FL Legislation | 2025 | 1st Special Session | Senate | Bills

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
S0006FailRevising the definition of the term "criminal gang" and defining the term "transnational criminal organization"; authorizing the penalty enhancement of certain offenses upon a finding by the factfinder that the defendant committed the charged offense...
Died, not introduced
S0016FailProhibiting licensed money services businesses from initiating foreign remittance transfers unless they have verified that the sender is not an unauthorized alien; defining the term "foreign remittance transfer"; requiring the Financial Services Comm...
Died, not introduced
S0022FailProviding that specified persons and entities are immune from liability for damages arising from certain causes of action; requiring the state to indemnify certain elected or appointed persons; specifying that persons entitled to indemnification are ...
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0004FailRequiring law enforcement agencies to support the enforcement of federal immigration law; requiring, rather than authorizing, law enforcement agencies to transport certain persons securely to a federal facility in this state or to another point of tr...
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0018FailRevising the criteria that the Attorney General uses when petitioning the Supreme Court for an advisory opinion related to a proposed revision or amendment to the State Constitution; requiring the Division of Elections to create a uniform petition fo...
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0010FailEstablishing the Office of Secure Florida within the Department of Commerce, etc.
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0020FailDeleting provisions relating to the waiver of out-of-state fees for certain students, including students who are undocumented for federal immigration purposes, etc.
Died, not introduced
S0002FailRequiring the presumption that no conditions of release will secure the appearance at trial of an unauthorized alien; requiring the state attorney or the court to move for pretrial detention if the court makes certain determinations; authorizing defe...
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0008FailRequiring the penalty reclassification of certain crimes committed after unlawful reentry into the United States, etc.
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0012FailRevising the oath a person subscribes to upon registering to vote; providing criminal penalties for unauthorized aliens who willfully swear or affirm to any oath or affirmation in connection with or arising out of voting or elections and for persons ...
Died in Fiscal Policy
S0014FailRequiring each state and county law enforcement agency, and any other law enforcement agency with more than 25 sworn or certified law enforcement officers, to enter into a written agreement with the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement t...
Died in Fiscal Policy
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