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Sine Die
MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- OPERATORS' AND CHAUFFEURS' LICENSES - Authorizes driver education schools to offer the driver training curriculum in a classroom setting or an instructor-led virtual format.
To Senate Special Legislation and Veterans Affairs Committee
RIH7841PassALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- RETAIL LICENSES - Exempts the property located at 94 Carpenter Street in Providence from the general law prohibiting liquor licenses within a certain proximity to schools or churches.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8305PassHouse Resolution Amending The Membership Of The Permanent Advisory Council For The Rhode Island House Veterans' Affairs Committee (this Resolution Would Amend The Membership Of Said Commission By Increasing The Number Of Members To Seventeen (17), Al...
House read and passed
RIH8049PassThis act serves as the enabling act required by § 16-7-44 of the general laws in order for the principal and interest on bonds issued in support of school housing projects to be eligible for state housing aid reimbursement.
Signed by Governor
RIH7471PassMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- OPERATORS' AND CHAUFFEURS' LICENSES - Amends several provisions relative to motorcycles and motor scooter license and educational requirements including deleting the learners permit requirement for motorcycles.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- ATTENDANCE FOR SUCCESS ACT - Establishes the "Attendance for Success Act" that mandates requirements for attendance policies, and provides for multiple plans, reporting requirements and supports to address student absenteeism from school...
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- EDUCATION ACCOUNTABILITY ACT - Incorporates the department of elementary and secondary education's SurveyWorks school climate indicators for evaluating the performance of LEAs and individual public schools.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- THE RHODE ISLAND CANNABIS ACT - Provides amendments to the cannabis act relating to the definition of a social equity applicant and the required fee to maintain such status as a social equity applicant.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE - Codifies the Katie Beckett Program pursuant to federal guidelines.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $250,000 To The Substance Use And Mental Health Leadership Council Of Ri (sumhlc) (this Resolution Would Authorize An Appropriation Of The Sum Of $250,000 To The Substance Use And Mental Health Leadership C...
To House Finance Committee
RIH8309PassHouse Resolution Congratulating Paul Rizzo On Being Inducted Into The Rhode Island Basketball Coaches Association Hall Of Fame
House read and passed

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- THE RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM - Establishes a universal, comprehensive, affordable single-payer health care insurance program and helps control health care costs, which would be referred to as, "the Rhod...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- WORKPLACE PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY ACT - Protects bullying/psychological abuse in workplace inflicted upon employees by employers/co-employees/provides civil remedies to affected employees/fines against employers/imprisonment...
To House Labor Committee
RIH7074PassHouse Resolution Strongly Supporting The Passage Of The 118th Congress H.r.6121 -- The Filipino Veterans Fairness Act Of 2023
House read and passed

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX -- CAPITAL GAINS - Amends the capital gains tax rates and holding period from 5 years to 1 year. Imposes a non-owner occupied tax on homes assessed at more than $1,000,000.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Provides a tax upon the endowment of a private institution of higher education equal to two percent (2%) upon each dollar over $1,000,000,000.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $500,000 To The Rhode Island Office Of The Postsecondary Commissioner For The Rhode Island School For Progressive Education (this Resolution Would Authorize The Appropriation Of The Sum Of $500,000 To The R...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
HUMAN SERVICES -- THE RHODE ISLAND SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENTS FOR THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM IN RHODE ISLAND ACT - Directs the allocation of $3,000,000 from the 2025 state budget to provide cash benefits to participants in the supplemen...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- THE RHODE ISLAND HEALTH CARE REFORM ACT OF 2004 -- HEALTH INSURANCE OVERSIGHT - Protects the solvency of health systems, physicians, and advance practice providers and insurers, encourage fair treatment of hospitals an...
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- RETAIL LICENSES - Allows for the issuance of Class BV liquor licenses for the properties located at 94 Carpenter Street and 1023 Broad Street, both in the city of Providence.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- RETIREMENT OF MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES - Allows any peace officer working in a Rhode Island school as a full or part-time resource officer to work in excess of the seventy-five (75) working days in a calendar year, and not have an inte...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- ANNUAL FUNDING FOR RHODE ISLAND PUBLIC TRANSIT AUTHORITY ACT - Provides a mechanism for funding the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority through the use of an interest-free loan to advance certain federal funds.
To House Finance Committee
RIH8251PassHouse Resolution Congratulating Rhode Island Radio Legend Daniel "giovanni" Centofanti On His Retirement On April 29th, 2024, From 92 Pro-fm After Fifty Years Of Entertaining His Many Listeners
House read and passed
RIH8228PassHouse Resolution Celebrating May 2, 2024, As "rhode Island College Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Imposes requirements on a managed care organization (MCO) and pharmacy benefit manger (PBM) in order to control Medicaid prescription drug prices.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- WORKPLACE PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY ACT - Protects bullying/psychological abuse in workplace inflicted upon employees by employers/co-employees/provides civil remedies to affected employees/fines against employers/imprisonment...
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- HEALTH PROFESSIONAL LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM - Increases the annual appropriation for the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program from one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to one million dollars ($1,000,000).
To House Finance Committee
RIH8211PassHouse Resolution Recognizing May Of 2024 As "mental Health Awareness Month" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- GENERAL PROVISIONS - This act would further delineate the definitions of felony, misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- ELECTRONIC INFORMATION AND DATA PRIVACY ACT - Requires law enforcement agencies to obtain search warrants for electronic information, data, location information and other identifying information of subscribers and customers, exc...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- CONTRACTORS' REGISTRATION AND LICENSING BOARD - Requires all applicants who seek to register as a contractor to produce a legible copy of a valid government issued identification.
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Permits other residents of residential dwelling unit to extend term of rental agreement for 3 months after death of lessee, however it would not permit temporary tenant to permanent tenancy or rental ...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- THE RHODE ISLAND FIRST STEP ACT - Establishes Rhode Island First Step program requiring DOC to assist offenders with reintegration into society, counseling, medical care, education, early sentence termination or pre-release conf...
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION - Funds the state crime victim compensation program through an additional one dollar ($1.00) fine on traffic violations, exclusive of violations related to the parking of vehicles.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT - Sets standards and procedures to allow and implement conjugal visitation at state correctional facilities.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
INSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Prohibits insurance companies from paying a rate that is less than the approved Medicaid rate set by the executive office of health and human services.
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
CRIMINALS -- CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS -- STATE COMMISSION ON PARDONS - Establishes a nine (9) member commission on pardons to provide recommendations to the governor as to who should receive executive pardons per the state constitution.
To House State Government & Elections Committee
RIH8150PassHouse Resolution Extending Condolences On The Passing Of Richard P. Baccari
House read and passed

Sine Die
DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT - Removes the requirement that individual of sixteen (16) years of age or older and found delinquent of two (2) offenses would be automatically certified and afforded a jury trial.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
FOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT -- POWERS OF ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL -- CIVIL FORFEITURE PROCEDURE - Prohibits civil asset forfeiture regarding violations of the controlled substances laws until a criminal conviction is obtained.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- ORGANIZATION OF STATE EMPLOYEES - Requires that if state employee unions are engaged in contract negotiations and/or utilizing the dispute resolution process, all terms and conditions in the collective bargaining agre...
To House Labor Committee

Sine Die
TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Exempts from taxation the real and tangible personal property of the Providence Preservation Society.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- REGULATORY POWERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Provides that any rate increase with respect to electric distribution companies would be no greater than the increase in the Consumer Price Index or f5.5%, whichever is greater, u...
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- RELIEF OF INJURED AND DECEASED FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS - Allows the presumption of in-the-line-of-duty illness unless contrary evidence is presented.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee
RIH8126PassHouse Resolution Commemorating April Of 2024, As "national Community Development Month" In The State Of Rhode Island And Celebrating The Important And Impactful Work Done On A Daily Basis By The Housing Network Of Rhode Island
House read and passed

Sine Die
STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- STATE LOTTERY - Designates a special account for veterans' causes to be funded by Keno sales, less prizes and commissions, generated on Memorial Day and Veterans Day with disbursement pursuant to appropriation by the g...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $100,000 To The Rhode Island Department Of Veterans Of Foreign Wars (ri Vfw) For The Ri Veterans Services Officers (vso) Program (this Resolution Would Authorize The Appropriation Of The Sum Of $100,000 To ...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
TOWNS AND CITIES -- ACTIONS BY AND AGAINST TOWNS - Requires a municipality to disclose on their official website the specific issues, details and costs of any legal action of which the town or city is a named defendant.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee
RIH8113PassHouse Resolution Commemorating March 25, 2024, As The 203rd Anniversary Of Greek Independence Day And Celebrating Democracy In Greece And The United States
House read and passed

Sine Die
PROPERTY -- RHODE ISLAND FAIR HOUSING PRACTICES ACT - Prohibits landlords from inquiring about an applicant's prior incarceration and from discriminating against those who have been released from prison.
To House Judiciary Committee
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