| RI | H7125 | Intro
Sine Die | MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSES -- VIOLATIONS - Eliminates the requirement of paying reinstatement fees to restore a person's right to drive. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-02 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7338 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Creates an additional Rhode Island personal income surtax of 3% on taxable income over $1,000,000, with the existing three-bracket personal income tax structure remaining in place. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-02 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7495 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- 2025 BATTERY-POWERED LEAF BLOWER PILOT REBATE AND EDUCATION PROGRAM - Establishes a new chapter for the 2024 Battery Powered Leaf Blower Pilot Rebate and Education Program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-02 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7857 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS -- STATE PURCHASES -- LEAD BY EXAMPLE ACT - Bans state purchases of plastic bottles and also requires state funds to be used to lease or purchase electric vehicles and renewable energy efficient technologies for use on state... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-02 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8230 | Pass | House Resolution Commemorating "holocaust Remembrance Day" On May 6, 2024 [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-02 House read and passed |
| RI | H7334 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS - Directs the executive office of health and human services to increase Medicaid rates for the Early Intervention and First Connections programs allow... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7597 | Intro
Sine Die | Joint Resolution Making An Appropriation Of $250,000 To The Hospital Care Transitions Initiative (hcti) (this Resolution Would Authorize The Appropriation Of The Sum Of $250,000 To The Hospital Care Transitions Initiative.) [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7897 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE -- PRESCRIPTION DRUGS - Defines step therapy and prohibits certain groups and agreements from requiring prior authorization or a step therapy protocol when prescribing certain medications. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8079 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- HEALTH PROFESSIONAL LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM - Increases the annual appropriation for the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program from one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to one million dollars ($1,000,000). [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-01 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7036 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT - Establishes a new categorical funding category for civics education. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-30 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8198 | Pass | House Resolution Congratulating The Classical High School Boys Basketball Team On Winning The 2024 Division I State Championship And The 2024 Rhode Island Interscholastic League Boys Basketball State Tournament [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-24 House read and passed |
| RI | H7257 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCE TAX - Increases conveyance tax for residential properties sold above $2,000,000 to a rate of $3.30 per $500, to be collected for RI housing for elderly affordable housing development. Provides and exemption to any e... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8170 | Intro
Sine Die | BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- CONTRACTORS' REGISTRATION AND LICENSING BOARD - Requires all applicants who seek to register as a contractor to produce a legible copy of a valid government issued identification. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-23 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H8178 | Intro
Sine Die | LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - Redefines the groups included in "minority community-based organizations" for purposes of them making recommendations for appointments to state boards, commissions, public author... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-12 To House State Government & Elections Committee |
| RI | H8173 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Permits other residents of residential dwelling unit to extend term of rental agreement for 3 months after death of lessee, however it would not permit temporary tenant to permanent tenancy or rental ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-12 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7720 | Intro
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- PHARMACY FREEDOM OF CHOICE -- FAIR COMPETITION AND PRACTICES - Ensures that independent pharmacies are protected from pharmacy benefit discrimination toward non-affiliated pharmacies and helps protect consumers' ability to choose local, ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-11 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H7716 | Intro
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- HEALTH CARE ACCESSIBILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE ACT - Requires that healthcare entities and network plans, eff. 1/1/25, include provision in every contract with a provider of mental health/substance use disorders that rates paid pursuant... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-11 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H8070 | Intro
Sine Die | BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- PSYCHOLOGISTS - Includes licensed school psychologists under the provisions of the general laws governing the regulations of psychologists and expands the licensing of school psychologists for independent practice. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-11 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H8143 | Intro
Sine Die | BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- PHARMACIES - Restricts audits of pharmacists conducted by insurers and their intermediaries, limiting audits to 1 per year unless fraud or misrepresentation is reasonably suspected. The Rhode Island attorney would have t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-11 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H8164 | Pass | House Resolution Proclaiming April 7-13, 2024, To Be "national Library Week" In The State Of Rhode Island [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-11 House read and passed |
| RI | H7590 | Intro
Sine Die | CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- 2024 BOND REFERENDA - Submits 2024 capital development program requesting the issuance of $100,000,000 in general obligation bonds to the voters for approval at the November 8, 2024, general election. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7685 | Intro
Sine Die | WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- OIL SPILL PREVENTION, ADMINISTRATION AND RESPONSE FUND - Provides funds to support Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council to reduce climate emissions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7684 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Exempts urban and small farmers from sales taxes, real, tangible and personal property taxes and income taxes. It also defines urban and small farmers and urban farmland. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7674 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Exempts new or used bicycles from sale and use tax. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7611 | Intro
Sine Die | HIGHWAYS -- RELOCATION OF UTILITY SERVICES - Utility relocation costs related to highway construction to be partially or fully paid for by the state. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7859 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- MOTOR VEHICLES OWNED BY A GOVERNMENTAL BODY - Requires that any government owned vehicle that is to be replaced, be replaced with a zero-emission vehicle, defined as a vehicle which produces no emissions from the on-bo... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7856 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- COMPOSTING AND ORGANIC WASTE DIVERSION - Establishes Compost Fund to award grants related to reducing the amount of solid waste generated in the state. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7918 | Intro
Sine Die | CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -- 2024 BOND REFERENDA - Submits 2024 capital development program requesting the issuance of $25,000,000 in general obligation bonds to the voters for approval at the November 5, 2024, general election. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7023 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- EXTENDED PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY FOR PACKAGING - Reduces equitable relationships between packaging producers and local governments and communities by establishing the Package Reduction and Recycling Program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Environment and Natural Resources Committee |
| RI | H7096 | Intro
Sine Die | DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT - Prohibits any questioning of a juvenile who is suspected of delinquent or criminal behavior, unless the parent of guardian of the juvenile is present, or unless an attorney is present... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7218 | Intro
Sine Die | DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT - Removes the requirement that individual of sixteen (16) years of age or older and found delinquent of two (2) offenses would be automatically certified and afforded a jury trial. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7642 | Intro
Sine Die | DELINQUENT AND DEPENDENT CHILDREN -- PROCEEDINGS IN FAMILY COURT - Prohibit the family court from detaining any juvenile or committing any juvenile, under the age of 14 years, to the training school, for any offense other than murder, first degree se... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7697 | Intro
Sine Die | DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- THE RHODE ISLAND INDIAN CHILD WELFARE ACT - Codifies the federal legislation pertaining to the federal Indian child welfare act into state law. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7783 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- PESTICIDE CONTROL - Precludes the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticide products which contain brodifacoum, bromadiolone, difenacoum, or difethialone, except in certain circumstances. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 To House Environment and Natural Resources Committee |
| RI | H8138 | Pass | House Resolution Proclaiming April To Be "holocaust & Genocide Awareness Month" In The State Of Rhode Island [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-04 House read and passed |
| RI | H7535 | Engross
Sine Die | TAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION - Exempts from taxation the real and tangible personal property of the Providence Preservation Society. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To Senate Finance Committee |
| RI | H8104 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- SCHOOL AND YOUTH PROGRAM CONCUSSION ACT - Authorizes the sport of skateboarding to be a youth sports program that is part of Rhode Island Interscholastic League Competition. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To House Education Committee |
| RI | H8128 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- FAIR CHANCE IN HOUSING ACT - Limits the use of certain criminal records and credit history reports in denying housing to prospective applicants, provides fines for failure to comply and requires notice of denials be sent to the prospectiv... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-03 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7715 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- TERMINATION OF SERVICE TO PERSONS WHO ARE DISABLED, SERIOUSLY ILL, OR IN ARREARS OF PAYMENT - Extends the forbearance of utility terminations for customers with serious illness certifications and would amend various p... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-04-02 To House Corporations Committee |
| RI | H7888 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- THE SCHOOL LIBRARIES ACT - Requires every public school in Rhode Island to have a school library or library media center in a permanent and dedicated space available to students in grades K-12 with a librarian available. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-28 To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee |
| RI | H7305 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RHODE ISLAND FAIR HOUSING PRACTICES ACT - Prohibits discrimination based on housing status, define "assistance animal", make it unlawful to issue discriminatory notices or statements relating to the sale, rental or leasing of housing and ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7746 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Provides that landlords would pay interest on security deposits in residential landlord-tenant matters. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7961 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Imposes a fine up to $150 a day on a landlord for failure to deliver a copy of a state or local housing code violation to each residential tenant and a notice to prospective tenants of the building af... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7965 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AND SALE - Provides prospective owner-occupants a first opportunity to purchase properties acquired through foreclosure and would prohibit bundled foreclosure sales. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7957 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL TENANT'S RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION ACT - Creates the division of civil representation within the department of housing and require civil representation by a Designated Legal Organization to provide legal representation to ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7960 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT -- JUST CAUSE EVICTIONS - Provides for just cause evictions for residential landlord tenancies. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7962 | Intro
Sine Die | PROPERTY -- RESIDENTIAL LANDLORD AND TENANT ACT - Recognizes tenants' unions and provides a procedure whereby the housing resources commission shall administer a hearing process for consolidated complaints filed by tenants' unions, pertaining to the ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-27 To House Judiciary Committee |
| RI | H7540 | Intro
Sine Die | ELECTIONS -- PRIMARIES FOR ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND FOR PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE - Establishes the Ranked Choice Voting for Rhode Island Presidential Primaries and provides for new sections on Ranked Choice Voting Tabulation a... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-26 To House State Government & Elections Committee |
| RI | H8046 | Intro
Sine Die | ELECTIONS -- GENERAL PROVISIONS - Allows citizens of a city or town who are at least sixteen (16) years of age to register to vote and to vote in school committee elections in municipalities where school committees are elected entities. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-26 To House State Government & Elections Committee |
| RI | H7309 | Intro
Sine Die | CRIMINAL OFFENSES -- DISORDERLY CONDUCT - Requires disorderly conduct to include an actual public disturbance as evidenced by gathering of people drawn to and watching conduct and prohibits police officers from being complainant for purposes of estab... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-03-21 To House Judiciary Committee |