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Sine Die
Prohibits the sale, offer of sale, trade or distribution of fur products as defined and would make violations punishable by a civil fine.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Increases penalties for damages to electric/cellular communication lines from $3,000 to $50,000/imprisonment from 2 to 10 years, or both/requires restitution for economic harm/increases water supply systems imprisonment to 10 years plus.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Creates a new chapter related to grocery stores, specifically limiting the number of self-service checkout units.
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
Permits towns and cities to regulate all houseboats within their jurisdiction.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee

Sine Die
Creates the "Embryo Safety and Storage Act of 2023" and requires the department of health to regulate and license embryo storage facilities.
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
Removes the sunset provision of all statutory law requiring coverage for the treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
Allows cold war, veteran administration connected disability, and RI national guard with less than 90 days service admission into veterans' home.
To House Veterans Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Provides that every city and town must maintain a municipal veterans' service officer. Also authorizes a $100,000 appropriation to be used for support and outreach for veterans.
To House Veterans Affairs Committee

Sine Die
Exempts real and tangible personal property of a municipal and school district employee, with ten (10) years of employment, at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of the property tax bill or $5,000, whichever is greater.
Withdrawn at sponsor's request
RIH5271PassHouse Resolution Honoring And Thanking Elizabeth Burke Bryant For Twenty-eight Years Of Devoted Service As Executive Director Of Rhode Island Kids Count
House read and passed
RIH5241PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming January 23, 2023, To Be "maternal Health Awareness Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
House Resolution Amending The Rules Of The House Of Representatives For The Years 2021 And 2022 (this Resolution Would Amend The House Rules To Use The Electronic Voting System To Electronically Record Any Member Seconding A Motion When Multiple Memb...
To House Rules Committee
RIH5138PassHouse Resolution Congratulating And Thanking Deborah L. Perry For Twenty-four Years Of Leadership And Dedicated Service To Ywca Rhode Island And The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5072PassHouse Resolution Recognizing And Thanking Sandy M. Barone For All She Has Done For The People Of East Providence, Barrington And The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5061PassHouse Resolution Honoring Representative Bernard A. Hawkins For His Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5031PassHouse Resolution Urging All Rhode Islanders To Join Together In Strongly Condemning Any And All Forms Of Antisemitism
House read and passed
RIH5030PassHouse Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Beverly A. Potter
House read and passed
RIH5005PassHouse Resolution Expressing Profound Sympathy On The Passing Of Janice Diprete
House read and passed
RIH6633PassSame as 21H-6044 --Creates a special license plate for the not for profit Atlantic Shark Institute.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8285PassExempts from taxation the real and tangible personal property of Cape Verdean Museum Exhibit, located in Pawtucket.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8353PassAmends the Gender Inclusive Restroom Act to have a municipality apply to the state building code standard committee for a waiver in the case of undue burden with compliance.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7607PassAllows high school students receiving state Silver/Gold Seal of Biliteracy to earn 2 to 4 semesters of college credit toward minor/major in language at public university/community college if requested within 3 yrs. after high school graduation.
Signed by Governor
RIH7803PassEnsures that all hospitals and hospital-owned professional practices accept payment for all-inclusive elderly care which is no more than one hundred (100%) of what Medicare would pay for the same services.
Signed by Governor
RIH7902PassRemoves the ban that prohibited members of the state labor relations board from holding public office.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8246PassPermits retired district court clerk/magistrates or magistrates to be recalled after retirement.
Signed by Governor
RIH8274PassAuthorizes the City of East Providence to issue bonds and notes in an amount not exceeding $148,000,000 to finance the construction, renovation, improvement, alteration, repair furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6643PassSame as 21H-5147 -- Provides a statutory framework for the licensing and regulation of genetic counselors.
Signed by Governor
RIH7079PassRequires any entity that receives, maintains, stores or preserves sexual assault evidence kits to submit a report to the department of health, annually, setting forth the total number of untested kits in possession of such entity.
Signed by Governor
RIH7561PassProvides health care coverage for laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids, including uterine artery embolization intraoperative ultrasound guidance and monitoring and radiofrequency ablation, commencing January 1, 2023.
Signed by Governor
RIH7604PassAmends the formula used to reimburse a utility facility or company for the cost of relocation necessitated by highway construction.
Signed by Governor
RIH7971PassAmends the affordable clean energy security act and the long-term contracting standard for renewable energy.
Signed by Governor
RIH7200PassRequires that janitors and security guards employed, pursuant to state contracts worth more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) of janitorial or security services, be paid a standard compensation rate.
Signed by Governor
RIH7129PassRestricts the use of neonicotinoids which are a class of insecticides.
Signed by Governor
RIH7277PassIncreases the percentage of retail electricity sales from renewable energy sources.
Signed by Governor
RIH7349PassAllows the city of East Providence to adopt a tax exemption classification for disabled veterans who have a disability rating of less than one hundred percent (100%).
Signed by Governor
RIH7886PassPermits the DOC to release a sentenced inmate up to 3 days early directly to a community partner for residential treatment or stable housing when completion of sentence is incompatible with the community partners staffing or scheduling capabilities.
Signed by Governor
RIH8211PassCreates uniform rate review procedure for rates to be changed.
Signed by Governor
RIH8368PassHouse Resolution Honoring Representative Deborah Ruggiero For Her Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH8369PassHouse Resolution Honoring Representative Gregg M. Amore For His Service To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
Sets pharmacist renewal license fee at $250 biennially and annual nonresident pharmacy location license fee at $625. Validates pharmacy technician licenses for 2 years. Validates pharmacy intern licenses for 5 years.
To Senate Health and Human Services Committee
RIH7358PassDefines rifle and shotgun as weapons and makes it unlawful to possess a loaded rifle or shotgun in public subject to various exceptions inclusive of hunting activity punishable upon conviction by imprisonment up to 5 years or a fine up to $5,000.
Signed by Governor
RIH7457PassIncreases the age from eighteen (18) to twenty-one (21) years for lawful sale of firearms or ammunition. Exempts full-time law enforcement, state marshals and members of the U.S. military from these prohibitions.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Amends provisions of law relative to the disclosure of confidential health care records and the disclosure thereof occurring through electronic means.
To Senate Health and Human Services Committee
RIH7665PassAuthorizes licensed veterinarians to control and prescribe chorionic gonadotropin strictly for veterinary use and when that use is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Signed by Governor
RIH7911PassExempts not-for-profit food banks from the registration requirements under the "solicitation by charitable organizations" statute.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Requires a contractor, subcontractor or public body to include offsite fabrication work in weekly certified prevailing wage records.
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
Creates the Rhode Island Psychiatry Resource Network for the primary purpose of equitably determining and collecting assessments for the cost of Psychiatry Resource Network's in the state not covered by other federal or state funding.
To House Finance Committee
RIH6614PassSame as 21H-5554 --Makes it a felony for an individual to possess any semi-automatic firearm magazine which is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Violation is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment or a fine of up to $5,000.
Signed by Governor
RIH7424PassProhibited gaming patrons forfeit winnings.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Removes the child support eligibility requirement under the section related to childcare assistance -- families or assistance units eligible.
To House Finance Committee
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