| SB0291 | Engross
Sine Die | Law enforcement officers and handguns in a casino. Defines "licensed facility" to include gambling game facilities, satellite facilities, riverboats, and property that contains both a gambling game facility and a racetrack with live horse racing. Def... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Public Policy Committee |
| SB0292 | Engross
Sine Die | County option circuit breaker tax credit. Authorizes a county fiscal body to adopt an ordinance to provide a credit against property tax liability for qualified individuals. Defines a "qualified individual" for purposes of the credit. Provides that t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| HCR0022 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Mr. Philip Stevenson and his retirement as superintendent of Centerville-Abington Community Schools. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 Representative Saunders added as coauthor |
| SB0400 | Engross
Sine Die | Assessment and taxation of golf courses. Defines the term "yard improvements" in connection with the assessment of a golf course. Requires the department of local government finance to annually establish uniform income capitalization rates to be used... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0449 | Engross
Sine Die | Juveniles. For certain serious offenses committed by a juvenile: (1) reduces the minimum age for committing the child to the department of correction from 13 to 12; (2) adds an attempt to commit certain serious offenses to the list of serious offense... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee |
| SB0327 | Engross
Sine Die | Reporting of consumer loans by unlicensed lenders. Requires a person, with certain exceptions, that is not required to be licensed with the department under the Uniform Consumer Credit Code to report to the department certain information concerning e... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Financial Institutions Committee |
| SB0401 | Engross
Sine Die | Deduction for rehabilitation of residential property. Reinstates a property tax deduction for the rehabilitation of residential property that occurs after December 31, 2020. (Current law limits this deduction to residential rehabilitation occurring b... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| HCR0029 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION remembering Dr. Walter "Jerry" Watkins. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 Returned to the House |
| SB0309 | Engross
Sine Die | Employee misclassification. Requires the department of state revenue, the state department of labor, the worker's compensation board of Indiana, and the department of workforce development to report before November 1 of each year for three years, beg... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0363 | Engross
Sine Die | Interim study committee. Urges the legislative council to assign the issue of liability and insurance coverage for nongovernmental entities that serve at-risk youth to an appropriate interim study committee. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0403 | Engross
Sine Die | Property tax appeals. Prohibits a professional appraiser or a professional appraisal firm that conducts real property assessments under contract on behalf of the county or township assessor from also being employed under contract as a tax representat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| HCR0025 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Honda Manufacturing of Indiana for its contributions to the community. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 Returned to the House |
| SR0028 | Pass | A SENATE RESOLUTION congratulating the Fishers Junior High School "We the People" team on winning the 2019 "We the People" State Finals. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 First reading: adopted voice vote |
| SB0416 | Engross
Sine Die | Gary Community School Corporation. Requires that the distressed unit appeal board (DUAB) hold a public hearing on the Gary Community School Corporation's current status as a distressed unit before December 31, 2022. Establishes the distressed politic... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| HCR0027 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Charlie Spegal. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 Returned to the House |
| SB0330 | Engross
Sine Die | Mediation for state agencies and vendors. Requires the use of early mediation concerning a dispute between a state agency and a contractor. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0434 | Engross
Sine Die | Private card games. Defines "private low stakes card game" and provides a defense to certain gambling crimes if the gambling was a private low stakes card game. Defines "cheating" and makes cheating at gambling a Class A misdemeanor, and increases th... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Public Policy Committee |
| HCR0031 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing the Anderson High School Marching Highlanders for their achievements at the 2019 Indiana State Fair. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 Returned to the House |
| SB0385 | Engross
Sine Die | Assessment of business personal property taxes. Provides that the business personal property exemption from taxation is based on the assessed value instead of the acquisition cost. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0342 | Engross
Sine Die | Pregnancy accommodation. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying pregnancy and childbirth accommodations and the fiscal impact on businesses within Indiana. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0317 | Engross
Sine Die | Interstate commission transportation fund. Allows a community corrections agency to access funds from the county offender transportation fund to defray the cost of transporting offenders and delinquent children as requested by a court, a probation de... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee |
| SB0320 | Engross
Sine Die | Withholding tax remittance. Provides that the department of state revenue (department) shall only accept payment of employer withholding taxes that are made or withdrawn directly from the business account of the employer that is liable for withholdin... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0364 | Engross
Sine Die | Regulatory impact matters. Provides that, as part of the fiscal and management analysis of a bill, the legislative services agency shall indicate in the statement of fiscal impact prepared for the bill whether the bill includes one or more specified ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| HB1181 | Engross
Sine Die | Gift certificates and store gift cards. Provides that, after June 30, 2020, a person shall not sell or issue to an Indiana consumer any gift certificate or store gift card with an expiration date unless certain conditions are met. Provides that, with... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-11 To Senate Insurance & Financial Institutions Committee |
| SB0262 | Engross
Sine Die | Film and media production incentives. Provides the following effective July 1, 2021: (1) Authorizes the Indiana destination development corporation (corporation) to employ a film commissioner. (2) Authorizes the corporation to establish a film and me... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0411 | Engross
Sine Die | Leasing of broadband capacity infrastructure. Urges the legislative council to assign to the interim study committee on energy, utilities, and telecommunications the topic of installation and leasing of broadband capacity infrastructure by investor-o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0443 | Engross
Sine Die | Traffic control. Establishes that the following are Class A infractions: (1) Failure to stop at a traffic control signal resulting in bodily injury. (2) Failure to stop at an entrance to a through highway resulting in bodily injury. (3) Failure to st... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Roads and Transportation Committee |
| SB0183 | Engross
Sine Die | Study committee review of food and beverage taxes. Requires each political subdivision or other entity that imposes a food and beverage tax to annually report information concerning distributions and expenditures of amounts received from the food and... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0099 | Engross
Sine Die | Study committee on invasive species. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee (committee) the topic of studying issues related to invasive species. Specifies that the committee must consider the following: (1)... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0195 | Engross
Sine Die | Career and technical education clusters. Requires the state board of education (state board) to approve, for purposes of career and technical education graduation pathways, a career and technical education cluster that allows students to acquire know... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Education Committee |
| SB0259 | Engross
Sine Die | Child services reports. Requires the department of child services (department) to prepare a report containing the following information for fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020: (1) Information regarding the department's expenditures, categorized accord... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0054 | Engross
Sine Die | Railroad crossings. Subject to available funding, requires the department of transportation to construct, in locations where practical and necessary, lanes and signs at railroad crossings on state highways. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Roads and Transportation Committee |
| SB0185 | Engross
Sine Die | Sale of companion animals. Prohibits the sale of a companion animal unless the companion animal: (1) is at least eight weeks of age; and (2) has received appropriate vaccinations. Makes a violation a Class C infraction for every animal unlawfully sol... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee |
| SB0006 | Engross
Sine Die | Electric vehicle supplemental fee. Requires an electric vehicle or hybrid vehicle that is a motorcycle or motor driven cycle to pay a $25 supplemental fee to register. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Roads and Transportation Committee |
| SB0402 | Engross
Sine Die | Seasonal employment. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying seasonal employment. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0062 | Engross
Sine Die | Psychotropic medication in foster care study committee topic. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the topic of the supervision and distribution of psychotropic medication to children that are in foster ca... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Rules and Legislative Procedures Committee |
| SB0003 | Engross
Sine Die | Health care provider billing. Prohibits billing a patient who receives emergency services: (1) from an out of network provider; and (2) at specified facilities that are in network; for amounts that exceed the cost paid by the patient's insurance plus... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Insurance Committee |
| SB0226 | Engross
Sine Die | Equine dentistry. Provides that an individual who performs teeth floating on horses is exempt from the licensing or special permit requirements of the veterinary medicine laws if the individual has a valid certification from the International Associa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee |
| SB0264 | Engross
Sine Die | Certified technology parks. Amends provisions that allow a certified technology park to capture an additional amount of incremental income taxes once it has reached its limit on deposits to do the following: (1) Increase the annual additional deposit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0027 | Engross
Sine Die | Native American Indian affairs commission. Changes the membership requirements for members of the Native American Indian affairs commission as follows: (1) Specifies that eight, rather than six, members must be Native American Indians from different ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee |
| SB0200 | Engross
Sine Die | Driver's license suspensions. Repeals certain driving privilege suspensions when a motor vehicle is used in dealing certain controlled substances. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Roads and Transportation Committee |
| SB0043 | Engross
Sine Die | Fraud consolidation. Repeals and consolidates various fraud, deception, and mischief offenses. Defines "financial institution" for purposes of crimes involving financial institutions. Defines "item of sentimental value" and enhances the penalties for... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Courts and Criminal Code Committee |
| SB0202 | Engross
Sine Die | Worker's compensation. Increases benefits for injuries and disablements by 2% each year for three years, beginning on July 1, 2020. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee |
| SB0356 | Engross
Sine Die | Healthy food finance. Establishes the healthy food financing fund (fund) and healthy food financing program (program) under the administration of the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA). Provides that the purpose of the fund i... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| HB1317 | Engross
Sine Die | Health care advance directive. Allows an individual to make a health care advance directive that gives instructions or expresses preferences or desires concerning any aspect of the individual's health care or health information and to designate a hea... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| SB0192 | Engross
Sine Die | Inpatient mental health care for Medicaid children. Requires a managed care organization to allow a child Medicaid recipient who has been certified for admission to a psychiatric hospital to be provided certain services that are determined by a treat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Public Health Committee |
| SCR0027 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Perinatal Palliative Care personnel in Indiana. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 Returned to the Senate |
| SB0170 | Engross
Sine Die | Mine reclamation tax credit. Provides a tax credit for a taxpayer that enters into an agreement with the Indiana economic development corporation (corporation) for a qualified investment for development of property located on reclaimed coal mining la... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Ways and Means Committee |
| SB0384 | Engross
Sine Die | Filling vacancies. Provides that in order for a precinct committeeman or a precinct vice committeeman (exercising the precinct committeeman's proxy) to participate in a caucus to fill a vacancy, the committeeman or vice committeeman must be entitled ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 To House Elections and Apportionment Committee |
| SCR0026 | Pass | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION memorializing Sandy Woolwine and honoring the heroic actions of North Central Parke Community School Corporation students. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-02-10 Returned to the Senate |