IN Legislation | 2016 | Regular Session | Bills | Enrolled

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Sine Die
Various education matters. Provides that the department of education (department) shall make random visits to at least 5% of schools that are eligible to receive choice scholarships during a particular school year. (Current law provides that the depa...
House advisors appointed: Huston, Behning, Brown T and Austin

Sine Die
Road funding and regional cities program. Provides for the transfer of the state's excess reserves to the local road and bridge matching grant fund and the state highway fund. Provides that use tax collected on sales of gasoline is distributed differ...
House advisors appointed: Huston, Sullivan, Frye R, Austin, Goodin, Pryor and Porter

Sine Die
Hospital immunizations. Urges the legislative council to refer to an interim study committee topics concerning hospital immunizations.
Senate dissented from House amendments

Sine Die
Marion superior court judges. Provides for the selection of Marion superior court (court) judges. Establishes the 14 member Marion County judicial selection committee (committee). Provides that, when the committee learns of a vacancy on the court, th...
Senator Waltz added as advisor

Sine Die
Supplemental distributions of local income tax. Requires the budget agency, before May 1, 2016, to make supplemental distributions from a county's adjusted gross income tax trust account, county option income tax trust account, or county economic dev...
Senate advisors appointed: Miller Pete, Randolph Lonnie M and Eckerty
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