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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
PROBATION AND PAROLE -- Amends and adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding advisement to certain probationers and parolees regarding conditions of probation or parole.
[Hearing: Feb 24 @ 11:00 am (ES)]
Read second time; Filed for Third Reading
ILLEGAL DRUGS -- States findings of the Legislature and proposes an amendment to the Idaho Constitution requiring a 2/3 vote of the Legislature to legalize certain illegal drugs.
To House State Affairs Committee
EDUCATION -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions to ensure freedom of inquiry in higher education.
To Senate State Affairs Committee
IDS1380PassHEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding the Office of Health and Social Services ombudsman.
Session Law Chapter 188 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0387PassDOMESTIC VIOLENCE -- Amends existing law to revise the penalty for a first conviction for domestic violence.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 22, 2024 Session Law Chapter 163 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDS1352PassCOUNSELORS AND THERAPISTS -- Adds to existing law to provide that a counselor or therapist practicing in Idaho shall not be required to counsel a client in support of goals, outcomes, or behaviors that conflict with the sincerely held religious, mora...
Session Law Chapter 152 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0498PassLIABILITY FOR PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MATERIAL HARMFUL TO MINORS ON THE INTERNET -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions to protect minors from harmful material on the internet.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2024 Session Law Chapter 113 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDS1379PassCONGREGATE CARE -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions regarding the placement of a child in congregate care settings.
Session Law Chapter 153 Effective: 07/01/2024
IDH0406PassUNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES -- Adds to existing law to provide for the crimes of trafficking in fentanyl and drug-induced homicide.
Reported Signed by Governor on February 26, 2024 Session Law Chapter 4 Effective: 07/01/2024

Sine Die
WATER -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the delivery of water within subdivisions and certain civil actions and to provide for consideration of ground water when amending, repealing, or adopting a comprehensive plan.
To Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee

Sine Die
CHILD SAFETY -- Adds to existing law to establish provisions requiring certain internet filters on computer devices used by children.
To House State Affairs Committee

Sine Die
PRIVATE PROPERTY -- Adds to existing law to prohibit entry onto private property by law enforcement and conservation officers unless certain conditions are met.
To Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee

Sine Die
REFERENDA AND INITIATIVES -- Proposes a state constitutional amendment to require any referendum petition or initiative petition to be signed by at least 6% of legal voters at the last general election in each legislative district.
Returned from House Failed; to Secretary of Senate

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding the Empowering Parents Program and to provide for tuition grants.
To House Education Committee
IDH0001PassTAXATION -- Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to provide for income tax rebates, to provide for a cash transfer, to revise individual and corporate income tax rates, to establish and create the in-demand careers fund, and to provide sales tax...
Reported Signed by Governor on September 1, 2022 Session Law Chapter 1 Effective: 09/01/2022 SECTION 1-3 and 12-14; 01/03/2023 SECTION 4-11
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