LegiScan Search
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TX HB731 Relating to certain duties of the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity...
US SB5284 Lieutenant Osvaldo Albarati Stopping Prison Contraband Act
TX HB1201 Relating to a pilot program to provide Medicaid coverage of doula serv...
CA AB801 Student privacy: online personal information.
NJ A5025 Increases certain penalties for leaving scene of motor vehicle accident...
OK SB2 Wind energy facilities; providing setback requirements for wind towers....
TX HB974 Relating to a limitation on the salary of superintendents and chief executive...
TX HB1306 Relating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by a coroner, medical...
OK HB1001 Crimes and punishments; Lauria and Ashley's Law; minimum prison sentences;...
TX HB835 Relating to unlawful employment practices with respect to compensation...