SD Legislation | 2013 | Regular Session

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HB1185PassAppropriate money for the ordinary expenses of the legislative, judicial, and executive departments of the state, the expenses of state institutions, interest on the public debt, and for common schools.
Signed by Governor
HB1137PassImpact education in South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor
HB1103PassExempt credit health insurers from certain provisions related to preexisting conditions.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1056PassRevise various trust and trust company provisions.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1124PassProvide for the appointment of members of the South Dakota Pulse Crops Council.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
SB153PassClarify, remove inconsistencies from, and revise certain provisions relating to the formation and operation of watershed districts.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
HB1184PassMake an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to fund certain improvements to the state park system.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1050PassMake an appropriation for costs related to the suppression of mountain pine beetles, to establish a cost share program with the counties in the state, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1049PassTransfer the value added agriculture subfund from the Governor's Office of Economic Development to the Department of Agriculture.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1048PassRevise and repeal certain provisions related to the Department of Agriculture.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1123PassIncrease the surcharge on certain hunting licenses for predator control purposes, approve temporary funding provisions relating to predator control, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1045PassRevise certain provisions regarding alternative apportionment methods available for determination of the bank franchise tax.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
SB75PassAdopt updated guidelines for the evaluation of permanent impairment in connection with workers' compensation claims.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
HB1122PassRevise certain requirements relating to health insurance plans for county officers and employees.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1187PassProvide alternative brand inspection procedures for certain rodeo livestock.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1033PassAuthorize the Department of Social Services to dismantle, demolish, preserve, or rehabilitate buildings on the Human Services Center campus in Yankton, South Dakota, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1174PassRevise certain provisions pertaining to snowmobile operation.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1030PassAuthorize the South Dakota Building Authority to finance the construction of improvements in the state park system for the Department of Game, Fish and Parks and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
SB166PassRevise the number of years that permits to carry a concealed weapon are valid.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
HB1075PassRevise the membership of the Legislative Planning Committee.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1120PassAllow regional intergovernmental cooperation for sewer utilities and to provide for the establishment of rates and charges.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
SB90PassRevise the General Appropriations Acts for fiscal years 2012 and 2013.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
SB195PassRevise the distribution of the wind energy tax.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
SB1PassRevise the provisions regarding plugging and performance bonds for oil and gas wells and to repeal the supplemental restoration bond requirement.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
HB1018PassRevise certain provisions concerning elections and petitions.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
SB194PassExtend the sunset date for certain expenditures from a school district's capital outlay fund.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
SB154PassRevise the maximum weight allowed on certain wide-based super single tires.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
SB71PassCorrect the name of a postsecondary institution authorized to provide educational programs in South Dakota, and to revise the requirements for an institution seeking such authorization.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
SB120PassRevise provisions related to consent to sexual activity.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
HB1162PassProvide for special organ donation decals for license plates.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1110PassProvide for openness in certain electronic records databases and to open certain information regarding electronic record systems.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1220PassPermit the use of golf carts under certain circumstances within state parks or recreation areas.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1163PassRevise certain provisions related to the filing of the certificate of limited partnerships.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1112PassClarify the application of certain open meetings provisions to certain three-member public boards.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1164PassEstablish a classroom innovation grant program and to make an appropriation therefor.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
SB237PassAppropriate funds for deposit into the need-based grant fund, to provide for annual funding of the need-based grant fund with a portion of the funds received from the education enhancement trust fund, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
SB206PassRevise certain provisions relating to liability and to worker's compensation and disability payments for law enforcement officers performing duties in other jurisdictions.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
HB1217PassRevise and expand certain provisions related to organ and tissue donation.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1165PassRevise certain provisions concerning the agricultural land task force.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
SB185PassClarify the authority of the interim rules review committee.
Signed by Governor S.J. 756
SB236PassAppropriate money to the Board of Regents to fund the expansion of information systems programs and cyber security programs at Dakota State University, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
SB115VetoIncrease the commercial fertilizer inspection fee for purposes of fertilizer-related research and to create the Nutrient Research Education Council to promote such research.
Delivered veto sustained to the Secretary of State S.J. 759
SB5PassEstablish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the funding of higher education, and to create the Council on Higher Education Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
HB1115PassClarify the deliberative process exception to certain open records provisions.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
SB235PassCreate the building South Dakota fund and certain other funds and programs to enhance economic development and education, to make certain deposits and transfers, to make continuous appropriations, to revise certain education funding to support econom...
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
HB1116PassRevise the terms and expiration dates of appointees to certain boards and commissions.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1083PassRevise the crime of rustling to include sheep and goats.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
HB1068PassRepeal certain provisions relating to the deferral of action by municipalities on committee reports.
Signed by Governor H.J. 843
HB1167PassRestructure the policy advisory committee for animal damage control.
Signed by Governor H.J. 842
SB233PassCreate the critical teaching needs scholarship program, to make an appropriation to the education enhancement trust fund to provide for the annual funding of the scholarships, and to declare an emergency.
Signed by Governor S.J. 757
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