Wyoming Representative Joe Webb [R]

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StateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
AN ACT relating to common law, statutes and rules of construction; specifying definitions and standards for the application of a person's biological sex in law, rules or regulations; providing for the law to distinguish between accommodations for mal...
2nd Reading:Passed
WYHB0081FailAN ACT relating to trade and commerce; providing exemptions from mortgage loan licensing requirements; and providing for an effective date.
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0096FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; prohibiting discrimination and publishing or advertising based on a person's vaccination, face covering or medical testing status as specified; providing a civil cause of action; providing definitions; and...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0128FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring the governor to convene the legislature after declaring that a public health emergency exists as specified; authorizing the legislature to satisfy quorum requirements and vote in person or remote...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying that elections shall not be conducted by ranked choice voting; clarifying that ballots are required to specify only one (1) vote per office to be filled; and providing for an effective date.
2nd Reading:Passed
AN ACT relating to elections; requiring a qualified elector to be a bona fide resident of the state of Wyoming for not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the election in which they offer to vote; requiring documentation proving residence t...
President Signed HEA No. 0057
WYHB0200FailAN ACT relating to education; clarifying procedures and requirements for school districts to provide parents notice of information regarding students; prohibiting school districts from requiring school district personnel and students to use a student...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0194FailAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of promoting obscenity to minors; amending the crime of promoting obscenity as specified; providing and amending definitions; repealing an exemption from the crime of promoting obscenity for ...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
WYHB0223FailAN ACT relating to civil procedure; providing immunity from lawsuits based on the constitutional rights of freedom of petition, expression or speech; specifying procedures and limitations for lawsuits based on public participation; specifying applica...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying the duties of the secretary of state related to verification of voter registration data; specifying when notice of intent to cancel a registration may be provided; and providing for an effective date.
Speaker Signed HEA No. 0062
AN ACT relating to administration of the government; prohibiting the implementation of immigration sanctuary policies by cities, towns, counties and the state; prohibiting the designation of sanctuary cities, towns, counties and the state; creating a...
2nd Reading:Passed
WYHB0031FailAN ACT relating to education; requiring school districts to adopt school safety and security policies; creating duties for the state fire marshal; providing confidentiality requirements; and providing for an effective date.
COW:S Did not consider for COW
A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to call a convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution as specified.
COW:Failed 25-32-5-0-0
WYHB0080FailAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; specifying requirements for the hiring and retention of investment managers, trustees and fiduciaries who invest state funds as specified; specifying proxy voting requirements for investment ma...
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0131FailAN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting the use of drop boxes for delivery of ballots as specified; and providing for an effective date.
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0134FailAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; prohibiting specified entities from contributing to or sponsoring sexually explicit events; authorizing specified persons to determine if an event is sexually explicit; creating a mechanism for...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0157FailAN ACT relating to elections; requiring proof of United States citizenship to register to vote as specified; providing a definition of "proof of United States citizenship"; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0173FailAN ACT relating to elections; requiring independent candidates to swear that they are unaffiliated or not registered with a major or minor political party; revising the number of signatures required for independent candidates to appear on the general...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
AN ACT relating to elections; amending the process by which vacancies in elected offices are filled; providing for the filling of vacancies when vacancies are not filled; establishing a presumption concerning qualifications to hold office; making con...
No report prior to CoW Cutoff
AN ACT relating to education; modifying the education savings accounts program; changing the name of the program to the steamboat legacy scholarship act; creating the steamboat legacy scholarship program account; modifying definitions; increasing the...
President Signed HEA No. 0052
WYHB0232FailAN ACT relating to elections; providing a process for certain recounts to be conducted by hand counting the votes; authorizing the secretary of state and county clerks to require recounts as specified; providing for hand counts to be requested by can...
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0238FailAN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting a person from delivering ballots of other electors to the county clerk; providing exceptions; specifying that ballots shall not be tabulated as specified; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective d...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
AN ACT relating to elections; amending notice of intent to cancel a registration as specified; and providing for an effective date.
AN ACT relating to elections; amending the time for circulating and filing a petition to form a new political party; and providing for an effective date.
AN ACT relating to the protection and rights of blind and disabled persons; specifying that the rights and obligations applicable to service and assistance animals apply to service animals that are being trained; increasing penalties related to injur...
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0057
WYHB0166PassAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; requiring that the state auditor provide the public with information on payments made to vendors as specified; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 33
WYSF0120PassAN ACT relating to marketing homemade foods; providing for the sale of producer-raised, homemade meat products as specified; providing a delayed effective date pending certification by the governor based on federal action; providing definitions; auth...
Assigned Chapter Number 43
AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; prohibiting adults from communicating with minors about sexual activity as specified; providing penalties; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; creating a cause of action; specifying applicabili...
COW:Failed 4-26-1-0-0
WYHB0130FailAN ACT relating to taxation; establishing a homeowner property tax exemption; providing a sunset date; requiring rulemaking; repealing prior appropriations and reverting funds to the general fund; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effe...
COW:H Did not consider for COW
WYHB0278FailAN ACT relating to elections; clarifying the procedure for testing voting machines and electronic voting systems; specifying that tests shall be open to the public; specifying rulemaking authority; removing the presumption of proper preparation of vo...
COW:H Did not consider for COW
WYHB0321FailAN ACT relating to elections; amending provisions related to the appointment of election judges; and providing for an effective date.
COW:H Did not consider for COW
AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying that residence does not include a secondary address or commercial address that is not used for habitation; and providing for an effective date.
No report prior to CoW Cutoff
AN ACT relating to elections; requiring a hand count audit of ballots as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
No report prior to CoW Cutoff
WYHB0127FailAN ACT relating to domestic violence protection; providing a conforming affirmative defense to a charge of a violation of a domestic violence protection order; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0145FailAN ACT relating to elections; requiring absentee ballots to contain an official envelope inside the inner ballot envelope; requiring absentee voters to provide identification information as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0167FailAN ACT relating to the administration of government; requiring certain reports and adopted budgets of municipalities, counties, school districts and special districts to be posted to websites as specified; requiring adopted budgets to include a repor...
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0287FailAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; clarifying the use of self-defense to prevent injury or loss to other persons and property; requiring the expungement of records for cases dismissed for use of self-defense; authorizing reimbursement of costs i...
Did not Consider for Introduction
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