SB50 | Pass | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 260 to define "Commissioner," "department," "grower," "industrial hemp," and "tetrahydrocannabinol"; establish conditions and procedures for the licensing of industrial hemp growers by the Department of Agriculture;... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-07 became law without Governor's Signature (Acts Chapter 134) |
SB3 | Pass | Amend KRS 304.1-120, containing exclusions from the insurance code, to delete the religious publication exclusion and substitute a religious organization exemption; require notice for delivery to all participants that sharing of medical expenses is n... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 132) |
HB385 | Pass | Amend KRS 395.605 to provide that with respect to informal settlements, the fiduciary's oath regarding payment of estate and inheritance taxes relates to final settlements and not periodic settlements. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 127) |
HB433 | Pass | Amend KRS 247.650 to state that any assessment made after the effective date of the Act shall be in addition to the federal assessment referenced in KRS 247.652; amend KRS 247.652 to clarify that if the federal assessment is terminated or suspended, ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 129) |
HB54 | Pass | Create a new section of Subtitle 11 of KRS Chapter 286, relating to money transmitters, to authorize the commissioner of the Department of Financial Institutions to require, by rule or order, submission of an application, report, or approval request ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 124) |
SB8 | Enroll
Sine Die | Create a new chapter of KRS 158 to require adoption of a school emergency plan, require emergency drills, and require an annual report to the department of education; amend KRS 158.163 to require safety drills within the first month of school; amend ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 133) |
HB354 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require adoption of a school emergency plan; require emergency drills; require an annual report to the department of education; amend KRS 158.163 to require safety drills within the first month of school; am... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 126) |
SB1 | Pass | Establish KRS Chapter 117A and create new sections thereof to adopt the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act (UMOVA); define terms; provide that certain military and overseas voters are "covered voters" for purposes of the Act; provide that the A... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 131) |
HB5 | Veto | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to grant the commissioner of the Department of Insurance the power to enforce Kentucky's prompt payment laws as they relate to disputes between the Department of Medicaid Services, Medicaid recipients, provider... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 Vetoed |
HB295 | Pass | Amend various sections of KRS 365.800 to 365.840 to define "terminate" or "termination"; clarify the existence of consent in retail agreement contracts; declare public policy standing; establish applicable effective dates. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 125) |
HB390 | Pass | Amend KRS 67A.240 to expand the urban-county government civil service eligible list from 5 applicants to all qualified applicants and allow the appointing authority to promulgate administrative regulations; amend KRS 67A.270 to require appointments t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-05 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 128) |
HB212 | Pass | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 186 to define "clean transportation fuel," "conversion,""liquefied, petroleum gas," and other terms associated with the retrofitting of vehicles to operate on liquefied or compressed natural gas; require safety insp... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 116) |
SB13 | Pass | Amend KRS 244.290 to permit the sale of distilled spirits and wine on any primary, or regular, local option, or special election day; authorize the legislative body or fiscal court of a first through fourth class city or the legislative body of any f... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 121) |
HB440 | Enroll
Sine Die | Amend KRS 243.157 to allow microbreweries to sell malt beverages produced on the premises for on-premises purposes, to sell malt beverages produced on the premises without having to transfer physical possession to a distributor if the microbrewery ha... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor |
HB51 | Pass | Amend KRS 273.161 to include definition of "disaster"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 273 to require any entity that is organized for charitable purposes according to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that raises more than $25,000 f... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 113) |
SB2 | Enroll
Sine Die | Create a new section of KRS 6.500 to 6.577 to require public employers to pay the actuarial costs for increases in final compensation in the Legislators [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor |
HB27 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 96 to address extension, acquisition, and condemnation by city-operated natural gas distribution systems. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 112) |
HB177 | Pass | Amend KRS 434.444, the Kentucky Stolen Valor Act, to clarify that misrepresentation of military status must be for the purpose of monetary gain. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 115) |
HB272 | Pass | Amend KRS 186.166 to require the design of the Purple Heart license plate include a picture of the Purple Heart medal and the words "Combat Wounded"; specify that the design changes take effect at the next replating of the Purple Heart plate. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 117) |
HB366 | Pass | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to establish an advisory committee to review Kentucky [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 118) |
HB149 | Pass | Amend KRS 40.310 to require the Department of Veterans' Affairs to manage the veterans' program trust fund. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 114) |
SB152 | Pass | Amend KRS 304.9-020 to amend the definition of "rental vehicle agent" to substitute the term "vehicle" for the term "car"; amend KRS 304.12-100 to provide that nothing in KRS 304.12-080, 304.12-090, or 304.12-110 prohibits the payment of any compensa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 123) |
SB151 | Pass | Amend KRS 316.140 to permit a person licensed as an embalmer or funeral director in another state to obtain a license in Kentucky if the person has met the same or similar requirements for Kentucky licensure as an embalmer or funeral director, and pa... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-04-04 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 122) |
HB279 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 446 to specify that government shall not burden a person's or religious organization's freedom of religion; protect the right to act or refuse to act on religious grounds; specify that government shall prove by cle... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-27 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Chapter 111) |
HB57 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 431.078 relating to expungement of misdemeanor and violation arrest records to clarify that a traffic infraction does not disqualify a person from seeking such an expungement. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-26 passed 49-38 |
HB56 | Engross
Sine Die | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 2 naming and designating the Kentucky Long Rifle as the official gun of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-26 received in House |
HB257 | Engross
Sine Die | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 227A to specify contents of an electrical permit and stipulate that applying for a permit implies consent to an electrical inspection; require the Department of Housing Buildings and Construction to appoint and assi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-26 passed 50-32 |
HB160 | Engross
Sine Die | Reclassify the City of Taylorsville, in Spencer County, from a city of the fifth class to a city of the fourth class, which requires a population of 3,000 to 7,999. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-26 received in House |
SB78 | Pass | Amend KRS 216B.400 to require that a medical exam of a crime victim has to occur within twelve months of the medical provider's application to receive reimbursement; amend KRS 346.040 to permit the Crime Victims Compensation Board to negotiate a bind... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-25 floor amendments (3) and (4-title) withdrawn |
HB365 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 304.17A-005 to redefine "employer-organized association" for the purpose of health benefit plans. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-25 received in House |
SB27 | Pass | Amend KRS 426.220 to decrease the right of redemption period from one year to six months for land sold under execution for less than two-thirds of its value; amend KRS 426.230 and KRS 426.240 to conform. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 103) |
HB205 | Pass | Designate Ale-8-One as the official Kentucky original soft drink. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 85) |
SB18 | Enroll
Sine Die | Amend KRS 157.226 to count the average number of identified children with disabilities on December 1 and March 1 of the prior academic year to calculate preschool funding. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 102) |
SB107 | Pass | Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to define the terms "contracted pharmacy," "drug product reimbursement," and "pharmacy benefit manager"; require a pharmacy benefit manager to include the methodology used to calculate drug prod... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 109) |
SB15 | Pass | Amend KRS 439.3401 to provide that persons convicted of criminal homicide under KRS Chapter 507 shall be classified as a violent offender and subject to mandatory service of time and all applicable restrictions on parole and service credits. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 101) |
HB220 | Pass | Amend KRS 157.226 to count the average number of identified children with disabilities on December 1 and March 1 of the prior academic year to calculate preschool funding. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 86) |
HB222 | Pass | Create new sections in KRS Chapter 14 to establish a crime victim address protection program for victims of domestic violence and abuse, stalking, and felony sexual offenses; to allow crime victims to use an address provided by the Secretary of State... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 87) |
HB232 | Pass | Amend KRS 44.001 to define terms; amend KRS 44.030 to provide that monetary claims against the state shall be offset if the claimant is indebted to the state or any local government, if the local government provides necessary information concerning t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 88) |
HB431 | Pass | Amend KRS 65.7043 and 65.7049 to include mixed-use development areas such as public storm water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, to comply with a court decree mandating corrective action by local government. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 99) |
HB69 | Pass | Amend KRS 403.320, relating to child visitation, to include language relating to the temporary nature of visitation orders in cases of the military deployment of an affected party, similar to that presently allowed for modifications of child custody ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 79) |
HB66 | Pass | Amend KRS 211.9109, 211.9111, and 211.9113 to delete the requirement for a radon measurement contractor to maintain errors and omissions coverage in an amount of $500,000 at all times during the certification period; enable a radon mitigation or meas... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 78) |
HB378 | Pass | Create a new section of Subchapter 70 of KRS Chapter 224 to define terms; require the Energy and Environment cabinet to maintain a listing of impaired waters placed on the 303(d) list and to make that list available on the cabinet's Web site; require... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 98) |
HB125 | Pass | Amend KRS 281.600 to exempt commercial motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle combined weight rating of 26,000 pounds or less, that are not engaged in interstate commerce, are not transporting hazardous materials, and are ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 81) |
HB261 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 150 to define "mounted wildlife specimen"; require the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to promulgate administrative regulations allowing any person or entity to sell or buy mounted wildlife specimens exce... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 92) |
HB41 | Pass | Amend KRS 422.285 and 17.176 to expand the availability of post-conviction DNA testing; amend KRS 524.140 to conform. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 77) |
SB61 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to be numbered KRS 158.142 to establish the option for early high school graduation beginning in the 2014-2015 school year; define the curriculum requirements for early graduation and conditional admission into... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 104) |
HB252 | Pass | Reclassify the City of Eddyville, in Lyon County, with a population of 2555, from a city of the fifth class to a city of the fourth class, which requires a population of 3,000 to 7,999. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 91) |
SB64 | Pass | Amend KRS 164.7879 to provide a Kentucky educational excellence scholarship award amount for the fourth year of high school to students who graduate in three years. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 105) |
SB69 | Pass | Amend KRS 11A.010 and 11A.201 to include nonprofits, trusts, and limited liability companies within the definition of "person' in the executive branch code of ethics; amend KRS 14A.3-010 to clarify that a business type identifier must appear at the e... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 106) |
SB75 | Pass | Amend KRS 158.070 to permit the commissioner of education to grant the equivalent of ten instructional days for school districts that have missed an average of 20 or more days in the previous 3 years and use alternative methods of instruction on days... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-03-22 signed by Governor (Acts Chapter 107) |