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TAXATION -- Amends existing law to exempt certain precious metals from capital gains tax, lower the income tax rate, and exempt certain military benefits from income taxation.
[Hearing: Feb 24 @ 11:00 am (ES)]
Read second time; filed for Third Reading
IDH0521PassTAXATION -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding tax rates, school facilities funding, and school district bond and tax levy elections.
IDH0406PassUNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES -- Adds to existing law to provide for the crimes of trafficking in fentanyl and drug-induced homicide.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2024 Session Law Chapter 4 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0341PassCRIMES AND PUNISHMENT -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise a provision regarding interstate trafficking in prostitution, to provide for the crime of receiving proceeds of illegal sexual activity, and to provide for human trafficking...
Reported Signed by Governor on April 5, 2023 Session Law Chapter 311 Effective: 05/05/2023 (30 days following signature by the governor)
IDH0292PassPROPERTY TAXES -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to create property tax relief by creating the School District Facilities Fund and the Homeowner Property Tax Relief Account, both of which are funded by state moneys.
Delivered to Secretary of State on March 29, 2023 at 8:59 a.m. Session Law Chapter 200 Effective: Retroactive to 01/01/2023 SECTION 10; 03/29/2023 SECTION 1-9 and 11-17

Sine Die
CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise a provision regarding interstate trafficking in prostitution, to provide for the crime of receiving proceeds of illegal sexual activity, and to provide for human trafficking...
Retained on General Orders

Sine Die
INCOME TAXES -- Amends existing law to increase the food tax credit to $180.
Reported Printed; Filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding the Empowering Parents Program and to provide for tuition grants.
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
COMMUNITY COLLEGES -- Amends existing law to authorize the establishment of certain baccalaureate degrees.
To House Education Committee
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