IN Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
HB1331PassManagement of institutional funds. Provides that a chapter in the Indiana Code may be cited as the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA). Makes the following changes to the UPMIFA: (1) Allows a donor to give an institution pr...
Public Law 85
SB0325PassIndividual development accounts. Requires that a primary residence or business for which money is withdrawn from an individual development account (account) must be located or based in Indiana. Provides for use of money from an account for purchase o...
Public Law 50
SB0030PassAccident and sickness insurance claim denials. Requires the department of insurance to develop, post, and maintain on the department's Internet web site information concerning internal and external grievances for accident and sickness insurance polic...
Public Law 18
HB1263PassHealth information; telemedicine. Requires the secretary of family and social services to provide information concerning the Medicaid program, the healthy Indiana plan, and the children's health insurance program to the legislative services agency up...
Public Law 78
SB0380PassRedevelopment commissions. Allows members of the following boards and commissions to vote at electronic meetings: (1) A redevelopment commission (in the case of Marion County, the metropolitan development commission acting as the redevelopment commis...
Public Law 55
SB0186PassRelease of medical tests of pregnant women. Prohibits certain practitioners from releasing to law enforcement the results of certain screenings and test results of a pregnant woman.
Public Law 33
SB0315PassDistribution of cord blood donation information. Directs persons that provide birthing services and prenatal care to distribute information about postnatal fluid and postnatal tissue donation, including cord blood donation, to pregnant patients as pa...
Public Law 48
SB0141PassCriminal gang organization. Changes the term "criminal gang" to "criminal organization". Provides that a criminal organization is a group organized to commit a felony or the crime of battery. Increases the penalty for assisting a criminal to a Level ...
Public Law 25
SB0147PassSchool emergency response systems. Requires the department of homeland security (department) to establish minimum standards and approve best practices not later than July 1, 2017, for a school emergency response system. Defines the term "emergency re...
Public Law 27
HB1064PassTerminating the parent-child relationship. Allows a parent who is the victim of an act of rape from which a child was conceived to file a petition to terminate the parent-child relationship between the child and the alleged perpetrator of the act of ...
Public Law 64
SB0192PassGuardianship and adult protective services report. Urges the legislative council to assign to the appropriate committee a study of the visitation, communication, and interaction with a protected person. Requires the family and social services adminis...
Public Law 34
HB1340PassLong term small installment loans. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee during the 2016 legislative interim the topic of granting lenders that are licensed to make small loans under the Indiana Uniform Consumer Cr...
Public Law 86
HB1038PassBlue LED lights on volunteer firefighter vehicles. Authorizes a blue light on a vehicle privately owned by a volunteer firefighter to be a blue light emitting diode (LED).
Public Law 61
SB0305PassDepartment of child services matters. Adds a definition of foster care. Amends the deadline for the department of child services (department) to notify a school corporation that a child in foster care will attend a school to September 1. Adds: (1) hu...
Public Law 46
SB0140PassCounty hospital board compensation. Increases from $3,600 to $6,000 the maximum compensation for county hospital board members. Allows for additional compensation for the board chair.
Public Law 24
SB0001PassAdministrative law study commission. Establishes the 12 member administrative law study commission (commission) to study issues concerning whether administrative law judges and environmental law judges should be replaced by an administrative court th...
Public Law 11
HB1088PassDeath certificates. Provides that in circumstances where a person dies or is declared dead in the emergency department and the emergency department physician is the physician last in attendance and is uncertain as to the cause and manner of death, th...
Public Law 67
HB1090PassLocal emergency planning committees. Provides that membership on the emergency response commission (commission) is not a lucrative office for purposes of the constitutional prohibition against holding more than one lucrative office at the same time. ...
Public Law 68
SB0174PassCriminal law matters. Provides that a person who, with intent to: (1) deceive; or (2) induce compliance with the person's instructions, orders, or requests; falsely represents that the person is a public servant, commits impersonation of a public ser...
Public Law 31
HB1047PassCourt motion clerk pilot program. Permits the Indiana judicial center to establish a circuit and superior court motion clerk pilot program (pilot program) to provide assistance to courts with preparing orders for complex motions. Provides that the ju...
Public Law 62
HB1019PassEstablishes a procedure for the release of law enforcement recordings (recordings) under the public records law. Exempts custodial interrogations described in Indiana Evidence Rule 617 from provisions applicable to other law enforcement recordings. R...
Public Law 58
HB1102PassCriminal justice matters. Allows the department of correction (department) to make grants to county jails to provide evidence based mental health and addiction forensic treatment services from funds appropriated to the department for the department's...
Public Law 69
HB1233PassSexual assault victims assistance fund. Defines the term "trauma informed sexual assault services". Requires the governor to appoint a member recommended by a sexual assault coalition recognized by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Preventi...
Public Law 77
SB0161PassPharmacists, ephedrine, and methamphetamine. Requires the division of state court administration to report certain methamphetamine-related felonies to the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) so that NPLEx can generate a stop sale alert to prevent...
Public Law 5
SB0271PassDrug enforcement, treatment, and prevention. Establishes the Indiana commission to combat drug abuse (ICCDA). Repeals the commission for a drug free Indiana. Requires the Indiana criminal justice institute (ICJI) to assume certain duties of the repea...
Public Law 7
SB0142PassOperating while intoxicated. Provides that a person who commits the offense of causing the death of another person when operating a vehicle: (1) with an alcohol concentration equivalent to at least 0.08 gram of alcohol per 100 milliliters of the pers...
Public Law 26
SB0160PassJuvenile law. Allows an adult court having jurisdiction over a minor charged with an offense requiring the automatic transfer of jurisdiction to the adult court to withhold judgment and transfer jurisdiction to the juvenile court for adjudication and...
Public Law 28
SB0300PassAppraisement and real estate brokers. Removes the requirement that property sold at sheriff's sale be appraised. Adds to the existing list of acts that are exempt from the statute governing the licensure of real estate brokers the performance of an e...
Public Law 45
HB1105PassProsecutions for rape and criminal deviate conduct. Specifies that certain exceptions to the statute of limitations for rape as a Level 3 felony also apply to rape as a Class B felony (for crimes committed before July 1, 2014). Provides that a prosec...
Public Law 70
SB0306PassBond bank community funding. Amends the Indiana bond bank law to require the county where a qualified entity is located to pay to the bond bank, from any assets of the qualified entity that are in the custody of the county, the amount of certain secu...
Public Law 47
SB0165PassHealthy Indiana plan. Repeals the prior healthy Indiana plan statutes and makes revisions to the currently operating healthy Indiana plan. Repeals statutes governing the high risk Indiana check-up plan.
Public Law 30
SB0027PassMagistrates. Allows the judge of the Marion circuit court to appoint one full-time magistrate to serve the circuit court. Extends the term of the magistrate jointly appointed by the judge of the Sullivan circuit court and the judge of the Sullivan su...
Public Law 17
SB0214PassControlled substances. Prohibits Medicaid reimbursement for Subutex, Suboxone, or a similar trade name or generic of the drug if the drug was prescribed for the treatment of pain or pain management and the drug is only indicated for addiction treatme...
Public Law 37
SB0163PassDepartment of health matters. Allows the state department of health (state department) to use information from the cancer registry to conduct an investigation into the incidence of cancer diagnosis in a geographic region and to share the information ...
Public Law 29
SB0041PassPharmacy benefits. Requires a state employee health plan, an accident and sickness insurer, and a health maintenance organization to make available a procedure for a covered individual's use in requesting an exception to a step therapy protocol used ...
Public Law 19
SB0324PassConstruction permits and regulation. Provides the following: (1) Provides deadlines for the state department of health (department) to issue construction permits and conduct plan reviews for certain projects. (2) Requires the department to issue a co...
Public Law 49
SB0350PassCriminal history background checks for home health workers. Requires a home health agency or personal services agency to obtain a national criminal history background check or an expanded criminal history check on employees. (Current law requires a l...
Public Law 51
SB0057PassPrescribes ballot language. Prescribes the ballot language for the proposed constitutional amendment concerning the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife.
Public Law 20
HB1183PassGuardianship; department of child services. Provides that a delegation of power by a properly executed power of attorney does not subject the parties to any laws, rules, or regulations concerning the licensing or regulation of foster family homes, ch...
Public Law 74
HB1085PassFirearms and certification. Defines "chief law enforcement officer" as an official whose certification is required under federal law for a person to manufacture or transfer certain firearms, and requires a chief law enforcement officer to issue a req...
Public Law 66
HB1013PassGeolocation information and unmanned aerial vehicles. Provides that, upon the request of a law enforcement agency, a provider of electronic communications services used by an electronic device is required to provide geolocation information concerning...
Public Law 57
HB1267PassMeat preparation establishments. Provides that, if certain conditions are met, the state board of animal health (board) must issue a limited permit for the operations of an establishment that is used for slaughtering or preparing meat and that is exe...
Public Law 80
HB1288PassPoll takers. Repeals a statute requiring an individual to respond to a poll taker visiting the individual's place of lodging. Removes provisions requiring the proprietor or manager of a place of lodging to maintain lists of residents of the place of ...
Public Law 83
SB0015PassFresh food initiative. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee the topics related to the establishment of a food desert grant and loan program.
Public Law 14
SB0290PassCriminal law matters. Provides that a person may be convicted of possession with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance without additional evidence of intent to manufacture or deliver if the person possesses more than a specified qua...
Public Law 44
SB0364PassMedicaid provider audit work group. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) to establish a work group to discuss the policies and procedures used in Medicaid provider audits. Requires the office to submit the work group's finding...
Public Law 53
SB0081PassSenior judges, judges pro tempore, and oaths. Allows: (1) a senior judge; or (2) a judge pro tempore; serving in a county that has a probate court, a circuit court, or a superior court judge to, with the consent of the judge of the probate court, cir...
Public Law 22
HB1347PassMental health matters. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to reimburse under the Medicaid program: (1) certain advanced practice nurses for specified Medicaid services; (2) certain graduate and post-graduate degree level students in ...
Public Law 87
SB0011PassABLE savings accounts; Medicaid reimbursement rates. Creates the "achieving a better life experience" (ABLE) authority (authority). Establishes the ABLE board (board) of the authority. Provides that the authority may establish a qualified ABLE progra...
Public Law 12
HB1264PassProvider organizations, audits, and peer review. Requires a provider organization to conduct audits at least quarterly to assess, monitor, and evaluate the quality of patient care. Sets forth requirements of the audits and specifies that the audits a...
Public Law 79
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