HB2453 | Intro 25% | Amends the Gender Violence Act. Provides that "gender-related violence" includes sexual contact between a sexual organ of one person and an intimate part of another person in which a "sexually protective device" has been intentionally removed by the ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Judiciary - Civil Committee |
SB1505 | Intro 25% | Amends the Small Business Job Creation Tax Credit Act. Renews the program for incentive periods beginning on or after July 1, 2025 and ending on or before June 30, 2032. Removes language concerning the Put Illinois to Work Program for the second seri... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Revenue Committee |
HB2368 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act. Provides that, for persons dying on or after January 1, 2026, the amount of the Illinois estate tax shall be the amount of the Illinois taxable estate, multiplied by the Illinois es... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 6 @ 8:00 am] [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:00 pm] [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:05 pm] To House Tax Credit and Incentives Committee |
HB1351 | Intro 25% | Creates the Reducing Barriers to Start Act. Beginning January 1, 2026, this State shall encourage the elimination of all first-year business fees relating to any license or registration for any new business or person establishing a new business, incl... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB1317 | Intro 25% | Repeals the Illinois TRUST Act. Makes corresponding changes in the Illinois Identification Card Act and the Illinois Vehicle Code. Effective immediately. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB0123 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. Creates the Waiver Process Task Force. Sets forth provisions concerning membership, meetings, and support services. Provides that the purposes of the Task Force are to examine the current waiver response process and make recom... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Education Committee |
SB2111 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a person operating a bicycle on the roadways of this State shall not be prohibited from side-by-side riding, riding contraflow on one-way streets, and rolling through stop signs at clear intersections. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Transportation Committee |
HB3821 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Provides that, for taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2025, the maximum amount of the education expense credit is $1,500 (currently, $750). Effective immediately. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB1385 | Intro 25% | Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Provides that an officer of the executive branch, a member of the General Assembly, a person whose appointment to office is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, or a person who is the h... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB2401 | Intro 25% | Creates the Wetlands Protection Act. Provides that no person may discharge dredged or fill material into a State jurisdictional wetland except with a permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources. Exempts certain activities from the requiremen... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
HB3097 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. Provides that, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, the required support regarding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) shall include providing time during the school day, not requiring a student to be exc... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter School Committee |
HB3807 | Intro 25% | Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Establishes the Illinois Trades Retention and Development Encouragement (ITRADE) Grant Program to be administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. Provides that the Illinois Student As... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB1266 | Intro 25% | Creates the Department of Government Efficiency Act. Establishes the Department of Government Efficiency in the Office of the Auditor General for certain purposes. Provides that the Office of the Auditor General shall provide administrative and other... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB1559 | Intro 25% | Amends the Department of Transportation Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic study following the occurrence of any crash involving a pedestrian fatality that occurs at an int... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Transportation Committee |
HB3798 | Intro 25% | Appropriates $10,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Agency for grants to Community Resource Healing Centers (CHRC)for their operational expenses. Effective July 1, 2025. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB1299 | Intro 25% | Amends the Assisted Living and Shared Housing Act. Makes changes to assessments for admission to establishments and service plan requirements. Requires an establishment to notify the resident and the resident's representative when there is a signific... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Health and Human Services Committee |
HB1443 | Intro 25% | Creates the Health Care Availability and Access Board Act. Establishes the Health Care Availability and Access Board to protect State residents, State and local governments, commercial health plans, health care providers, pharmacies licensed in the S... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:30 pm] Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Anne Stava-Murray |
HB1425 | Intro 25% | Amends the Probate Act of 1975. Provides that for proceedings seeking a guardianship of a disabled adult, if the proposed guardian is otherwise qualified under the Act, the court must give first consideration to appointing a family member who petitio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 8:00 am] To House Constitutional & Family Law Committee |
HB1769 | Intro 25% | Amends the Election Code. Requires Voters Identification Cards for those who do not have an acceptable photo ID. Sets forth requirements and exemptions. Provides that any person desiring to vote shall present to the judges of election for verificatio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB1897 | Intro 25% | Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Creates the Renewable Fuels Infrastructure program. Provides that the Department of Agriculture shall provide grants to petroleum marketers, petroleum terminal operators, and any other companies that the Depar... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:00 pm] To House Energy & Environment Committee |
SB1251 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that it shall be grounds for dismissal of a standing, parking, compliance, automated speed enforcement system, or automated traffic law violation if the state registration number or vehicle make specified is... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Assignments Committee |
HB1369 | Intro 25% | Creates the Caring for Caregivers Act. Provides that a taxpayer who is a family caregiver and who incurs eligible expenditures during the taxable year for the care and support of an eligible family member may apply to the Department of Revenue for an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 6 @ 8:00 am] [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:00 pm] [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 4:02 pm] To House Income Tax Committee |
HB4012 | Intro 25% | Amends the Video Gaming Act. Prohibits a home rule unit of local government with a population of over 1,000,000 from enforcing any local ordinance passed prior to the effective date of the amendatory Act prohibiting the operation of video gaming term... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB3253 | Intro 25% | Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that, on and after July 1, 2026, any bill to amend an existing homestead exemption or to create a new homestead exemption shall include the submission of an impact statement prepared by the sponsor of the bill. ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB2591 | Intro 25% | Amends the Administration Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Requires the Department of Human Services to develop and implement a transitional benefits program for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that is designed in such a ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Appropriations-Health and Human Services Committee |
SB2402 | Intro 25% | Creates the PRIOR Act. Defines terms. Provides that a Pre-Regulatory Impact Assessment shall be completed and presented to the General Assembly before legislation creating a new occupational regulation, expanding the scope of practice of a licensed o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Assignments Committee |
HB1360 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that a group or individual policy of accident and health insurance or a managed care plan that is amended, delivered, issued, or renewed on or after January 1, 2027 shall provide coverage for all medically... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 11 @ 2:00 pm] To House Insurance Committee |
HB3784 | Intro 25% | Appropriates $2,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning for fulfilling its obligations under the Regional Planning Act and for enhancing capacity to support local planning and technical assistance for the... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB0058 | Intro 25% | Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall develop a program of technical assistance in support of regional manu... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 1:30 pm] To Senate State Government Committee |
HB1700 | Intro 25% | Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that State and public funds that have been deposited may not be withdrawn from a financial institution prior to the date of maturity solely on the basis of a less th... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate |
HB2990 | Intro 25% | Amends the Video Gaming Act. Prohibits a home rule unit of local government with a population of over 1,000,000 from enforcing any local ordinance passed prior to the effective date of the amendatory Act prohibiting the operation of video gaming term... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Gaming Committee |
HB1550 | Intro 25% | Provides that the Act may be referred to as the Knight-Silas Act. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that aggravated battery, other than by the discharge of a firearm, includes a battery committed by a person who, at the time of the commissio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB2355 | Intro 25% | Amends the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Provides that no State employee may receive monetary or other compensation from any private party for work performed within the scope of his or her employment by a State agency. Effective immediate... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Assignments Committee |
HB2983 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires the Secretary of State to include information advising drivers of the laws and best practices for safely sharing the roadway with bicyclists and pedestrians in the Illinois Rules of the Road Publication. Pro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee |
HB3294 | Intro 25% | Amends the Environmental Protection Act. Defines "organic waste". Provides that no person shall conduct an organic waste composting operation, other than a landscape waste composting operation, without an Agency permit. Exempts from this permitting r... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
SB2318 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Banking Act. In provisions concerning the penalty for misleading practices and names, changes the civil penalty that may be imposed to the maximum amount otherwise permitted under specified provisions, $100,000 for each violation ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Financial Institutions Committee |
SB1697 | Intro 25% | Amends the Carbon Dioxide Transportation and Sequestration Act. Provides that the Illinois Commerce Commission shall not issue any certificate of authority under the Act before July 1, 2026. Removes language providing that if, after July 1, 2026, the... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee |
SB1938 | Intro 25% | Creates the Road Usage Charge Act. Establishes the Road Usage Charge Advisory Committee to guide the development and evaluation of the road usage charge pilot program and to assess the potential for mileage-based revenue as an alternative to the curr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Transportation Committee |
HB2337 | Intro 25% | Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. With respect to impartial due process hearings, provides that no mediation agreement, resolution agreement, or settlement agreement may include, as a condition of settlement, that a pa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 8:00 am] To House Education Policy Committee |
HB1368 | Intro 25% | Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Requires an approved provider of professional development activities for the renewal of a Professional Educator License to ensure that professional development related to English language arts... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 2:00 pm] Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools; 009-000-000 |
SB1602 | Intro 25% | Amends the Sexual Assault Survivors Emergency Treatment Act. Defines "acute sexual assault" as a sexual assault that has recently occurred within a specified time. Replaces various references to "sexual assault" with "acute sexual assault". Deletes t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Health and Human Services Committee |
HB3691 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. In provisions concerning radon testing, provides that every school building of a school district that is occupied or will be occupied shall be tested by January 1, 2029 and shall be retested every 5 years thereafter for radon ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To House Rules Committee |
HB1277 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. Requires each school district that serves pupils in any of grades 6 through 12 and that issues an identification card to pupils in any of grades 6 through 12 to provide contact information for the National Domestic Violence Ho... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 8:00 am] To House Education Policy Committee |
SB1920 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. Provides that, no Later than July 1, 2026, the State Board of Education shall create educational materials that shall be posted publicly on its website and distributed to all school districts in the State that serve any grades... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Education Committee |
SB0191 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires, beginning January 1, 2027, each designated seating position in any newly purchased or leased school bus to be equipped with a combination pelvic and upper torso seat safety belt system in good operating con... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 To Senate Transportation Committee |
SB1675 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois Code of Military Justice. In the definition of "military offenses", updates the proper names of the listed offenses. Makes a corresponding change to a substantive provision concerning the offense of conduct unbecoming an officer. ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 6, 2025 |
SB1420 | Intro 25% | Amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Department of Public Health shall adopt rules requiring a local health department to make public announcements for the purpos... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 6, 2025 |
SB2102 | Intro 25% | Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that a taxing district's budget and appropriation ordinance and estimate of revenues may be filed electronically with the county clerk. Provides that, if a taxing district's budget and appropriation ordinance an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 5 @ 3:30 pm] To Senate Local Government Committee |
HB1697 | Intro 25% | Amends the Illinois State Police Law. Provides that, beginning January 1, 2026, all 9-1-1 telecommunicators who provide dispatch for emergency medical conditions shall be required to be trained, utilizing the most current nationally recognized emerge... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 [Hearing: Mar 6 @ 8:00 am] To House Police & Fire Committee |
SB1616 | Intro 25% | Amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to identify days during the year when there may be a portion of the student body absent or unable to participate in a major school event due to cultural, religious, or other observances an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-03-05 Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Christopher Belt |