KY Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session

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Sine Die
Amend KRS 116.0455 to provide that each application for a motor vehicle driver's license shall be a simultaneous application for voter registration unless declined by the applicant; amend KRS 116.048 to provide that each application filed through a d...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee
SR2PassAdopt the Rules of Procedure for the 2020 Regular Session of the Senate.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Amend KRS 156.095 and KRS 158.4416 to remove references to public charter schools; repeal KRS 160.1590, 160.1591, 160.1592, 160.1593, 160.1594, 160.1595, 160.1596, 160.1597, 160.1598, 160.1599, and 161.141.
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Adopt the Rules of Procedure for the 2020 Regular Session of the House of Representatives.
adopted 81-10

Sine Die
Amend KRS 317A.155 to permit a cosmetologist, esthetician, or nail technician to operate outside of a licensed establishment for persons with physical mobility limitations, as attested by a physician in writing, or for persons residing in a long-term...
To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require African history instruction in certain middle and high school world history and civilization courses; require Native American history instruction in certain middle and high school United States histo...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 116.025 to provide that a voter shall be a resident of the state and precinct on or before the day of an election; amend KRS 116.045 to provide that a person who has not registered to vote prior to the time that the registration books are c...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 321.185 to specify that a veterinarian shall not be subject to discipline when acting in good faith to report, provide information about, or testify on a suspected animal abuse violation prohibited by KRS 525.125, 525.130, 525.135, or 525.1...
To House Agriculture Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Kentucky Community and Technical College endowment match fund; transfer $3 million annually to the fund from general fund; authorize promulgation of administrative regulations.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 relating to qualified and complete immunity from civil liability for a law enforcement officer's operation of a vehicle when responding to an emergency or pursuing a suspect.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to provide definitions concerning nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions; provide notification requirements; require the Attorney General to notify a nonprofit healthcare entity regarding the status of a d...
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 174 to direct the Transportation Cabinet to implement a commercial sponsorship program for facilities and vehicles and allocate the profits of the program to the maintenance account within the road fund.
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 117 to allow in-person early voting between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on the three Saturdays preceding any primary, regular election, or special election; amend KRS 117.087, 117.165, 117.235, 117.995, and 118.035 to confor...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 11.068 to abolish the Governor's Office for Policy Research and to create the Governor's Office for Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance within the Office of State Budget Director; create new sections in KRS Chapter 11 to define terms, ...
To House State Government Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 121.150 to require that all personal loans made by candidates for all constitutional state officers, including the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, to their campaigns be repaid by their campaign committees within one year if the candidates...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 525.130 to require forfeiture of animals subjected to cruelty, and make technical changes.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 224.50-545 to establish definitions; prohibit the intentional release of more than 25 plastic balloons; establish a ban on plastic, single-use carryout bags by July 1, 2025; establish a ban the provision of single-use plastic straws and Sty...
To House Natural Resources & Energy Committee

Sine Die
Establish KRS Chapter 245 and create a section to define terms such as "cannabis accessory", "cannabis product", "immature cannabis plant", "indoor cultivator", "mature cannabis plant", and "outdoor cultivator"; create new sections of KRS Chapter 245...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 337.010 to increase the applicable threshold of employees of retail stores and service industries from $95,000 to $500,000 average annual gross volume of sales for the employer; amend KRS 337.275 to raise the state minimum wage to $8.20 per...
To House Economic Development & Workforce Investment Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require each public postsecondary education institution to provide free feminine hygiene products to women students; require the governing boards of each public postsecondary education institution to adopt p...
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 158.148 to include incidents that occur at non-school-sponsored events or through the use of technology in the definition of bullying; require a school district's code of acceptable behavior to include notification procedures for parents in...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 164.785 to delete the requirement that postsecondary institutions participating in the Kentucky Tuition Grant be accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or be reviewed and approved by the Council on Postsecondary Educ...
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish the rural hospital organization donation tax credit; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the new tax credit; amend KRS 131.190 to allow reporting by the Department of Revenue.
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 6 to define "fiscal note," "machine-readable," and "regulatory burden"; establish requirements for fiscal notes; allow the waiver of the fiscal note requirements; establish responsibilities of the Legislative Resear...
To House State Government Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS 311.530 to 311.620 to make non-compete provisions in physician and osteopath employment contracts void and unenforceable, except in limited circumstances when the contract is for the sale of a practice or for employment as...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Propose to amend Sections 30 and 31 of the Constitution of Kentucky to elect Senators for terms of six years beginning in November, 2022, for even-numbered Senatorial districts and beginning in November, 2024, for odd-numbered Senatorial districts, a...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 321 to require that a veterinarian report suspected animal abuse to an animal control officer; amend KRS 321.185 to allow veterinarians to report suspected animal abuse.
To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 139.010 to define feminine hygiene products; amend KRS 139.480 to exempt from sales and use tax the sale or purchase of feminine hygiene products; apply to sales or purchases made after August 1, 2020, but before August 1, 2024; require Dep...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 277 to require two-person crews on trains or light engines used in connection with the movement of freight; establish civil penalties for failure to have a two-person crew.
To House Transportation Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 344 to prohibit employers from considering or requiring disclosure of prior criminal history as part of the initial job application; title the Act "Ban the Box - The Criminal Record Employment Discrimination Act."
To House Economic Development & Workforce Investment Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 requiring schools to offer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test annually to students in grades 10 through 12, offer counseling based on the ASVAB test results, and allow up to four excuse...
To House Education Committee
SR1PassEstablish the 2020 membership of the Kentucky State Senate.
adopted by voice vote

Sine Die
Propose to amend Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky to exempt certain veterans' organizations from property taxation; provide ballot question with proposed amendment; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 116.045 to permit a process of voter preregistration for persons at the minimum age of 16 years; require the State Board of Elections to promulgate administrative regulations to provide for preregistration and subsequent registration confir...
To House Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 211.680 to expand the scope of the legislative intent and findings; amend KRS 211.684 and KRS 211.686 to require the existence of the state and local child and maternal fatality review teams; create new sections of KRS Chapter 211 to requir...
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Create a prevailing wage law for all public works projects; amend KRS 12.020, 99.480, 227.487, 336.015, 337.010, and 337.990 to conform.
To House Economic Development & Workforce Investment Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS 216.2920 to 216.2929 to require all hospitals to annually survey employees on patient safety culture; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to design, collect, analyze, and publish survey data; list requiremen...
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 319 to enact and enter into the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact with all other jurisdictions that legally join the compact; declare the purpose of the compact; define terms; allow a psychologist to hold one ...
To House Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish a refundable income tax credit for the costs of mitigating noise from a commercial airport for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, but before January 1, 2024; amend KRS 131.190 to ...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee

Sine Die
Urge the United States Congress to enact the Lower Health Care Costs Act.
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to establish a low-volume surgery requirement and registry for hospitals and surgeons in the Commonwealth.
To House Health and Family Services Committee

Sine Die
Amend KRS 141.019 to exclude from state income tax all income of any resident centenarian; require reporting by the Department of Revenue; amend KRS 131.190 to conform; amend KRS 68.180, 68.197, 91.200, and 92.300 to exclude all income of any centena...
To House Appropriations and Revenue Committee
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