IL Legislation | 2021-2022 | 102nd General Assembly | Senate | Other

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Sine Die
Amends the Constitutional Revision Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that amendments to the Illinois Constitution (currently, Article IV of the Constitution only) may be proposed by a petition signed by a number of electors equal in numb...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Suffrage and Elections Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides for the recall of all State Executive Branch officers, legislative leaders, the Auditor General, members of the General Assembly, and local government officia...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Amends the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides for a referendum to reject any Public Act by a petition signed by a number of electors. Provides signature and content requirements for the petition. Provides requirements for the ...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Removes the requirement for each Legislative District to be divided into 2 Representative Districts. Modifies provisions concerning legislative redistricting. Provides specified ...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that the right of a parent to determine his or her child's education and healthcare shall not be infringed prior to the child's attainment of the age of majority, exc...
To Senate Assignments Committee
SJRCA0011PassProposes to amend the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that employees shall have the fundamental right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of negotiating w...
Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Katie Stuart

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Legislature and Executive Articles of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that a person may not be elected to the office of State Senator for more than three terms or the office of State Representative for more than five terms, ...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the General Provisions Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that the oath of office for each prospective holder of a State office shall include an affirmation to protect and honor the diversity of the people of Illinois. E...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that final passage of a bill or amendment, except bills for appropriations, may not occur until at least 24 hours after being introduced. Provides that final passage of ...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the General Provisions Article of the Illinois Constitution. Removes language that provides that membership in any pension or retirement system of the State, any unit of local government or school district, or any agency or instrume...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Amends the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that no legislative action may be initiated on any bill in either house of the General Assembly unless such bill was introduced in that house no sooner than 14 days prior to the co...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that a person may not hold the office of State Senator or State Representative for more than 10 years in each office. Provides that service before the second Wednesday i...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Bill of Rights Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that the people have a right, which includes the right to use traditional methods, to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, subject only to the laws enacted to promote wi...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Proposes to amend the Suffrage and Elections Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides for the recall of all State Executive Branch officers, legislative leaders, the Auditor General, members of the General Assembly, and local government officia...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Amends the Legislature Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides for a referendum to reject any Public Act by a petition signed by a number of electors. Provides signature and content requirements for the petition. Provides requirements for the ...
To Senate Assignments Committee

Sine Die
Amends the Constitutional Revision Article of the Illinois Constitution. Provides that amendments to the Illinois Constitution (currently, Article IV of the Constitution only) may be proposed by a petition signed by a number of electors equal in numb...
To Senate Assignments Committee
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