SB66 | Pass | Amend KRS 367.93117 and 367.93121 to provide that a person who has been criminally charged in the death of another cannot make decisions regarding the disposition of the decedent's remains. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 123) |
SB174 | Pass | Amend KRS 161.1211 to allow national board certification to qualify a teacher for Rank II status; change Rank I requirements to reflect the change. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 113) |
HB298 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to provide definitions, require each law enforcement agency in the state to establish and enforce policies governing of a vehicle pursuit after January 1, 2021; provide the criteria for decision-making to initia... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 97) |
SB37 | Pass | Amend KRS 14A.1-070 to add a nonprofit business which is at least 51 percent unconditionally controlled by a veteran to the definition of "veteran-owned business"; amend KRS 14A.2-060 and KRS 14A.2-165 to conform. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 125) |
SB149 | Pass | Amend KRS 40.317 to decrease the number of veterans' benefits regional administrators and modify their duties; amend KRS 40.325 to include definition of nurse aides and allow for the hiring of nurse aides at veterans' centers; amend KRS 45A.960 to in... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 118) |
SB55 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 42 to create a six-member Blockchain Technology Working Group; attach the working group to the Commonwealth Office of Technology; require the working group to examine the applicability of blockchain technology for ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 108) |
SB99 | Pass | Amend KRS 242.1243 to remove sunset provision for local option elections for distilleries; amend KRS 243.0305 to allow distillery gift shops to sell products that were produced in collaboration with a brewer or microbrewer; amend KRS 243.120 to estab... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor Acts Ch. 102) |
HB361 | Pass | Amend KRS 441.520, relating to the transfer of prisoners, to require an agreement between an originating and receiving jail before ordering the transfer of a prisoner; specify that if a transfer is ordered before receiving an agreement, the receiving... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 109) |
SB237 | Pass | Amend KRS 213.161 and 72.405 to allow for the collection of tissue samples from post-mortem examinations of children for research purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 126) |
HB570 | Pass | Amend KRS 65.220, establishing the purpose of KRS 65.210 to 65.300, to allow public agencies to participate in Interlocal agreements; amend KRS 65.230 to define "interlocal agency," "local government," and "public agency"; create a new section of KRS... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 98) |
HB46 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 18A to allow full-time employees of the Commonwealth of Kentucky a paid leave of absence of 240 hours for donating a human organ and 40 hours for donating bone marrow and to set requirements for the paid leave of a... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 107) |
HB299 | Pass | Amend KRS 71.060 to allow jailers to appoint deputy jailers who are nonresidents of the Commonwealth. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 106) |
SB11 | Veto | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 512 to specify that a tenant who, having no right to do so or any reasonable ground to believe that he or she has such right, intentionally or wantonly defaces, destroys, or damages residential rental property is t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 Vetoed |
SB239 | Pass | Amend KRS 90.400 and 90.410 to permit the board of trustees of a legacy city pension fund having fewer than twelve active and retired members or beneficiaries to offer those individuals a one-time irrevocable option to convert monthly pension benefit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 121) |
SB158 | Pass | Amend KRS 158.6455 to clarify the components of the statewide accountability system; require state indicators be evaluated on "status" and "change" and define the terms; require a school's overall performance, status, and change to be displayed on an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 112) |
HB419 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education to annually compile data on in-demand jobs within the state and for each public postsecondary instruction and each campus of the Kentucky Community and Technica... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 105) |
HB458 | Pass | Repeal, reenact as a new section of KRS Chapter 158, and amend KRS 157.270 to clarify eligibility of students for home or hospital instruction; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations for home or hospital inst... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 104) |
HB29 | Pass | Amend KRS 216A.070 to extend temporary permits from a period not to exceed 6 months to 9 months. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 120) |
HB479 | Pass | Amend KRS 67A.440 to delete the provision that a surviving spouse's retirement benefit shall end upon remarriage; amend KRS 67A.450 to provide that for members of policemen's and firefighters' retirement funds of urban-county governments who would ha... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 103) |
SB80 | Pass | Repeal and reenact or repeal, reenact, and amend various sections of KRS 421.500 to 421.575, the Crime Victim Bill of Rights, to change statutory definition of "victim"; require that restitution to the victim be made when possible; repeal KRS 421.540... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 101) |
SB21 | Pass | Creates a new section of KRS Chapter 321 to require that a veterinarian report abuse and to allow immunity for a good faith report; amends KRS 321.185 to allow veterinarians to release information in order to report abuse. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 117) |
SB191 | Pass | Amend KRS 309.080 to add definitions of certified alcohol and drug counselor assistant I and II; create new sections of KRS 309.080 to 309.089 to establish requirements for certification of alcohol and drug couselor assistant I and II; amend KRS 309.... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 99) |
SB9 | Veto | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 311 to prohibit a person from denying or depriving a born-alive infant of nourishment with the intent to cause or allow the death of the infant; prohibit a person from denying or depriving a born-alive infant of med... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 Vetoed |
HB564 | Veto | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to ensure that home and community-based waiver programs provide certain services, including attendant care or non-skilled in-home care services across all w... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 Vetoed |
SB115 | Pass | Amend KRS 162.2847 to include graduate programs in the tuition waiver for foster and adopted children; extend the eligibility time period. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 111) |
HB369 | Pass | Amend KRS 150.722 to include taxidermists in the requirements for disposal of unused cervid meat; limit the acceptable methods of disposal of unused cervid meat; amend KRS 150.010 to define "cervid." [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 115) |
HB8 | Pass | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 to define terms; establish the Medicaid ground ambulance service provider assessment; require ground ambulance service providers to pay a Medicaid ambulance service provider assessment quarterly; authorize the C... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 110) |
SB111 | Pass | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 72 to require the coroner to deliver the remains of police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel, as defined in KRS 61.315, killed in the line of duty to the family or other responsible e... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 124) |
SB263 | Pass | Amend KRS 342.1242 and 342.1243 to set forth the process to refund excess assessments to coal employers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 122) |
SB184 | Pass | Amend KRS 251.370 to specify financial statement requirements; amend KRS 251.440 to specify application requirements. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 114) |
HB411 | Pass | Amend KRS 186A.120, regarding notation of security interest on a certificate of title, to establish that the county of residence designated by the debtor shall be relied upon in the titling process and that reliance shall relieve motor vehicle dealer... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 119) |
HB387 | Pass | Create a new section of Subchapter 20 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish the rural hospital operations and facilities revolving loan fund; APPROPRIATION. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 line items vetoed; delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 128) |
SB157 | Pass | Amend 11A.201 to define "financial impact" and refine the definitions of "executive agency decision" and "substantial issue"; amend KRS 11A.211 to include real parties in interest as part of the engagement of the executive agency lobbyist in the requ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 127) |
SB251 | Pass | Amend KRS 351.010 so that open-pit mines do not include any excavation made from a refuse fill. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-24 signed by Governor (Acts Ch.100) |
HB356 | Pass | The Judicial Branch Budget: appropriate $476,780,400 in fiscal year 2020-2021 and $490,618,400 in fiscal year 2021-2022 from the General Fund, Restricted Funds, and Federal Funds; provide funds for defined calculations; provide funds for current posi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-16 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 96) |
SB103 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 211.015 to reduce the minimum acreage requirement to qualify as a "farmstead" from ten acres to five acres for the purposes of on-site sewage disposal system requirements; amend KRS 318.010 to reduce the minimum acreage requirement to quali... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 received in Senate |
HB32 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 138.130 to define terms; amend KRS 138.140 to impose an excise tax on vapor products; amend KRS 138.143 to impose a floor stock tax; EFFECTIVE 11:59 p.m. on July 31, 2020. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute (2) and committee amendment (2-title) |
SB244 | Intro
Sine Die | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 343 to establish a new restricted fund known as the apprenticeship fund; authorize the Department of Workforce Development to promulgate administrative regulations; amend KRS 141.330 to require employers to identif... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor Committee |
HB352 | Pass | The State/Executive Branch Budget: Detail Part I, Operating Budget; appropriate to General Government: 2019-2020: $21,535,000, 2020-2021: $1,793,871,500, 2021-2022: $1,813,688,900; appropriate to the Economic Development Cabinet: 2020-2021: $33,195,9... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 92) |
HB446 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 74.020 to change the limits on water district commissioners' annual salary to limits on their total annual compensation; allow the Public Service Commission to grant reasonable extensions of time for water district commissioners to complete... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate State & Local Government Committee |
SB64 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 15.753 to provide that the Finance and Administration Cabinet shall reimburse the Attorney General, a Commonwealth's attorney, or a county attorney for fees or judgments after being sued for an act or omission in the course of his or her du... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Rules Committee |
HB351 | Pass | Amend KRS 138.130 to define terms for taxes on tobacco products; amend KRS 138.140 to increase the surtax on cigarettes and the excise tax on chewing tobacco, snuff, and tobacco products effective July 1, 2020; impose an excise tax on vapor products ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 91) |
HB451 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 15.241 to require the Attorney General, upon certification by the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, to seek injunctive relief as well as civil or criminal penalties for violations of KRS Chapter 216B relating to abort... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To House Rules Committee |
SB116 | Intro
Sine Die | Create new sections of KRS Chapter 405 to establish specific rights of parents; establish a short title of "Parents Rights Protection Act." [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
HB424 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 194A.990, 205.8463, 238.995, 341.990, 434.650, 434.655, 434.690, 514.030, 514.040, 514.050, 514.060, 514.070, 514.080, 514.090, and 514.110 to increase the felony threshold for theft and fraud offenses to $1,000, create a Class B misdemeano... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
HB277 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 186.162 to allow disabled veterans who are paid at the 100 percent rate for service-connected disabilities by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to purchase disabled veteran license plates with no initial fee or renewal fee. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Transportation Committee |
HB14 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 164.2841, relating to college tuition benefits for spouses and children of specified emergency response personnel and public employees who have died in the course of their duties to specify that the beneficiary is eligible for up to a maxim... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Education Committee |
HB405 | Pass | Propose to amend Sections 97, 99, 119, and 122 of the Constitution of Kentucky to increase the term of office for Circuit Court Clerks and Commonwealth's Attorneys from six years to eight years beginning in 2024; increase the term of office for count... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 delivered to Secretary of State (Acts Ch. 95) |
HB368 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 164.7874 to delete the requirement that an eligible high school student and eligible postsecondary student not be a convicted felon for KEES eligibility purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Education Committee |
HB390 | Engross
Sine Die | Amend KRS 337.015 to require employers provide the same leave policies to adoptive parents as they provide to birth parents; change the applicable age of an adoptive child from seven to ten; create an exemption for specified categories of adoption. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2020-04-15 To Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor Committee |