ID Legislation | 2014 | Regular Session | Passed

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S1430PassAppropriates an additional $1,800 to the Executive Office of the Governor; $4,200 to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor; $1,500 to the Secretary of State; $1,500 to the State Controller; $10,200 to the Attorney General; $1,500 to the State Treasur...
line item veto
S1353PassAmends existing law to provide that the court may dismiss a case upon an application by the juvenile offender if certain criteria are satisfied; and to provide for dismissal and discharge upon completion of an authorized drug, mental health or other ...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 345 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0634PassAppropriates $300,000 to the Public Defense Commission for fiscal year 2015.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 343 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1409PassAppropriates $3,566,600 to the State Treasurer for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 26; provides for reappropriation authority for the LGIP Fund; provides guidance for employee compensation; provides for legisl...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 351 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0600PassAmends existing law to clarify that a certain section of the Internal Revenue Code shall not apply to assets acquired after a certain date and to remove references to certain congressional enactments.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 341 Effective: 01/01/2013
S1410PassAdds to existing law to establish provisions relating to wireless technology standards and to functionality, validation testing, content filtering and security, to define a term and to provide for requirements.
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 352 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1370PassAdds to existing law to provide requirements relating to designating a qualified substitute when a legislator is temporarily unable to perform the duties of office.
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 348 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0492PassAmends existing law to replace the term "registered" with the term "numbered"; to remove language relating to certain registration fees; to provide that each snowmobile must be numbered; to provide for application of law and to provide for a prohibit...
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 338 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0598PassAmends existing law to clarify the definition of "remotely accessed computer software" that is not subject to sales taxation and to clarify certain other provisions related to computer software.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 340 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1359PassAmends existing law to provide that if the employer is the owner of a sole proprietorship, or a single member limited liability company that is taxed as a sole proprietorship the employment of members of an employer's family dwelling in his household...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 347 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0633PassAppropriates $36,076,200 to the Department of Agriculture for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 190.05; and provides guidance for employee compensation.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 342 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0593PassAmends and adds to existing law to create the Tax Relief Fund and to provide for the remittance of certain sales tax moneys to the Tax Relief Fund by the State Tax Commission.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 339 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1396PassAdds to existing law to establish a review committee and to provide that the committee will review certain test questions and make recommendations.
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 350 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1379PassAmends existing law to revise certain controlled substances listed in Schedule I.
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 349 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1355PassAdds to existing law to provide that metrics established by the federal government under the Affordable Care Act and by insurers do not establish the standard of medical care in Idaho.
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 346 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1418PassAppropriates $5,629,200 to the Office of the State Board of Education for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 23.75; provides guidance for employee compensation; provides for reappropriation of federal funds; and ...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 353 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0478PassAmends, repeals and adds to existing law relating to the Idaho State Lottery to revise provisions relating to the distribution of net income and to remove a sunset provision; to establish provisions relating to lottery dividends; and to establish pro...
Reported Signed by Governor on April 4, 2014 Session Law Chapter 337 Effective: 07/01/2014 Sections 1 and 2; 07/01/2019 Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6
S1302PassAmends existing law to provide that notice need not be given for certain conveyances or transfers of real or personal property and to provide that for conveyances or transfers of real or personal property with a certain value, notice shall be given b...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 344 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1420PassAppropriates and transfers $225,800 from the General Fund to the Time Sensitive Emergencies Registry Fund for fiscal year 2015; increases the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for Emergency Medical Services by $322,200 for fiscal ...
Signed by Governor on 04/04/14 Session Law Chapter 354 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0546PassAdds to existing law to provide for the Idaho Reimbursement Incentive Act and to provide for reimbursement to businesses for job creation from certain tax dollars.
Reported Signed by Governor on April 3, 2014 Session Law Chapter 336 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0629PassAppropriates $157,101,200 for the divisions of Service Integration, Welfare, and Medically Indigent Administration in the Department of Health and Welfare for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions to 653.65;...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 328 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1416PassAppropriates $62,954,000 to the Division of Professional-Technical Education for fiscal year 2015; provides guidance for employee compensation; exempts appropriation object transfer limitations; reappropriates certain unexpended and unencumbered fund...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 306 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1427PassAppropriates an additional $170,000 to the Department of Health and Welfare for State Hospital North and State Hospital South for fiscal year 2015.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 314 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1422PassAppropriates $3,072,000 for the Idaho State Capitol Commission for fiscal year 2015; makes a cash transfer; and provides for carryover authority for dedicated funds.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 310 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1393PassRepeals and adds to existing law to provide for the Special Committee on Criminal Justice Reinvestment Oversight and related provisions.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 290 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0642PassAppropriates $8,761,000 for the Educational Support Program/Division of Services for the Deaf and the Blind for fiscal year 2015; provides for increased benefit costs; one-time funding for replacement items; a 2% increase in employee compensation; an...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 331 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1248PassAmends existing law relating to testamentary appointments of guardians of minors to revise provisions relating to the distribution of written notice of acceptance of testamentary appointment of guardianship of a minor, to provide for the appointment ...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 287 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0651PassAppropriates an additional $90,000 to the Legislative Services Office for fiscal year 2015; and provides legislative intent regarding service audits.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 333 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0643PassAppropriates $16,803,500 for the Educational Support Program/Division of Central Services for fiscal year 2015; provides for personnel costs to administer the safe and drug-free schools program; expenditures for math, reading, and remediation service...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 332 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1429PassAmends existing law relating to salaries of members of the Public Utilities Commission, members of the State Tax Commission and members of the Industrial Commission; to provide for an increase in salary for members of the Public Utilities Commission;...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 316 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0358PassAmends existing law to provide for other entities that must file RBC reports; to provide for other entities subject to a company action level event and to provide additional detail for an RBC plan; to provide for other entities who are subject to act...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 319 Effective: 01/01/2015
H0638PassAppropriates $770,110,500 for the Educational Support Program/Division of Teachers for fiscal year 2015; provides for expenditures for additional math and science requirements; National Board Teacher Certification; leadership award premiums; professi...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 329 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0584PassAmends existing law to revise provisions relating to those considered to be in active military service.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 324 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1399PassAppropriates $34,966,300 from the General Fund and directs the transfer to the Catastrophic Health Care Fund for fiscal year 2015.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 293 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0580PassAppropriates $3,616,300 to the Office of Drug Policy for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 6; and provides guidance for employee compensation.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 323 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1433PassAppropriates an additional $2,559,100 to the Department of Correction for fiscal year 2015; reduces the appropriation to the Department of Correction for the Community Supervision Program by $1,192,600; authorizes an additional 7.5 full-time equivale...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 318 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1232PassAmends existing law to provide that while within the course of duties, a school bus driver shall not be civilly or criminally liable for reasonably acting to aid a rider of the bus whom the driver reasonably believes to be in imminent danger of harm ...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 286 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1408PassAmends existing law to increase the percentage of the General Fund receipts that may be in the Budget Stabilization Fund.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 302 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1351PassAdds to existing law to authorize punishment for battery against certain health care workers.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 288 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1403PassAppropriates $34,416,900 to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 49; and provides guidance for employee compensation.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 297 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1432PassAppropriates an additional $43,000 to the Office of the State Board of Education for fiscal year 2015; and authorizes an additional 0.5 full-time equivalent position.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 317 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1384PassAppropriates $51,317,500 to the Department of Health and Welfare for the divisions of Independent Councils, Indirect Support Services, and Licensing and Certification for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of authorized full-time equivalent position...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 289 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1398PassAppropriates $259,300 to the Commission on Hispanic Affairs for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time positions to 3; and provides guidance for employee compensation.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 292 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0589PassAmends existing law to establish provisions relating to a school safety plan; to revise provisions relating to the Public School Income Fund and the use of moneys and to revise provisions relating to uses of an appropriation.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 325 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1394PassAmends and repeals existing law to increase a certain annual salary amount received by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; to increase a certain annual salary amount received by the Administrative Judge; to remove provisions relating to the salar...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 291 Effective: 07/01/2014
S1400PassAppropriates $81,660,300 to the divisions of Mental Health, Psychiatric Hospitalization, and Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions for the three divisions to 666.15; provide...
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 294 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0595PassAmends existing law to revise provisions regarding taxation and contributions to medical savings accounts for state income tax purposes.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 327 Effective: 01/01/2014
S1404PassAppropriates $6,640,900 to the Regulatory Boards for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 64; and provides guidance for state employee compensation.
Signed by Governor on 03/28/14 Session Law Chapter 298 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0592PassAppropriates $1,838,500 to the Idaho Commission on the Arts for fiscal year 2015; limits the number of full-time equivalent positions to 10; and provides guidance for employee compensation.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 326 Effective: 07/01/2014
H0565PassAdds to existing law to require that the State Department of Health and Welfare or its authorized agent issue certain benefits over the course of not less than ten consecutive days within a month and to provide that bonus money from the Department of...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2014 Session Law Chapter 322 Effective: Not later than 06/30/2016
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