Legislative Research: MA S2105 | 2021-2022 | 192nd General Court

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
193rd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to the future of heat in the Commonwealth. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
[S2105 2023 Detail][S2105 2023 Text][S2105 2023 Comments]
Accompanied S2531
192nd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to civil asset forfeiture data reporting. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
[S2105 2021 Detail][S2105 2021 Text][S2105 2021 Comments]
Accompanied S2671
191st General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to commercial plates for motor vehicles. Transportation.
[S2105 2019 Detail][S2105 2019 Text][S2105 2019 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see S2559
190th General Court

For legislation to designate a section of state highway route 10 and United States highway route 202 in the town of Southwick as the Purple Heart Trail. Transportation.
[S2105 2017 Detail][S2105 2017 Text][S2105 2017 Comments]
Signed by the Governor, Chapter 71 of the Acts of 2018
189th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislationfor legislation relative to the Gold Star tax abatement,- reports the accompanying bill (Senate, No. 2105).
[S2105 2015 Detail][S2105 2015 Text][S2105 2015 Comments]
Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
188th General Court

Relativerelative to hazardous materials response (Senate, No. 1180), reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft with the same title (Senate, No. 2105).
[S2105 2013 Detail][S2105 2013 Text][S2105 2013 Comments]
Signed by the Governor, Chapter 391 of the Acts of 2014
187th General Court

Relative to improving accountability and oversight of education collaboratives (being the text of Senate, No. 2101, printed as amended).
[S2105 2011 Detail][S2105 2011 Text][S2105 2011 Comments]
Signed by the Governor, Chapter 43 of the Acts of 2012

References Online

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[Senator Rebecca Rausch MA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Joanne Comerford MA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Nicholas Boldyga MA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator James Eldridge MA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative David Rogers MA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

MA S2105 | 2021-2022 | 192nd General Court. (2022, June 16). LegiScan. Retrieved March 04, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2105/2021
"MA S2105 | 2021-2022 | 192nd General Court." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 16 Jun. 2022. Web. 04 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2105/2021>.
"MA S2105 | 2021-2022 | 192nd General Court." June 16, 2022 LegiScan. Accessed March 04, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2105/2021.
LegiScan. MA S2105 | 2021-2022 | 192nd General Court. 16 June 2022. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2105/2021 (accessed March 04, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
H90Similar To2021-04-20Financing a program for improvements to the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund and providing relief to employers and workers in the CommonwealthFor actions on the section returned with recommendations of amendments, see H3702
S35Similar To2021-03-18Similar BillsSee H90
S527Similar To2022-03-07Improving municipal water infrastructureBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
H538Similar To2021-07-21Relative to the safety of schools, residences, and public assembliesAccompanied H653
H4059Similar To2023-01-03Establishing a housing trust fund in the town of ChathamNo further action taken
S2535Similar To2022-07-31To revitalize agriculture, conditioning and simulcastingAccompanied a new draft, see S3094
S791Similar To2022-06-09To promote public health through the prevention and wellness trust fundAccompanied a study order, see S2917
S1610Similar To2022-03-21Providing mental wellness training for police officersBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
S1752Similar To2022-01-19Relative to the timely and consistent payment of law enforcement personnelAccompanied H2568
S1573Similar To2022-06-28Relative to the Commonwealth's obligation to preserve public safety for all Massachusetts residentsAccompanied H2418
S2310Similar To2022-02-03Establishing special license plates in support of Massachusetts law enforcementAccompanied a study order, see S2642
H2013Similar To2022-09-06Relative to relief for the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust FundAccompanied a study order, see H5023
H887Similar To2021-12-02Establishing memorial markers in the towns of Milton and Canton in memory of certain law enforcement officers killed in the line of dutyRead; and referred to the committee on Senate Rules
S332Similar To2021-07-21Relative to carbon monoxide detectors in schoolsAccompanied H653
S532Similar To2021-11-03Relative to the Douglas State Forest Maintenance Trust FundBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
S1582Similar To2022-03-21To provide automated external defibrillators in all public safety vehiclesBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
S1579Similar To2022-06-28To protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residentsAccompanied H2418
S505Similar To2022-03-07Relative to funding water infrastructure and addressing economic target areasBill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
S2671Replaced by2022-07-07Relative to forfeiture reformAmendment (as recommended by the committee on Senate Ways and Means) adopted, as amended
H3233Similar To2023-01-03Relative to civil asset forfeiture data reportingNo further action taken
H1724Similar To2022-02-10Establishing a right to counsel in civil asset forfeiture casesAccompanied a new draft, see S2671

Massachusetts State Sources
