Louisiana Representative Phillip DeVillier [R] | All Sessions | Passed

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LAHCR38PassMemorializes Congress and the Louisiana Delegation to defeat the "Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2020"
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHCR23PassMemorializes the United States Senate to confirm the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASCR11PassExpresses sincere condolences upon the death of Governor Murphy James "Mike" Foster Jr.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate.
LAHB70PassExtends Enterprise Zone Program incentives to essential critical infrastructure workers by authorizing the payment of a one-time hazard pay rebate (Item #18) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX)
Effective date: 07/13/2020.
LASB10PassProvides relative to rural broadband high-speed internet access.
Effective date 7/13/2020.
LAHB57PassEnacts the Civil Justice Reform Act of 2020 (Item #40)
Effective date: 01/01/2021.
LAHCR17PassRequests certain state agencies and private businesses to recognize the value that justice-involved persons bring to the workforce and society, and to act with the intention to empower, train, and employ such individuals
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASCR24PassExpresses condolences upon the death of Philip Andrew "Andy" Trahan Jr. and posthumously commends him for his lung cancer advocacy and mentorship.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 7/1/2020.
LASCR7PassEstablishes the Police Training, Screening, and De-escalation Task Force to study and make recommendations to the legislature.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 7/1/2020.
LAHR58PassRequests all agencies and officials in Louisiana to promote and encourage response to the 2020 federal decennial census
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASCR11PassRequests certain state agencies and private businesses in Louisiana to recognize the value that justice-involved persons can bring to the workforce and society and to act with intention to empower, train, and employ such individuals.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 7/1/2020.
LAHCR11PassMemorializes the U.S. Congress and the Louisiana congressional delegation to remove the revenue sharing cap on the Gulf of Mexico Energy Securities Act of 2006 for Gulf producing states and to take such actions as are necessary to rectify the federal...
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHR6PassRequests the governor to protect religious freedoms
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHR39PassExpresses condolences on the death of William Leo Spaetgens
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHB140PassProvides relative to the preemption of state law for firearms
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB781PassProvides relative to the authority to regulate the manufacture, possession, or sale of firearms or ammunition during a declared emergency or disaster or public health emergency
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB464Pass(Constitutional Amendment) Provides for changes in the expenditure limit calculation (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 06/30/2022.
LAHB137PassRepeals the crime of vagrancy (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB498PassProvides relative to occupational license and examination fee waiver and payment plan for qualified individuals
Effective date: 06/30/2021.
LAHB296PassProvides for cancellation of a policy by the insured party
Effective date: 01/01/2021.
LAHB246PassAuthorizes the secretary of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to certify "organizations involved in charitable hunting and fishing activities" and waives license fees for such organizations (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB334PassAuthorizes a concealed handgun permit holder to carry a concealed handgun in a place of worship
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB150PassAmends the crime of battery of a police officer to include the throwing of water, other liquids, or human waste
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LASB115PassProvides relative to advertisements for legal services. (1/1/21)
Effective date 1/1/2021.
LAHR3PassExpresses condolences upon the death of Ernest D. Wooton, former state representative and former sheriff of Plaquemines Parish
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHR5PassCommends Mechelle Evans, Louisiana Rural Caucus administrative director, on receipt of the 2020 Legislative Staff Achievement Award
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHB77PassProvides relative to the supervision and reporting requirements of persons on probation or parole (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/20.
LAHB35PassProvides a limitation of liability for donating certain wild game
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LAHB765PassCreates the "LSU National Champions" specialty license plate
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
LASB16PassProhibits insurance rate determinations based on risk classifications due to the fact that the insured is deployed in the military in excess of six months. (8/1/20)
Effective date 8/1/2020.
LAHR45PassDirects state agencies and licensing boards to suspend the imposition of sanctions against licensees and permittees for a violation of COVID-19 executive orders
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASCR7PassTo urge and request certain officials and local governments to dismiss coastal lawsuits.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 6/4/2020.
LASCR34PassMemorializes Congress to consider eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) Social Security benefit reductions.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 6/4/2020.
LAHR60PassExpresses condolences on the death of Dr. Bobbie Deshotel
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LASCR75PassRequests naming the new Grand Bayou Floodgate in Lafourche Parish as the Reggie P. Bagala Floodgate.
Sent to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate on 6/4/2020.
LAHCR44PassExpresses condolences on the death of state representative Reggie Paul Bagala
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHR26PassExpresses condolences on the death of Alvenia Clare
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHR22PassCommends the Basile High School wrestling team on winning the school's second consecutive state title at the 2020 Division III State Wrestling Championship
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHCR12PassCommends LSU on winning the 2020 College Football Playoff National Championship
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHCR13PassCommends Joe Burrow on winning the 2019 Heisman Memorial Trophy
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHCR27PassProvides consent for the adjournment of the 2020 Regular Session of the Legislature for a period longer than three days
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
LAHB90PassEstablishes "The Angela Downs Act" which authorizes a state sales tax rebate for purchases of motor vehicles with certain modifications related to orthopedic disabilities" (EN -$60,000 GF RV See Note)
Effective date: 07/01/2019.
LAHB425Pass(Constitutional Amendment) Stipulates that no provision of the constitution protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of abortion
Becomes Act No. 447.
LAHB578PassDedicates the economic proceeds from the Deepwater Horizon litigation to transportation projects and redirects funding to the Construction Subfund of the Transportation Trust Fund (EN -$24,000,000 GF RV See Note)
Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 443.
LAHB133PassRevises the definition of abortion
Effective date: 08/01/2019.
LAHB170PassProvides relative to financial security for surviving spouses and children of certain cadets (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2019.
LAHB199PassEstablishes the TEFRA option within the La. Medicaid program to serve children with disabilities (EN +$9,340,656 GF EX See Note)
Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 421.
LAHB596PassDefines a commercial farmer for purposes of certain sales and use tax exemptions (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
Effective date: 07/01/2019.
LAHB89PassRenames the Northwest La. Technical College as the Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College and provides for an expansion of its mission and educational program (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/19.
LAHB82PassRequires disclosure and publication of costs for bond, debt, and tax elections (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Effective date: 08/01/2019.
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