South Dakota Legislature | 2025 | Regular Session

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Active South Dakota Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB52Authorize the expansion of the South Dakota State Veterans Cemetery, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.2025-02-05
HB1032Update a reference to the Internal Revenue Code in South Dakota Retirement System statutes.2025-02-05
SB95Make an appropriation to the Department of Revenue for distribution to county rural access infrastructure funds and to declare an emergency.2025-02-05
SB107Exempt trailer manufacturers and trailer dealers from certain provisions regarding motor vehicle dealer license requirements.2025-02-05
SB135Exempt a motor vehicle insurer from a certain title fee.2025-02-05
HB1031Update the South Dakota Retirement System member identity verification procedures.2025-02-05
HB1030Update the South Dakota Retirement System's member information protection provisions.2025-02-05
HB1029Update provisions of the South Dakota Retirement System.2025-02-05
SB45Impose a motor vehicle technology fee to support and enhance technology used to administer motor vehicle services, and to make an appropriation therefor.2025-02-05
SB50Prohibit the use of drones for purposes of assessing real property for taxation, and to provide a penalty therefor.2025-02-04

Top South Dakota Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Phil Jensen [R]78Syndicate content
Rep. Scott Moore [R]78Syndicate content
Rep. Heather Baxter [R]76Syndicate content
Rep. Dylan Jordan [R]75Syndicate content
Rep. Aaron Aylward [R]71Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Carl Perry [R]179Syndicate content
Sen. Tom Pischke [R]50Syndicate content
Sen. Tamara Grove [R]49Syndicate content
Sen. Tim Reed [R]44Syndicate content
Sen. Randy Deibert [R]43Syndicate content

Most Viewed South Dakota Bills

HB1020Establish education savings accounts.Bill Text
HB1009Provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts, and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text
HB1055Modify medical cannabis certification requirements.Bill Text
SB51Require the display and curricular inclusion of the Ten Commandments and other documents.Bill Text
HB1052Prohibit the exercise of eminent domain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide.Bill Text
SB18Require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text
SJR502Applying to the United States Congress for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution regarding the imposition of fiscal restraints on the federal government, further limiting the power and jurisdiction of the ...Bill Text
HB1053Require age verification by websites containing material that is harmful to minors, and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text
HB1066Revise residency requirements for the purposes of voter registration.Bill Text
HB1056Prohibit the preparation, sale, and distribution of certain kratom products and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text

Most Monitored South Dakota Bills

HB1020Establish education savings accounts.Bill Text
SB51Require the display and curricular inclusion of the Ten Commandments and other documents.Bill Text
HB1009Provide for the creation and use of South Dakota educational empowerment accounts, and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text
HJR5002Applying to the United States Congress under Article V of the United States Constitution to call for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution establishing congressional term limits.Bill Text
HB1021Modify the annual fee for concentrated animal feeding operations and to establish an application fee.Bill Text
SJR502Applying to the United States Congress for a convention of the states to propose amendments to the United States Constitution regarding the imposition of fiscal restraints on the federal government, further limiting the power and jurisdiction of the ...Bill Text
SB14Revise and repeal provisions related to agricultural production facilities and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text
HB1002To require that all certified educators to take a course in South Dakota Indian Studies.Bill Text
HB1022Prohibit the misbranding of any cell-cultured protein product.Bill Text
SB68Require an individual be a citizen of the United States before being eligible to vote and to provide a penalty therefor.Bill Text

South Dakota Sessions

2025Regular Session4270BrowseSearchDownload
2024Regular Session560235BrowseSearchDownload
2023Regular Session517210BrowseSearchDownload
2022Regular Session636247BrowseSearchDownload
20212nd Special Session30BrowseSearchDownload
20211st Special Session21BrowseSearchDownload
2021Regular Session550248BrowseSearchDownload
20201st Special Session21BrowseSearchDownload
2020Regular Session596231BrowseSearchDownload
2019Regular Session572219BrowseSearchDownload
20181st Special Session33BrowseSearchDownload
2018Regular Session667285BrowseSearchDownload
20171st Special Session31BrowseSearchDownload
2017Regular Session492219BrowseSearchDownload
2016Regular Session493235BrowseSearchDownload
2015Regular Session519262BrowseSearchDownload
2014Regular Session594250BrowseSearchDownload
2013Regular Session648260BrowseSearchDownload
2012Regular Session598255BrowseSearchDownload
20111st Special Session22BrowseSearchDownload
2011Regular Session561226BrowseSearchDownload
2010Regular Session566249BrowseSearchDownload