MD Legislation | 2011 | Regular Session | Senate | Passed

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SB258PassAuthorizing the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners to send license renewal notices by electronic means; altering the amount of the maximum penalty for specified violations from $5,000 to $10,000; and altering definitions.
Approved by the Governor
SB974PassProviding that specified errors may not constitute fraud or grounds for recoupment of specified claims payments under specified circumstances; specifying that specified claims remain subject to recoupment of overpayment or payment of any discovered u...
Approved by the Governor
SB760PassRequiring the governing body of Frederick County to grant a property tax setoff to a municipal corporation in specified minimum amounts for specified taxable years.
Approved by the Governor
SB702PassRequiring an insurer, nonprofit health service plan, or health maintenance organization that provides coverage for hearing aids to an insured or enrolled individual who is not a minor child and that places a dollar limit on the hearing aid benefit to...
Approved by the Governor
SB139PassAltering a ground for absolute divorce by reducing the amount of time required for the parties to have lived separate and apart without cohabitation; repealing a ground for divorce; etc.
Approved by the Governor
SB770PassAltering the purpose of the Prescription Drug Repository Program to include disposal of prescription drugs and medical supplies; altering the definition of "repository" to include a licensed pharmacy approved by the State Board of Pharmacy to dispose...
Approved by the Governor
SB334PassClarifying the circumstances under which a vendor or builder of a new single-family residential unit is required to deposit money in an escrow account or obtain and maintain a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit; authorizing the vendor or bui...
Approved by the Governor
SB551PassProhibiting an employer from taking adverse action against an employee who makes a complaint, brings an action, or testifies in an action under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law; specifying that the adverse action prohibited includes discharge, demotion...
Approved by the Governor
SB392PassRepealing provisions of law relating to the Washington County Water and Sewer Debt Reduction Fund; requiring the County Commissioners of Washington County to ensure service of the debt for the Conococheague Industrial Pretreatment Facility from the W...
Approved by the Governor
SB487PassEstablishing labeling requirements for specialty fertilizer used on specified turf; exempting organic fertilizer sold to specified fertilizer applicators from a specified prohibition; requiring the Department of Agriculture, in consultation with the ...
Approved by the Governor
SB369PassRequiring that a school bus be constructed with materials that enable it to meet criteria of the school bus seat upholstery fire block test established by National School Transportation specifications; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration, with...
Approved by the Governor
SB786PassRequiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to adopt specified federal recommendations on critical congenital heart disease screening in newborns under specified circumstances; requiring the State Advisory Council on Hereditary and Congenit...
Approved by the Governor
SB476PassRepealing a provision prohibiting the State Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists from authorizing home study courses towards completion of continuing education requirements.
Approved by the Governor
SB302PassExpanding the applicability to Baltimore City of specified provisions related to administrative adjustments to specified zoning requirements.
Approved by the Governor
SB317PassProhibiting insurers, based solely on information about an individual's status as a victim of a crime of violence, from taking specified actions relating to a policy of homeowner's insurance; providing that an insurer may not deny payment to a specif...
Approved by the Governor
SB767PassAuthorizing the County Commissioners of Somerset County to sell at private sale specified properties to the City of Crisfield under any terms the County Commissioners consider appropriate; requiring specified properties to revert to the County Commis...
Approved by the Governor
SB772PassEstablishing a Task Force to Study the Creation of a Maryland Center for School Safety; providing for the membership, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving compensation, but authorizing reimburse...
Approved by the Governor
SB294PassIncreasing by specified amounts the vessel draft lengths for the limited pilotage licenses the State Board of Pilots may issue.
Approved by the Governor
SB372PassRequiring the Department of the Environment to evaluate and rank all best available nitrogen removal technologies for on-site sewage disposal systems to advise local governments and residents of the State of approved technologies that qualify for fun...
Approved by the Governor
SB687PassRequiring the State Department of Education to develop a specified form relating to teacher certification and tenure and to post the form on its Web site; requiring the Adjutant General or the Adjutant General's designee to assist military spouses in...
Approved by the Governor
SB638PassSpecifying July 1, 2018, as the termination date for provisions of law relating to minority participation in video lottery facility operations, and for specified duties of the State Lottery Commission and the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs rel...
Approved by the Governor
SB655PassEstablishing specified enhanced penalties for a person who commits a specified separate commercial fisheries violation while the person's commercial fishing license or authorization is suspended or revoked or who engages in commercial fishing activit...
Approved by the Governor
SB743PassAltering the eligibility requirements for family planning services under the Maryland Medical Assistance Program by requiring the Program to provide those services beginning on January 1, 2012, to all women whose family income is at or below 200 perc...
Approved by the Governor
SB959PassAltering the definition of bio-heating oil for purposes of a State income tax credit for the purchase of bio-heating oil for specified purposes; extending the termination provision for the income tax credit to June 30, 2018; altering dates of applica...
Approved by the Governor
SB414PassAltering the acknowledgment procedures for citations issued by specified police officers for specified natural resources violations; repealing a hearing requirement that must be met before the Department of Natural Resources may suspend a recreationa...
Approved by the Governor
SB694PassRequiring the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to participate in a specified database; altering the authority of the Commissioner to allow a commercial insured to waive specified search requirements for surplus lines coverage for specified purposes; a...
Approved by the Governor
SB888PassStating that the policy of this State is to encourage the use of special needs trusts or supplemental needs trusts by individuals with disabilities of all ages to preserve funds in order to provide for the needs of the individuals not met by public b...
Approved by the Governor
SB154PassRequiring health insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to reimburse an ambulance service provider directly for covered services under specified circumstances; providing that an insured, a subscriber, or an enr...
Approved by the Governor
SB847PassMaking the Department of Natural Resources responsible for the employment of the State's Aquaculture Coordinator; transferring specified seafood-related programs, funds, and organizations from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Natura...
Approved by the Governor
SB159PassProviding that a person who is cited for unlawfully catching oysters may have a specified license revoked under specified circumstances; establishing grounds for license revocation; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to hold a hearing unde...
Approved by the Governor
SB723PassRequiring the Maryland Health Care Commission to adopt regulations for the privacy and security of protected health information obtained or released through a health information exchange by specified persons; requiring the regulations to include prot...
Approved by the Governor
SB163PassIncreasing to five the number of regular members and eliminating substitute members on the Allegany County Board of Elections, the Baltimore City Board of Elections, the Charles County Board of Elections, and the Frederick County Board of Elections; ...
Approved by the Governor
SB584PassEstablishing the Cord Blood Transplant Program in the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for specified purposes; establishing the Cord Blood Transplant Center Support Fund; providing for the purpose of the Fund; requiring the Department to admin...
Approved by the Governor
SB75PassExpanding the scope of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act by altering the definition of "consumer" to include an individual who sells or offers for sale to a merchant consumer goods or consumer realty, and altering the definition of "merchant" to i...
Approved by the Governor
SB718PassProviding that a telephone company may not be required to distribute a specified telephone directory to an address in the State unless the property owner or an occupant requests the directory; requiring a telephone company to provide notice to custom...
Approved by the Governor
SB400PassRequiring the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, on request, to prepare and register a certificate of foreign birth for specified individuals who have been granted an IH-3 visa by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; and req...
Approved by the Governor
SB212PassProviding that specified death benefit provisions of the workers' compensation law apply only to specified covered employees of a municipal corporation or a county, and their dependents; altering the authority of the Workers' Compensation Commission ...
Approved by the Governor
SB672PassAllowing a qualified film production entity to claim a credit against the State income tax for costs incurred for film production activities; repealing the Film Production Rebate Program; requiring the Department of Business and Economic Development ...
Approved by the Governor
SB176PassEstablishing the Maryland Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council; specifying the membership and staffing of the Council; requiring the Governor to designate the chair or cochairs of the Council; prohibiting members of the Council from receiving spec...
Approved by the Governor
SB178PassProhibiting a parent, family member, household member, or other person who has permanent or temporary care or custody or responsibility for supervision of a minor from neglecting the minor; establishing the misdemeanor of child neglect and providing ...
Approved by the Governor
SB179PassRequiring the Public Service Commission to establish a pilot program for charging electric vehicles by June 30, 2013; authorizing an electric company to request to participate in the pilot program; requiring the pilot program to include incentives fo...
Approved by the Governor
SB722PassRequiring incentives for the adoption and use of electronic health records to be paid in cash, unless a specified payor and health care provider agree on an incentive of equivalent value; prohibiting specified regulations from requiring a group model...
Approved by the Governor
SB645PassProhibiting the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City from selling property to enforce a lien for unpaid charges for water and sewer service under specified circumstances.
Approved by the Governor
SB228PassAltering a specified definition to exclude the sale of certain raw agricultural products at a public festival or event from regulation as a food service facility; prohibiting a local jurisdiction from requiring a license for the sale of raw agricultu...
Approved by the Governor
SB421PassAltering the amount a local government can spend on development projects after it has attained its acquisition goals under Program Open Space; repealing a limitation on the use of specified funds; authorizing a local government, if it qualifies for s...
Approved by the Governor
SB230PassRequiring a custodian of records under the Public Information Act to deny inspection of the part of a public record that contains the name, address, telephone number, or electronic mail address of any individual enrolled in or any member of a senior ...
Approved by the Governor
SB994PassIncreasing the rate of the sales and use tax imposed on the sale of an alcoholic beverage to 9% of the taxable price of the alcoholic beverage; making the Act a supplementary appropriation to fund a specified waiting list initiative for the Developme...
Approved by the Governor
SB961PassAltering the requirement that the State ensure that at least a specified percentage of vehicles using diesel fuel in the State vehicle fleet use a blend of fuel containing at least a specified percentage of biodiesel fuel to include the use of biofue...
Approved by the Governor
SB917PassExempting specified alcoholic beverages businesses in Wicomico County from a prohibition against having a financial interest in a premises where alcoholic beverages are sold at retail or in any other business conducted by an alcoholic beverages licen...
Approved by the Governor
SB253PassAltering the procedures for filling a vacancy in an office of county commissioner in Garrett County by requiring the Governor to use procedures required for other commission counties, subject to the requirement that in Garrett County the nominee or a...
Approved by the Governor
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