Legislative Research: MA S2116 | 2013-2014 | 188th General Court

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
193rd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by permitting local option all-electric buildings and homes ordinances. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
[S2116 2023 Detail][S2116 2023 Text][S2116 2023 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see S2719
192nd General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation to establish an executive office of food resources and security. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
[S2116 2021 Detail][S2116 2021 Text][S2116 2021 Comments]
Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
191st General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to a clean transportation future. Transportation.
[S2116 2019 Detail][S2116 2019 Text][S2116 2019 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see S2559
190th General Court

For legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Michelle Dancy, an employee of the Department of Mental Health. Public Service.
[S2116 2017 Detail][S2116 2017 Text][S2116 2017 Comments]
Signed by the Governor, Chapter 67 of the Acts of 2017
189th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
For legislation relative to safe driving and open containers. The Judiciary.
[S2116 2015 Detail][S2116 2015 Text][S2116 2015 Comments]
Accompanied a study order, see S2361
188th General Court

(Introduced - Dead)
Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture
[S2116 2013 Detail][S2116 2013 Text][S2116 2013 Comments]
No further action taken
187th General Court

(Engrossed - Dead)
Relative to the authority of the disabled persons protection commission pursuant to chapter 19C (Senate, No. 2116).
[S2116 2011 Detail][S2116 2011 Text][S2116 2011 Comments]
No further action taken

References Online

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Legislative Citation

MA S2116 | 2013-2014 | 188th General Court. (2015, January 06). LegiScan. Retrieved March 05, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2116/2013
"MA S2116 | 2013-2014 | 188th General Court." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 06 Jan. 2015. Web. 05 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2116/2013>.
"MA S2116 | 2013-2014 | 188th General Court." January 06, 2015 LegiScan. Accessed March 05, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2116/2013.
LegiScan. MA S2116 | 2013-2014 | 188th General Court. 06 January 2015. https://legiscan.com/MA/bill/S2116/2013 (accessed March 05, 2025).

Same As/Similar To

BillRelationshipDateTitleLast Action
S346Replaces2014-05-01To create a framework to re-allocate responsibility for discarded productsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S350Replaces2014-05-01Establishing a 0% interest program for the state revolving loan fund for water and sewer projects and establishing 3:1 leveraging for such projects.Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S352Replaces2014-05-01To prevent the use of the most dangerous pesticidesAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S356Replaces2014-05-01Relative to streamflow standardsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S358Replaces2014-05-01Relative to best management practices in waterAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S362Replaces2014-05-01Relative to federally regulated renewable energy facilitiesAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S363Replaces2014-05-01Relative to the Department of Environmental Protection water pollution project regulationsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S364Replaces2014-05-01Authorizing and directing the Division of Waterways to dredge the harbor area surrounding several yacht clubs in Boston.Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S365Replaces2014-05-01Relative to memorials located on Department of Conservation and Recreation property.Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S366Replaces2014-05-01Limiting the number of special use permits the department of conservation and recreation may issue for the use of certain roads in the South Boston section of the city of BostonAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S368Replaces2014-05-01Relating to reptiles and amphibiansAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S369Replaces2014-05-01Prohibiting polystyrene packaging by 2017Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S370Replaces2014-05-01Prohibiting polystyrene packaging by 2017Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S371Replaces2014-05-01Authorizing municipalities to petition for public involvement plans in cases of hazardous material sites.Accompanied a study order, see S2116
S374Replaces2014-05-01Resolve providing for an investigation and study by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs relative to a statewide single-stream recycling programAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S376Replaces2014-05-01Relative to oil spillsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S377Replaces2014-05-01Relative to out of state mooringAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S378Replaces2014-05-01To assist municipal and district ratepayersAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S383Replaces2014-05-01Incorporating wetland stewardship and scenic resources into wetland protectionAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S384Replaces2014-05-01To simplify the administration of Title V and reduction of applicable paperworkAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S385Replaces2014-05-01Relative to the mosquito borne disease control boardAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S391Replaces2014-05-01Establishing a lead service replacement programAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S392Replaces2014-05-01Establishing a lead service replacement program - municipal reimbursementAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S393Replaces2014-05-01Relative to the sewer rate relief fundAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S394Replaces2014-05-01To revitalize the Commonwealth's waterfrontsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S395Replaces2014-05-01To support the infiltration/inflow financial assistance programAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S396Replaces2014-05-01Relative to increasing mercury lamp recyclingAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S397Replaces2014-05-01To create a world class park systemAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S400Replaces2014-05-01To protect children from bisphenol-AAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S403Replaces2014-05-01To restore the public trust for tidelandsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S404Replaces2014-05-01Relative to the removal and disposal of waste oilAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S405Replaces2014-05-01Requiring local approval for low level radioactive waste sitesAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S406Replaces2014-05-01To promote the viability and sustainability of commercial fisheries in the CommonwealthAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S408Replaces2014-05-01Providing for alternative DPA complianceAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S410Replaces2014-05-01Relative to wastewater facilitiesAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S945Replaces2014-05-01To mitigate water resource impactsAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S972Replaces2014-05-01To assist public water suppliers and to safeguard adequate water suppliesAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S1958Replaces2014-05-01To restrict the use of certain pesticides around childrenAccompanied a study order, see S2116
S1978Replaces2014-05-01Relative to the Middlesex Canal CommissionAccompanied a study order, see S2116

Massachusetts State Sources
