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NJ S3695 Requires cell phone and social media policy to be developed by DOE and...
IN HB1006 Prosecutors.
MN SR1 A Senate resolution relating to the temporary organization of the 94th...
KS SB5 Prohibiting the use of funds provided by the United States government for...
WA HB1077 Raising awareness of pain control options for intrauterine device placement...
NH HB152 Prohibiting the sale and use of adhesive-based rodent traps.
VA SB1394 Electric utilities; energy storage requirements; Department of Energy and...
VA SB1403 Electric utilities; request for proposals required for certain facilit...
VA HB1829 Mathematics Improvement, Office of; established, mathematics improvement/advancement...
VA HB2644 Electric cooperative subsidiaries; customers exceeding 90 megawatts de...