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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
NJS2065PassProvides for development of searchable "Bulletin NJ" local public bidding and employment database.
Approved P.L.2011, c.71.
NJS1730PassRequires certain public officers and employees to reside in State. *
Approved P.L.2011, c.70.
NJS2753PassPhases-in single sales fraction for corporation business tax income allocation formula over three years and establishes airline-specific sales fraction.
Approved P.L.2011, c.59.
NJS2754PassEstablishes alternative business calculation under gross income tax to permit consolidation and carryforward of certain business-related losses.
Approved P.L.2011, c.60.
NJS690Veto"Garden State Film and Digital Media Jobs Act"; expands existing film and digital media production tax credit programs.
Lost in the Senate AVOR (23-15) (Buono)
NJS1216VetoPermits small, women or minority owned businesses located in designated regional centers to qualify for loans from EDA as if located in designated urban center.
Lost in the Senate AVOR (23-16) (Sarlo)
NJS2345VetoExpands gross income tax exclusion for pensions, annuities and other retirement income for certain taxpayers.
Lost in the Senate AVOR (23-16) (Madden)
NJS2398VetoDirects New Jersey Economic Development Authority and Commission on Higher Education to promote the establishment of higher education and business partnerships.
Lost in the Senate AVOR (22-16) (Madden)
NJS2454Veto"New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Credit Act;" provides credits against corporation business and gross income taxes for investing in New Jersey emerging technology businesses.
Lost in the Senate AVOR (23-16) (Madden)
NJS2170PassConcerns creation of benefit corporations.
Approved P.L.2011, c.30.
NJS2498PassAllows for unemployment insurance beneficiaries to file, reopen, cancel or close claims online.
Approved P.L.2011, c.32.
NJS2493PassMaintains right of corporate directors and officers to indemnification under certain circumstances.
Approved P.L.2011, c.31.
NJS1540VetoConsolidates certain business-related categories of gross income and provides 20 year carryforward of certain net losses under gross income tax. *
Absolute Veto, Received in the Senate
NJS2373VetoAllows corporation business tax credit and gross income tax credit for certain wages paid to qualified interns in tax years 2012 and 2013.
Absolute Veto, Received in the Senate
NJS2370PassRevises financial assistance under Business Retention and Relocation Assistance Grant Program; repeals requirement to study implementation.
Approved P.L.2010, c.123.
NJS2380PassRequires four weeks pre-notification of exhaustion of UI benefits. *
Approved P.L.2010, c.118.
NJS1537PassClarifies that gang related incident offense report is to be forwarded to Superintendent of State Police for inclusion in Uniform Crime Report.
Approved P.L.2010, c.110.
NJSCR125PassUrges Congress to fully fund federal mandate regarding electronic health records at New Jersey VA health care facilities.
Filed with Secretary of State

Sine Die
Concerns outreach and training for minorities and women in the construction industry.
Conditional Veto, Received in the Senate
NJS1915PassAppropriates $1,279,941 from various historic preservation funds to provide historic site management grants for certain historic preservation projects.
Approved P.L.2010, c.47.
NJS1429PassExempts use of citizen's band and two-way radios by operators of commercial motor vehicles from prohibition on use of hand-held wireless telephone or electronic communication devices while driving.
Approved P.L.2010, c.40.
NJS922PassAppropriates $17.45 million in 1992 and 2003 bond act monies for loans to fund dam restoration projects and $1.371 million in 1992 bond act monies to fund State dam restoration projects.
Approved P.L.2010, c.16.
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