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| AN ACT |
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1 | Providing for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center | <-- |
2 | Hotline Act; and imposing duties on prothonotaries. |
3 | Providing for the National Human Trafficking Resource Center | <-- |
4 | Hotline Notification Act; and imposing duties on the |
5 | Department of Labor and Industry. |
6 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
7 | hereby enacts as follows: |
8 | Section 1. Short title. | <-- |
9 | This act shall be known and may be cited as the National |
10 | Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Act. |
11 | Section 2. Required posting. |
12 | (a) Sign.--An establishment shall post a sign indicating |
13 | certain information regarding the National Human Trafficking |
14 | Resource Center Hotline. The sign shall be no smaller than 8 1/2 |
15 | inches by 11 inches. Unless stated otherwise in this section, it |
16 | shall be posted near the entrance of the establishment or |
17 | prominently where notices are usually posted. The sign shall |
18 | state the following: |
19 | National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at |
1 | 1-888-373-7888 |
2 | If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in |
3 | any activity and cannot leave - whether it is commercial |
4 | sex, housework, farm work or any other activity - call |
5 | the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 |
6 | to access help and services. |
7 | Victims of human trafficking are protected under United |
8 | States and Pennsylvania law. |
9 | The hotline is: |
10 | Anonymous and confidential |
11 | Available 24/7 |
12 | Toll free |
13 | Operated by a nongovernmental, nonprofit organization |
14 | Accessible in 170 languages |
15 | Able to provide help, referral to services, training |
16 | and general information. |
17 | (b) Posting.-- |
18 | (1) Establishments shall post the sign on the inside |
19 | face of the main door leading directly into each unit. |
20 | (2) Establishments shall post the sign required in |
21 | subsection (a) inside all restrooms either: |
22 | (i) on the inside of each stall door; or |
23 | (ii) on the back of the restroom door. |
24 | (c) Language.--The sign shall be posted in English, Spanish |
25 | and any other language mandated by the Voting Rights Act of 1965 |
26 | (Public Law 89-110, 42 U.S.C. § 1973 et seq.) in the county |
27 | where the sign will be posted. |
28 | (d) Font.--The title of the sign, the National Human |
29 | Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at 1-888-373-7888, shall be |
30 | boldfaced, underlined and no smaller than 28-point font size. |
1 | (e) Notice.-- |
2 | (1) The authority responsible for licensing the type of |
3 | establishment shall provide notice of this section and the |
4 | sign required by subsection (a) on its Internet website for |
5 | establishments to print as needed. |
6 | (2) The Department of Labor and Industry shall provide |
7 | the sign required by subsection (a) on its Internet website |
8 | for establishments to print as needed. |
9 | (f) Civil penalty.--In addition to any other remedy |
10 | available at law or in equity for a violation of this section, |
11 | the licensing authority for the establishment may assess a civil |
12 | penalty upon a person for a violation of this section. In |
13 | assessing a civil penalty, the licensing authority shall give |
14 | notice to the person and shall provide an opportunity for a |
15 | hearing. The civil penalty assessed shall not exceed $500. The |
16 | civil penalty shall be payable to the Department of Labor and |
17 | Industry and shall be collectible in a manner provided by law |
18 | for the collection of debt. |
19 | (g) Hearing.--A hearing regarding a civil penalty imposed |
20 | under subsection (f) shall be conducted under 2 Pa.C.S. |
21 | (relating to administrative law and procedure). |
22 | (h) Lien.--If a person liable to pay a civil penalty imposed |
23 | under subsection (f) neglects or refuses to pay it after demand, |
24 | the amount of the civil penalty, together with interest and |
25 | other costs that may accrue, shall be a lien in favor of the |
26 | Commonwealth upon the real and personal property of the person |
27 | after the lien has been entered and docketed of record by the |
28 | prothonotary of the county where the property is situated. |
29 | (i) Duties of prothonotary.--Upon receipt of the certified |
30 | copy of the lien, it is the duty of the prothonotary to: |
1 | (1) Enter and docket the lien in the records of his |
2 | office. |
3 | (2) Index the lien as judgments are indexed without |
4 | requiring the payment of costs as a condition precedent to |
5 | entry. |
6 | (j) Definition.--As used in this section, the term |
7 | "establishment" means the following places: |
8 | (1) A massage parlor, spa or a similar enterprise, |
9 | regardless of whether it is required to obtain a license or |
10 | permit from the Commonwealth for its operation. |
11 | (2) A restaurant, bar, tavern, hotel or club that has a |
12 | valid liquor or malt or brewed beverage license under Article |
13 | IV of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the |
14 | Liquor Code. |
15 | (3) An adult entertainment enterprise featuring nude or |
16 | partially nude dancing or providing live adult entertainment. |
17 | (4) A hotel or motel found to be a drug-related nuisance |
18 | under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 83 Subch. H (relating to drug nuisances) |
19 | or declared a common nuisance under section 1 of the act of |
20 | June 23, 1931 (P.L.1178, No.319), entitled "An act declaring |
21 | buildings and parts of buildings used for purposes of |
22 | fornication, lewdness, assignation, and prostitution to be |
23 | nuisances; providing a method of abating same; establishing a |
24 | method of procedure against those who use said buildings, or |
25 | parts thereof, for such purposes; and providing penalties for |
26 | violations of this act." |
27 | (5) An airport, train station or bus station. |
28 | (6) A welcome center or rest area operated by the |
29 | Department of Transportation. |
30 | Section 3. Effective date. |
1 | This act shall take effect in 60 days. |
2 | Section 1. Short title. | <-- |
3 | This act shall be known and may be cited as the National |
4 | Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Notification Act. |
5 | Section 2. Required posting. |
6 | (a) Sign.--An establishment defined under subsection (g) |
7 | shall post a sign containing information regarding the National |
8 | Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline. Any other |
9 | establishment or business may post a sign. |
10 | (b) Posting.--Establishments shall post at least one sign in |
11 | a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public and employees |
12 | of the establishment. |
13 | (c) Size, information and design.--The sign shall be no |
14 | smaller than 8½ by 11 inches. |
15 | (1) The Department of Labor and Industry shall design |
16 | the sign to include the following information: |
17 | (i) The National Human Trafficking Resource Center |
18 | Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. |
19 | (ii) Victims of human trafficking are protected |
20 | under United States and Pennsylvania law. |
21 | (2) The Department of Labor and Industry may consult |
22 | with human trafficking victim advocates to determine other |
23 | information that may be included on the sign. |
24 | (3) The Department of Labor and Industry shall design |
25 | the sign to draw attention to the telephone number of the |
26 | National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline by showing |
27 | the number in bold type and large font. |
28 | (4) The sign shall be posted in English, Spanish and any |
29 | other language mandated by the Voting Rights Act of 1965 |
30 | (Public Law 89-110, 42 U.S.C. § 1973 et seq.) in the county |
1 | where the sign will be posted. |
2 | (d) Notice.-- |
3 | (1) The authority responsible for licensing the |
4 | establishments as defined in subsection (g) shall provide |
5 | notice of this section. |
6 | (2) The Department of Labor and Industry shall provide |
7 | the sign required by subsection (a) on its Internet website |
8 | for establishments to print as needed. |
9 | (e) Civil penalty.--In addition to any other remedy |
10 | available at law or in equity for a violation of this section, |
11 | the licensing authority for the establishment may assess a civil |
12 | penalty upon a person for a violation of this section. In |
13 | assessing a civil penalty, the licensing authority shall give |
14 | notice to the person and shall provide an opportunity for a |
15 | hearing. The civil penalty assessed shall not exceed $500. The |
16 | civil penalty shall be payable to the Department of Labor and |
17 | Industry and shall be collectible in a manner provided by law |
18 | for the collection of debt. |
19 | (f) Hearing.--A hearing regarding a civil penalty imposed |
20 | under subsection (e) shall be conducted under 2 Pa.C.S. |
21 | (relating to administrative law and procedure). |
22 | (g) Definitions.--As used in this section, the term |
23 | "establishment" means the following places: |
24 | (1) A massage parlor, spa or a similar enterprise, |
25 | regardless of whether it is required to obtain a license or |
26 | permit from the Commonwealth for its operation. |
27 | (2) A restaurant, bar, tavern, hotel or club that has a |
28 | valid liquor or malt or brewed beverage license under Article |
29 | IV of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the |
30 | Liquor Code. |
1 | (3) An adult entertainment enterprise featuring nude or |
2 | partially nude dancing or providing live adult entertainment. |
3 | (4) A hotel or motel found to be a drug-related nuisance |
4 | under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 83 Subch. H (relating to drug nuisances) |
5 | or declared a common nuisance under section 1 of the act of |
6 | June 23, 1931 (P.L.1178, No.319), entitled "An act declaring |
7 | buildings and parts of buildings used for purposes of |
8 | fornication, lewdness, assignation, and prostitution to be |
9 | nuisances; providing a method of abating same; establishing a |
10 | method of procedure against those who use said buildings, or |
11 | parts thereof, for such purposes; and providing penalties for |
12 | violations of this act." |
13 | (5) An airport, train station or bus station. |
14 | (6) A welcome center or rest area operated by the |
15 | Department of Transportation. |
16 | (7) A full-service commercial truck stop. |
17 | Section 3. Effective date. |
18 | This act shall take effect in 60 days. |