrade of a commercial driver license or 1238 commercial instruction permit of a person pursuant to this 1239 section does not preclude the suspension of the driving 1240 privilege for that person pursuant to s. 322.2615 or the 1241 disqualification of that person from operating a commercial 1242 motor vehicle pursuant to s. 322.64. The driving privilege of a 1243 person whose commercial driver license or commercial instruction 1244 permit has been downgraded pursuant to this section also may be 1245 suspended for a violation of s. 316.193. 1246 (4) Beginning November 18, 2024, a driver for whom the 1247 department receives notification that, pursuant to 49 C.F.R. s. 1248 382.501(a), such person is prohibited from operating a 1249 commercial motor vehicle may, if otherwise qualified, be issued 1250 a Class E driver license pursuant to s. 322.251(4), valid for 1251 the length of his or her unexpired license period, at no cost. 1252 Section 21. Subsection (2) of section 322.34, Florida 1253 Statutes, is amended to read: 1254 322.34 Driving while license suspended, revoked, canceled, 1255 or disqualified.— 1256 (2) Any person whose driver license or driving privilege 1257 has been canceled, suspended, or revoked as provided by law, or 1258 who does not have a driver license or driving privilege but is 1259 under suspension or revocation equivalent status as defined in 1260 s. 322.01s. 322.01(42), except persons defined in s. 322.264, 1261 who, knowing of such cancellation, suspension, revocation, or 1262 suspension or revocation equivalent status, drives any motor 1263 vehicle upon the highways of this state while such license or 1264 privilege is canceled, suspended, or revoked, or while under 1265 suspension or revocation equivalent status, commits: 1266 (a) A misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as 1267 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 1268 (b)1. A misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 1269 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, upon a second or 1270 subsequent conviction, except as provided in paragraph (c). 1271 2. A person convicted of a third or subsequent conviction, 1272 except as provided in paragraph (c), must serve a minimum of 10 1273 days in jail. 1274 (c) A felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in 1275 s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, upon a third or 1276 subsequent conviction if the current violation of this section 1277 or the most recent prior violation of the section is related to 1278 driving while license canceled, suspended, revoked, or 1279 suspension or revocation equivalent status resulting from a 1280 violation of: 1281 1. Driving under the influence; 1282 2. Refusal to submit to a urine, breath-alcohol, or blood 1283 alcohol test; 1284 3. A traffic offense causing death or serious bodily 1285 injury; or 1286 4. Fleeing or eluding. 1287 1288 The element of knowledge is satisfied if the person has been 1289 previously cited as provided in subsection (1); or the person 1290 admits to knowledge of the cancellation, suspension, or 1291 revocation, or suspension or revocation equivalent status; or 1292 the person received notice as provided in subsection (4). There 1293 isshall bea rebuttable presumption that the knowledge 1294 requirement is satisfied if a judgment or order as provided in 1295 subsection (4) appears in the department’s records for any case 1296 except for one involving a suspension by the department for 1297 failure to pay a traffic fine or for a financial responsibility 1298 violation. 1299 Section 22. Subsection (4) of section 322.61, Florida 1300 Statutes, is amended to read: 1301 322.61 Disqualification from operating a commercial motor 1302 vehicle.— 1303 (4) Any person who is transporting hazardous materials as 1304 defined in s. 322.01s. 322.01(24) shall, upon conviction of an 1305 offense specified in subsection (3), isbedisqualified from 1306 operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of 3 years. 1307 The penalty provided in this subsection isshall bein addition 1308 to any other applicable penalty. 1309 Section 23. Subsection (3) of section 324.0221, Florida 1310 Statutes, is amended to read: 1311 324.0221 Reports by insurers to the department; suspension 1312 of driver license and vehicle registrations; reinstatement.— 1313 (3) An operator or owner whose driver license or 1314 registration has been suspended under this section or s. 316.646 1315 may effect its reinstatement upon compliance with the 1316 requirements of this section and upon payment to the department 1317 of a nonrefundable reinstatement fee of $150 for the first 1318 reinstatement. The reinstatement fee is $250 for the second 1319 reinstatement and $500 for each subsequent reinstatement during 1320 the 3 years following the first reinstatement. A person 1321 reinstating her or his insurance under this subsection must also 1322 securenoncancelablecoverage as described in ss. 324.021(8), 1323 324.023, and 627.7275(2) and present to the appropriate person 1324 proof that the coverage is in force on a form adopted by the 1325 department, and such proof mustshallbe maintained for 2 years. 1326 If the person does not have a second reinstatement within 3 1327 years after her or his initial reinstatement, the reinstatement 1328 fee is $150 for the first reinstatement after that 3-year 1329 period. If a person’s license and registration are suspended 1330 under this section or s. 316.646, only one reinstatement fee 1331 must be paid to reinstate the license and the registration. All 1332 fees mustshallbe collected by the department at the time of 1333 reinstatement. The department shall issue proper receipts for 1334 such fees and shall promptly deposit those fees in the Highway 1335 Safety Operating Trust Fund. One-third of the fees collected 1336 under this subsection mustshallbe distributed from the Highway 1337 Safety Operating Trust Fund to the local governmental entity or 1338 state agency that employed the law enforcement officer seizing 1339 the license plate pursuant to s. 324.201. The funds may be used 1340 by the local governmental entity or state agency for any 1341 authorized purpose. 1342 Section 24. Section 324.131, Florida Statutes, is amended 1343 to read: 1344 324.131 Period of suspension.—Such license, registration 1345 and nonresident’s operating privilege mustshallremainso1346 suspended and mayshallnot be renewed, nor mayshallany such 1347 license or registration be thereafter issued in the name of such 1348 person, including any such person not previously licensed, 1349 unless and until every such judgment is stayed, satisfied in 1350 full or to the extent of the limits stated in s. 324.021(7) and 1351 until the said person gives proof of financial responsibility as 1352 provided in s. 324.031, such proof to be maintained for 3 years. 1353 In addition, if the person’s license or registration has been 1354 suspended or revoked due to a violation of s. 316.193 or 1355 pursuant to s. 322.26(2), that person mustshallmaintain 1356noncancelableliability coverage for each motor vehicle 1357 registered in his or her name, as described in s. 627.7275(2), 1358 and must present proof that coverage is in force on a form 1359 adopted by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, 1360 such proof to be maintained for 3 years. 1361 Section 25. Paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section 1362 627.311, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1363 627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public 1364 records and public meetings exemptions.— 1365 (3) The office may, after consultation with insurers 1366 licensed to write automobile insurance in this state, approve a 1367 joint underwriting plan for purposes of equitable apportionment 1368 or sharing among insurers of automobile liability insurance and 1369 other motor vehicle insurance, as an alternate to the plan 1370 required in s. 627.351(1). All insurers authorized to write 1371 automobile insurance in this state shall subscribe to the plan 1372 and participate therein. The plan isshall besubject to 1373 continuous review by the office which may at any time disapprove 1374 the entire plan or any part thereof if it determines that 1375 conditions have changed since prior approval and that in view of 1376 the purposes of the plan changes are warranted. Any disapproval 1377 by the office isshall besubject tothe provisions ofchapter 1378 120. The Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association is 1379 created under the plan. The plan and the association: 1380 (g) Must make availablenoncancelablecoverage as provided 1381 in s. 627.7275(2). 1382 Section 26. Subsection (1) of section 627.351, Florida 1383 Statutes, is amended to read: 1384 627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.— 1385 (1) MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE RISK APPORTIONMENT.—Agreements 1386 may be made among casualty and surety insurers with respect to 1387 the equitable apportionment among them of insurance thatwhich1388 may be afforded applicants who are in good faith entitled to, 1389 but are unable to, procure such insurance through ordinary 1390 methods, and such insurers may agree among themselves on the use 1391 of reasonable rate modifications for such insurance. Such 1392 agreements and rate modifications areshall besubject to the 1393 approval of the office. The office shall, after consultation 1394 with the insurers licensed to write automobile liability 1395 insurance in this state, adopt a reasonable plan or plans for 1396 the equitable apportionment among such insurers of applicants 1397 for such insurance who are in good faith entitled to, but are 1398 unable to, procure such insurance through ordinary methods, and, 1399 when such plan has been adopted, all such insurers shall 1400 subscribe to and participate in the planthereto and shall1401participate therein. Such plan or plans shall include rules for 1402 classification of risks and rates therefor. The plan or plans 1403 shall make availablenoncancelablecoverage as provided in s. 1404 627.7275(2). Any insured placed with the plan mustshallbe 1405 notified of the fact that insurance coverage is being afforded 1406 through the plan and not through the private market, and such 1407 notification mustshallbe given in writing within 10 days of 1408 such placement. To assure that plan rates are made adequate to 1409 pay claims and expenses, insurers shall develop a means of 1410 obtaining loss and expense experience at least annually, and the 1411 plan shall file such experience, when available, with the office 1412 in sufficient detail to make a determination of rate adequacy. 1413 Prior to the filing of such experience with the office, the plan 1414 shall poll each member insurer as to the need for an actuary who 1415 is a member of the Casualty Actuarial Society and who is not 1416 affiliated with the plan’s statistical agent to certify the 1417 plan’s rate adequacy. If a majority of those insurers responding 1418 indicate a need for such certification, the plan mustshall1419 include the certification as part of its experience filing. Such 1420 experience shall be filed with the office not more than 9 months 1421 following the end of the annual statistical period under review, 1422 together with a rate filing based on suchsaidexperience. The 1423 office shall initiate proceedings to disapprove the rate and so 1424 notify the plan or shall finalize its review within 60 days 1425 afterofreceipt of the filing. Notification to the plan by the 1426 office of its preliminary findings, which include a point of 1427 entry to the plan pursuant to chapter 120, tollsshall tollthe 1428 60-day period during any such proceedings and subsequent 1429 judicial review. The rate isshall bedeemed approved if the 1430 office does not issue notice to the plan of its preliminary 1431 findings within 60 days afterofthe filing. In addition to 1432 provisions for claims and expenses, the ratemaking formula must 1433shallinclude a factor for projected claims trending and 5 1434 percent for contingencies. The formula may notIn no instance1435shall the formulainclude a renewal discount for plan insureds. 1436 However, the plan shall reunderwrite each insured on an annual 1437 basis, based upon all applicable rating factors approved by the 1438 office. Trend factors mayshallnot be found to be inappropriate 1439 if they are not in excess of trend factors normally used in the 1440 development of residual market rates by the appropriate licensed 1441 rating organization. Each application for coverage in the plan 1442 mustshallinclude, in boldfaced 12-point type immediately 1443 preceding the applicant’s signature, the following statement: 1444 1445“THIS INSURANCE IS BEING AFFORDED THROUGH THE FLORIDA 1446 JOINT UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION AND NOT THROUGH THE 1447 PRIVATE MARKET. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT COVERAGE WITH A 1448 PRIVATE INSURER MAY BE AVAILABLE FROM ANOTHER AGENT AT 1449 A LOWER COST. AGENT AND COMPANY LISTINGS ARE AVAILABLE 1450 IN THE LOCAL YELLOW PAGES.”1451 1452 The plan shall annually report to the office the number and 1453 percentage of plan insureds who are not surcharged due to their 1454 driving record. 1455 Section 27. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 1456 627.7275, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1457 627.7275 Motor vehicle liability.— 1458 (2) 1459 (b) The policies described in paragraph (a) mustshallbe 1460 issued for at least 6 monthsand, as to the minimum coverages1461required under this section, may not be canceled by the insured1462for any reason or by the insurer after 60 days, during which1463period the insurer is completing the underwriting of the policy. 1464 After the insurer has issuedcompleted underwritingthe policy, 1465 the insurer shall notify the Department of Highway Safety and 1466 Motor Vehicles that the policy is in full force and effectand1467is not cancelable for the remainder of the policy period. A1468premium shall be collected and the coverage is in effect for the146960-day period during which the insurer is completing the1470underwriting of the policy whether or not the person’s driver1471license, motor vehicle tag, and motor vehicle registration are1472in effect. Oncethe noncancelable provisions ofthe policy 1473 becomesbecomeeffective, the coverages for bodily injury, 1474 property damage, and personal injury protection may not be 1475 reduced during the policy period below the minimum limits 1476 required under s. 324.021 or s. 324.023during the policy1477period. 1478 Section 28. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this 1479 act, this act shall take effect July 1, 2023.