Legislative Research: MS HC28 | 2011 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Commending And Congratulating The George County High School Rebels Baseball Team Upon Winning The 2024 Mississippi High School Activities Association Class 6a Baseball State Championship And For Their Outstanding And Memorable...
[HC28 2025 Detail][HC28 2025 Text][HC28 2025 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Remembering The Gallant Service And Commending The Life And Legacy Of George County Sheriff's Deputy Jeremy Todd Malone, Who Was Lost In The Line Of Duty On Thursday, January 4, 2024, And Expressing Sympathy To His Family And ...
[HC28 2024 Detail][HC28 2024 Text][HC28 2024 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 241, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide That A Person Who Is Otherwise A Qualified Elector And Has Been Convicted Of A Felony Shall Have His Or Her Right To Vote Suspended Upon Convi...
[HC28 2023 Detail][HC28 2023 Text][HC28 2023 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 273, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Conform The Pro Rata Signature Requirements From Each Congressional District For An Initiative Petition To The Number Of Current Congressional Distric...
[HC28 2022 Detail][HC28 2022 Text][HC28 2022 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Urging The Congress Of The United States To Enact Legislation Allowing Individual States To Establish Daylight Saving Time As The Standard Time In Their Respective States Throughout The Calendar Year.
[HC28 2021 Detail][HC28 2021 Text][HC28 2021 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Commending And Congratulating Everest, As Mississippi's First Rural Education And Innovation Hub And Its Contributions To The State's Workforce Development.
[HC28 2020 Detail][HC28 2020 Text][HC28 2020 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Commending And Congratulating The Florence Middle School Eagles Cheerleading Team For Winning The 2018 Mississippi High School Activities Association Medium Junior High Division.
[HC28 2019 Detail][HC28 2019 Text][HC28 2019 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 253, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide For The Automatic Restoration Of Suffrage To Any Person Disqualified By Reason Of Nonviolent Crime, After A Period Of Five Years From The Comp...
[HC28 2018 Detail][HC28 2018 Text][HC28 2018 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 22, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide That The Defense Of Double Jeopardy, Which Protects A Person Against A Second Prosecution For The Same Offense After Acquittal Or Conviction An...
[HC28 2017 Detail][HC28 2017 Text][HC28 2017 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Mourning The Loss And Commending The Life, Legacy And Service Of Former Mayor Of Pascagoula, Mr. Robert Henry "robbie" Maxwell And Expressing Deepest Sympathy To His Family And Friends Upon His Passing.
[HC28 2016 Detail][HC28 2016 Text][HC28 2016 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 36, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide That Beginning In 2020, The Legislature Shall Meet In Regular Session Once Every Two Years Rather Than Annually; And For Related Purposes.
[HC28 2015 Detail][HC28 2015 Text][HC28 2015 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing Amendments To Sections 32, 181, 182 And 199, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide That A Corporation Shall Not Have Any Right Or Privilege Granted To The People Or To An Individual Person; To Provide That A ...
[HC28 2014 Detail][HC28 2014 Text][HC28 2014 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 273, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, Which Relates To The Power Of The People To Enact Constitutional Amendments By Initiative, To Conform The Maximum Percentage Of The Number Of Signatures ...
[HC28 2013 Detail][HC28 2013 Text][HC28 2013 Comments]
Died On Calendar
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Proposing An Amendment To Section 70, Mississippi Constitution Of 1890, To Provide That The Vote Requirement For The Passage Of A Bill That Reduces A Tax Is Only A Majority Vote Of Each House Of The Legislature; And For Relate...
[HC28 2012 Detail][HC28 2012 Text][HC28 2012 Comments]
Died In Committee
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Commending The Life And The Gallant Service Of United States Army Private Second Class William Brandon Dawson Of Clarksdale And Tunica, Mississippi, And Expressing Deepest Sympathy To His Family And Friends Upon His Passing.
[HC28 2011 Detail][HC28 2011 Text][HC28 2011 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed
Regular Session

A Concurrent Resolution Commending Secretary Thomas F. Hall On His Recent Retirement As Assistant Secretary Of Defense For Reserve Affairs.
[HC28 2010 Detail][HC28 2010 Text][HC28 2010 Comments]
Enrolled Bill Signed

References Online

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[Representative Henry Zuber MS]Google WebGoogle NewsFollowTheMoneyBallotpediaVoteSmart

Legislative Citation

MS HC28 | 2011 | Regular Session. (2011, January 21). LegiScan. Retrieved March 04, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/MS/bill/HC28/2011
"MS HC28 | 2011 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 21 Jan. 2011. Web. 04 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/MS/bill/HC28/2011>.
"MS HC28 | 2011 | Regular Session." January 21, 2011 LegiScan. Accessed March 04, 2025. https://legiscan.com/MS/bill/HC28/2011.
LegiScan. MS HC28 | 2011 | Regular Session. 21 January 2011. https://legiscan.com/MS/bill/HC28/2011 (accessed March 04, 2025).

Mississippi State Sources
