Legislative Research: PA HB2237 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in arson, criminal mischief and other property destruction, further providing for the offense of criminal mischief; i...
[HB2237 2023 Detail][HB2237 2023 Text][HB2237 2023 Comments]
Referred to JUDICIARY
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of December 14, 1988 (P.L.1192, No.147), known as the Special Ad Hoc Municipal Police and Firefighter Postretirement Adjustment Act, providing for 2022 special ad hoc municipal police postretirement adjustment; in financing of...
[HB2237 2021 Detail][HB2237 2021 Text][HB2237 2021 Comments]
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of June 27, 2006 (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.1873, No.1), known as the Taxpayer Relief Act, in taxation by school districts, repealing provisions relating to local tax study commission and adoption of further referendum.
[HB2237 2019 Detail][HB2237 2019 Text][HB2237 2019 Comments]
Referred to FINANCE
Regular Session

(N/A - Dead)
An Act making appropriations from the General Fund to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2...
[HB2237 2017 Detail][HB2237 2017 Text][HB2237 2017 Comments]

Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in burglary and other criminal intrusion, further providing for the offense of burglary and for the offense of criminal trespass.
[HB2237 2015 Detail][HB2237 2015 Text][HB2237 2015 Comments]
Referred to JUDICIARY
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, in charter schools, further providing for definitions, for charter school requirements, for powers of board of trustees and for facilities; and, in re...
[HB2237 2013 Detail][HB2237 2013 Text][HB2237 2013 Comments]
Referred to EDUCATION
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, providing for unlicensed residential habilitation waiver services and reimbursement.
[HB2237 2011 Detail][HB2237 2011 Text][HB2237 2011 Comments]
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, further providing for uniform policy provisions.
[HB2237 2009 Detail][HB2237 2009 Text][HB2237 2009 Comments]
Referred to INSURANCE
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
An Act amending the act of February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581), known as The Borough Code, further providing for compensation of council members and for salary of mayor.
[HB2237 2007 Detail][HB2237 2007 Text][HB2237 2007 Comments]

References Online

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[Representative Aaron Bernstine PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Timothy Briggs PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Michael Driscoll PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Torren Ecker PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Carol Hill-Evans PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Joseph Hohenstein PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Robert James PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Natalie Mihalek PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative David Millard PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Ed Neilson PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Jennifer O'Mara PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Timothy O'Neal PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Tracy Pennycuick PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Tina Pickett PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Todd Polinchock PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative James Rigby PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Senator Greg Rothman PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Christopher Sainato PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
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[Representative Napoleon Nelson PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Liz Hanbidge PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart
[Representative Mike Armanini PA]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

PA HB2237 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session. (2022, January 11). LegiScan. Retrieved February 13, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/PA/bill/HB2237/2021
"PA HB2237 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 11 Jan. 2022. Web. 13 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/PA/bill/HB2237/2021>.
"PA HB2237 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session." January 11, 2022 LegiScan. Accessed February 13, 2025. https://legiscan.com/PA/bill/HB2237/2021.
LegiScan. PA HB2237 | 2021-2022 | Regular Session. 11 January 2022. https://legiscan.com/PA/bill/HB2237/2021 (accessed February 13, 2025).

Pennsylvania State Sources
