Legislative Research: LA HB140 | 2015 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

Provides relative to proof of disability requirements for an airport parking exemption for disabled veterans
[HB140 2024 Detail][HB140 2024 Text][HB140 2024 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/2024.
Regular Session

Provides relative to the Mid City Economic Development District in Orleans Parish
[HB140 2023 Detail][HB140 2023 Text][HB140 2023 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/2023.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Provides for a waiver of certain income tax penalties and interest (OR -$47,600,000 GF RV See Note)
[HB140 2022 Detail][HB140 2022 Text][HB140 2022 Comments]
Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Regular Session

Provides for the modernization of certain provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure
[HB140 2021 Detail][HB140 2021 Text][HB140 2021 Comments]
Effective date: 01/01/2022.
Regular Session

Provides relative to the preemption of state law for firearms
[HB140 2020 Detail][HB140 2020 Text][HB140 2020 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/2020.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Creates the crime of terrorizing of a judge or law enforcement officer (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
[HB140 2019 Detail][HB140 2019 Text][HB140 2019 Comments]
Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice.
Regular Session

Provides for the use of supervision fees paid by offenders placed on probation or parole (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
[HB140 2018 Detail][HB140 2018 Text][HB140 2018 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/2018.
Regular Session

Requires reports to the assessor concerning deaths occurring in the state (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
[HB140 2017 Detail][HB140 2017 Text][HB140 2017 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/17.
Regular Session

Adds current and retired attorney generals and designated assistant attorneys general to list of officials who can carry concealed weapons
[HB140 2016 Detail][HB140 2016 Text][HB140 2016 Comments]
Effective date: 08/01/2016.
Regular Session

Dedicates the interchange of I-20 and LA Hwy. 149 in Lincoln Parish in memory of former State Representative Pinkie Wilkerson
[HB140 2015 Detail][HB140 2015 Text][HB140 2015 Comments]
Effective date: August 1, 2015.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Provides for reduced hunting and fishing license fees for Louisiana residents who are retired from the U.S. Armed Forces (OR DECREASE RV See Note)
[HB140 2014 Detail][HB140 2014 Text][HB140 2014 Comments]
Becomes HB 1072.
Regular Session

Provides relative to the Lafourche Parish Tourist Commission
[HB140 2013 Detail][HB140 2013 Text][HB140 2013 Comments]
Effective date: August 1, 2013.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Provides that a veteran having a service-connected disability shall be entitled to resident classification for tuition amount purposes at La. public colleges and universities (OR DECREASE SG RV See Note)
[HB140 2012 Detail][HB140 2012 Text][HB140 2012 Comments]
Read by title and concurred in by a vote of 39 yeas and 0 nays. Ordered returned to the House.
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Appropriates funds for payment of judgment in the matter of "Darin Zech, et al v. DOTD, et al"
[HB140 2011 Detail][HB140 2011 Text][HB140 2011 Comments]
Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
Regular Session

Removes certain restrictions on the use of mini-trucks on state roads and highways
[HB140 2010 Detail][HB140 2010 Text][HB140 2010 Comments]
Effective date: August 15, 2010.

References Online

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[Louisiana HB140]Google WebGoogle News
[Representative Patrick Jefferson LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Bryan Adams LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative John Anders LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Jeffery Arnold LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Regina Barrow LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative John Berthelot LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Robert Billiot LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Wesley Bishop LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Joseph Bouie LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Christopher Broadwater LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Terry Brown LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Richard Burford LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Timothy Burns LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Roy Burrell LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Stephen Carter LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Charles Chaney LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Patrick Connick LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative George Cromer LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative John Edwards LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator James Fannin LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Franklin Foil LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative A.B. Franklin LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Randal Gaines LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Jerry Gisclair LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Jeff Hall LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Lowell Hazel LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Cameron Henry LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Dorothy Hill LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Paul Hollis LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Frank Howard LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Marcus Hunter LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Katrina Jackson-Andrews LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Edward James LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Mike Johnson LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Robert Johnson LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Sam Jones LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Charles Kleckley LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Eddie Lambert LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Terry Landry LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Bernard LeBas LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Walt Leger LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Christopher Leopold LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Nicholas Lorusso LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Sherman Mack LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Gregory Miller LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative James Morris LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Barbara Norton LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Stephen Ortego LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Steve Pylant LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Harold Ritchie LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Clay Schexnayder LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Karen St Germain LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kirk Talbot LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Ledricka Thierry LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Alfred Williams LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Senator John Alario LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Lee Amedee LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Conrad Appel LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Sharon Broome LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Senator Sherri Cheek LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Norby Chabert LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dan Claitor LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Patrick Cortez LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dale Erdey LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Richard Gallot LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Elbert Guillory LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator David Heitmeier LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ronnie Johns LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Robert Kostelka LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Eric LaFleur LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Gerald Long LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Fred Mills LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jean-Paul Morrell LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Dan Morrish LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Edwin Murray LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Ben Nevers LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Barrow Peacock LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Jonathan Perry LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Karen Peterson LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Gary Smith LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator John Smith LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Gregory Tarver LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Francis Thompson LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Michael Walsworth LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Rick Ward LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Mack White LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

LA HB140 | 2015 | Regular Session. (2015, June 23). LegiScan. Retrieved February 08, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB140/2015
"LA HB140 | 2015 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 23 Jun. 2015. Web. 08 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB140/2015>.
"LA HB140 | 2015 | Regular Session." June 23, 2015 LegiScan. Accessed February 08, 2025. https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB140/2015.
LegiScan. LA HB140 | 2015 | Regular Session. 23 June 2015. https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB140/2015 (accessed February 08, 2025).


Louisiana State Sources

Roll Callhttps://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=953996
Roll Callhttps://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=942556
Roll Callhttps://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=950652
Roll Callhttps://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=950653
