Bill Text: NY S01294 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Provides for temporary suspension of sales and compensating use tax on certain services, during governor ordered state of emergency, provided by contractors, subcontractors, repair persons or property owners for clean-up activities associated with real property, property or land after a natural or manmade disaster.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-01-19 - PRINT NUMBER 1294A [S01294 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-S01294-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Provides for temporary suspension of sales and compensating use tax on certain services, during governor ordered state of emergency, provided by contractors, subcontractors, repair persons or property owners for clean-up activities associated with real property, property or land after a natural or manmade disaster.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-01-19 - PRINT NUMBER 1294A [S01294 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-S01294-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 1294 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E January 9, 2015 ___________ Introduced by Sens. RANZENHOFER, GALLIVAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Investi- gations and Government Operations AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to suspending the state sales and compensating use tax on certain disaster clean-up items during a state of emergency and authorizing localities to waive such tax during the same period THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 1115 of the tax law is amended by adding a new 2 subdivision (jj) to read as follows: 3 (JJ) THE GOVERNOR MAY TEMPORARILY SUSPEND SALES AND COMPENSATING USE 4 TAXES ASSOCIATED WITH SERVICES OTHERWISE TAXABLE UNDER SUBDIVISION (C) 5 OF SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED FIVE OR UNDER SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED TEN OF 6 THIS ARTICLE RENDERED IN CLEAN-UP AND REPAIR OF REAL PROPERTY, PROPERTY 7 OR LAND, AS SUCH TERMS ARE DEFINED IN THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW, WHEN 8 SUCH SERVICES ARE PROVIDED BY A CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, REPAIRPERSON 9 OR OWNER OF SUCH REAL PROPERTY, PROPERTY OR LAND LOCATED IN AN AFFECTED 10 COUNTY DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME DECLARED BY THE GOVERNOR AS A STATE 11 DISASTER EMERGENCY, AS DEFINED BY PARAGRAPH B OF SUBDIVISION TWO OF 12 SECTION TWENTY OF THE EXECUTIVE LAW, AND UP TO SIXTY DAYS THEREAFTER. 13 S 2. Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph 1 of subdivision (a) of section 14 1210 of the tax law, as amended by chapter 13 of the laws of 2013, is 15 amended to read as follows: 16 (ii) Any local law, ordinance or resolution enacted by any city, coun- 17 ty or school district, imposing the taxes authorized by this subdivi- 18 sion, shall omit the residential solar energy systems equipment 19 exemption provided for in subdivision (ee), the commercial solar energy 20 systems equipment exemption provided for in subdivision (ii), THE STATE 21 OF EMERGENCY CLEAN-UP ACTIVITIES PROVIDED FOR IN SUBDIVISION (JJ) and 22 the clothing and footwear exemption provided for in paragraph thirty of EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02089-01-5 S. 1294 2 1 subdivision (a) of section eleven hundred fifteen of this chapter, 2 unless such city, county or school district elects otherwise as to 3 either such residential solar energy systems equipment exemption, such 4 commercial solar energy systems equipment exemption or such clothing and 5 footwear exemption. 6 S 3. Subdivision (d) of section 1210 of the tax law, as amended by 7 section 37 of part S-1 of chapter 57 of the laws of 2009, is amended to 8 read as follows: 9 (d) A local law, ordinance or resolution imposing any tax pursuant to 10 this section, increasing or decreasing the rate of such tax, repealing 11 or suspending such tax, exempting from such tax the energy sources and 12 services described in paragraph three of subdivision (a) or of subdivi- 13 sion (b) of this section or changing the rate of tax imposed on such 14 energy sources and services or providing for the credit or refund 15 described in clause six of subdivision (a) of section eleven hundred 16 nineteen of this chapter must go into effect only on one of the follow- 17 ing dates: March first, June first, September first or December first; 18 provided, that a local law, ordinance or resolution providing for the 19 exemption described in paragraph thirty of subdivision (a) OR SUBDIVI- 20 SION (JJ) of section eleven hundred fifteen of this chapter or repealing 21 any such exemption or a local law, ordinance or resolution providing for 22 a refund or credit described in subdivision (d) of section eleven 23 hundred nineteen of this chapter or repealing such provision so provided 24 must go into effect only on March first. No such local law, ordinance or 25 resolution shall be effective unless a certified copy of such law, ordi- 26 nance or resolution is mailed by registered or certified mail to the 27 commissioner at the commissioner's office in Albany at least ninety days 28 prior to the date it is to become effective. However, the commissioner 29 may waive and reduce such ninety-day minimum notice requirement to a 30 mailing of such certified copy by registered or certified mail within a 31 period of not less than thirty days prior to such effective date if the 32 commissioner deems such action to be consistent with the commissioner's 33 duties under section twelve hundred fifty of this article and the 34 commissioner acts by resolution. Where the restriction provided for in 35 section twelve hundred twenty-three of this article as to the effective 36 date of a tax and the notice requirement provided for therein are appli- 37 cable and have not been waived, the restriction and notice requirement 38 in section twelve hundred twenty-three of this article shall also apply. 39 S 4. Section 1210 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subdivi- 40 sion (q) to read as follows: 41 (Q) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF STATE OR LOCAL LAW, ORDI- 42 NANCE OR RESOLUTION TO THE CONTRARY: 43 (1) ANY CITY HAVING A POPULATION OF ONE MILLION OR MORE IN WHICH THE 44 TAXES IMPOSED BY SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED SEVEN OF THIS CHAPTER ARE IN 45 EFFECT, ACTING THROUGH ITS LOCAL LEGISLATIVE BODY, IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED 46 AND EMPOWERED TO ELECT TO PROVIDE THE EXEMPTION FROM SUCH TAXES FOR THE 47 SAME STATE OF EMERGENCY CLEAN-UP ACTIVITIES EXEMPT FROM STATE SALES AND 48 COMPENSATING USE TAXES, DURING THE SAME PERIODS EACH YEAR, DESCRIBED IN 49 SUBDIVISION (JJ) OF SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED FIFTEEN OF THIS CHAPTER BY 50 ENACTING A RESOLUTION EXACTLY IN THE FORM SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH TWO OF 51 THIS SUBDIVISION; WHEREUPON, UPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF 52 SUBDIVISIONS (D) AND (E) OF THIS SECTION, SUCH ENACTMENT OF SUCH RESOL- 53 UTION SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE AN AMENDMENT TO SUCH SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED 54 SEVEN AND SUCH SECTION ELEVEN HUNDRED SEVEN SHALL BE DEEMED TO INCORPO- 55 RATE SUCH EXEMPTION AS IF IT HAD BEEN DULY ENACTED BY THE STATE LEGISLA- 56 TURE AND APPROVED BY THE GOVERNOR. S. 1294 3 1 (2) FORM OF RESOLUTION: BE IT ENACTED BY THE (INSERT PROPER TITLE OF 2 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE BODY) AS FOLLOWS: 3 SECTION ONE. RECEIPTS FROM SALES OF AND CONSIDERATION GIVEN OR 4 CONTRACTED TO BE GIVEN FOR, OR FOR THE USE OF, STATE OF EMERGENCY 5 CLEAN-UP ACTIVITIES EXEMPT FROM STATE SALES AND COMPENSATING USE TAXES 6 PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (JJ) OF SECTION 1115 OF THE NEW YORK TAX LAW 7 SHALL ALSO BE EXEMPT FROM SALES AND COMPENSATING USE TAXES IMPOSED IN 8 THIS JURISDICTION, DURING THE SAME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SUCH SUBDIVI- 9 SION. 10 SECTION TWO. THIS RESOLUTION SHALL TAKE EFFECT MARCH 1, (INSERT THE 11 YEAR, BUT NOT EARLIER THAN THE YEAR 2015) AND SHALL APPLY TO SALES MADE 12 AND USES OCCURRING DURING THE APPLICABLE EXEMPTION PERIODS EACH YEAR, IN 13 ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 1106 14 AND 1217 OF THE NEW YORK TAX LAW. 15 S 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of state or local law, ordi- 16 nance or resolution to the contrary: (a) Any county or city imposing 17 sales and compensating use taxes pursuant to the authority of subpart B 18 of part I of article 29 of the tax law, acting through its local legis- 19 lative body, is hereby authorized and empowered to elect to provide the 20 exemption from such taxes for new state of emergency clean-up activities 21 exempt from state sales and compensating use taxes described in subdivi- 22 sion (jj) of section 1115 of the tax law, as added by section one of 23 this act, for the periods described therein, whether such taxes are 24 imposed by local law, ordinance or resolution, by enacting a resolution 25 exactly in the form set forth in subdivision (c) of this section, such 26 enactment of such resolution shall be deemed to amend such local law, 27 ordinance or resolution imposing such taxes, and such local law, ordi- 28 nance or resolution shall thenceforth be deemed to incorporate such 29 exemptions. 30 (b) Any city of one million or more in which the taxes imposed by 31 section 1107 of the tax law are in effect, acting through its local 32 legislative body, is hereby authorized and empowered to elect to provide 33 the exemption from such taxes for the same state of emergency clean-up 34 activities exempt from state sales and compensating use taxes described 35 in subdivision (jj) of section 1115 of the tax law, as added by section 36 one of this act, for the periods described therein, by enacting a resol- 37 ution exactly in the form set forth in subdivision (c) of this section, 38 such enactment of such resolution shall be deemed to amend such section 39 1107 of the tax law and such section 1107 shall thenceforth be deemed to 40 incorporate such exemption for such periods as if it had been duly 41 enacted by the state legislature and approved by the governor and such 42 resolution shall also be deemed to amend any local law, ordinance or 43 resolution enacted by such a city imposing such taxes pursuant to the 44 authority of subdivision (a) of section 1210 of the tax law, whether or 45 not such taxes are suspended at the time such city enacts its resol- 46 ution. 47 (c) Form of Resolution: 48 Be it enacted by the (insert proper title of local legislative body) 49 as follows: 50 Section one: The (county or city) of (locality's name) hereby elects 51 the state of emergency clean-up activities exemption periods commencing 52 (commencement period). 53 Section two: This resolution shall take effect immediately and shall 54 apply to sales made and uses occurring during the applicable periods 55 each year, in accordance with applicable transitional provisions of the 56 New York Tax Law. S. 1294 4 1 (d) A resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall be effective 2 only if it is adopted exactly as set forth in subdivision (c) of this 3 section and such county or city adopts it, mails a certified copy of it 4 to the commissioner of taxation and finance by certified mail and other- 5 wise complies with the requirements of subdivisions (d) and (e) of 6 section 1210 of the tax law. 7 S 6. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to sales 8 made and uses occurring during exemption periods on or after such date 9 in accordance with the applicable transitional provisions of sections 10 1106 and 1217 of the tax law.