IN Legislation | 2025 | Regular Session | House | Resolutions | Passed

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HCR0023PassRecognizing the Indiana State University Band program's centennial. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing the Indiana State University Band program's centennial.
Returned to the House
HCR0024PassRecognizing Indiana State Trooper Nedal Samir Nabhan. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Indiana State Trooper Nedal Samir Nabhan.
Returned to the House
HCR0025PassRecognizing April as Parkinson's Awareness Month and April 11, 2025, as World Parkinson's Day. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing April as Parkinson's Awareness Month and April 11, 2025, as World Parkinson's Day.
Returned to the House
HCR0026PassRecognizing Tuesday, March 4, 2025, as a day to honor the work and mission of the Indiana Region of the American Red Cross. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Tuesday, March 4, 2025, as a day to honor the work and mission of the Indiana Region of th...
Returned to the House
HCR0021PassCongratulating Graciela Miranda on being named the 2025 Indiana Teacher of the Year. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION congratulating Graciela Miranda on being named the 2025 Indiana Teacher of the Year.
Returned to the House
HCR0022PassRecognizing Rare Disease Day. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Rare Disease Day.
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HR0006PassCongratulating the Trinity Lutheran High School girls volleyball team. Congratulating the Trinity Lutheran High School girls volleyball team.
Representative Lauer added as coauthor
HR0016PassRecognizing the 100th anniversary of the LaPorte Little Theatre. Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the LaPorte Little Theatre.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0003PassUrging regional transmission organizations, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the United States Department of Energy, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, and the United States A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging regional transmiss...
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HR0015PassHonoring Leon Tailoring Company, Inc. Honoring Leon Tailoring Company, Inc.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0019PassHonoring the late State Senator Jean Breaux. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring the late State Senator Jean Breaux.
Returned to the House
HCR0020PassCongratulating the Plainfield High School We the People team on winning the 2024 We the People state championship. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION congratulating the Plainfield High School We the People team on winning the 2024 We the People state championsh...
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HR0014PassRecognizing the 14th Annual Bill Johnson Black Film Festival. Recognizing the 14th Annual Bill Johnson Black Film Festival.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0018PassRecognizing and honoring volunteer firefighters with 50 years or more of service. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring volunteer firefighters with 50 years or more of service.
Returned to the House
HR0013PassRecognizing Indiana 4-H's work to advance positive youth development in the state. Recognizing Indiana 4-H's work to advance positive youth development in the state.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0012PassCelebrating the cultural and economic ties between Indiana and Ireland. Celebrating the cultural and economic ties between Indiana and Ireland.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0015PassHonoring the late U.S. President Jimmy Carter. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring the late U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
Returned to the House
HCR0017PassHonoring Marilyn Thompson upon her retirement from The History Museum in South Bend, Indiana. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Marilyn Thompson upon her retirement from The History Museum in South Bend, Indiana.
Returned to the House
HCR0014PassCelebrating the 100th anniversary of the Children's Museum of Indianapolis. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.
Returned to the House
HCR0016PassHonoring Bruce Haines upon his retirement from the Fort Wayne Public Broadcasting Service. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Bruce Haines upon his retirement from the Fort Wayne Public Broadcasting Service.
Returned to the House
HR0011PassCelebrating the 90th anniversary of the Professional Fire Fighters Union of Indiana. Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Professional Fire Fighters Union of Indiana.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0010PassRecognizing women's heart health research and supporting awareness for cardiovascular disease. Recognizing women's heart health research and supporting awareness for cardiovascular disease.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0008PassCelebrating the 100th year anniversary of the Munster Fire Department. Celebrating the 100th year anniversary of the Munster Fire Department.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0009PassRecognizing Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. and the 50th Annual Area V Leadership Conference. Recognizing Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. and the 50th Annual Area V Leadership Conference.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0007PassRecognizing the Indiana Non-Public Education Association on its 50th anniversary. Recognizing the Indiana Non-Public Education Association on its 50th anniversary.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0011PassHonoring Dr. Nikki Woodson upon her retirement from Superintendent for Washington Township Schools. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Nikki Woodson upon her retirement from Superintendent for Washington Township Schools.
Returned to the House
HCR0010PassHonoring Chief Steven Orusa upon his retirement from the Fishers Fire Department. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring Chief Steven Orusa upon his retirement from the Fishers Fire Department.
Returned to the House
HR0005PassA CONCURRENT RESOLUTION congratulating the Lawrenceburg High School Lady Tigers varsity soccer team. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION congratulating the Lawrenceburg High School Lady Tigers varsity soccer team.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0004PassCelebrating the 100th year anniversary of the Munster Chamber of Commerce. Celebrating the 100th year anniversary of the Munster Chamber of Commerce.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0003PassHonoring Chief Greg Mance upon his retirement from the Town of Griffith Police Department. Honoring Chief Greg Mance upon his retirement from the Town of Griffith Police Department.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0001PassCommemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HR0002PassUrging the Indiana federal congressional delegation to support the Susan Muffley Act. Urging the Indiana federal congressional delegation to support the Susan Muffley Act.
First reading: adopted voice vote
HCR0004PassTo convene a Joint Convention of the One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Indiana to publish the returns of the election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to convene a Joint Convention of the One ...
Returned to the House
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