Legislative Research: LA HR54 | 2017 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

Designates March 27, 2024, as National Rifle Association of America and Louisiana Shooting Association Day at the state capitol
[HR54 2024 Detail][HR54 2024 Text][HR54 2024 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends Reverend Ronald Perkins on the occasion of his twentieth anniversary as pastor of Greater Zion Mission Baptist Church
[HR54 2023 Detail][HR54 2023 Text][HR54 2023 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends the Louisiana Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program and its volunteers
[HR54 2022 Detail][HR54 2022 Text][HR54 2022 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Urges the state superintendent to request school and district performance score waivers from the U.S. Department of Education for the 2020-2021 school year
[HR54 2021 Detail][HR54 2021 Text][HR54 2021 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
2nd Special Session

Expresses condolences on the death of James LaVerne Jeter
[HR54 2020 Detail][HR54 2020 Text][HR54 2020 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
1st Special Session

Expresses condolences on the death of Macura Hamilton
[HR54 2020 Detail][HR54 2020 Text][HR54 2020 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends John Burkhardt for his exemplary leadership in criminal justice reform
[HR54 2020 Detail][HR54 2020 Text][HR54 2020 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Designates April 22, 2019, as Easterseals Day in Louisiana
[HR54 2019 Detail][HR54 2019 Text][HR54 2019 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends the athletes and coaches of the Lutcher High School girls' powerlifting team on winning the 2018 Division II state championship
[HR54 2018 Detail][HR54 2018 Text][HR54 2018 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Expresses condolences upon the death of Ralph R. Miller, former state representative
[HR54 2017 Detail][HR54 2017 Text][HR54 2017 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends Alex Heintze and Justin Watts for capturing the 2015 Costa Bassmaster High School National Championship presented by TNT Fireworks
[HR54 2016 Detail][HR54 2016 Text][HR54 2016 Comments]
Taken by the Clerk of the House and presented to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends the Buras Volunteer Fire Department and its 2015 Oilfield Crawfish Boil-Off
[HR54 2015 Detail][HR54 2015 Text][HR54 2015 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends the Haynesville High School Golden Tornado for winning the Class 1A state football championship
[HR54 2014 Detail][HR54 2014 Text][HR54 2014 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Recognizes Wednesday, April 24, 2013, as La. Public Policy Conference Day at the state capitol and encourages efforts to inform citizens about multiple sclerosis
[HR54 2013 Detail][HR54 2013 Text][HR54 2013 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Recognizes Wednesday, April 18, 2012, as Shale Day at the capitol and commends the La. oil and gas industry
[HR54 2012 Detail][HR54 2012 Text][HR54 2012 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends the Archbishop Hannan High School girls softball team
[HR54 2011 Detail][HR54 2011 Text][HR54 2011 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.
Regular Session

Commends LSU student and employee Julie Doucet for being awarded the National Scholars Grant
[HR54 2010 Detail][HR54 2010 Text][HR54 2010 Comments]
Enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Rules of the House.

References Online

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[Representative Joseph Stagni LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative John Stefanski LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Julie Stokes LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Kirk Talbot LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Major Thibaut LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Polly Thomas LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Malinda White LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Jerome Zeringue LA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

LA HR54 | 2017 | Regular Session. (2017, April 25). LegiScan. Retrieved February 16, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HR54/2017
"LA HR54 | 2017 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 25 Apr. 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HR54/2017>.
"LA HR54 | 2017 | Regular Session." April 25, 2017 LegiScan. Accessed February 16, 2025. https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HR54/2017.
LegiScan. LA HR54 | 2017 | Regular Session. 25 April 2017. https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HR54/2017 (accessed February 16, 2025).


Louisiana State Sources
