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Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- LILA MANFIELD SAPINSLEY COMPASSIONATE CARE ACT - Establishes the process to provide a legal mechanism whereby a terminally ill patient may choose to end their life using medications prescribed by a physician.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- PROCEDURE GENERALLY -- EVIDENCE - Provides that statements by a health care provider regarding the unanticipated outcome of a patient's medical care and treatment shall be inadmissible as evidence of an admission of liab...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- JUDICIAL SELECTION - Requires individuals seeking a judicial nomination to reapply to JNC every 5 years and make those individuals selected as finalists, eligible only for the court in which they applied and we...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT - Repeals provisions that assess costs for women in the community corrections program for women offenders and repeals the crime of loitering for prostitution.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- IDENTIFICATION AND APPREHENSION OF CRIMINALS - Mandates that the clerk of the district court automatically seal individual counts of criminal complaints upon dismissal pursuant to rule 48(a) of the rules of criminal procedure fo...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- BAIL AND RECOGNIZANCE - Prohibits the courts from setting cash or surety bail on any misdemeanor offense but permits the court to set reasonable non-monetary conditions of bail to assure the defendant's presence in court as requ...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- WAREHOUSE WORKER PROTECTION ACT - Requires employers to provide each employee of a warehouse distribution center, upon hire, with written description of quotas applicable to the employee within defined time periods and ad...
To House Labor Committee
RIH7064PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- OUTDOOR DINING ACT - Establishes standards governing the municipal regulation of outdoor dining at food service establishments.
Signed by Governor
RIH7068PassGENERAL ASSEMBLY -- PERMANENT JOINT COMMITTEE ON NAMING ALL NEW BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, EDIFICES AND OTHER STATE CONSTRUCTIONS - Provides that the center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences building at the University of Rhode Island be named as "Joseph '...
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Exempts the trade-in value of pickup trucks under fourteen thousand pounds (14,000 lbs.) gross weight.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT SYSTEM -- CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS - Allows retired public safety officers to seek secondary employment with the state or any municipality without any reduction or forfeiture of retirement benefits.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- FORCE-FED POULTRY PRODUCTS - Prohibits force-feeding to create a force-fed poultry product nor hire another to engage in force feeding of a poultry product. Violations would be subject to a civil penalty of $500.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT - Amends the current law on controlled substances to permit a person to be in possession of less than one ounce of psilocybin and permits psilocybin to be securely cultivated within a person's resid...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- LABOR RELATIONS ACT - Protects free speech/religious freedom/freedom of assembly rights in the workplace with a civil action to recover compensatory/punitive damages for employer discipline or discharge including attorney...
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- DIVORCE AND SEPARATION - Authorizes the family court to order educational classes on child development and family dynamics for divorcing parents with children.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- DIVORCE AND SEPARATION - Allows for child support payments when a child is domiciled in the home of the custodial parent and principally dependent on parent until the child is 21, or 23 if child is enrolled in an educational pro...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS REQUIRED AT PUBLIC PLACES AND HEALTH CARE FACILITIES - Requires all health care facilities to provide functional automated external defibrillators (AEDs
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF YOUTH CAMPS - Establishes the procedures and requirements for the licensing of youth camps.
To House Health & Human Services Committee
RIH7349PassHouse Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable William P. Rampone
House read and passed

Sine Die
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- INSURANCE BENEFITS - Allows private employees at nursing homes, developmental disability and home care providers whose salaries are 90% funded with federal or state monies to be eligible to opt into the state healthca...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- RHODE ISLAND HOUSING AND RESOURCES ACT OF 1998 - Incorporates universal design principals into new construction of low- and moderate-income housing to provide greater accessibility for persons with disabilities.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee
RIH7009PassHouse Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Eleanor M. Skenyon
House read and passed
RIH7008PassHouse Resolution Expressing Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Stephen Nardelli, Sr.
House read and passed
RIH7006PassHouse Resolution Congratulating The Honorable Charles Knowles On His Retirement After More Than Thirty Years Of Dedicated And Distinguished Service To The Citizens Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5201PassAllows the presumption of in-the-line-of-duty illness unless contrary evidence is presented.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH5569PassAllows persons who are on parole, a suspended sentence or on probation to serve on juries.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH5174PassProvides a definition of the recognizable high tide line for the public's rights and privileges of the shore.
Signed by Governor
RIH5855PassAmends the definition of unfair claims settlement practices by insurers & motor vehicle damage appraisers, and creates a chapter providing for the appraisal of damaged motor vehicles, when the insurer & the insured cannot agree on the amount of the l...
Signed by Governor
RIH6507PassProvides that school policies which provide for excused absences for participation in a sport or other extracurricular activity be amended and deemed to include attending agricultural fairs as an excused absence.
Signed by Governor
RIH6059PassAmends certain general laws relative to zoning ordinance variances, special use permits, modifications thereto and also amends provisions relative to substandard lots of record and the merger of such lots.
Signed by Governor
RIH6061PassAmends the provisions relative to the subdivision of land and the application process requesting relief from zoning ordinances and the review process thereof.
Signed by Governor
RIH5195PassAllows anyone who rendered services as a correction officer to receive pension credit for service as a state or municipal employee.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6425PassAllows the Honorable Arkadiusz Z. Smigielski to join Danielle St. Pierre and Michael Smigielski in marriage on or about October 27, 2023, within the City of Newport, Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6490PassReplaces the 2016 CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain with the 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6522PassProvides judges the discretion to make the time period of a filing under § 12-10-12, but in no event longer than the maximum jail sentence allowed by law.
Signed by Governor
RIH5591PassEliminates repealed statute references and create a mechanism for employees to enforce their existing right to continuation of medical benefits and annual report by DLT.
Signed by Governor
RIH5564PassAdds immunity from liability and provide compensation for certain injuries for employees whose position within school directly involves work with students.
Signed by Governor
RIH5550PassProhibits the sale: eff. 1/1/24 of screw/bayonet base compact fluorescent lamps; eff. 1/1/25 of pin-base type compact and linear fluorescent lamps with civil penalties for violations.
Signed by Governor
RIH5863PassProvides amendments to multiple sections of law related to the marine fisheries council.
Signed by Governor
RIH5902PassIncreases the criminal penalties for wage theft and employee misclassification.
Signed by Governor
RIH6523PassDecreases the number of hours needed for the issuance of a license for hairdresser and cosmetician licensing from 1,200 hours to 1,000 hours.
Signed by Governor
RIH5619PassAmends the reimbursements to cities, towns and fire districts from state revenues for lost tax revenue due to any phase-out or reduction of the motor vehicle excise tax.
Signed by Governor
RIH5758PassRequires that all vehicle model years prior to 2002 would not be required to be issued a title certificate until ownership is transferred or the current owner creates a security interest in the vehicle.
Signed by Governor
RIH5374PassAllows participating municipalities to elect to its employees the deferred compensation plans offered by the state.
Signed by Governor
RIH5537PassEnables Rhode Island licensed new motor vehicle dealers to conduct vehicle identification number inspections and submits them for an NCIC check by the chiefs of police or designees.
Signed by Governor
RIH5913PassAmends the current time frame for automatic sealing of criminal cases in the district court.
Signed by Governor
RIH5883PassProhibits abusive litigation context of domestic violence or stalking and allow the court to dismiss a case upon finding, by preponderance of the evidence, that the person who filed the case is abusing the system.
Signed by Governor
RIH6239PassRequires landlords to register certain identifying information on a statewide registry and for pre-1978 properties, provide a valid certificate of conformance with the lead hazard mitigation act.
Signed by Governor
RIH5055PassAllows individuals, who have not reached the age of eighteen (18) years, to vote in a primary election, as long as the voter will be eighteen (18), as of the date of the general or special election.
Signed by Governor
RIH5226PassCreates a new section which provides a streamlined adoption process for children born through assisted reproduction and who need adoption to confirm, not establish, their legal parentage to protect them against discrimination in all jurisdictions.
Signed by Governor
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