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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- CERTIFIED SCHOOL TEACHERS' ARBITRATION - Requires the employers of unionized public school teachers, municipal employees and state employees, to provide the union, at least once every 120 days, a list of all their employe...
To House Labor Committee
WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- HARBORS AND HARBOR LINES - Amends the definition of a "houseboat" to include motorized or non-motorized vessels.
Withdrawn at sponsor's request
BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS -- QUALITY SELF-DIRECTED SUPPORTS ACT OF 2025 - Ensures that more developmentally disabled adults can self-direct the care they need and want, by incorporating collective bargaining righ...
To House Labor Committee
TOWNS AND CITIES -- OPTIONAL RETIREMENT FOR MEMBERS OF POLICE FORCE AND FIREFIGHTERS - Affords an option for police and firefighters to receive retirement allowances, without reduction, who seek retirement after twenty (20) years of service upon reac...
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee
RIH5209PassHouse Resolution Expressing Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Anthony Eugene Piccirilli
House read and passed
CRIMINALS -- CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS -- PAROLE - Requires one elector of the parole board to be a person directly impacted by the criminal justice system who has completed the probation/parole process three (3) or more years prior to selection with...
To House Judiciary Committee
COMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES - Prohibits credit reporting, executions, attachments against a principal residence for judgments based on medical debt. Defines medical debt as an amount for the receipt of...
To House Judiciary Committee
HUMAN SERVICES -- THE RHODE ISLAND WORKS PROGRAM - Eliminates the sunset on the provision of finding for child care for eligible child care educators and child care staff.
To House Finance Committee
HUMAN SERVICES -- THE RHODE ISLAND WORKS PROGRAM - Removes the requirement that families consent to, and cooperate with the department of human services in establishing paternity and enforcing child and medical support orders as a condition of eligib...
To House Finance Committee
TAXATION -- LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES - Amends the definition of a "houseboat" to include motorized or non-motorized vessels.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee
INSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Requires health plans that provide prescription benefits to cover at least one type of glucagon auto-injector, nasal spray, or formulation that does not require reconstitution to treat hypoglyce...
To House Health & Human Services Committee
MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL CODE PROVISIONS - Allows for trucks with a gross vehicle weight of eight thousand pounds (8,000 lbs.) or less to have passenger registration license plates.
To House Finance Committee
DOMESTIC RELATIONS -- DIVORCE AND SEPARATION - Provides for a residency requirement of at least six (6) months rather than one year for the Rhode Island family court to have jurisdiction over a divorce complaint.
To House Judiciary Committee
RIH5094PassHouse Resolution Extending Condolences On The Passing Of Martin E. Cooper
House read and passed
RIH5092PassHouse Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Andrea Marie Hopkins
House read and passed
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS - Permits those persons with felony convictions to have up to six misdemeanor offenses expunged from their criminal record.
To House Judiciary Committee
House Resolution Amending The Rules Of The House Of Representatives For The Years 2023 And 2024 (provides That Any Person Admitted To The House Floor Dress In An Appropriate Manner And Would Further Require Male Members To Wear A Coat And Tie And Req...
To House Rules Committee
House Resolution Amending The Rules Of The House Of Representatives For The Years 2023 And 2024 (provides That Members Be Limited To The Introduction Of 18 Bills Or Resolutions During Any Legislative Session With Some Exclusions.)
To House Rules Committee
RIH5057PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Joseph A. Gilmartin
House read and passed
RIH5058PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable Senator James S. D'ambra
House read and passed
RIH5038PassHouse Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable Edward Clark Parker, A Highly Respected Judge On The Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal For Three Decades
House read and passed
LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES - Sets the minimum wage for 2026 at $16 per hour, 2027 at $17 per hour, 2028 at $18 per hour, 2029 at $19 per hour and for 2030 at $20 per hour.
To House Labor Committee
RIH5006PassHouse Resolution Extending Condolences On The Passing Of The Honorable Joseph M. Lima
House read and passed
RIH7271PassCOURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- FAMILY COURT - Provides that a magistrate of the family court has the power and authority to hear contested divorce matters.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7787PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- RHODE ISLAND DATA TRANSPARENCY AND PRIVACY PROTECTION ACT - Creates the Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protect Act for data privacy protections for the personal data of the citizens of Rh...
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7952PassCOURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- PROCEDURE IN PARTICULAR ACTIONS -- ARBITRATION - Spells out additional notice provisions, fees and costs of the arbitration process, from initiation to default provisions and potential court sanctions for breach of the a...
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH8094PassEDUCATION -- HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS - Waives, for one year, the Rhode Island whole grain requirement for meals served in Rhode Island public schools.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7029PassPUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT SYSTEM -- CONTRIBUTION AND BENEFITS - Increases the maximum post retirement employment earnings from eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) a year for certain retired ...
Signed by Governor
RIH7020PassEDUCATION -- TRANSPARENCY IN ARTS EDUCATION ACCESS AND PROFICIENCY ACT - Establishes the Transparency in Arts Education Access and Proficiency Act to promote arts education.
Signed by Governor
RIH7127PassPUBLIC FINANCE -- RHODE ISLAND RETIREMENT SAVINGS PROGRAM ACT - Establishes Rhode Island Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program to be administered by the general treasurer.
Signed by Governor
RIH7561PassEDUCATION -- CURRICULUM - Enables cities and towns to enact enabling legislation authorizing a partner program to assist students with an IEP for specially designed physical education classes.
Signed by Governor
RIH7825VetoBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- CERTIFIED SURGICAL FIRST ASSISTANTS - Allows for the licensing of certified surgical first assistants to assist in surgeries through the department of health and a seven (7) member board of licensure.
Vetoed by Governor
RIH8160PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- BEHAVIORAL HEALTH EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND COORDINATION FUND - Establishes the behavioral health education, training, and coordination fund to receive the checkoff contributions from Rhode Island personal income tax returns for t...
Signed by Governor
RIH8299PassAuthorizes town of North Kingstown to issue not more than $137,200,000 bonds and notes for construction, improvement, renovation, demolition, remediation, furnishing and equipping and other capital improvements of school facilities throughout the tow...
Signed by Governor
RIH8342PassCRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS - Redefines misdemeanors for expungement purposes and make prior felonies, subsequently reclassified as misdemeanors, eligible for expungement pursuant to sections 12-1.3-2 and 12-1.3-3.
Signed by Governor
RIH7424PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- FILING OF ASSUMED NAME - Changes the term "assumed name" to "trade name" and centralizes the filing, administration and regulation process of trade names to the secretary of state and requires an ann...
Signed by Governor
RIH7577PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SHIELD BILL - Creates a protective legal shield for healthcare providers, precluding any civil/criminal action by other states/persons against healthcare providers involving persons seeking access to transgend...
Signed by Governor
RIH7567PassCOURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- DOMESTIC ASSAULT - Provides that effective July 1, 2025, any attorney who self-certifies that they have successfully completed a specialized domestic violence prosecution training course shall have the authorit...
Signed by Governor
RIH7984PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- RHODE ISLAND HOUSING RESOURCES ACT OF 1998 - Provides that mobile and manufactured homes be included as affordable housing under certain conditions.
Signed by Governor
RIH7949PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- SUBDIVISION OF LAND - Makes amendments to various provisions relative to subdivision of land review, review stages, special provisions related to development and the procedures for approvals from various permitting authorities.
Signed by Governor
RIH7951PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND USE ACT - Provides amendments relative to the compliance and implementation of the comprehensive planning and use act including the conditions upon which limitations may be placed on la...
Signed by Governor
RIH7980PassMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- MOBILE AND MANUFACTURED HOMES - Makes several amendments relative to manufactured homes, including adding a definition for manufactured home and a provision allowing for certain manufactured homes to be considered a single...
Signed by Governor
RIH7979PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- LOCAL PLANNING BOARD OR COMMISSION - Provides amendments to the membership provisions of planning boards or commissions and would enable municipalities to establish "combined review boards" to replace separate planning and zoning ...
Signed by Governor
RIH8304PassELECTIONS -- FEDERAL ELECTIVE OFFICERS - Changes the meeting of presidential electors from the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after their election to the first Tuesday.
Signed by Governor
RIH7978PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- SUBDIVISION OF LAND - Requires that municipalities implement electronic permitting for all development applications pursuant to zoning and the subdivision of land.
Signed by Governor
RIH8324PassJoint Resolution Providing For A Bi-partisan Preparatory Commission To Assemble Information On Constitutional Questions In Preparation For A Vote By The Qualified Electors On The Holding Of A Constitutional Convention In Accordance With Article Xiv S...
Signed by Governor
RIH8326PassJoint Resolution To Submit The Following Question To The Qualified Electors Of The State At The Next General Election In 2024: "shall There Be A Convention To Amend Or Revise The Constitution?" (this Resolution Would Provide For The Presentation Of T...
Signed by Governor
RIH7203PassALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- RETAIL LICENSES - Adds the month of August to the dates a Class A retail alcoholic beverage establishment can offer unlimited free samples of wine, beer and distilled spirits products.
Signed by Governor
RIH7376PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- REAL ESTATE SALES DISCLOSURES - Requires written acknowledgment from any buyer of oceanfront or shoreline property that they have been informed of the public's rights and privileges of the shore.
Signed by Governor
RIH7566PassFOOD AND DRUGS -- UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT - Requires the department of health to amend its rules and regulations that allow for DEA-registered pharmacies to transfer electronic prescriptions at a patient's request (21 CFR Part 1306
Signed by Governor
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