IN Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
HB1273PassVarious property tax matters. Requires assessing officials to maintain geographic information system characteristics of real property parcels and to transmit that data annually to the geographic information office of the office of technology. Provide...
Public Law 203
HB1040PassFood and beverage tax. Provides that, subject to the duty to pay amounts pledged to the repayment of existing obligations, the existing uses of the Henry County food and beverage tax are optional rather than mandatory. Adds the construction, renovati...
Public Law 194
SB0126PassPolitical subdivision information on the Internet. Requires local governments and school corporations to provide information for posting on the Indiana transparency Internet web site (transparency web site) as follows: (1) Expenditures categorized by...
Public Law 208
HB1180PassPILOTS, charges, and fees on tax exempt property. Provides that a political subdivision may not do any of the following with regard to tax exempt property that is located in a tax increment allocation area and either: (1) was located in the allocatio...
Public Law 200
SB0232PassLand banks. Authorizes a county, consolidated city, or second class city to which the unsafe building law applies to establish a municipal corporation known as a land bank to manage and improve the marketability of distressed real property in the cou...
Public Law 211
SB0310PassLake County pilot program and other local government matters. Establishes a three year pilot program applicable only in Lake County, that authorizes a redevelopment commission to: (1) establish an area known as a new opportunity area; and (2) sell an...
Public Law 183
HB1294PassLocal government matters. Provides that in the case of the construction, remodeling, redevelopment, rehabilitation, or repair of real property that is: (1) paid for by a private person using public funds; and (2) owned by a private person after compl...
Public Law 205
SB0028PassMedical malpractice. Increases the amount of recoverable damages for injury or death to a patient. Increases health care provider liability limits. Defines "final nonappealable judgment." Specifies that claims from the patient's compensation fund mus...
Public Law 182
HB1032PassVarious pension matters. Provides that the assets of the state excise police, gaming agent, gaming control officer, and conservation enforcement officers' retirement plan may be commingled for investment purposes with the assets of other funds admini...
Public Law 193
HB1046PassSales of bullion or currency. Provides a sales tax exemption for transactions involving the sale of: (1) coins that are permitted investments by an individual retirement account under federal law; (2) bullion that is a permitted investment by an indi...
Public Law 195
HB1068PassAssessment appeals. Provides that, if the county property tax assessment board of appeals (PTABOA) fails to issue a determination concerning a petition to correct errors within 180 days after the petition is filed with the county auditor, the taxpaye...
Public Law 196
SB0173PassMotorsports racing. With respect to professional motorsports racing teams and members, requires, rather than permits, the department of state revenue (department) to adopt rules, guidelines, or other instructions to establish alternative methods of s...
Public Law 210
HB1081PassLocal income tax. Updates various laws to conform them to the new local income tax (LIT) law. Adds provisions concerning Lake, LaPorte, and Porter counties concerning the northwest Indiana regional development authority. Addresses the treatment of co...
Public Law 197
SB0366PassSolid waste management districts. Provides that the requirement for each county to have a single-county solid waste management district or be a member of a joint solid waste management district expires July 1, 2017. Provides that after June 30, 2017:...
Public Law 189
SB0321PassLocal government budgeting. Provides that for each budget year after 2018, the department of local government finance (DLGF) shall certify a political subdivision's budget, tax rate, and tax levy not later than: (1) December 31 of the year preceding ...
Public Law 184
SB0087PassMultiple county PTABOAs. Provides that the legislative bodies of two or more counties may adopt substantially similar ordinances to establish a multiple county property tax assessment board of appeals (PTABOA). Provides that a multiple county PTABOA ...
Public Law 207
SB0355PassTax sales and tax sale properties. Provides that certain notices of tax sales may omit the descriptions of the properties to be offered for sale if: (1) the notice includes a statement indicating that descriptions of the properties and minimum bids a...
Public Law 187
SB0323PassLegislative studies. Requires the legislative services agency to: (1) study the combined reporting approach to apportioning income and transfer pricing for income tax purposes; and (2) report the results of the study before October 1, 2016, to the le...
Public Law 185
SB0148PassPublic employees' defined contribution plan. Provides that the state or a political subdivision may elect whether certain retired members of the public employees' retirement fund (fund) may begin or resume membership in the public employees' defined ...
Public Law 209
SB0371PassProbate matters. Provides that an individual otherwise qualified for certain property tax deductions for property that the individual occupies as a beneficiary of the trust that owns the property is not required to be considered the owner of the prop...
Public Law 190
HB1215PassState and local matters. Permits a historic preservation or rehabilitation grant to be awarded at the time plans are approved. Requires a grant contract between the office of community and rural affairs and the person receiving the grant. Provides th...
Public Law 202
HB1386PassVarious alcohol, tobacco, and e-liquid matters. Allows, if certain conditions are met, the holder of a retailer permit that is issued for the premises of a hotel that is owned by an accredited college or university to sell or dispense, for on premise...
Public Law 214
HB1025PassAlternate rezoning procedure. Creates an optional alternate procedure to apply to rezoning proposals that provides the following: (1) If the plan commission makes a favorable recommendation, the rezoning proposal becomes effective unless an aggrieved...
Public Law 192
SB0381PassCigarette and tobacco taxes. Changes the stamp discount for cigarette distributors from $0.012 to $0.013. Changes the tax collection allowance for tobacco distributors from $0.006 to $0.007 for tobacco products other than cigarettes.~ Repeals the tax...
Public Law 191
SB0330PassSchool funding. Amends the statute allowing transfers from the state tuition reserve account to the state general fund to be made during the state fiscal year beginning in 2015 and in the state fiscal year beginning in 2016 if distributions for choic...
Public Law 186
HB1022VetoPrivate university police departments. Provides that certain records of a private university police department relating to arrests or incarcerations for criminal offenses are public records. Allows a private university police department to withhold i...
Vetoed by the Governor
HB1290PassState and local administration. Reorganizes the statutes concerning riverboat admissions tax distributions by: (1) moving distribution provisions for the Lake County riverboats into a new section organized by riverboat; and (2) moving into a new sect...
Public Law 204
HB1082VetoEnvironmental rules and policies. Requires the department of environmental management (IDEM) to report annually to the legislative council: (1) any administrative rule adopted by the environmental rules board (board) or proposed by IDEM; (2) any oper...
Vetoed by the Governor
HB1087PassBureau of motor vehicles omnibus bill. Relocates and modifies the following after expiration or repeal: IC 9-14 (Bureau of Motor Vehicles). IC 9-15 (Bureau of Motor Vehicles Commission). IC 9-16 (License Branches). IC 9-18 (Registration). IC 9-24-6 (...
Public Law 198
HB1298PassAnnexation. Changes contiguity requirements so that property adjacent to only one side of the public highway (instead of both sides) must be: (1) within the annexing municipality's boundaries; or (2) annexed by the same ordinance that annexes the pub...
Public Law 206
HB1173PassIC 4 technical corrections. Replaces certain pronouns in IC 4 with gender neutral pronouns. Makes technical changes.
Public Law 215
HB1169PassBusiness personal property tax exemption. Replaces the requirement that a taxpayer that is eligible for the business personal property tax exemption (exemption) submit to the county assessor a notarized statement each year affirming the taxpayer's el...
Public Law 199
HB1372PassPublic personnel bonds and state board of accounts. Amends the law requiring surety bonds for certain individuals having public fiscal responsibilities to: (1) define "contractor"; (2) allow for filing of the bond in the county of office or employmen...
Public Law 188
SB0339PassDaily fantasy sports. Provides that a paid fantasy sports game does not constitute gaming for any purpose. Provides that paid fantasy sports games may be conducted through an Internet web site maintained and operated by a game operator or on the prem...
Public Law 212
HB1337PassAbortion. Requires the state department of health to develop certain information concerning perinatal hospice care. Requires physicians to provide information about perinatal hospice care to a pregnant woman who is considering an abortion because the...
Public Law 213
SB0309PassState and local taxation. Eliminates the exemption for property taxes during the planning and construction of a residence that is conveyed upon completion to a low income individual by a nonprofit organization. Restricts but does not eliminate the ex...
Public Law 181
HB1201PassCompanion animal sterilization. Authorizes the board of animal health to establish a registry of animal care facilities. Requires that beginning July 1, 2021, a dog or a cat in an animal care facility must be spayed or neutered before adoption from t...
Public Law 201
SB0308PassLocal tax matters. Provides that when calculating the base rate for agricultural land for the January 1, 2016, assessment date and each assessment date thereafter, the department of local government finance (DLGF) shall do the following: (1) Use the ...
Public Law 180
HB1109PassSchool funding and annual performance grants. Extends through 2018 the eligibility of school corporations to allocate circuit breaker credits proportionately. Provides, with some exceptions, that if: (1) a school corporation in 2017 or 2018 issues ne...
Public Law 151
HB1254PassInterim study committee. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the topic of motor vehicle dealer and manufacturer licenses.
Public Law 166
HB1218PassFranchise employment. Provides that, for purposes of the Indiana franchise law, a franchisor (as defined under federal regulations) is not considered to be an employer or co-employer of: (1) a franchisee (as defined under federal regulations); or (2)...
Public Law 161
HB1248PassHigher education matters. Amends, applying in an academic year beginning after August 31, 2017, the definition of "accelerated progress" for purposes of additional awards for state financial aid for higher education. Removes a provision that provides...
Public Law 165
HB1259PassUnfair practices concerning motor vehicle dealers. Amends current law concerning unfair practices of a motor vehicle manufacturer or distributor, and provides that certain actions relating to parts and labor for motor vehicles are unfair practices.
Public Law 167
HB1336PassBusiness entities; series limited liability. Makes various changes to the business and other association law, including the following: (1) Requires that an application to reserve or renew a reservation of a name and a notice of transfer of a reserved...
Public Law 170
SB0093PassVarious education matters. Provides that every public school building shall be supplied with safe, potable water from a public water system approved by the commissioner of the department of environmental management. Provides that the financial specia...
Public Law 127
SB0021PassObsolete statutes. Repeals or expires various provisions in the Indiana Code containing the following: (1) Reporting requirements that have been completed, including the following: (A) A 2013 report by the commission for higher education concerning s...
Public Law 121
HB1036PassTechnical corrections. Resolves technical problems in the Indiana Code, including incorrect statutory references, nonstandard tabulation, and various grammatical problems. Provides that the technical corrections bill may be referred to as the "techni...
Public Law 149
HB1220PassWithdrawals from cemetery perpetual care funds. Provides that if the perpetual care fund of a cemetery is established as a trust, the trustee may withdraw funds from it in accordance with the cemetery law and in an amount that the trustee considers n...
Public Law 163
SB0045PassMuseums. Provides that a majority of the current members serving on the board of trustees of the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation constitutes a quorum. (Current law specifies that 13 voting members of the board constitute a quorum....
Public Law 125
HB1353PassPresident Benjamin Harrison conservation trust. Renames the Indiana heritage trust fund as the President Benjamin Harrison conservation trust fund (trust fund). Makes various changes to the purposes of the trust fund. Makes changes to the uses of the...
Public Law 172
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