LegiScan Search
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MI SB0984 Businesses: business corporations; applicability of the business corporation...
OK SB348 Schools; directing responsibility for content of all instructional materials;...
VA HJR61 Higher ed. institutions, baccalaureate public; SCHEV to study $10,000 tuition...
AL HB69 Firearms; Class 1 municipalities; possession of certain firearms prohibited...
AL HB51 Firearms, possession of bump stocks prohibited in class 1 municipalities,...
DE HB25 An Act To Amend The Charter Of The Town Of Millsboro Relating To Town Of...
OK SB164 Oklahoma Education Lottery Act; authorizing board of trustees to enter...
VA HB141 Veterans' Fellowship for State Government Pilot Program; created, repo...
ND HB1110 Access to investigative and surveillance records and meetings of the public...
VA SB445 Veterans and active duty members of the Armed Forces; credit for service,...