KY Legislation | 2023 | Regular Session

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SB52PassAmend KRS 64.012 to require the document storage fee to be held in a separate fund by the county clerk in a county containing a consolidated local government; specify uses for the fee revenue; and require reporting; amend KRS 137.115 to require in a ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 189)
SB109VetoAmend KRS 292.330 to establish registration exemptions for investment advisers; create a new section of KRS Chapter 292 to establish a registration exemption for private fund advisers; establish requirements for the exemption; direct where filings sh...
HB135VetoCreate various sections of KRS Chapter 186 to establish a regulatory framework for the operation of fully autonomous vehicles on public highways; define terms; establish requirements for autonomous vehicles and automated driving systems; require subm...
HB125PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to require the Department for Public Health to incorporate specific information on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias into already existing materials, publish the information on its website, and distribute...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 187)
HB9PassCreate new sections of KRS Chapter 147A to enable the Department for Local Government to enter a partnership with the Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts for create and administer the Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 186)
HB29PassAmend KRS 40.315 to remove the residency requirement for interment in veteran cemeteries.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 188)
HB21PassAmend KRS 186.412 to require the Transportation Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to establish procedures and forms to allow an individual without a fixed, permanent address to submit a form signed by a shelter, health care facility, o...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 185)
HB56PassAmend KRS 210.005 to define "regional community services program"; amend KRS 210.370 to establish services areas for regional community services programs and to establish the conditions under which a regional community services program may provide se...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 184)
HB311PassAmend KRS 205.559 to prohibit the Department for Medicaid Services and any Medicaid managed care organization from requiring that a health professional or medical group maintain a physical location or address in this state to be eligible for enrollme...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 181)
SB206PassAmend KRS 67A.430 to increase the minimum monthly annuity from the Police and Fire Retirement Fund of urban-county governments to $1,500 per month effective July 1, 2023, except for those individuals receiving a non-occupational disability; make tech...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 178)
HB345PassCreate a new section of KRS 304.14-500 to 304.14-550 to prohibit certain trade practices relating to the sale of Medicare supplement policies to certain applicants; amend KRS 304.14-520 to conform; apply provisions to Medicare supplement policies ava...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 182)
HB83PassAmend KRS 426.720 to require judgment lien notices to contain the date of final judgment; establish expiration dates for judgment liens; provide that a judgment lien expiration may be postponed under certain circumstances.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 177)
SB263PassAmend KRS 224A.011 to define "asset management plan" and "merger"; amend KRS 224A.300 to clarify the goal of offering secure water and adding managerial and technical resources as needed resources for the improvement of infrastructure for the securit...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 179)
SB96PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to allow a local government to issue permits for racing events; and set forth the requirements for permits and operation of a racing event.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 183)
HB36PassAmend KRS 164A.040, 164A.050, and 164A.060 to update references to insured student loans.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 176)
SB111PassAmend KRS 212.420 to expand the requirements to serve as the director of health in counties containing a city of the first class; amend KRS 212.635 to expand the requirements to serve as the commissioner of health for an urban-county health departmen...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 180)
HB553PassAmend the 2022-2024 Executive Branch biennial budget to remove excess General Fund support for the actuarial cost of sick leave benefits for new retirees under the Teachers' Retirement System; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 175)
HB373PassAmend KRS 15.310 and 95A.100 to describe which criminal offenses a fire investigator shall investigate; amend KRS 15.380 to remove court security officers from the list of officers required to be certified by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council; all...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 170)
SB282PassAmend KRS 49.280 to allow claims for hit-and-run accidents; amend KRS 49.370 to raise payment limits.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 173)
HB115PassAmend KRS 525.010 to define "electronic detection dog" and "police dog"; amend KRS 525.220 to only allow the protection of self or others in instances of unlawful force; amend KRS 525.200 to conform; allow the Act to be cited as Bo's Law.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 169)
HB207PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to allow law enforcement agencies to create their own wellness programs; establish that all proceedings, opinions, and records of a wellness program are privileged and not subject to subpoena; amend KRS 61.878 t...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 168)
HB64PassAmend KRS 15.400 to extend the period of time that a peace officer, who was employed as a peace officer as of December 1, 1998, may be separated from service before losing his or her certification status from 100 days to 365 days; EMERGENCY.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 171)
SB268PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 532 allowing restitution in the form of child support to be ordered in violations of KRS 189A.010 if the violation caused the death of a parent or guardian of a minor child or resulted in a finding by the court tha...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 174)
HB401PassAmend KRS.12.020 and 15A.020 to add the Division of Records Management and rename the Division of Information Technology to the Division of Electronic Services within the Office of Technical Services within the Department of Kentucky State Police.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 167)
SB79PassAmend KRS 14.260 to change the name of the address protection program to the Safe at Home Program; amend KRS 14.300 to include definitions of "application assistant" and "human trafficking"; amend KRS 14.302 to set forth the intentions of the Safe at...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 172)
HB5PassAmend KRS 132.140 to allow an exemption of the property tax on distilled spirits stored or aging in barrels located in a bonded warehouse or premises; amend KRS 141.389 to allow the distilled spirits income tax credit only to taxable years beginning ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 148)
HJR49PassDirect the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet to consult with the Transportation Cabinet and other relevant state and local agencies to develop the Kentucky Women's History Trail; require the cabinet to report strategies for implementation to the In...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 161)
HJR38PassDirect the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to apply for a Medicaid waiver to permit the coverage of triage, treatment, and transport of patients by emergency ambulance services and submit a state Medicaid plan amendment to cover treatment in p...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 160)
SB160PassAmend KRS 41.415 to make technical corrections and to conform; amend KRS 164A.260 to exempt moneys in a STABLE Kentucky accounts from attachment, execution, or garnishment; to require that moneys in a STABLE Kentucky account to be disregarded for the...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 157)
SB81PassAmend KRS 158.080 to require private and parochial schools to operate on a school calendar with a minimum school term and student instructional year as defined in KRS 158.070 instead of for a term not less than the public school district in which the...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 154)
SB247PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 158 requiring eligible students to have the option to remain in the same school when changing residence within the same school district; define "eligible student"; require the school district to provide transportat...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 158)
HB522PassAmend KRS 424.260, relating to local government contracts, to increase amount at which advertisement of bids is required from $30,000 to $40,000.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 152)
SB199PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 508 to define terms; criminalize the use of tracking devices on motor vehicles without the consent of the owner or lessee; establish penalty; provide exceptions.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 163)
SB40PassAmend KRS 72.405 to apply definitions to entirety of KRS Chapter 72; create new definition of "genetic tests"; expand definition of "post-mortem examination"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 72 to require the Office of the Kentucky State Medical ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 162)
HB331PassAmend KRS 158.162 to direct local boards of education to require schools to maintain a portable automated external defibrillator in every middle and high school building and at school-sponsored events; require local boards to adopt policies and proce...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 165)
HB338PassAmend KRS 29A.080 to establish that a prospective juror may elect to be relieved of service on a jury for the period summoned if the prospective juror is age 70 or older.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 149)
SB277PassAmend KRS 151.100 to define terms; amend KRS 151.110 to make technical corrections; amend KRS 151.112 to allow the Energy and Environment Cabinet to request technical assistance from any agency or organization to carry out its duties; make technical ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 159)
SB47PassCreate new sections of KRS Chapter 218A to define terms and establish a medicinal cannabis program; amend KRS 342.815 to establish that the Employer’s Mutual Insurance Authority shall not be required to provide coverage to an employer if doing so w...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 146)
HB535PassAmend KRS 15.280 to define "criminal justice agency"; to require the Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center to collect any criminal justice data within the possession of any federal agency of the federal, state, or local government, or private ...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 153)
SB123PassAmend KRS 423.345 to allow notaries to perform notarial acts in another state if the notarial act is performed in a civil action or legal proceeding originating in the Commonwealth.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 156)
HB244PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 36 to establish the Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program; outline the purpose of the program; authorize the program to establish high schools to serve the program's students; align program with the federal Nation...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 151)
HB353PassAmend KRS 218A.500 to exclude testing equipment used to determine the presence of chemicals, toxic substances, or hazardous compounds in controlled substances from the prohibition of possession of drug paraphernalia; amend KRS 218.010 to exclude fent...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 166)
HB349PassAmend KRS 214.430 to permit expedited partner therapy for sexually transmitted infections including but not limited to trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia infection; amend KRS 311.990 to remove the penalty of a Class D felony for a person who don...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 150)
SB93PassRemove the restrictions on the use and sale of property now held by the Lewis County Board of Education that were placed on the lot of ground in 1881-1882 Ky. Acts ch. 701.
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 155)
HB319PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 161 to implement the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 requiring exit surveys from school personnel leaving employment; require the Kentucky Department of Education to dev...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 164)
HB551PassCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 230 to establish the wagering administration fund from sports wagering taxes and fees; direct use of that fund toward related administrative expenses of the Public Protection Cabinet; deposit all remaining funds in...
signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 147)

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of John D. Cox to the Kentucky State Fair Board for a term expiring May 10, 2026.
adopted 37-0

Sine Die
Confirm the appointment of Edwin Ray Orange to the Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents for a term expiring June 30, 2028.
adopted 37-0
HB54FailCreate a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require the Department for Medicaid Services and any managed care organization with whom the department contracts for the delivery of Medicaid Services to provide coverage for certified professional midwifer...
SR267PassEncourage the Legislative Research Commission to appoint a task force during the 2023 interim to examine the applicability and acceptance of military occupational experience as it relates to the licensure qualifications of occupations licensed in Ken...
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